6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiie, February' 1979 Section Two Sheep:"A«Wa of Life Fror the Ayre Family Engineers Say Bo wmanvill'e Aren a Needs Inspection By Donna Fairey As a cure for insomnia, one couid count sbeep tii b is eyelids drooped at Ayre Acres, a sbeep farm nortbeast of Bowmanviiie. No stranger to the area, owner Lloyd Ayre bas been invoived in the sbeep business since is boybood and bas farmed on is own since 1950. His farm today is mucb smalier than the one be operated for years on Higb- wayTwo just east of town where in addition to a large sbeep berd, be aiso raised goats. Colored Goats Many may remember Mr. Ayre's pastel colored goats wbicb be dyed various colors of tbe rainbow as an annual at- traction in Bôwmanville's Santa Claus Parade. Goats were kept as "Foster nannys" for motberless iambs and Mr. Ayre said tbey did a better job of raising iambs tban tbe naturai mother. However, be no longer keeps tbem because tbey are feisty characters and require more room and confining enclosures than Ayre now bas space for on bis new farm . And even if thermometer readings at this time of the year do not indicate that Spring is on the way, tbe birth of young lambs is one of tbe first signs tbat a new season is around tbe corner. From January on is tbe natural time for the birtb of spring lambs. Mr. Ayre is presently caring for 5o woolly babies and at least 10 more are expected. He tries to attend tbe birtbing of ail bis lambs in tbe event of. complications. His lambs are tbe off-spring of tbe two varieties be breeds, Dorsets and Hampsbires. Tbe Dorset is tbe traditional wite lamb and the Hampsbire is a brownisb lamb witb a black face., Weigb 10 Pounds Tbe birtbweigbt of a single spring lamb averages about 10 pounds but lambs have been known to go as bigb as 18 or 19 pounds. Multiple birtbs are firly common but Mr. Ayre pefers a single birtb as it produces a much better and bardier lamb. Occasionally he bas bad triplet lambs bowever, bis ideal average from bis ewe flock is a lamb and a baif per season. Mr. Ayre said be is able to tell at birth wbetber or not a new lamb is likely to be a prîze animal. Even minutes old, tbe shape of tbe beads and tbe size and placement of tbeir ears indicates tbeir'quality to tbe experienced eye of a sbeep breeder. Lamb tails are cut off wben tbe babies are two weeks oid for bygienic and show pur- poses. Tbeir second exposure to the barsb realities of if e is being weaned off moters milk at tbree montbs. In addition to bis 50 spring lambs, Mr. Ayre bas a flock of 75 mature sbeep wbicb be raises primarily for breeding and competitive sbowing. Family room walls lined witb blue ribbon awards indicates Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates, engineering con- sultants to'the town, have suggested a detailed inspec- tion and structural evaluation of the Bowmanviiie Arena be carried out eitber this sum- mer or next. In a letter to town council, the firma noted that the iast in- spection of tbe arena was un- dertaken in August 1976 by Totten, Sims, Hubicki. It in- dicated the arena was basi i n good condition but some structural improve- .... ..j4ments were necessary to Zcomply with requirements of .~ - ~. .~.the Ontario Building Code. Some structural reinforce- -V' ~ ment work was done and in 1977 the Ministry of Labor' accepted the arena as satis- factory and in compliance IýÎ witb the Industrial Safety Act. ..~. in January 1978 a further in- ~ spection was done by Totten, .~ ~ Sims, Hubicki because of a heavy build-up of snow and ice - on the nortb front section of, "~ ~ tbe roof. And, last December, .~ . .. . tbe consultants were called j-.. ..<~,. - '-' t ~upon to examine deterioration ~ of the exterior concrete block '4 Somebody should tell this barn cat he's in the rîght church but the wrong pew. Wonder if be'll stili want Tahoe vsctonrete b locsad to keep cornpany with this gang when it cornes shearîng time. mortar joints were deteriorating. The consultants carried out before progressive deterioration of the concrete blocks and mortar joints resuits in a failure of tbe block wali. It bas been recommended in "Guidelines for the In- vestigation and Repair of Arena Structures" publisbed by tbe Association of Professional Engineers of On- tario and prepared in co-ý operatibn witb the Safety and Tecbnical Services Division of, tbe Ministry of Labor tbat af- ter an arena bas been accep-ý ted as being satisfactory, it sbould be examined by a qualified professional engineer at regular intervals. For older structures this sbould be witbin a tbree to five year period. The consultants toid council tbat based on tbeir experience of follow-up inspections of otber arenas, tbey do not ex- pect extensive costs would be invoived in tbe inspection of tbe Bowmanville Arena. HeIp your Heart Fund HeIp your Haart Robins and crocuses have been upstaged by lambs as a sign of spring. Lloyd Ayre, owner of Ayre Acres sheep farrn, north of Bowmanville, holds one of his 50 spring larnbs born late in January. Now that the larnbs are here, surely Spring can't be far behind! "Despite how things may look, you can't pull the wool over our eyes." Although it's flot traditional, Mr. Ayre shears his sheep in December. Gîve~. THE HEART FUND. Don't get stuck in the licence sticker lino-up. 1919 deadline for licence -stickers: February 28th For your convenience we wiII be open ... Saturday, Feb. 24 f rom 8:30 a.m.1- 5:00 pm. Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Motor Vehicle Licence Issuer (L.W. AVERY, Agent) 72 KIng Street West, Bowmanvllle (Statesmnan Centre) Phone - uur regular business hours are:, 623-7331 the famiiy bistory of quality bred sheep and lambs . Sbeared Twice Aithougb it, is only necessary to shear sbeep once a year, Mr. Ayre shears tbem twice. Wben most people are putting on their woollies, Mr. Ayre's sbeeps, are losing theirs. lt's not traditional to.shear in December, be said, but be likes bis sbeep sbeared prior to birtbing. Witbout their coats be is better able to tell wben a lamb is about to drop and it also eliminates the in- cidence of baby lambs cboking on wool balîs from their motber's coats. The wool from the sheared sbeep is sold to a wool grower who in turn selîs it to the woollen milîs. The sbeep and lambs are put to pasture in the summer montbs but are kept inside in the winter wbere Ayre is able to administer extra feed and keep them dlean sînce they are primarîly show animais. Homemakers find lamb an inexpensive meat disb but "on the boof " it's 'âdifferent story. A good ewe can cost upwards of $500 and a top ram may sell from $1000 to $2000. Misfit Mr. Ayre bas one misfit in bhis flock, a polled Dorset witb borns. At one time all Dorsets were borned but years of breeding successfully eliminated the bothersome appendages. However, tbis Dorset was born witb borns as a tbrow-back to one of its an- The very first family portrait of mom and the kids! Though it's fot visible, Mom sports the number 10Oon her other side, as does her twin off-spring. With 50 spring lambs running around, Mr. Ayre finds it an advantage to number mothers and babies at birth. borns can be a littie dicey, said Ayre. It's apparent that the raising and breeding of sheep is in Mr. Ayre's blood. This gentleman sbeep farmer con- siders bimself semi-retired but doesn't tbink be's in the hobby class yet. It looks like the tradition of sbeep in the Ayre family wl be perpetuated by Mr. Ayre's son wbo owns tbe, Dorsets in the flock. FR1E Youi' Child's Prri in vivid color "W 5/ qa ü~f NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY J ust drop into our, store during the days and hours listed below. Your ioveiy gift picture will be taken FREE by a professionai chiidren - photographer. One gift portrait to a family wh. h may include groups. It's our way of saying 'Thank you" to our regu- lar customers, and "We.come" to everyone else. THURS. FR1. SAT. MARCH lst MARCH 2 MARCH 3 11-7 p.m. 1 11-7 p.m. 105 p.m. BOWMAN84VILLE MALL THREE DAYS ONLY The tradition of good German Meats began in Russia over 70 years ago, survived wars and a revolution a nd ht is stili being carried on today. Viols Smoked Meats (natural Iy cured, hardwood smoked) HYMET FARM SUPPLY LTD. (formerly Morton's Form Supply Ltd.> Corne in and see our complete Une of equip. from SPEI.«Y+N\EW HOLLArý 9 >«~ot HMELITE RAR 2 Bowmanville, Ontarjo Maple Grove Road - South of Hwy, 2 PH. 62-2279Hours: Man.-Sat. PH. 23.2798 a.m. - 6 p.m. THE WALLPAPER SALE 7"CARPET'e'Ware house SALE, Super Deep SAXONY Satin touch Sugg. list $1 9.95 WAREMOUSE PRICE $9.958Q D Non-Wax Vinyl CUSHION FLOOR from $2.99SQ D Elegant SAXONY In tones of thlck, deepl100% nylon $7.a9 59Q Yes! We Instal open dally 9 a.m.- 8 P.M. Sat. 9 a.m..5 p.m. Dlscontinued Clearouts Shags- Loops- commerciale ONE PRICE $ 3.99 sQ. YD. Sof t Shaded CUT & LOOP 1/2Regular PriCe WAREHOUSE PRICE NOW $ 9 95 SQ. YD. Colorful Prints For home or cottage f rom $4.953Q D Free Written Est imates Free Parking We honor Chargex Visa and master charge CARPET WAREHOUSE 110 KIng St. W. 728-0292 Os hawa PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appliances Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 1 N4 Wed. and Sat.-8:30 a.m. te 12 Noon. Hampton