Bridai Supplement of The Canadian Statesrnan, February 28th, 19793 xPlan now to wed late r... Frosty weather inspitres spring rites Thinking of spring, we envision green, gnowiflg vital things. Flowers rinsed by crystal clean showers grow at the end of the spring rainbw-asdo beautiful spning 1wedldings. .This time of year, hard in Jack Frost's embrace, it is literally heartwarming to ne- call the bounty and beauty of sping-and to plan toward spring nuptials. Rebînth acnoss the earth has tradi- tionafly been a most meaning- fuI time to exchange vows. When Mothen Nature smiles on those soft easy months of 1979, there is the promise of visual feasts to bing joy for parti cipants for many seasons through- the yeans ahead. Make planning a pleasure Young couples who have courted through this fail are ready to begin making plans. The humdnum of grey days laced with sîcet and snow are no hindrance to these-happy planners. In bornes from coast to coast, indoor c onfinement can be made, pleasant looking at sketches and swatches. selecting pal- terns, making invitation lists, thinking of gowns and tuxedos. Tbis anticipation is ail part of the pleasure a spring wedding affords. i Busy year-round Designe rs and manufac- turers of bridai gowns, for- malwean, and A those other essentials to the well-planned wedding have not been idle. Slarling during the summer, they have worked with fab- rics. colons, and inspiration fnom Europe and, more re- cently., the Far East. Fini shed styles were made up in samples to be tried on in different settings and in dif- ferent lights. Buyers and fashion press were invited to showings. The esults were breathtaking. Swishing by, young models wear tiers of French Alençoný lace ruffles and gathens 'of silk chifforf with a regal, pincess-Iike quality. Veils are so soft,'they look like early morning spring cobwebs. Crowns and head- pieces have surprises of seed peanîs and bits of flowens. The hat is definitely back and gloves are more elegant than ever, the perfect finishing touch. Models wear subtle but de- fined make-ups and hair styles. 'Pretty" in the sense of Ann Sheridan or Paulette Goddard or Claudette Col- bert is definitely IN-a touch of nostalgia for brides of the late '40's whose own daughters wed this spring. Diversity of design Leading men loojk glamor- ous as well. Forrnalwean has been playing an increasingly important role in wedding rites for the past decade. The promise first shown in diver- sity and choice of expression is fulfilled this season in a wide range of tuxedos for the groom. and hi s men. Weddings more elaborate Couples are seeking excel- lence in ail details and a vani- ety of good fashion with a broad colon range to epitomize persona] expres- sion. Thoughtful participation adds'to ceremony 1By WILLIAM A. RITTER I bave ne er complained about rny seat at a wedding. 1 arn one of the f ew people wbo can always see tbe bride. 1 can hear the most qui- etly wbispered vow. My prîvileged position is not that of a best man or frequent usher. Neither do 1 ar- rive at the churcb early in order to occupy a front seat. In lad, I arn among the last to enter the sanctu- ary. My position is that of a Protes- tant minister. Forty to 50 tirnes a year I lead a couple thnougb the vows of rnatrimony, from initial counseling sessions ta final bene- diction. I would like to address a word to .tbose readens wba will no doubt at- ý,ýda wedding in the near future. 1..<ee would redirect my atten- tion to those preparing to secure a mi nister to off iciate at a wedding. Some tirnie during the next year you will open a carefully engraved wedding invitation. You will mark the calendan, purchase a gif t, de,, cide on your appanel, and yet give little thougt to your roIe as a tboughtful wedding guest. But your thougtful participation can add rnuch to the beauty and solem- nity of the occasion. By the same token, il can also be most distract- ing. Let me begin with the obvious. Wheneven possible, arrive on time. This often means taking care to lo- cate an unfamiliar cbunch beforè stanting out. Make yourself avail- able for seating at least 15 min- utes before the appointed hour. Even the most capable crew of ushers cannot seat the bouse a guest'30 seconds bel ore tbe pro- cessionat. If you corne in ai ter the bride's mother bas been seated, do not in- sst on walking down the center aisle. Slip into the sanctuary via a side aisle. S'Remember that you are a guest in some- one else's church. 1 have heard people comment rudely on the rituals and worship practîces that seem toreign to them.' Once in your place, resist the temptation to carry on a conversa- tion with your neigbbors. In most churches, prelude music is consid- ered a part of the service. I serve a cburch wbose organist is also a professional barpist. There bhave been' occasions wben-- I bave scarcely been able to bean tbe me- lodious strings of the harp, be- cause of the tbougbtless din of a conversing congregation. If you bave brougbt cameras, try to be discreet in' their use. Un- der no circurnstances sbotld you turn on a whirring moie camfera or blinding movie ights witbough special clearance.1 The concern is two-fold. First, a PI a' sanctuary wedding is a worship service. The professional under- - , i*- stands this. Second, the profession- al knows that bis discretion, or lack of it, willset an example tbat 0gg the rest of the congregation la like- ly tW follow. if you are seated on theaisle, gg g - -g g limit your flash pctures to a sin- gle entrance and exit shot. Do not dlirnb over people, step into the g* g g g *g -i-- ,-~ ,tn the chancel minister and wedding party will * - f gladly keep posrng the ceremony - until the last flash bulb bites the dust. Yet even here defer to the pro- fessional. The couple bave chosen hirn to do a difficult but desir.ed job. Flash attachments triggered Turn to Page 6 Il BOWMANVI LIE TRAE.ý1L' 47 KING STREET, WEST BOWMAN VILLE 623-3182