Weddings -more romanti c TUradition returns to bridai ceremony High fashion is chic and designs are pared sieek, still the 1979 bridai picture is strictly lavender and old lace. Tradition and-romance are the two key words toi today's weddings, with resultant beautiful memories for ail. Today's couples have taken a serious look at the rich, beauti- fui ideais of the marniage vows. They want their weddings to reflect both the joy and the solemnity that will constitute their union. If wedding trends are turning back to the romantic for- malities of yesteryear, the reason goes beyond mere nostaigia. Modern couples seem to have gained deep respect for the dignity of this traditionai ceremony and wish to affirmn the fact that a wedding is the symbol of a commitment to a lifetime of shared experiences. The new bride is gloriousl y ness" for a deightfui detour romantic, but far from coy into the worid of opulent sa- and fragile. She is truiy to- tins and gossamer chiffons, day's woman, with the confi- seed peari embroidery and dence in herself and bier deci- rich iayers of lace. sions to cast off ber-taiiored Bridesmnaids foiiow beauti- suit and styiish "together- fuliy aiong this romantic WEDDING WISH By Beryl E. Ranstead (House of Amber) The moment is here, in your life Forever to be as man and wife Two rings together, two hearts intertwined Perfect harmony, we hope you'Ill find. trend, wearing some of the most picturesque, feminine and original creations ever shown. And, surprisingiy, the return to the traditionai in wveddings bas resuited in a fashion revolution for the bridai party. Dresses for the. brides- maids are definitely iosing that standard -wedding Iparty- liook in favor of ricb designs in a wide variety of new colors and fabrics, dres- ses that any womnan wouid love to wear to a party or dance-a tremendous new deiight for ail bridesmaids- to-be. 1The undisputed star of the new wedding party, bow- ever, is tbe groom! With the return of a more traditionai approach to wedding ap- parel, fashion designers bave found a whoie new way to channei tbeir talents. By updating the ricb cias- sics of yesterday witb new fabrics, subtie new colors and rich new touches, men's formaiwear bas soared to tbe forefront of the fashion scene. -Here Cornes the Bride"' May stiii be the attention-getting theme, but 1979 weddings wiii definitely attract a great deai of admira- tion for the groom, as weii. Traditionai weddings also bring out the best in their guests. Wbile statistics state that cash is today's favorite wedding gift for young couples, bridai registries are once again de rigueur, and Birthsto ne engagements Today a diamond engage- ment ring is no longer 'de rigueur.' Many brides, when faced with the choice, wiil in fact opt for their birthstone. January- Garnet or Hyacinth. February -Ametbyst. March - Bloodstone, Aquamarine or Jasper. April - Diamond. May - Emerald. June - Pearl, Moonstone or Agate. Juiy - Ruby or Onyx. August - Sardonyx, Peridot or Carneiian. September - Sapphir e. October - Opai or To- urmaline. November - Topaz. December- Turquoise or' Lapis Lazuli. popular demand newlyweds are( terested in a beai their life togeth< of beautiful gift Such items as chinia, crystal ar increasîngiy in special gifts to g, Bridai Suppiemrent of The Canadian Statesman. February 28th, 1979 7 traditionai romance deserves the extra special personal than "w l Velv&erlu to love.geswih g ou t hal gesve. gf But whether you're a loy- id shows that the more formai wedding. ing relative, an admiring definiteiy in- Speciaity appliances and guest, an especiaily lucky autiful start to elegant decorative pieces are bridesrnaid or usher, the er with a bost aiso Ieading choices for the dasbing groom or the roman- selections . new couple. tic bride, one thing is for cer- sterling, fine Wbetber you choose to tain: 1979 promises to be the ind linens are present the newiyweds witb best year ever to get wrapped i demand as the practicai or the precious, up in the warm and wonder- go along with the point is to remember that fui festivities of the wedding. Bridai Salon S Corne inand let us make or dreams a rality ... ~\\ indthe gown that matches your fondest Swish for a beautif ul jwedding day. We would take ffleasure in showmng you our new Sprin g Collectilonof brida Igowns, ranging in Spetites from 5 f0 13 and Sregulars 8tol19. :May We Suggest on Appointment 1.. Telephone 725-1912 f B"LACK'1%,S Ladies" Weair OPEN Wednesdays 'tii16: 00 p. m. Frida ys 'tii19: 00 p. m. I72 Simcoe St. N. Oshawaj