Plan well in advance., Key to successful wedding The flowers will wilt, the cake will be eaten, but your wedding can live on forever in professional photographs Of this important day - if you plan now. In small or large towns, professional photographers suggest brides-to-be reserve their services at least six ta eight weeks before the cere- mony. And, if the wedding is being planned for one of the more popular bridai months - June, July, August or De- cember - then it's wise ta book -your favorite photog- raphýer at the time you make arrangements for the chuirch and reception hall. Plan your style When you m ake ar- rangements with your local photographer, discuss with him the type of photographic coverage you' d like for- this day. If it's ta be a formaI, cer- emony and reception, you might like a mix of formai and informaI photographs ta re- flect the mood. For a casual service - even one outdoors - you may prefer a totally informnal, candid photographic collec- tion. This is also the time ta view different photogratphic styles. Your photographer will be able ta show you other wedding portraits and cani- dids he's made- canidlelit mood images, silhouette views, even superimrposed photos. Whatever you choose, you can be sure of a quality print on Kodaik paper when the finished photo- A TENDER MOMENT worth preserving in a phýoto- graphie portrait. Make arrangements early for a pro- fessional photographer to cover your wedding day. graphs are ready. Secection appointimenh After youir honeymoon, make ain appointment ta select the pictures for your album and other uises. Your' parents will appreciate an album of selected photo- graphs. And youi'll want enlargements tao decorate your new home or the office. 1Expect ta allow from four ta six weeks for the finished prints, possibly longer if you are having a custom-fini shed, framed enlargement pre- pared. And ask about the Kodak special occasions cards your photographer can make for you. They are one-sided cards with room under the printed message and alongside the photograph for you ta write a special thank you for gifts. The comm itment is, there b_ýen Jane a nd Mark (names are Michigan is an the rise. Last year cbanged> made an appoîntmnent ta tbere were 9,338 marriages in see a local clergyman ta make ar- Oakland County and 6,943 Piss iitr rangements for their mnarriage, divorces. Piss iitr tbey appeared ta be an average The divarce rate nationally is and rabbis young couple in love and planning now aver 1,000,000 eacb year but their life. seems ta bç declining slightly in agree some Jane la only 18 and Mark, at age 21, is already a one-time-laser who bas been married and divorced. More and more clergymen are reporting that wben tbey perform marriages, tbey are joining part- ners wbo have been previously married, and sometimes more than once. SA look at recent statistics of fers a possible explanatian. Divorce in most recent findings.- - Priests, mînisters and rabbis in the area agree tbat some type of marital preparation is a plus for people about ta make one of life's most vital cammitments. Most clergymen bave, at a minimum,, one interview witb tbe about-to-be- married cnuple. Some include in- struction and even suggest coun- seling. kind of marital preparation is a plus... "A lot of wbat 1 do is pre-mari- tal education," said Rev. Paul Aiella, Jr. of tbe First Baptist Cburch of Detroit. Rev. Aello said since be is fair- IV new in Southfield, he doesn't Bridai Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, Februar 28th, 1979 Il perform too many marriages but mult-faceted at St. Ives and takes easy 1I say sa and may even sug-* he detects great commitment in several hours at dif ferent sessions. gest counseling." the young people he is seeing. "But it's rare that we bear any Rev. Gentile said 75 per cent of "The feedback 1 get is from camplaints after they take the those he sees have already lived young couples who believe, they program," be said. together prior to marriage. should bave bad more prepara- St. Ives marriage preparation Rabbi David Nelson, spiritual tion," he said. "Those about to en- programn emphasizes communica- leader at Cangregation Beth ter into marriage go in intending tion and uses group dynamie tech- Sbalom in Oak Park, said his pre- to have it be forever and ever. niques which cover parentbood, marital interview with couples is Tbey are quite starry-eyed." sexuality, economics and other mainly to question tbemn on the na- He said he meets with each cou- tapics as well. ture of their Jewish cammitment. pie at least twice before the mfar- "I'm seeing more commitment niage and even more if be feels St. Ives' program utilizes input to marriage and ta each other than they need more work. fromn a doctor, a pastor, econo- in past years," he said. "Unfartunately, we usually don't mists and basting couples, accord- He said he has discerned a trend get contact witb the young mar- ing ta pastoral assistant, Terry ta more marriages between the 20 ried afterward."- Taylor, who directs the program. and 21-year-olds, a return ta priar Father Cifford Ruskowski is a Frank Gentile, minister at conditions. teacher at St Mary's School in Northwest Unitarian Universalist "They are very much aware of Orchard Lak, Dut on weekends he Cburcb, said he also meets witb the high per cent of marital fail- assists at St. Ives Church in South- couples at least once. ures and they want ta, succeed in field. "Curiously, most of tbe people their own marriages," be said. He said the marriage prepara- I'm seeing are more than 25 years tian course at St. Ives is mandata- old and many have been married ry for yaung people and quite com- once before and even mare," be prebensive. said. "Many times tbe weddings I You, that are going ta be "But in the marriages I do, 1 see do are for people I dan't know." married, think things can that many people are postponing "Tbey caîl me because there are neyer be done too fast; but marriage as a cammitment until dactrinal provisions against di- we, that are oid, and later years except for emergency vorce in somne denominatians and knaîv what we are about, reasans," he said. we unitarians will marry divorced must elape methodicily, "And, we won't performmar- people." Madam. niages in panic situations." "I dan't go into beavy counseling -Oliver Goldsmith Father Ruskawski said the mar- and if I feel gaod about tbem, I niage preparation program is just go abead," be said. "If im un- '1