6 The Canadian Statesman,1 February 21, 1979 11gb Single - B. Ballantine 255. 1igb Triple - B. Ballantine 620. Team Standings G. Vanson 20 points, D. Sallows 18 points, K. Ralston 16 points, A. Lorusso il points, B. Ballantine 10 points, B. Burgess 9 points. Games Over 200 K. Ralston 202, G. Vanson 203, B. Ballantine 255, B. Burgess 218, D. Verleysen 213, 210. February 28, 1979 High Single - D. Sallqws 251. Higb Triple - A. Lorusso 640. Team Standings G. Vanson 22 points, D.ý Sallows 20 points, K. Ralston 19 points, A. Lorusse 15 points, R. Ballantine il points, B. Burgess 9 points. Games Over 200 A. Lorusso 240, 240, D. Sallows 251, 205, M. Trimble 202, D. Bonner 219, 201, G. Vanson 247, F. Vanstone 204. Premier To Attend PC Dinner Ontario Premier Bill Davis will be a guest at a special dinner and dance te be held by local Progressive Conserva- tives at the end of this month. The dinner is te be held March 30 at the Jubilee Pavillien in Oshawa. Tbe evening will also be a fund-raising event, with 300 couples e,çpected te attend. Tickets are being seld for $100. per couple. Sam Will Open Oshawa Office, Bowmanville. March 7. 1979, Section Two Take advantagut eq»OIulebratiomn .*.......... * *»~ OUR BIRTH DAY CELEBRATION Rihtno ereinih S CONTINUINGI Righ now wee inthemiddle of celebrating our 2nd birthday, here in Bowmanville Malil. t's a chance t0 say a big "ithank you" to ail our customers. We oeally appreciate the support you've given us in the past. We hope you enjoy shopping ai Miracle Food Mari. We're proud of the facilities and services we have in the sto re. If you haven't discovered the shopping options Miracle has 10 0f fer, we hope you'II corne oui during the celebration. Try our deliclous del! and BBQ3 counier or our seleciion of fine imporied cheeses. Or how about our large imporied foods section. 0f course ihere's an excellent produce and meat deparimeni. And, 10 make your shopping just a lutile bit easier, the Bowmanville Mail Miracle Food Mari has wide aisles and elecironlo checkouis. While you're shopping you can also help the Splash Commiitee raise money for an indoor pool for Bowmanville. We're donating a hind of beef 10 be drawn March 101h ai the store. Entry forms are available instore ai the Information Desk. Simply f ili i oui and deposit il wiih $1.00 ai the Info Desk. Al proceeds will go 10 the Splash Commiiiee. The hind of beef will be cusiomn cul and irimmed 10 the winner's sDecifications. Thank you tagain for supporiing Miracle. We will ceriainly continue 10 do our besi 10 meet the needs of the Bowmanville communiiy. Bert Roberts Store Manager Miracle Food Mart Bowmanville Mail Durham East MPP Sam Cureatz bas announced that hie will be opening an Oshawa office for constituents in the western haîf of the Durham East riding. Mr. Cureatz said his second office will be lecated in the northern part of Oshawa and hie pinted eut that abeut 55 per cent ef the riding's population is located in the City. "Ilt is part ef my functien te make myseif readily available te all the peeple of tbe riding, " Mr. Cureatz said in anneunc- ing the opening of the bead- quarters . Speaking at a meeting of, the Durham East Progressive Censervative Associatien, in Oshawa last week, the MPP said 'the existing office in Bowmanville has been a busy one, handling ýhundreds ef calîs per week. The Bowman- ville office will remain in eperatien in addition te the one in Oshawa. Conuunty Helps Conimunity Came >The people who work bard te keep the Community Care programime ging are proud of tb way the cemmunity has stoed behind them and been ready te help eut with what- ever bas been needed. Fer instance, the Retary Club is werking witb Com- munity Care te plan eutings fer seniors and te previde transportation te these events. The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen have paid for Zenith calîs which corne in frem the Orono area. The Bewmanville Kinettes bave donated funds te purcbase coffee supplies for our drop-in service at tbe office at 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. The Newcastle Lienettes have paid fer ene ef our quarterly newsletters. The local merchants bave been very generous wben asked fer assistance. Big Brethers sbares the office and pays a portion of tbe rent. The students frem the Bowmanville Senier Public School made beautiful Christ- mas cards te send te Cern- munity. Care participants. Once a month, a group of seniors from Community Care go the Strathaven Nursing Home for lunch and te take part In the pregram that is eing provided fer the hom's jresidents. Al the cllurcnts nave sup- go rted our efforts and have een invaluable as a means of telling people what Cemmuni- ty Care is ail about. Community Care is an enormously successful venture and one ef the reasons for tbis is tbe co-eperation ef tbe cemmunity. A pregramme is only successful if people know about it and the local newspapers bave helped te spread the word. Next mentn me newsletter will be going eut again te all Community Care Volunteers, recipients, and te cemmunity groups and churcbes. The Bowmanville High Scboel Commercial Department will be belping eut by typing and rteproducing the necessary 400 copies. The newsletter, will contain tbe goed news that Community Care is working well and is well integrated inte the life of the community. Our Reg. Price 45# Champain Pony Tail Wrap WHITE SLICED 'A?,b .%,.BREAD 24 oz. bat BEST BUY Steinberg Our Reg. Price $2.35- CHIP Sa.ve 86* or 36% BEST BUY. FancyOur Reg. Price 95$ HEINZmm TOMATO JUICE _- 48 fi.oz. tin t % Save 315eor37 % BEST BUY Processed 1 oz. Cheese SlicesOuRe.Pi $73 SINGLES 15 1 lb. pkg. 1 5 S;ave1i4or8% BESTBUY In Tomato Sauce or Our Reg. Price 56$ Deep Browned with Park or ç LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANSsecm Aà 14 fi. oz. tin3 S3ave174*or3O% BEST BUY Beef, Irish or Meatball Our Reg. Price $1.49' STEWS 11 24 fi. oz. tinl u % Save3O*or2O% BESTBUY, Our Reg. Price $1.27 Assorted FlaveursAalm MRO DEL MONTE 1.09ý PUDDING CUPS, 4x5 fi1. oz. tins mp Save18ýeor14% BEST BUY Vally Fam FrzenOur Reg. Price 28$ each FRIES410 Sa.ve 34ý per pkg. BEST BUY Our Reg. Price 85$ each COCA-COLA 1.5 litre bib., (plus 40$ deposit on bti.) BESTBýUYJ Our %e. Price $1.2 GLAD m GARBAGE BAGS9e pkg. of 1 0 Save 24* or 19% BEST BUY Vachon HALF MOON 1 0 (Avalable until March 10 only),m 9 pkg. of 6 BEST BUY CRUSTY BREAD (Aval lable until March 10 only), 3 l6ozloafBEST BUY Lquid FLEECY SOTEER 2.89 176 f1. oz. jug (prepriced) BE T BU Liquid PALMO LIVE E DETERG ENT C 8 BEST BUY, TaR adantgeof the miracle advantage Spaghetti, Spaghettini, Our Reg. Price 85$ Elbow Macaroni L A VITAÀ PASTABe 2 lb. pkg.9 Save26coqor3o% BESTBUY, ---------- " Me le irac