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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman. BoN Durham East New Democrats Eleci 1979 Executive Saturday, Mai-ch lth is Mai-ch of Dimes in Ontario. The new slate of officers for the Volunteer Committee of The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa was in- troduced to members at their Annual Meeting held recently. President: K. Hopkins, lst Vice-President: D. Thomas, 2nd Vice-Presideni Flewelling, Past Presid Bullock, Secretary: C strong. Treasurer 'Elliott. Remember ta set as dates of Tuesday ani nesday, April 10-l11 Fashion Show by Bi WORLD DAY 0F, PRAYER "GROWING TOGETHER" YOUTH SERVICE MARCH 8th 7 p.m. With "Morgan the Clown" TEMPE RANCE AT QUEEN 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. MORNING PRAYER "THE LORD 1S MY SHEPHERD'1 Sunday School & Nursery Cars Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Hoiy Communion and iaylng onl of hands for heaiing MîDWEEK LENTEN STUDY in the upper room at 10: 15 a. m. Babysitting availabie (et a small cost) "MEDITA TION IN PERSONA L DE VO TIOA ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE TEMPERANCE AT QUEEN jt*1-u1' MINISTER: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div ORGANIST: Mr. D. BeweiI Sunday, March 11,5 197c% 11:00 amn. Morning Worship "WOMAN BEHOLD THY-SON"9 Sr. Sunday Schooi - 9:45 p.m. (9 years and over) Jr. Sunday School -11:00 a.m. Nursery Cars durlng service Nursery-Modern "Play and Learn"' Nursery for preschooi childron every Sunday. Off ice 623-3« SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group -9 years and aider il a.m. - BegInners, Kindergarton, Primary B & B Bunch meet al 9:15 in Church Parlour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15to17 years 11 A.M. WORSH IP SERVICE LENTEN SERIES MAN 0F SUFFERING No. 1 - "NO THANKS" Nursery Cars Provided A Warm Weicome for Everyone 7:30 p.m. - Program On Grief Piease remember to turn in your Cars and Share envelopes on Sunday phono 623-3303 t: P. sponsored by the Bowmanville dent: P. Hospital Auxiiary. Arm-___ K. The Canadian Opera Com- pany is ending a five week tour, through the Eastern United States and Ontario en- side the ding with a performance in kd Wed- Peterborough, Monday, Mar- for the eh l2th. Sue Bryson, daughter reslins. of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryson, town, bas accompanied the Opera Company on its tour in the capacity of wardrobe supervisor. Local citizens also appearng on television show, New Faces, Channel 11, last week included Janet Munday, pianist, Adrienne Welsh, vocalist, and Mrs. Victor Jef- frey who was interviewed. A film presentation about the town of Bowmanville was also shown. $920,000 has been made available to HASEPS, (Health Activities Summer Em- ployment Program for Students), by the federal government and will provide jobs for 400 students across Canada for 15 weeks each. For - information phone 613-8465. Courtice Secondary School Drama Club members are hard at work on this year's production, "Joseph and His S Amazing Technicolor Dream- coat", a rock opera by the Ï ,writers of Jesus Christ Super- star, which will be presented at B.H.S. in April. Mark the calendar now for an enjoyable night out. A new, early potato variety, Jemseg, bas been developed at Agriculture Canada's Research Station at Frederic- ton, N.E. The potato bas the potential to become the major early variety in New Brun- J swick and southern Ontario. In trials in the Atlantic Provinces Jemseg outyielded the common early variçty, .... Warba, by 10 per cent when - dug 80 days after planting. In southern Ontario in 1978, Jem- seg yields were 50 per cent higher than those of Superior, the most common variety grown there. $780,000 bas been made avallable to provide summer employment for ap- proximiately 265 students- by the federal government. The program, called the Summer Resources Fund, will involve work and learning experien- ces in the field of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, use and abuse. Anyone înterested should register through Canada Employment Centres by Thursday, March 15. The lSth Girl Guide Com- pany of Oshawa have volun- teered their time to make the first March of Dimes Tag Day, a success, and will be - distributing pins in exchange for a donation. The funds wîll be used to purchase technical aids for use by severely * disabled cîtizens. *Telvido Ghetti, one of Canada's leadîng grape growers, and a director of the 1138 Ontario Grape Growers' marketing board, will speak to the Food and Beverage Course students at Sir Sandford Fleming College this Wed- nesday. In April, the Bowmanville Drama Club will be presenting Membe rs of the executive of the Durham East New Democratie Party Riding Association, (l to r) Sharon Broadbent, Bruce McArthur, Bob Traili, Clarence MePherson, Gary Lilley. The New Democratic Party Durham East Riding Association has elected Clarence McPhersou as its presideut for 1979. Mr-. McPherson was chosen allocated to the arts and ta cultural activities begiuning in 1980 as proposed in legisîntion tabled today ini the House of-Commons. The Robert McLaughlin Gallery is accepting registrations for a Spring Break Art Experience. This program is for children six ta thirteen years old with the six ta nine year old class taking place from 10 a.m. ta, 12 noon and the ten ta thirteen year olds attending from 1:130 ta 3:30 p.m. Registration is limited so reserve ahead. There is no cost. Caîl Mai-g Jackson at 576-3000. at the association's annual meeting which was held at the Bowmanville Public Library on January 28. Executive vice president is Gary Lilley, treasurer is President: M. Nurse, Vice- President: T. Kelly, Past Presideut: S. McTavish, Treasurer: M. Craighead, President of the Volunteer Committee: K. Hopkins. New members of the Board are: R. Barrand, R. Eccles, A. Kelly, R. Price, R. Wilson and M. Worboy, completing the present Board of A. Aldridge, J.M. Dean, D.B. Dodds, F. Jones and J. Stacey. The Mayor's Represeutative is M. Lisko and the Alderman Represeutatives are C. Elsey and J. Wiley. For a reasonable amount, your home will be cared for daily ...mail wiII be taken in.. house plants watered.. we'll1 check for water leakage in the basement during rainy weather and check the sump pump (if you have one) daily, to be sure it's operafing. ALSO .. Du ring your absence, you can have your rugs Steam Cieaned - Windows Cleaned etc. Pet Service flot avaîlable due to the intense care required. For further information, please contact GREC MUSCAT Around the- Clock Janitorial Service Telephone 623-5382J Sharon Broadbent, member- ship secretai-y is Bob Traili, recording secretary is Jikke Miedema. Provincil, council delegate and spokesman is Bruce McArthur, provincial of the media which will be displayed are water colours, oul paintiugs, photography, weaving, sculpture, pottery, silk screen and batik. The Art Auction is ta be held on Sun- day, April 8, 1979 at the Paul Giovis Gallery, Oshawa. The preview will be from 6: 00 p.m. ta 8:00 p.m. with the Auction beginning at 8:00p.m. councîl alternate is Don McEachern, area council delegates are Gerry Olthoff and Frank Lai-moud. Member at large is Eugene Dobbs. New Demncratic Party The Nursery Schools and Day Care1 Centres of Bowmanville, Orona, Newcastle and Ma ple Gi-ove are planning a dislay of creative works by pre-school children on Friday and Satur- day, Mai-ch 9th and lth in the Bowmanville Mail. 623-5792 candidate for the federal riding of Durham Northum- berland, Fred McLaughlin commended the membership on its continuing loyalty and dedication as well as its co- opeaton with the association'sfederal counter- part. iu welcoming the many new faces on the executive, Mi-. McLaughlin uoted that the New Democratic Party, in its traditional role of caring about people, was becoming increasingly attractive to young people. The new ideas and fresh insights of the youug, along with the ex- r __ ____ __ s ZINCOFAX' EFFERDENT Denture Cleansor *~'II'IIITabiets 48's- plus a FREE muu DENTURE BATH McGREG 5 KING STREET WEST MAALOX 340 mi SUSPENSION OR 1$ 8 50 TABLETS SCHICKijector plus I990 FREE RAZOR OLAY *4.1 9 0 100 MI OIt OR a 50gNIGHT CREAM J BOWMANVILLE Helen' s Tailor Shop is now open at 12 Silver Street (f ormerly OM L of fie) Telephone 623-2741 We specialize in Custom-Made Draperies! Choose your fabrios now ... and Your draperies wiII be ready for Sprlng. 10%/oDiscount for Senior Citizens on Custom-Tailorlng or Alterations Zippers replaced on Slacks - Coats - Dresses, etc. Church at Division St. Town of Newcastle. Elderly Persons Tax Assistance Program The Council of the Town of Newcastle is considering financial assistance, by means of a tax credit of $100.00 to elderiy home owners In the Town who are quaiified as follows: The owner or spouse of the owner must: A. Be 65 years of age by March 31,1979. B., Be ln receipt of monthly Guaranteed Incarne Suppiement pravid- ed under the Old Age Security Act (Canada). C. Occupy the property an which municipal taxes are imposed and D. Have been contlnuousiy assessed as the owner of residential property in the Town of Newcastle, or Town of Bowmanvilie, Township of Daringion, Township of Clarke or Village of New- castle for not less than 5 years immediately preceding March 31, 1979. Application must be made not later than March 31, 1979. If you believe that yau qualify for the above, please apply in writing as soon as possible ta R.C. Bryden, Tax Coliector, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. r OR 1-D-A DRUGS wmanville, Marcb 7, 1979 5 perienced wisdom of veteran NDPers, were of great value ta the continuing growth of tbe prthe seacredof ahd- don Word, the supreme in-, termediary between God public library or Box 36, Bowmanville.

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