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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1979, p. 11

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Editrs:Hazel and jack Crago Mr. Kenneth Stephenson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Lindsay District Trappers' Council, and bis wife, along witb Mr. Robert Lawrence, President of the Council, bis wîfe and two sons, have returned from Nortb Bay, where tbey attefided the 32nd. Ontario Trappers' Association Convention. Wile tbere, Ken Stephenson was elected a Director of tbe OTA and Ted Lawrence came second in the Youtb Muskrat Skînning Contest. Mr. and Mrs. William Mor- rison, who were married in St. Pbilip's Anglican Cburcb, Toronto on Feb. 24, have just returned from tbeir boney- moon in Jamaica and are residing on Andrew Street in the village. We extend sympatby to friends and family of Mrs. Florence Ferguson wbo passed away at ber borne on Emily Street last Wednesday. Mrs. Hazel Malley and Mr. George Grabam, Miil St. S. are patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Nettie Butler remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Ross Ernbley is stili a patient in Kingston General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bougben, Dale, were Sunday callers at tbe Jack Crago's. On Monday, Mar. 19, we were tbrilled to see a pair of robins on our lawn. Mr. Alfred Garrod is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bessie Stephenson entertained the ladies of the Eucbre Club last Monday. Mrs. Raye Friediander retired from bier position with Simpson's, last week. Mr. Dean Friediander, Kitchener, visited witb relatives bere on tbe weekend. Grand Master Harry Noels and Mrs. Noels, Forest, were Wednesday overnigbt guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Don ~Murdoch, Dickie and Doris, Kars, were vsitors last week witb the Wades. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chisweli, Cambridge were weekend guests. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce visited on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Bethany and witb tbem attended the Skating Carnival at Manvers Com- munity Centre. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle,_ Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough, Mr. Harold Powell, Toronto, Miss Judith Powell, Brockville and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Ponty- pool. The Newcastle Lions beld their regular meeting last Wednesday. Mr. Gary Johnson visited on the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rumbles and Krista, Norwood. Mrs. Marg Rudman, Mrs. Kathleen Kimbail and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson enjoyed a Sunday birtbday dinner cele- bration at tbe Rendez Vous in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard enjoyed the Sportsman's Show on Sunday. Mrs. Helen Harris and Mrs. Eva Smith enjoyed a two week bus tour in Florîda recently. Mrs. Lena Graham and Mrs. Kathleen Kimbali were luncheon guests of Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Newtonville, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quinney and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray returned last week from their Fiorida vacation. Tbey enjoyed a bal game with the Waltons at Dunedin and a visit with Ann Treleaven at Tampa. Tbey bring greetings from these Florida residents to tbeir Newcastle friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norton returned borne Saturday from a two week holiday in Jamaica. Dr. and Mrs. Rod McArthur also enjoyed one week*s holiday in Jamaica. Birthday greetings to Newton Selby, Christina Seiby, Douglas Wright, Tom Completes Country Roads bas been a hive of activity tbis past week. Mondav, Mrs. Vicki Muscat moved ber scbool, "Waveriey Gardens Day Nursery" into Maple Grove United Cburcb, witb us. Seems things were getting a lîttie cramped at ber bouse. We now ail share the brigbt spacious Christian Education Centre - aiso teachers and equipment. The cbildren are baving a great tirne making new friends and acquainting tbemselves witb tbe new teacbers. Along wîtb ber cbiidren Mrs. Muscat also brought ber staff of Mrs. Valerie Rudman, Mrs. Sandy Marner and Miss Denise Ovenden. Tbursday, Mrs. Fran Keatley and Mrs. Sandy Thex- ton, Dental Assistants witb the Durham bealth unit, dropped in to see ail our pepsodent smiles. Ail the cbildren bad a turn at brushing the sligbtiy larger than life-size teetb, with the oversized tootbbrusb. The ladies made an im- pression that won't soon be forgotten. PaffTIfI74nn The Cýa,d nr 1-flIIrý--< II Fitness. In vour heart y.ou know i's right. Busy Week Frîday we celebrated St. Patrick's Day wîtb a party. Mrs. Marner and the cbildren made Sbarnrock cookies and green jello, and tbe youngsters made tbeir own tableclotb - wîth green designs. Michael Finnegan wouid bave approved. We'd like to weicome Miss Patty Carlson, from Bowmanvilie High Scbool, wbo is volunteering ber spare time witb us. Her efforts are greatiy appreciated. If your kîds came home a lit- tde spoiied the last two weeks, it's because we've had visitors. Mrs. Lynn Michaleiko, the Home Ec teacher at Bowmanviiie High, bas been sending ber students to us on assignments. Everyone reacted favourably. Thanks girls - we hope you can corne again! On the evening of Marcb 29th, Country Roads/Waverley Gardens are bosting the rnonthly meeting of the Nortb Shore AECEO (Association for Early Chiidhood Education in On- tario). Guest speakers are Mrs. Mary Myslik and Mrs. Lynn Davidson wbo will acquaint us witb Dr. Feingold's diet for Hyperac- tive Cildren. Parents who are interested in hyperactivity are invited to attend. Newra0 tt ub: £pubLu Telephone 987-4201 JO Spencer, Mary Waterbury, Keitb Aluin, Jack Pruner, Margaret Brereton, Corey Caîl, Cathy Metrailler. We extend best wisbes to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coucb who celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary on March 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Osbawa. Mrs. S. R. Nicbolls, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Living and Ellen, Bowmanville, were Saturday' evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alldred returned home Monday from a week's boliday in Florida wbere tbey visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, New Port Richey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alldred, Lakeland. On Sunday tbey enjoyed a ball game in 76 degrees F weatber. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell and Jamie, Bowmanville visited on Friday evening witb grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Anglican Cburcb News Tbe Wardens of the Anglican Churches of the Deaneries of Oshawa and Durbam and Nortbumberland met at St. George's, Newcastle, on Tuesday, Marcb 13, for tbeir first meeting in 1979. Their duties in tbe Churches were discussed. Insurance on build- ings was a major topic and tbey hope to bave a speaker on Cburcb insurance at their next meeting on May 22nd. The second verse of tbe Hymn We Love tbe Place O God was the tbeme of tbe cbildren's Lenten Programme on Wednesday at 4 p.m. They talked about the Cburcb as tbe House of Prayer. On Fr, Mar. 16, Rev. A. Haldenby attended tbe meet- ing of tbe DeaneryClergy at St. Mark's Cburcb, Port Hope. At tbe 11: 15 Service in St. George's Cburch, tbe -Rector, preacbed on tbe Gospel, for the Day in wbicb Jesus cured a person who was dumb. Many Christians do not speak out about tbeir faitb and ils goodness. The Parish Young People went to Toronto to see a model train exbibit on Sunday after- noon. Afterwards, tbey went to tbe Organ Grinder Restaurant for lunch and had a birtbday cake for Irene Brereton's birthday. Tbey will be p utting on a play about St. Peter on Marcb 25 in place of a Sermon. On Tuesday, Marcb 27 at 3 p.m. tbere will be an unveiling of a plaque honouring Bishop Brent of the Anglican Cburch. United Cburcb Women On Monday, Marcb 12, the Evening Unît of tbe UCW met at the borne of Mrs. Madeleine Buckley witb 19 members and two visitors present. Leader Jean Rickard welcomed ail and read a couple of poems. The Devotions based on the Lord's Prayer were presented by Edna Darling, Marjorie Caswell, Anneke Verbeek and Betty Adamns. Mrs. Adams then introduced Margaret Smith, Bowmanville, wbo gave a talk on Lent and Easter. Mrs. Caswell then presented Mrs. Smith witb a picture of Newcastle Community Hall, sketcbed by Anneke Verbeek. Accompanied by Lesie Camp- bell at the organ, Marjorie Caswell sang the solo Beneath tbe Cross of Jesus. The business period followed, Madeleine Buckley reading tbe minutes and Treasurer Myrtle Pearce giving ber report. The Easter Thank- Offering will be beld on April 9. Presbyterial Meeting is at St. Andrew's, Oshawa, on Mar. 28. The ladies in charge served a delicious lunch and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. United Cburch News On Sunday, Mar. 18, at Newcastle United Cburch, Mrs. Carole Brunton read the away tbe valuabies you are discarding during spring housecleaning. Newcastie Community Bowling Youtb 100 and Over P. Foster 167, S. Crockett 166-127, B. Crockett 133-160, K. Tordiff 162-137, K. Pierik 122-124, M. 121, S. Stere 104, A. Stere 145-160, T. Oke 200-183, T. Gregg 114-131, P. Johnson 117-175, G. Couvier 151-205, T. Abbott 107-102, K. O'Boyle, 159-183, W. Coucb 173-133, A. Rowe 128-166, P. Knapp 166-183, R. Hoogkamp 138-111, K. Martin 178-103, B. Couvier 123-109, P. Willerns 202-117, P. Hole 113-159, B.J. Cox 140, R. Bentley 152, C. McLuhan 162-193, B. Knapp 174-111, E. Malette 114, P. Malette 141, M. Malette 122-110, A. DeJong 108, J. Wind 118-218, T. Cox 112, B. Kealy 138-110, K. O'Boyle 110, L. Weaver 138, B. Fisk 105, K. Rudman 106-150, P. Pfeiffer 104, T. Sluymers 123-117, M. Siuymers 128, J. Beam 171-118. 200 and Over Ladies, T. Langstaff 212-212, 1. Patton 233, D. Langstaff 276, A. Langstaff 221-217, S. Foster 259-239, D. Neai 204, K. Mercer 203, H. Couroux 200-212-279, D. HENRY AJAX 282 Moi Mon. to Saturda, 686-1 88 WHITE BROWN 499739 aur reg. 5.99 cash & carry our reg. 7.99 cash & carry Walker 203-229, R. Kelly 20, L.. Crockett 222, M. Pierik 217, P. Kidd 201, D. Kelly 204-200, F. Meadows '201-223, M. Garrod 249, B. Major 271-225, V.' Watson 204, M. Major 214, D. Mercer 215-232, 1. Brown 204-281, M. Wade 203. Men J. Clapdorp 314-227, G. Forget 225-212, B. Forget 234, W. Flintoff 210, J. Ward 279, B. Farrow 227-220-207, K. Cowling 214, G. Cowling 205, M. Henry 201-244-211, D. Brown 235, R. Clapdorp 200, B. Lewis 210-234-255, T. Embley 218, R. Loseby 249, J. Graham 251. Thursday Mixed J. Forget 207, F. Forget 221-283-282, E. Stephens 234, S. Brito n 263-200, W. Forget 222, M. Lewis 218, R. Forget 211, V. Dunlop 214, G. Forget 235-243, J. Worr 280, B. Glanville 230, R. Worr 233. Friday Mixed H. Nickolson 271, S. Nickol- son 275, T. Ton 200, T. Sluyrners 260-203, B. Sluymers 258, L. Pearce 253-200-225, B. Pearce 200, S. Keller 206-205, R. Good 200-273-255, M. Good p08, T. Cowles 223, T. Embley 210, H.M. Munro 205, B. Welsb 225, E. Cbaprnan 226, J. Capman 211, M. Henry 205, B. Caîl 207-217, H. Cail 204, B. Madill 226, M. Madili 239, R. Buriey 260, M. Burley 204, R. Pearce 207, M. Pearce 242, M. MacDonald 217, T. Nowland 208. 3à DAYS &LEFT TOSAVE ATHENIRY, BsUILDALL'S GRET The Canadiani Statesmi On Tuesday, it was your Smith also dedicated scribe's pleasure to tour new store in a few we]l Co-op facilities at Campbell- remarks. Also in ait ford and Madoc and the feed was the Dairy Prir miii etc. at Picton in company Ontario, a charmini with members of U.C.O. staff, lady Miss Nancy 'W In the evening it was our duty Rtenfrew County. as Zone 3 U.C.O. Director to The Manvers Curli chair the Spring Zone Meeting held a most su in the Four Seasons Motel in Bonspiel in the1 Belleville. Over 30 delegates Arena on Sat. to concli of directors were present from curling season. Invib the neighbouring from Peterborough co-operatives of Warkworth, carried off the t Picton, Foxboro, Graf ton, positions with the thi Campbellford and Madoc. rinks -, a Yelveri( On Thurs. our Ministries of skipped by Floy d the Interior and ourselves assisted by Brenda 1 were pleased to attend the ýBert Shea and1 opening ceremonies of the new Stînson. 4th place Campbellford Co-op store and Clarence Page w:t Lumber facilities preceded by Myra, Janet and Jcl a noon luncheon at which ail Numerous other priz past Chairman and guests provided courtesyo were honoured by the generous donors. Arn presentation of a plaque many prize winners depicting the former Co-op bottom of the pili facility on Saskatoon street - emerged the "booby an unique (if antique) building winners - more that was built in 1883. It was monickered the cor our pleasure to turn the key to prize. Guess whow officially open the door for coveted award? Yo their grand opening. A right first time - bronze plaque comn- skipped (?) by your mnemorating the auspicious -(?) scribe morally si occasion was jointly undraped by Maureen Moore, R, by Chairman of Board Ernest and Audrie Brown.( Thain. Major Baker of Camp-- excuse for our poor si bellford and Chief Executive our first time to cur Officer of U.C.O. (General years or so and our bri Manager) Julian Smith. Mr. left handed - I think. C AL 10' LONG DOWNSPOUT WHITE 499 our reg. 5.99 cash & carry I . ' ' ' Lowmnvlle BROWN our reg..799 cash & carry COURTICE Bloor St. E. of Oshawa Mon. to Wed. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Thurs. & Fni. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 8 a. m. -5:30 p. m. 728-1611 OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.rn. 728-1617 WflI MDIPORT HOPE 223 Brook St. N. 16PtrS m tMon. to Wed. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon. toThurs. ýnarch Ave. Tus r.8am- .. £Z:7r.& Peter St . 8 a. m.-5:30 p. m. Fr1. 8 a.m.- p.m. =ýýd-St Sat. 8 a. m.-5:30 p. m. ý --] Friday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. ay 8 a. m.-5:30 p .m 668-6821FSaury8a.m-p.. 31 Gliop in complete indoor cornf ort. 885-2423 F Five Convenient Self-Serve Locations: Use your Chargex or master charge or open a convenient -revolving charge Account with Henry Buildail. Country Roads Nursery Sehool Pick up a copy of our 8-page circular ai the store nearest you Sale prices in effeci until March 24 Bath Vanity IWno ___and Top waii r PLASTMO VINYL EAVESTROUG H 10' LONG TROUGH \ '-D. GarOend A. Fork SP8 14 each D Handie 9 E.Cultivator garden fork 3pone on e~ 9D w' each 3pogd ogec B Spadehande.SPC32-7eac BHane Iun m 9F. Hoe 9 mh hvel. 6 7 nch Garden - j uhGM 2W each Hoe ec SPEW73 99 ao C. Spade G.Rake àt Long handl 49 Boom rake for v ond moulh grass cuttlngs, - ec L V .'7GMLR2W- each etc. SP224U ac St. George's Anglican Church N EWCASTLE invites you to t he UNVEILING OF A A MEMORIAL PLAQUE DONATED BY THE ONTARIO HERITAGE FOUNDATION and a MEMORIAL SERVICE - to be held in honour of The Rt. Rev. Charles Henry Brent born in Clarke Township April 9,1862 died in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Rf. Rev. Brent was a Renowned Crusader for the unity of the Church and for the prevention of Drug Abuse. Tuesday, March 27th, 1979 at 3:00 p.m. MiII Street South Newcastle nan, Bowx d the new ff1 chosen ttendance -incess of ng young W.ilson of Iing Club uccessful Manvers ,lude their ited rinks and Ops top two hird place on rink 1Stinson Malcolm. Marjorie went to âth wife obn Cain. ýzes were of many nong the rs at the ile there bYlprize *nsolation wvon that ou hit it a team ihumble supported Ross Carr Our only ;owing - arl for 10 Soomn was Anyhow nanvilie, March 21, 1979 il despite our abject humility, this week we eat high or low on the cow - Big Macs courtesy of McDonalds. Oh yes a McLaugblin team from Cart-' wight known far and wide for their skill in horse-shoe competiion was 'a close competition for the .honour. Judging from the rigor mortis that has set in a few of our joints and unused muscles today due to sweeping, maybe we sbou.ld switcb to a less strenuous sport - like girl or bird watIching. Anyone who wîtnessed the interview of Howard Malcolm, Chairman of Ho Prodlucers on the Hamilton Channel il on Sunday nigbt were no doubt likewise deeply impressed witb Howards T.V. presence - bis professionalism, calm demearior and quiet autbority and poise. Well done, Howard. On Sun. Mrs. Ernestine Robinson assisted Rev. Stan- ley Hanes with the Scripture reading portion of the service in ber cusomary capable manner. Miss Mona Malcolm and Miss Lana Malcolm of Janetville had the misfortune to get bit in the face, requiring medical attention, while assisting in removing an ice but off tbe lakte recèfly. A day or two later their littie son, Jody, underwent an appendectomy in Port Perry Hosffital. Trouble neyer cornes singlely it's said. 1 v 'HARGEX mam VISA mimm

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