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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1979, Section 2, p. 8

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Community Care Plans Session for Volunteers The "ÇCommuaity Involve- ment and Voluteer Pro- gramme" is such a mouthful and really tells you very littie. C.I.V.P. was established to provide supplementarY volunteer help for people under severe emotional stress. Trained volunteers, under professional super- vision assist people with practical lîfe skills on a one vounteer to one client basis. The volunteer is not a counsel- lor, nor is the volunteer involved to become a friendý for life to the client. The volunteer is there specifically to help the client with tasks that are addiag to the emotion- al stress under which the client is living. The supervis- or, the volunteer and the client establish goals together. Our voluteers May be workiag, retired or home- makers. Ail are mature aduits who have undergone an inten- sive screening and completed a special if e skills training course to prépare themselves for this particularly sensitive volunteer job. The confidentiality ýof every- one concerned in the pro- gramme is carefully protect- ed.. There is an information session on April 5th for those who would like to know more about the programme. t runs from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the afternoon and will be ongoing so that you may come at any time during that period. It wîll be held at the office of Community Care, 19 Temperance Street, Bowman- ville. If that afternoon is not a, possibility for your, you are invited to phone to Co-ordinator, Diane Hamre (623-2288) for an appoiatment. March 7 High single - G. Vanson 252. High triple - G. Vanson 701. Team Standings G. Vanson 24 points, D. Sallows 24 points, K. Raîston 20 points, A. Lorusso 18 points, B. Ballantine il points, B. Burgess il points. Games Over 200 D. Bonner 202, M. Ellis 201, G. Vanson 252, 206, 243, B. Burgess 213, D. Campbell 226, J. Rowe 214, S. Ovenden 208, A. Lorusso 248. TIRE J & MeRlVIcEx "'" 299 DEAN AVE. OSHAWA 576-1220 Cha rgex LIVE ON STAGE CON WAY TWUTTY CARROLL BAKER elTHE MOST DYNAMIC COUNTRY SINGER IN CANADA TODA Y" Sunday, April 8 -8:00 p.m. RESERVED SEATS ADMISSION: $8.00e,$7.00 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Send choque or money order made payable to: OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM i99 THORNTON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1J 5Y1 PLEASE ENCLOSE STAMPED, SELF..ADDRESSED ENVELOPE OOOD LUCK to - -Now locally owned- 4Corne in and enjoy our friendly,, Spleasant atmosphere. Since we are f Iocally owned we want to please aur ,,people. Comein and try us! Telephone 623-3023- Bowmanville Malil For your convenlence use our south entrance. Wrins Speaking Award Ten-year-old Louise Baker talked hier way into third place as a participant in the Royal Canadian Legion's zone public speaking contest in Ajax Sun- day, March 11. Prior to the zone contest, Louise was the first place wînner in the Legion's local competition in the Grade 4 to 6 division. She is the daughter of Mrs. Betty Baker and is a Grade 5 student at Ontario Street School. E'mbNNISKILLE1bN The lovely first Sunday of Spring was sufficient encouragement to bringing 50 folks to worship in the third Sunday of Lent and St. Patrick's Suaday. The Children's Story, was about "Philip's Escape". A central African boy, Philip who obey- ed without question. The aine members of the Senior Choir showed quality not quantity is important as they sang the choir number with their director Ulah Chambers in a beautiful musical message by the anthem "Thy Will Be Done". Our minister's sermon had as its subject "The Anger 0f Jesus" and it explaîned why gentle Jesus was really angry for three reasoas - hie loved His Temple, His people and disliked the merchants' use of the Temple. Similarly we should dlean up our lives and our acts so let us be up and at it. The ushers were Edgar Wright and Keith McGill. Our Community was saddened deeply again by the death of Eva (Sanderson) Kay. We extead sincerest sympathy to hier many sorrowing relatives and friends in their great sorrow. This week's eveats (1) Youth Group Fun Night and Bowling Party (2) Next Sunday the Sacrameat of Infant Baptism will be cele- brated at both services. Aay others wishiag to present children for Baptism on that occasion please contact the minîster (3) Thursday, 7:00 p.m.ý Advance notices are: (1) Tuesday, March 27 - 6:*00 p.m. Oshawa Presbytery will meet in Port Perry United Church (2) Wednesday, Mar. 28th - 9:00 a.m. Oshawa Presbyterial Annual Meeting will be held in St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, with Dr. Katherine Hockin as theme speaker. (3) Wednes- day and Thursday, April 3rd and 4th - Bay 0f Quinte Conference Presbyterial Annual Meeting will be held in Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay with the Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Geo. Tuttie as theme speaker. (4) Sunday, April 8th _ The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services. Mrs. Lou Griffin and Mrs. Wally Griffin were Thursdaj, visitors of Mrs. CliffTerrill Newtonville. No Beavers Meeting on the 24th of March, meeting will be on the 31st. Mrs. Lou Griffin spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat, Bowman- ville. Mrs. David Stainton, Deanna and Michael, Cobourg and Miss Susan Nielson were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were Sat. evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and boys. On Wednesday Rev. and Mrs. Bob Sherwin of Graven- hurst were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Mike Holmes, Mr. Adam Sharp, Don and Michael Gregg, Glen Burnie, Mary- land were Friday dinner guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and girls. Mrs. Lou Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat and Mr. George Gorgerat were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson, Hampton, Mr. George Pethick, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. AI Wray, Julie, Jeffrey and Jason, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Port Perry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Margaret and Orville Ashton were Sunday guests of Karen and Charles Ashton and daughters to begin celebra- tions of March birthdays. 4-H News Meeting number 3, our 4-H Club opened a little different- ly. We sang instead of said our club pledge. The next thing on the agenda was learning to tie scarves. Some were knot easy. The last but not least thing on the Eist was making pom- poms. Meeting number 4 was used for discussing the care for and types of shoes. We later covered buttons and started on plans for our club skit. Meeting numbers 5 and 6 were combined. In these two meetings we talked about gloves and had a jewelry exchange. The Committee in charge of purchasing Community Gifts Bingo Cards ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 King St. W. FRANK'S CONFECTIONERY 43 King St. E. GISELA VARIETY 27 Second St. JErFREY'S SUPERETTE Liberty Street Saut h LIBERTY -BOWL LIMI I ED Base Line Rd. E. THE SUBWAY PIZZERIA King Si. E. convened by Diane Werry with assistants Aima Rowan and Margaret Ashton finally had time and energy to go shopping for a belated com- munity wedding gift for a local lad and his wife Bryon and Louise Howells. The gifts procured were a handsome round card table, pretty beige cushion and dainty bud vase which they delivered to the home of the groomi's parents to be forwarded by them. Youih Group News Plans for Fun Day for the Youth Group. Guys and Dolîs in the -School Gymnasium were caacelled due to the custodian strike and replaced by games of bowling at the Liberty Bowl, Bowmaaville where they competed with Available ai MR. SUBMARINE 136 King St. E. NORTH-END MARKET 101 Liberty St. N. TUTTLES VARIETY 87 Ontario St. SMOKER'S and GIFT CORNER Bowmanville Mal FOODWORTH'S VARI1ETY & GROC. Hwy. - 2, Cou rtice Youth Groups from Bowman- ville where they, competed with Youth Groups from Ebenezer and Maple Grove United Churches. Escorts were Barbara and Kyle Graham, Susan and Gary Jeffrey. Lunching out follow- ed. Score sheets were colleet- ed by Linda Sharp and found a place in the Guys and Dolîs Scrap Book. hNORMANUI ~CENTRE SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS rELEVISION - STEREO MO DULARS RECORDS and TAPES BOWMANVILLE MAIL OSHAWA > 6234535555 Rossland Rd. E. 62.Fr30- Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30-6' Mon.-ri. 930-9Wed., Thurs., Frt 9:30-9 "Your One Stop Recordi Sho p." RES TA URANT MON DAY -THURSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. F RI1DAY - SAT U RDAY 6 a. m. -la.m. SUN DAY 7 a. m. - 11: 300. M. SERVING DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free Delivery in Bowmanville on al1 Orders of * $10.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Home- Li ke Atmosphere 9 King St. W. 623-5412 OER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEE YOUR PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. Knights of Columbus TV BINGO Cable Channel 10 4 Big Oames Every Wedinesdiay Grand Prize: B. Cane, Oshawa; S. Sellers, Bowmanvi lie. Last week's winners:, L. Sutherland, Bowman- ville; R. Hursi, Oshawa; M. Lewis, Oshawa. starting at 6:30 p.m. Cards 5011 ea ch or 3 f or 1.00 r-)

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