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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1979, p. 5

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Two evenings coming up sbortly are "musts" for your date book. On Thurday, Fni- day, Saturday, Apnil 5, 6, 7, the Bowrnanville Drama Work- sbop will present "The Hol- low' by Agatha Cbristie, and close the difference be- tween religion and philoso- phy. Further in-fo. - Public Library or Box 36, Bowmanvle on Wednesday and Thu April lOtb and lltb Bri Ladies Wear will preser Spring Fasbion sponsored by tbe H( Auxiliary ta the Met Hospital. Please plan ri attend. The Hospital Auxilio the Memorial Hospital, manville beld their mi meeting on Friday, Mar in the Hospital Librar3 almost Spring-like brougbt forth a gooda ance. The new Electrii Suite and Laboratory E iological Incubator had ed that day and Mr. F Cbairman of the Board, ped by to tbank the Au> for tbis latest donation. Church at Division St. Office 6237313 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group - 9 years and older il a.m. - Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary B & B Bunch meet at 9:15 in Church Parour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15to17 years 11 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Lenten Serles - Man of Suftferlng NO. 3. "YESSIR, YESSIR" Nursery Car. Provided A Warm Welcame for Everyone Support 'Meals on Wheels"' Get your tickets now for the JACK & JILI SPAGHETTI SUPPER SATURDAY, APRIL 7,4:30 ta 7:00 p.m. '~r ngttcan QUiurc 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 arn. MORNI1NG PRAYER 7:30 p.m. YOUTH SERVICE "BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER' Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion, Iaying onl of hands for healing followed at 10: 15 with Lenten Studies led by Betty Gracie, representative for thie Anglican Fellowship of Prayer in ou r diocese. Thursday Lente n Series, 7:00 p.m. in the church called "THE BODY OF CHRIST"' led by Dr. Miedema. Babysitting available for both series. Sunday School and Nursery care for your children. Temperanceaet Qusen ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE SUNDAY, MARCH 25th 6:00 p.m. - Pot Luck Supper 7:30 p.m. - Youth Service, Jim & Pamala Sleeth Corne with a challenging and highly recommended film called "FLIGHT PLAN" (only 751) DONT MISS THIS ONE ~ 34ntb UrE Re. MINISTER: Re.N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D.Deweil Sunday, March 25th, 11:00 a. M. Morning Worship No. 5 in the serios, "Words from the Cross" "The Cry for He-Ip' Sr. Sunday School - 9:45 p.m. (9 years.and over) Jr. Sunday Schooi.- 11:00 a.m. < Nursery Car. durlng service Nursery-Modern "Play and Learn" Nursery for pre-schooi children every Sunday. Complet e St. John Ambulance First Aid Training Items 0of Interes? rsday, Mrs. Maralyn Martin, Ed- 'eslin's ucation Chairman to the nt thein Auxiliany, gave an interesting Show, talk on tbe Donation of Body lospital Parts for Transplants, a marial suhject for serious thougbt. now to Bill Dykstra, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dykstra, bas been ary to accepted for admission to ,Bow- Dordt College, Sioux Centre, onthly Nortbwest Iowa, and will be rein 9th attending classes next faîl as a Y. The freshman. Bill plans to major day in theatre arts at Dordt, which attend- is a Cbristian, four-year, .c Bed liberal arts college. 3acter- arriv- The Spiritual Science In- Pogue, stitute will be presenting "how * drop- Sound and Color affect You xiiary and the Human Aura", in O'Neill Collegiate Auditorium, in Apnil witb music, color slides, and tonalite machine. Funther information may be obtained by phoning 576-6651. On Sunday, Manch 6th in St. Savior's Anglican Churcb, Orono tbe following neceived 38 Confirmation and Commun- ion. Janet Ann and Robert Andrew French, Wendy Char- lene Couch, Gilbert Anthony Wood, Tammy and Murray Richard Nortbam, Roger Procter, Betty and Don Tansley and Wayne Linton. Tbursday is Y.W. day in Bowmanville. The "Keep Fit" program for women, level one, still bas vacancies. Reg- ister, in person at, Oshawa Y.M.C.A. or phone 576-8880 for information. A Water Safety Awareness Campaign for botb scuba divers and boaters will be - conducted by Mrs. Ellen Curry, owner of Innenspace Dive Store. This campaign will be conducted tbrougbout Osbawa and the surrounding area during the montbs of Marcb tbrough September. t is designed to inform both boaters and scuba divers of the many advantages as well as the possible dangers tbey could encounter while sharing tbe many lal<es and streams thnoughout Ontario. District 4 of the Ontario Hoticultural Association will be holding a ganden seminar at the Memorial Park Club House -on Satund-ay, March 3lst from 9:30 - 4 p.m. Guest speakers are Ken Brown on "Vegetable Growing", A.O. Daînymple "Do you know E Wat you're doing? " and Mrs. * Betty Peebles on "Preserving and Arranging Flowens". Everyone welcome. The 1979 Touism Spning Seminan will be beld in Peterborough on Monday, - March 26. Close to 1000 members in the tourist busi- ness are expected to attend. For information phone 705-742- 3459. The Christian Farmer's [~Federation of Ontario will bold tbe Local East Central's Annual Banquet on Fniday, Manch 3th at Knox Christian Scbool, Bowmanville. Tickets may be obtained fnom Board membens - Pier Sikma 416-983- 5526, Hans Vink - 705-696-2169, Mike Vanden Berg - 705-324- 4039, Ulrich Ruegger - 416-786- 2574. ST"'ARmK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Wood, Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, Newcastle visited Monday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews. Mrs. Isabelle Trim bas returned from a holiday in Newmarket visiting Mr. Bruce Trim and Jessica. Jessica returned with ber grandmotber to spend a couple of weeks. Monday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- son, Orono. On Tuesday, Miss Michele Hallowell, Canton spent tbe day witb ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim. Mrs. Ruth Andrews visited Mrs. Ellen Farrow on Tues- day afternoon. On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Lynn, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn went to Port Darlington Mar- ina, Bowmanville for dinner to celebrate Janet and Doug's wedding anniversary. Mrs. Dorothy Trim spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Far- row visited Wednesday even- ing witb Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family. Mrs. Isabelle Trim accomp- anied by Mrs. Violet Dunlop, Orono attended the Odd Fellows Banquet on Wednes- day evening in Orono United Churcb. This was tbe Grand Masters Visit. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Bernice Stark and Mrs. Joan Murphy attended a Bridal Sbower in bonor of Miss Peggy Louise Foster held in Kendal United Sunday Scbool Hall. Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Miss Jessica Trim spent Tbursday in Oshawa visiting witb Mr. and -Mrs. Walter Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. William King, Calgary, Alberta arrived on Friday to spend a week's holiday with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Staats and family, Brantford spent Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westbeuser and girls. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim visited Mr. Gordon Shemilt who is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Miss Melanie Rypstra, Bow- manville spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr. iand Mrs. Fred Rypstra and great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. DeJong. On Saturday, Mrs. Robert iWestheuser attended the funeral in Port Hope of Mr. iWilliam Lewko, Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- yen, Port Hope were Saturday evening visitors with Mrs. A.H. Dobson. On Saturday evening, Michelle Bamsey, Tanya 1Fonk, Robert Taylor, Raiphie Bamsey accompanied by Mr. 1and Mrs. Robert Bouley went to Mother's Pizza Parlour, Oshawa ýfor supper to cele- brate' Robert Taylor's birth- day. Later they returned to the home of Mrs. Dorothy Stark and were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark spent Sunday in Toronto at the home of her brother Mr. Elwood Moore. This was a reunion of ail the brothiers and sisters. Mrs. Janet Lynn, Kevin and Heather went to Barrie on Sunday to spend a week's, holiday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Lynn and Jenny. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Robinson and family, Bow- manville. Little Miss Amy Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, is a patient in Port, Hope Hospital. We wish her a quick recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deschamps and Christina, Toronto were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey, and family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim were Mr. and Mrs. Orme, Falls and Harvey and Miss Norma Hallowell, all of Bow- manville. Miss Norma Hal- lowell stayed for a few days holiday. Mrs. Dorothy Stark, Mr. Get a Personalizeld Perm through Haîr Analysis! Theres one way to find out what condition your hair is really in. Thats by a hair analysis. Heres how you can have your hair analyzed. Cornein and fi out a Redken Hair Analysis Questionnaire. Then we'll snip a sample of your hair which we'll examine microscopically. And we'll check your hairs mechanical properties. Afterwards, we'll discuss thefindings with you. Our salon Hair Analysis Program, which works in conjunction with Redken Laboratories, enables us to plan a program to help recondition and maintain the condition of your hair. Give your hair a physical check up by letting us give you a hair analysis. Make an appointment today. SPECIALIZED *MREDI<EN®o PER MAN ENTS Short Hair - $ 20.10' Medium Hair - s 25.0 0 Long Hair - $ 30. 00 Complote with Trichoanalysis. A perm guaranteed flot te damage or f du zyour hair, Perms mathe gentie ones. Free Parking et Rear 14 Silver Street 623-5455 and Mrs. Robent Bouley and Mr. Robert Taylor were Sunday supper guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Albent Bouley, Toronto. Robert Taylor stayed in Toronto to continue on, to Midland to spend a week's holiday with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, James and Micbael. On Sunday, a family reunion was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Murpby. At- tendîng were Mr. and Mrs. William King, Calgary, Master Sbawn King, Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy and family, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Hanold McColm and girls, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Andy Murphy and Mary, Bowmanville were tbe only membens missing as tbey bave gone to Florida for tbe mid termn break. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Jim West- beuser and Becky, Belleville and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westbeuser and girls were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Marjorie Westbeuser and Peter. Mr. and Mr. Glen Wood, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, Newcastle were Sunday supper guests of tbeir parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, Cambray and Mrs. Ada Wright, Lindsay were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Mr. David Silvester, Sarnia arrived Sunday evening to spend the mid term break witb bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. A fair crowd attended the bymn sing beld at Sbiloh United Cburcb on Sunday evening. Special music was a solo by Mrs. DeSmit and songs by the 3 M's, Newtonville organist was Mrs. Mary Caswell. Walk a block.Today. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 21, 1979 5 NESTETO Apologies to Sherry Tysick - the bard working young In- door Soccer coach of the first place "Raiders" for mis- spelling ber name in last week's. paper. We understand her concern and trust this won't happen again. Caesarea Eucbre Club Resuits of the St. Patrick's Euchre are as follows - ist - Doreen Rush, 2nd - Della Rush, 3rd - Margueritta Vince. Winner of the special draw for St. Patrick's was Betty Ring- ham. Attendance was mucb better. How about an exciting evening of cards next Wednes- day evenîng at the same place' and the same time? North Nestieton Church At the Service Sunday morning Rev. Victor Parsons chose Scripture Genesis, 28, ver. 10-17 and Romans 5, ver. 1-11. The message theme - "Must Sacrifice". Pleased to welcome back Mrs. Gwen Malcolm wbo was in her familiar place at tbe organ. Nestleton U.C.W. The U.C.W. met at the home of Miss Gail Malcolm, Black- stock, on Monday afternoon, March l2tb. The Pres. Mrs. Gwen Malcolm opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Pray witbout ceasing" - hymn (African) "Kum Ba Yah" was sung. Eleven members were welcomed and one visitor Mrs. Florrie Samelîs. The Devotinnal period was conducted by Mrs. Jean Wil- liams using Scrip. Isaiah - 53. The Topic was jiresented by Mrs. Norma Frew. She told the members that Scientists are proving tbat life described in tbe Bible is authentic - re Arcbaeology finding. Business included - ist - plans are being made to attend the Presbyterial meet- ing to be held in St. Andrews Church, Oshawa, Marcb 28th, 2nd - discussion re - Spring Concert to be held May 6th. After closing lunch was served by Mrs. Jean Williams' group and much enjoyed. The Pres. Mrs. Gwen Malcolm voiced appreciation to the bostess. Mr. and Mrs. Grabame Fisb, Nestleton, visited his sister and her busband Mr. and Ms Fergie Munro, Sonya on Wednesday last, they also visited witb their daughter and busband Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corby and Paul of Nestieton had an enjoyable drive to Campbell- ford on Sunday afternoon on the way home they dined in Bowmanville, a Chinese dinner completed their day. "Best Wishes" to six year old Jodle Malcolm, son of Mark and Katby Malcolm of Janetville who bas been in Port Perry hospital. Also bis father Mark wbo bas bad bis nose broken in two places due to a freak accident. Investigator A.E. Cawker, wife Carroll andson Bryan of Sault Ste. Marie spent the weekend with bis parents, Sam and Mabel Cawker of Scugog Point Rond. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and fam- illes of Osbawa Mrs. Gisela Foel, Mrs. Anne Embury and daugbter Valerie also of Osbawa were visitors. News for next week please pbone 986-4715. Elizalbethville On Tuesday afternoon the United Cburcb Women Unit II met at Mr. and Mrs. M. McAllister's borne. About a dozen attended. Mrs, H. White bad the devotional part of thte meeting. The minutes of last meeting were réad and approved. Tbank you cards were read and otber cor- respondences. Mrs. H. White had the program on "The Year of tbe Child". Several discussions on foster cbildren, and cbild care were discussed. We bave been invited to Welcome, April llth for tbeir Easter meeting and we wîll not be having our meeting of the U.C.W. in April. Sympatbies are extended to relatives and friends of tbe late William Lewko wbose funeral was Saturdav. Our U.C.W. Unit II ladies served lunch at the bouse after the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, Rochester, Mr. Joe Lewko, Calgary were borne for the funeral other friends from Sudbury and Toronto were witb Mrs. Lewko. Several attended the sale at the Lion's hall of Lenard Caldiwell's bouse furnisbings on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Staats and family Brantford spent a couple of days witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Tbickson. Mrs. R. Westbeuser and girls were over for part of the time. Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland was bere for a wbile and attended tbe funeral. Cburcb services were beld as usual I presume, Mrs. D. Wilson was the speaker I' didn't attend.' et. 3»i1n' P CmU ROBRIAG mu on ail Col.or Televis ions by1 PhiIips, Magnavox and Philco with Generous Allowance on Trade-Ins! Television Service Company 185 Church St. Bowmanville Telephone 623-3883 Mel Sameils, Prop. jw-- Shown in this photo are persons who recently completed a standard first aid course taught by the St. John Ambulance. The course lasted eight weeks and Tuesday, March 13, the candidates for first aid qualifications took their final exams at the Bowmanville Fire Hall. Shown in the front row are Doug Bird, Alf Brown and Gord Grant of the St. John Ambulance. a wl* y

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