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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1979, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle. March 21, 1979 FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago. In the second schedule of the Men's Major Bowling League, Dr. H.B. Rundie, led the league with a 240 average to win the individual honors. Bill Westlake was second with 236 and AI Osborne third with 235. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago. Frank's Variety skated to a 5-3 victory, over Markham, in a rough and rugged affair at the local arena on Saturday, in the best of three O.M.H.A. play-off series. Scoring for Franks were Robbie Simpson with 3, Rory Gibbs and Boyd Knox. LIBERTY BOWL SCORES - A lot of action has been going on at Liberty Bowl over the last f ew weeks. Larry Piper bowling in the Mens Major had a big 401 single Mike Roberts bowling in the National Classified tournament bowled a nice 928 triple. Reta Junkin and Shirley Wood bowling ini the Ladies daytime powderpuff tournament won a 7 day ail expense trip to the Bahamas. They com- peted against 32 teams in Toronto. Nice going girls. Gail Milîson, Vickie Terry, Elaine Elliott, Kay Blanchard and Cathy Oliver won the tournament for the zone finals in the National Classified. They now bowl March 25 in Whitby for the Eastern On- tario Regional finals. The prize for this tournament is a free trip to Vernon, B.C. in the heart of the Okanogan Valley. OSHAWA - This Week Screaming Turkeys have challenged the Bowmanville Oldtimers hockey team to a game, this Thursday, March 22nd, at 8:30 p.m. at Memorial Arena, Bowmanville. It should be a fun match to watch, and it's free! FUR SALES REPORT - The following are the results of the fur sale held at the Ontario Trapper's Association Fur Sale in North Bay, February 19, 20, 21, 1979. Beaver Ontario $106.00 high, $39.03 average, 33,089 amount sold. Mink $71.00 high, $30.26 average, 7,108 amount sold. Otter $178.00 high, $105.17 average, 2,326 amount sold., Lynx $655.00 high, $437.75 average, 808 amount sold. Lynx Cats $485.00 high, $231.87 average, 818 amount, sold. Timber Wolves $360.00 high, $153.45 average, 313 amount sold.- Coyotes $235.00 high, $83.14 average, 3,256 amount sold. Raccoon $135.00 high, $38.96 average, 41,160 amount sold. Red Fox-$220.OO high, $102.48 average, 8,248 amount sold. Muskrats $12.65 high, $6.95 average, 70,092 amount sold., Black Bears $355.00 high, $89.15 average, 146 amount sold. D & R Sports Minor Atoms in Tie with Whitby____Rceto Tonight at the Darlington Sports Centre, the D & R Sports Minor Atoms will attempt to down Whitby in the league semi-finals. At the moment the series is tied. The D & R team is also participating in the Tim- my Tyke tournament at Seneca College this week so much of the school break will be spent bn the ice. Team members are, front row, left to right, David Fairey, Mascot Paul Gallant, Teddy Groves, David Smith, Michael Gallant, Kelly Armstrong; middle row, Bobby McArthur, Paul Stainton, Glen Campbell, Barry Oliver, Larry Perris, Cory Sweet, Brian Noble, Michael Houston, Chris Beck, Shawn Rekker; back row, Sponsor Bruce Colwell, stickboy Shaughn Houston, Coach Jim Shultz, Assistant Coach Bob Fairey and Manager Jim Houston. Van Dyk'sl Major Midgets Tied in Semi-MFinal Series By Don Welsh On Tuesday, Marcb 13 the Van Dyk Major Midgets journeyed1 to Midland for the first game of their best of five Ontario semi-final series. In the first period the Realtors jumped into an early lead on a goal with the game just 35 seconds old. Altbough the Bowmanville boys exerted consîderable pressure during this frame they could not seem to find the mark as they bit goal posts, cross bars and missed open corners. Finally, at 5.06 the Toros connected on a power play to take a 2 -0 lead over their hosts. At 9.48 of the second period, Midland scored on a, power play effort to cut the Realtor's lead ta 2 - 1 and tben tied the game at 2 apiece at 7.08. Bowmanville moved back into the lead at 6.25 when they took advantage of the extra man to score their second power play goal of the game. A minute and a haîf later the score was once again tied as Midland scored their second power play goal. The middle frame ended with the two teams in a 3 to 3 deadlock. In tbis period, the Realtors took 4 penalties to Midland's one and the net result in power play goals was Bowmanville 1 and Midland 2. The tbird period belonged to Midland as tbe Realtors appeared to run out of steam. With just 50 seconds gone in tbe period, Mdland took tbe lead for the first time in the game. The next goal was to be a key one and once again the Van Dyk players hurt them- sel ves when their next trip to the sin bin cast tbem dearly, and Midland took a two goal lead at 10.30. After that the Realtors quit hustling and quit passing witb several good opportunities ruined by players afflicted with heroitis. -Midland picked up two more markers at 6.06 and 5.56 to run tbeir unanswered streak to 4 in this period. The final score Midland 7, Bowmanville 3. Fast Paced Game The second game of tbe series was played Saturday nîgbt at the Darlington Sports Centre. This was a fast paced game witb both teams hust- ling from end to end. The Van Dyk boys put forth an excel- lent team effort with al components doing their jobs well. The forwards skated bard and passed well, creating numerous potentially dangerous rushes into tbe Midland zone. Their persistent Ca msport Trailer Sales Hwy. 115 and 35 Newcastle 987-5174 1977 a nd 1978 CHEVRON and HOLIDAY TRAILER Large selection of TR UC K-CA PS In stock SUPERIOR PROPANE REFILI CENTRE forechecking continually frustrated the Midland attackers. The defensive unit made a strong stand on the blue line which left several Midland players wondering wby tbey had been sa foolish as to try to carry the puck into the Toro zone when they were being denied entrance in such a forceful manner. Netminder Brook Cole was in top form as be tbwarted ail of Midland's attempts to put the puck bebind him. The Van Dyk crew found that no one particular play would work against the Midland club so just like a good basebal pitcher they mixed up their "stuff". At 2.15 of the first period a bard slap shot firmn the blue line gave the Toros tbe first goal of tbe game. A quick passing play from the point to the corner ta tbe front of the net, was put between the goalie's legs at 1.27 to increase the Bowmanville lead ta, 2 to 0 at the end of the first period. During the second period the pace slowed down and although bath teams bad their chan ces neither was able ta garner a goal. At 11.17 of the final frame, two head man passes put a Tara winger behind the Mid- land defence on tbe fly and increased tbe lead ta 3 ta 0. A slap shot from the point was deflected at 10.21 ta increase the Van Dyk lead furtber. Two minutes later tbere was a scramble in front of the Midland net whicb seemed like it would last forever. Finally, the puck was pulled baose and flipped in over tbe McGregor Hardware Atoms Rue loto Hot Ajax Goalîe to Loge lon Fi nal PlayofF CGa On behaîf of the Majar Atom Taras I wauld like ta take this appartunity ta thank Don McGregar and the hardware staff for their donation ta the team, it sure helped, out. Thanks again Don. The boys are having a tougb tîme ta put Ajax down in the playaffs. On Fehruary 27th in Ajax the Taras lost 4 ta 1, backing tbem against the wall, as Ajax naw has 5 points ta aur, 3. Bowmanville must win the next game at Darlington Spor- ts Centre ta tie the series and force another game in Ajax. Tiger Dan Mrîarity picked up Bowmanville's only goal assist gaing ta Kelly Balson and Pete Hugbes. Six penalties called 4 ta the Taras, Ajax scaring twice wben we were short handed. Goalie Todd Balson played a very gaod game in net as he was called upon many times ta make saves. Chris Maroz, Ian Wheelack, Greg Martin and Mike Knigbt warked bard in the game, but Ajax took advantage of a short lapse in tbe 3rd periad and scored 4 goals. On Marcb 3rd the Taras played hast ta Oshawa Red Wings at Bowmanville, beating the Wings 5 ta 1. The Bawmanville squad laoked 100 per cent better in tbis game, in fact tbey sbauld nat bave any trouble beating Ajax Monday night if tbey keep working tbis bard. TZIRIE 1' 99 DEAN AVE. OSH1AWA 576-1220 The farwards were clicking on their passes, defence were checking, goaltending ex- cellent, the kind of hockey the fans like ta see. Tara Kelly Balsan opened the scoring at 6:33 of the ist period assist going ta captain Jay Kelly. Peter Hughes then scoring, Mark Hickey and Chris Maroz assisting. The Buils then picked up a penalty allowing the Wings ta get their only goal. Left winger Mike Knight scaring next assist gaing ta Kelly and Jay. Pete Hughes scored bis 2nd goal assist gaing ta Kelly pile of sprawled players. This was the, Toros' fifth unanswer. ed goal of the night. Brook Ççole was called on to defeni bis shut-out when Midland was awarded a penalty shot. HE played it perfectly and once again refused to let anything into bis net. Final scorE Bowmanvîlle 5, Midland 0. Witb the series tied at one game the third game will be played in Darlington to- night (Wednesday) at 8:00 with the fourth in Midland on Friday and 'the fiftb if neces- sary in Darlington on Monday at 8:O00p.m. Balson, Mark Hlickey scored the last goal unassisted. Goalie Ken Cameron looked after the net and almast sent the Wîngs home scoreless. Tbree unmentianed were defence Warren Short, Right Wing Ed. Paradis and Left Wing Mark Smith, not not- ching a point in this game but certainly worked for one. Each team picking up 2 penalties. Hot Goaltending beats Toros on March 5th the Major Atams played their final playoff game of the 1978-79 seasan, the Bulîs outplayed, outshot Ajax, but just could nat get tbe puck behind their goalie. The last 4 'minutes of play the Taras bad six attackers, gat il shots an net, scaring only 1 goal. Tbe final score %vas 5 ta 2 for Ajax. The Taras played hockey right ta the last whistle and left the ice like real spor- tsmen. 0f course their hockey is a long way from being aver, they have exhibition and tour- nament games ta win yet, and no doubt will. The point getters in this game were Mark Hickey first goal, assist gaing ta Ian Wheelock and Mark Smith, last goal of the game scored by Captain Jay Kelly assisted by Ed. Paradis. Tbe Tara team really put fa'rtb an ail out effort, and that is ail any team can do. Lets go out and win another tournameiit now. Give Heart Fund 11 New Low, 10w PrIce Special I SOFFIT and FASCIA FOR FREE HOME ESTIMATE CAL 623-6828 Bowmanville TOM JENNINOS AAMiCO HOME SIDINO Quallty-Servlce-Price Memnber of the BBB Atom March 3, 1979 Darlington Auto Centre - 6 - Murray Henderson 3, Rod Bate, Mark Smith, Joe Hennesy. D & R Sports - 2 - Kyle Virtue, Brad Stapleton. Kinsman - 4 - Dan Van- Hemmen 2, Lance McRobbie, David McCullough, shut out to David Bickle. Lange Gane -0. Bantam March 3, 1979 Kool Enterprises - 3 - Mike Cancilla, Brad Simser, John VanDerWeer. Frank's Variety - 2 - Todd Beers. Attersley Tire - 3- James Bradley 2, Alan Maîley. Mr. Submarine - 2 - Ross Grant, Rod Plain. Midger March 3, 1979 D & R Sports - 4 - Darrel Engley, Jim Maltar, Bob Turner. Gill's Texaco - 1 - Steve Daize. Country Boy - 4 - Gary Vyfschaft 2, Brian Sarginson, Jef f Down. Marianna Development - 2 - Paul Fice, Randy Hanthorn. Novice March 5, 1979 Bon Rae - 4 - Scott Hanthorn 2, Brad Rushak, Scott Brunt. Ontario Hydro - 2 - Jason Hellam, John Cunningham. Employees Union. Atom March 10, 1979 Darlington Auto Centre - 2 - Jamie Lever, D.D., Fowler. Lange Gane - 1 - Ron His. March 10, 1979 Larry's Sports - 4 - Steve Finucan, Kevin Nagel, Kyle Sm art. Kinsman - 1 - Lance McRobbie. Bantam Kool Enterprises - 4 - Roy Brooks, Bill Sainsbury, Terry Milne, Grant Jones. Attersley Tire - 2 - Scott Richards, Ronny Grabko. Frank's Variety - 5 - Mark Kahlsmith, Brad Canfield, Rob Johnson 2, Sheldon Hollister. Mr. Submarine - 1- Glenn Tink. JOAN BIRCH - was the lucky winner of $178.00 in the programn draw at the Jr. C. Eagles gamne on Sunday evening. It was great to see the arena filled for a change. Everyone connected with the Jr. C. club, appreciate your support. PSYCHOLOGY? - Last Saturday evening as we approached the local arena we were greeted with thunderous, peppy cheering. On entering the seating part of the arena we were astounded to see the fans of the Milton Minor Pee Wee hockey team seated across the ice from their players' bench in one solid block, cheeiing constantly at the top of their lungs and wearing New Year's Eve party hats. On the bench the coach and man- ager wore Irish hats. The Milton team, encour-, aged by this show of support, took off and neyer looked back, defeating the local team, considered a strong Contender for Ail Ontario, 7-2 in the first game of the Ail Ontario Finals. The local fans were scattered here and there in the arena, and couldn 't begin to compare with the vocal support of Milton. Not taking anything away from Milton, for they have a very good, well coached tëam, but s0 has Bowmanville, and the great show of support had to be a tremendous advantage. ORONO - Hockey Mothers and, Orono figure Skating Club raised a grand total of $950, which they will donate to the Orono Arena Building Fund, at their recent bazaar. Incidentally, watch this column for news re their Skating Carnival. WARNTNG - Due to the present warm weather trend during the past ten days, ice conditions on all of the lakes and rivers in the Kawartha Lakes area have deteriorated. Anyone travelling on the lakes or rivers should use extreme caution. Most rivers are completely open and there are many weak and open holes on aIl lakes. RECR"EATION1 SOCCER MEETINIG Persons interested in working with the Recrea- tion Soccer League (ie) COACHES. Parents or Sponsors are asked to attend a general meeting at the Bowmanville Community Services Build- ing, corner of Church Street and Temperance Street, Tuesday, March 27th at 7:30 p.m. For further information contact M r. Tony Day at 623-5140 or Department of Com- munity Services 623-31 14 Ext. 32. ~BO WM ANVIL L ES O)zite Centre A bright and ively pattern that handies the heavy traff ic with ease. FLORAL is treated with "SCOTCHGARD" Carpet Protector and Static Control. Active rooms wili keep on Iooking good with this 100% nylon level Ioop patterned carpet, backed with high density rubber. When you need durability combined with beauty, choose f rom six decorative colours of FLORAL, a carpet treated ta resist heavy wear. NowJuS t $5.9 5 SQ. D Reg. $7.95 SQ. YD. Hurry! Limited selection of prints. Plain Back - 6 Colors Regular Price $3.15 SQ. YD Now On Iy$2aua88 0SQ. YD. Professional installation available upon requesi. Moregdor&A Hard war 95 King St. W. Bowmnanville 623-2542

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