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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1979, p. 9

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McGregor Hardware Major A toms Win Acton Trophy Last week, the McGregor Hardware Major Atoms came through in great style in the Acton Centennial Atom tournament, winning the championship. Members of the team are, front row, left to right, Mike Knight, Todd Balson, Jay Kelly, Ken Cameron, Greg Martin and Ed Paradis; second row, Warren Short, Ian Wheelock, Kelly Balson, Peter Hughes, Mark Hickey, Chris Moroz, Dan Moriarity, Coach Warren Townsley; back row, Tramner Charlie Wheelock, Manager Ron Thompson and Stick Boy Kevin Ward. On March 24th and 25th the McGregor Hardware Major Atom Toros attended the Ac- ton Centennial Atom Tour- nament, scoring a total of 25 goalsin 4 games and winning the Mia Chemicals Trophy, Championship side, achieved by no other Bowmanville team. Thorold was the first team to get thuznped by the Toro squad and 1 do mean thumped, 10Oto 2 was the score. Defenceman Pete Hughes playing right wing in this tournament, due to a shortage of players, picked up 4 goals, 2 assists in the first, game, followed closely by Mark Hickey with 3 goals and 1 assist. Kelly Balson 2 goals, Mike Knight 1 goal and 2 assists, Warren Short 2 assists, Ian Wheelock 2 assists, Chris Moroz 1 assist. Ken Cameron p ut forth a tremendous display of goaltending. Six pen-alties were handed out, 4 going to the Bus. Game No. 2 was also dominated 'by the Toros as they out classed Niagara-On- The-Lake 8 to 4., Mark Hickey getting his 2nd hat trick of the day. Pete Hughes getting Bowman- ville's first goal assisted by Mike Knight. Mark Hicke then scored 2 goals unassiste?ý Pete scored again assist going to Mark, then Mark scored his 3rd goal of the game assisted by Dan Moriarity and Warren Short. Dan Moriarity then scored, assist going to Mark Smith. Kelly Balson scored the next 2 goals assisted by Ian Wheelock, Dan Moriarity and Warren Short. In this game Todd Balson showed us how well he can guard the net and did a superb job. Niagara getting 6 penalties and the Toros 3. Down Saltfleet 4-0 The 3rd game was against Saltfl.eet, their rough and tough approach to the game, was soon put down by the Toros, who can play that way themrselves if need be. The Bulls backed Saltfleet to their end of the arena and beat them 4 to ZIP. Ken Cameron playing the gamne of-the year in net, sent the Saltfleet boys home em- pty. Mike Kniight rifled the first goal home, assists going to Pete Hughes and Ian Wheelock. Pete Hughes then scored unassisted. Mark Hickey scored the 3rd goal assisted by Pete and Mike. Ed Modern design bedroom suite in engraved oak finish Blue-Grey with Blue Sulede imitation and smoked mirrors. Suite Inoldes: Triple dresser with f ramed mirror and ight, huge armoire with f loar iength mirror -on door, European bed with canopy headboard containing AMIFMstereo radio, 2 adjustabi1e Iights and upholstered.frame, 2 night tables. This Week's %Specfil ... $ 168 'y. Paradis picked up the last goal assisted by Mark and Greg Martin. Eight penalties in this game, with Saltfleet getting 5. Win in Overtime This was a hard fought gamne, tiring the Toros some, as they had only 1 hour to rest and were back on the ice for the final game, which was with Unionville. Bowmanville and Unionvil!p were two teams very closely matched, so much so, that at the end of three hard periods the score was 2 to 2. The teams went into over- time. Three minutes 58 secon- ds had been played when Mark Hickey came through, scoring the winner. There was a lot of pressure on the goaltenders in this ganîe, both making many saves for their team, but Todd Balson again came away the winner. The first Bowmanville goal was scored by Pete Hughes unassisted. Kelly RaIson pop- ped in the next goal assisted byDan Moriarity and Ed Paradis. The final goal was by Mark assisted by Pete Hughes. Bowmanville picking up 4 penalties, Unionville 1. There were 13 tough Tomos participating in this tourney and I know 13 boys who will sleep soundly to-night, as each boy worked very hard for their well deserved victory. (Wow, what a tournament). The Buils get 5 days rest and hit the tournament trail again. Keep tip and good work boys. Huisman 25, 19256,, Moore 24, 19068, Junkin 22,* 19347, Elliott 21, 18774, Hooper 21, 18673, MeFeeters 18, 18992, Niewenhuis 13, 18641, Mc- Mahon 13, 18230, Sheehan 12, 17820, Smith ii, 18568. High Single - Anne Emmett 265, High Double - Mary Huisman 478 (220, 258). High Average - Mary Huisman 216. Gamnes over 200 Anne Emmett 265, Mary Huisman 220, 258, Bey. Knight 224, Betsy Brown 259, Hammy Vandiergaast 205, 204, Verna McMahon 201, Dorothy Moore 229, Mary Jane Andrews 211, Pat McVitty 213, Marge Con- nelly 205, Helen Shnell 225. Spring'Sale on Tillers 8 hp. - Reg. $37995 SALE- $350.95 5 h.p. - Reg. $31 9.95 SALE.- $299.05 2 h.p. -Reg. $218.95 S ALE.- *109.95 5 hp. (chain drive) Reg. $33595 SALE - $300.95 3 h.p. (chain drive) Reg. $19995 SALE.- $199.95 Ideal for Go- Karts 5 hp. motors (new> Reg. $21 8.95 SALE - $174.96 3.5 h.p. 20" Lawnmower Reg. $1 34.95' SALE.- $124.95 31/2 h.p. 20"<(Deluxe with height adj usters) Reg. $14995 SALE - $139.95 Va lues effective Fr1. & Sat., March 30-31 Only! New location Klng and Scugog Street (G ien Ras Dalry Building) Toephone 623-4040 Free Plckup and Dellvery for your Iawnmower tune.up 0.1119s The Canadian Statesman, Bown EaglesTru ph i iar et a Wook of'Jr.ý, CHock'eyThe Delta F&aucet MidgetRs by Don Wilcox The Bowmanville Port Dar- lington and Marina Junior C hockey team has just com- pleted its most bizarre week of hockey since the team was formed several years ago. The series of events started last Sunday, March 18 when Joe South signed the game sheet to play for the Engles in this contest. Gananoque play- ed the game which the Eagles won by a 7-6 score, protesting the illegal use of South, a player who played this season with the Queen's University Team at Kingston. Rules state that a player who is playing on a team which is in the running for national championship (which includes Queen's) cannot drop back to a lower level that season. The Gananoque team was aware that Joe was on an Eagle card and were waitîng for the right opportunity to protest. The protest was upheld and the hard-fought-for two points were taken from the Eagles and awarded to the G-Men tying the series. Short-staffed, the Red Eagles travelled to Ganan- oque Tuesday night and as was expected when the b9nib- shell was dropped just, before the game, Eagles proceeded to take a 10-2 shellacking. The teams came back to Bowman- ville for the sixth game, less than 24 hours later and the Gananoque team figured l they had to do was skate out and go home with the Eastern Ontario Championship. But this did not happen because several people were not about to see an innocent mistake take the opportunity for the provincial title away from the Eagles. The series of events which followed could be described as a truly, community sports- minded effort which saw several calîs made back and forth to Florida where Eagle regulars Wayde Preston and Dan Strike were holidaying. With the help of the Walter Frank famîly, Wayde and Dan were homeward bound on a flight from Miami in time for the game. Jim Cryderman met the flight at Malton. Gerald Brunt who attends York University and plays the Engle weekend games also came home. With this three- some~ in the lineup, the other players had a tremendous physical and psychologîcal lift. In the game that night, the Engles tied the series with a 7-4 win. The teains continued the grueling series the next night in Gananoque for the seventh and deci ding game. The G-Men, aided by penalty calîs, had a powerful start in which they almost blew the Eagles into the middle of the nearby St. Lawreance River. The strong goaltending by Stu Roberts and excellent check- ing by the rookie defenceman, Mike Adams, up from the juvenile team, held the G-Men to two goals. Eagles weathered the storm and tied the score after two periods. They then went on to a 6-2 win - probably the first time in history where it took 10 points to win an eight-point series in a Junior C playoff. i The Wednesday night game with a huge, partisan Red Eagle'- rowd in attendance along with several fans from the Port Hope and Cobourg area, saw the G-Men jump into a two-goal lead with their- first goal scored on a power- play effort by George Mangan with assists to. Tim Higgons and Steve Green. The second goal was a rebound off the goal post with Steve Dickson scoring for Daryl Townsend and Steve Emmons. Red Eagles got on the scoreboard when Dan Strîke's point drive was tipped in by John Conboy assisted by Gary Nemisz. Eagles' tying power- play goal came from Jerry- Leddy reaching for the puck after a point shot by Dan Strike, assisting John Conboy who started the play. Conboy's shorthanded goal with 19 seconds lef t in the period was set, up by Dan Strike. Conboy forced Jim Myles in the G-Men net into making the first move and then deposited the puck behind hlm. RXM'ICryderman, lef t un- covered in front of the G-Men net early in the second period popped in another goal for the Eagles. Cryderman took ful advantage of his opportunity. set up by linemates John Conboy and Gary Nemisz for the goal. Rick Scott's low, powerplay drive found the mark assisted by Conboy and Cryderman to take care of the remainder of second period scoring. The two teams ex- changed goals in the third period with Tim Higgons firîng in a loose puck. Eagles' Wayde Preston stickhandled his way through the heavy traffic, scoring while moving across the crease. Assists went to Conboy and Cryder- man, Then the G-Men's power- play clicked agaînst Stu Roberts in the Eagles net. He had a piece of the puck but was unable to hold on with Pat Mangan getting his stick on the loose puck for the score. Ralph Cryderman's power- play goal finished the scoring with assists to Rick Scott and John Conboy. The win for the Eagles tied the series. The teams completed their triple header Thursday in the seventh and deciding game. G-Men jumped into a two-goal lead, scoring at the 47 second mark of the first period with Pat Mangan stealing the puck from Eagle defender. He was assisted b y Steve IDîcon. The second goal came on a powerplay effort, Steve Dick- son from Steve Emmons and Barry Sullivan. Brad, Godfrey started the Red Eagles' counter-attack, scoring on a close-in Jerry Leddy rebound. Godfrey found the opening on the short side for the only first period score from the Eagles. The second period saw the Red Eagles starting to take the play away from the G-Men on the strength of a weIl-bal- anced attack. Don Farrow scored the only second period goal set up perfectly by Wayde Preston. Third period saw the Red Eagles scoring go into high gear. Dan Strike, still with the Florida sand on his feet, moved into the slot set up by John Conboy and Tom Dwyer. The Eagles stalled temporar- ily when Steve Dickson's directed in goal was allowed to stand. The èxperienced Eagles turned a line-change by the PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is lumber and lumberproducts. A complete line of kUn dried hardwood and softwoods. " Walnut . Cherry . Maple . Redwood " Teak . Oak . Phil. Mahog. - Softwoods Hardwood & softwood plywood . MILL and YARD 328 Rtson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Speciality Custom Miling G-Men into a goal when Jerry Johnson broke in, scoring assisted by Jerry Leddy. His goal turned out to be the game-winner. The insurance goal was by John Conboy, left uncovered by the overworked G-Men defence. Conboy was set up by Wayde Preston and Ralph Cryderman. Cryderman's empty net goal finished the G-Men's season. Conboy assisted. The Eagles' performance climax- ed a great team effort. In looking back on the series, the protest by the G-Men probably hurt themn by bringing the Eagles and their fans dloser together as they faced the challenge. The OHA decision was a harsh one which clearly favored one team. Before the Eagles play Gananoque again, they had better get representation through either a conscîentious convenor or a sharp lawyer. irriaay, Marcn 16tn, and couldn't seem to get untrack- ed losing their first game of their last six by an 8 - 3 score. Bowmanville found the of- ficiating somewhat harsh, however couldn't use this for an excuse as they lacked hustle and concentration during the game, pickingup some unnecessary penalties. Uxbridge were flying and couldn't be denied the victory. Ralph Watts, Steve Huisman and Steve, Maguire were the Delta Faucet goal scorers with Kevin Welsh, Scott Chapeil, Jack Bouckley, Steve Maguire and Brian Canfield each earning an assist. Brian Smith and Terry fJoombes shared goaltending duties, for the Bowmanville squad. On Saturday, March l7th, the Oshawa Ail Season Sports nrovided the oDoosition for the Delta Faucet Midgets and with a compl'ete reversai of, form, the Bowmanville lads played a fine game of hockey, winning 6- 1. Delta Faucet From Toumament by Samia Delta Faucet Midgets sailed into the Pine Ridge Tourna- ment- with confidence and' pride, and after a 4-3 overtime win against Oshawa's Al Season Sports, met a polished team from Sarnia, losing 3-1, Sarnia's third goal into an empty net, and elimînating the Toros from further com- petition on the Championship side. Their first game against Oshawa was a come-from-be- hind overtime win. Marc Richards opened the scoring unassisted for Delta Faucet only to have Oshawa storm back with three in a row, Stew Tymchuk with a pair and Kevin Spohn a single to give the visitors a 3-1 lead going into the third period. Kevin MacDonald, Kerry McComb and Gary Gaboury each drew an assist for Oshawa. Bowmanville neyer let up and- persistence paid off as Brian Canfield scored narrow- ing the margin to 3-2 with Steve Huisman and Brent Thompson drawing assists. The tying goal was scored by Steve Huisman,, Brian Can- field and Brent Thompson each earning as assist. With the game in overtime Ralph Watts made no mistake when given the chance, scor- ing on a pass from Jack Bouckley and Scott Chapeli. Brian Smith in goal for Delta Faucet turned in a £good performance especially in the first two periods when Oshawa was pressing. Trhis win sent Oshawa to the Consolation and Bowmanville to the Champ- ionship side. The Delta Faucet crew then played Sarnia Midgéts and Marc Richards also opened the scoring in this game with Scott Chapell and Kevin, Welsh assisting. Sarnia tied the score and finally pulled ahead at the 10: 52 mark of the third period. With the score 2-1 for Sarnia, Terry Coombes, playing fine goal for Bowmanville, was pulled for an extra, attacker. Sarnia ,scored their third goal into an empty net salting away a hard-earned victory. 'The Delta Faucet lads had their chances, however, and ail the boys deserve credit for a good effort against an excellent team from Sarnia. nanville, March 28, 1979 9 tMidgt lionTroul period, Brent Thompson fired home a pass from Brian Canfield and Steve Huisman to open the scoring, then Terry DeLuca scored, assist going to Ralph Watts. Kevin Welsh madle it 3 -0O, assists going to Marc Richards and Steve Huisman, then Marc Richards fÉrm Steve Maguire and Scott Chapeil. Bowmanville added two more in the second period, Marc Richards with his second of the game from Kevin Welsh, then Steve Huisman rounded out the scoring for Bowmanville, Greg Smith picking up the assist. Brian Smith was at his best, playing excellent goal throughout the game frustrat- ing the Oshawa snipers time and, again. Oshawa's Kevin Spohn scored the only third gieriod goal, spoiling Smith's i for a, shutout. The Delta Faucet boys played as a team with good passing backed up with solid goaltending, all the ingredients for a1 winning team.- The Delta Faucet Midgets were guests of the Orono Midget team on Monday, March lgth, Orono earning a 3 - 2 victory. Bowmanville was guilty of poor shooting missing the net on many tries or failing to pick corners when the chance was there. Orono, displaying good positional play, opened the scoring, Paul Reed from Pete Krukkert and Jim Moffatt, the first period ending 1 - 0 for Orono. Delta Faucet fought back to go ahead 2 - 1, Marc Richards with excellent stickhandling, deked the goaltender to score, Kevin Welsh and Brian Massey assisting, then-Terry DeLuca scored from Brian Canfield and Steve Huisman on a power play goal. Orono tied the score at 2 - 2 when Pete Kurkkert scored unassisted. Orono scored the only goal of the third period, Duane Major finding the mark from Paul Reddick, to sait away the victory. Bowman- Ville drew only three penalties in the game and Terry Coombes, called upon to make many close-in saves when Orono pressed, provided solid goaltending for Delta Faucet. NEWCASTLE MEN'S SLOW*PITCH LEAGUE Ail parties interested in entering a team in the Newcastle Men's SIow-Pitch League for the 1979 season are asked to attend a general meeting at Bowmanville Memorial Library on Sunday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m. Last year's teams wiII receive priority in entering a team. After April 8th the league wiII fi to a 20 team maximum on a fîrst-come-first-serve basis. Closing date for ait entries is May 1 st. A $200.00 entry fee must be included wîîth each registration. A Bedroom Suite Winner From WiIson's atSuper Savings. ,Sunfliigh< Holdays@ Low Cost Charters to Vancouvr ...... ..from $1990O I Calgary............ ..... from $169,0 0 Edmonton, ,.*a.a.0.0.a0.0 0...from $1890,0 W~innipeg ............... fom$ 99,00 Fredericton ...... ....... .from $109,00 Halifax ......... 0 00*6,a,.from $129,00 Charlottetown ...,........ from $129, 00 St. John's, Newfoundland from $169. clc Reservations must be made 30 days or more before departure. Book 110W while seats are available. BUohwma nviîlie Tra êvel Cent re 47 King Street West Telephone 62,3m3182 Children 's Prices $10'. 0 0less than adultpri ces. ~~DELSX TE 1978 AUSTIN MINI 15,000 km, stili under warranty $2,995.00 1976 FORD E150 WINDOW VAN Standard 8 cyl., certlfied $3y000.00 1973 GMC Value Van 6 cyl., standard, ideai camper $1925,0 STOP ONrqE SERKOaVICE' TAU NTON R D. AN Dil 0ERTY ST. N. 263-8337 Où Ri

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