Huskies take a cool view of Goodyear Canada crew testing tires on the frozen surface of Lake Temagami ini Northern Ontario. This year, 46 types of snow tires, some belonging to competitors, were tested for traction at tem- peratures between minus five and minus 39 degrees Celsius. Owners Should Use Care When Boosting a aC'ar mBatteryg Auto-Motivation, wiIl have a cable Ieading to the starter switch or solenoid, Six - Connect one end of the second cable te the Nr-GA- TIVE (-) terminal of the booster (good) battery, and the other end of the same cable to a ground connection on your' disabled vehicle such as the 1 engine block. Do flot connect lit t0 the negative terminal of the, disabled battery. Now the jumper cables are connected properly. Start the engine of. the car with the booster battery and turn on your own car's ignition. Once your engine is running at normal idie speed, simply reverse the hook-up procedure to remove the cables. Boosting a weak or dead battery may seem easy enough. However, because air condi- tioning and other power acces- sories demand higher capacity batteries on newer mnodel cars, there's good reason to use caution. "Check Ih Out" When drivers hear of large numbers of vehicles being re- called to have a defect ad- justed, there may be some temptation to further ignore the needs for regular main- tenance, on the theory that a manufacturer will somehow know and advise when somnething is about ta go wi-ong. Others use self service gas bars, and completely forget about the littie routine main- tenance that used ta be corn- monplace. It just doesn't get done. Ail vehicles require main- tenance to ensure a useful lifetime- of service, whatever that is deemed ta be. The Supplement of The Canadian Statesmnan. April 11. 1979 9 Canada Safety Council resuit in sutaden wobble and suggests a few routine main- steering problems, but how tenance items for drivers to many drivers know how to remember in Traffic Safety chckanider arn? Month: And, next time the vehicle is 1Check aU safety equipment: on a hoist for an cil change, lihts, wpers, heater and have te tinrspected ... on defroster Any can lead to the rnside waIl as wref as the problems under certain con- more obvious tread and out- ditions if not working side I properly. Have a qualified How many drivers own their mechanic inspect things like own pressure gauge, know brakes, shocks, front and rear where it la, and have used it ends, and steering. Fori-nl- wlthin the past two weeks? stanée, a worn idier ai-nican, Have vou? What do you do when your car's battery suddenly conks ? '9 Well. you get a set of ý-!ýper cables and connect your battery to one that's working (usually found in a neighibour's car). Then turn on your ignition and presto - your old battery bas new life, at least long enough to get you to a garage. Everyone knows how to do that, right? Wrong. According to a Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited official, most motorists don't know the im- portance of using j umper cables properly and safely. T. Larry Johnson, national service manager, recommends the following six-step procedure for boosting the standard 12- volt, negative-ground battery found on most late-model cars: One - Make certain your stalled car and the vehîcle with the working (booster) battery are not touching. If the two vehicles are in contact, you mnight create an unwanted elec- trical circuit whichi could cause dangerous sparks when the, booster cables are attachied. 1 Two - Check to be sure that the booster battery also bas a 12-volt capacity. The voltage is shown on the battery case. Bat- teries with a higher or lower voltage capacity should flot be used to boost a standard 12-volt battery. (Domestic cars bu ilt prior to the mid-1950's, a few imported vehicles and somne trucks do flot use a 12-volt, neg- ative-ground battery systemi.) Three - Turn off ail1 battery- operated accessories such as your headlights, radio and heater to eliminate unnecessary power drains. Then set your parking brake and shift your transmission into the "Park" position. (A manual transmis- sion shouid be placed in "Neutral".) Four- As an added. safety precaution, loosen the vent capsý from each battery to, release gases that may have accumu- lated inside, and cover the vent holes with a cloth. Batteries contain sulfuric acid and pro- duce hydrogen and oxygen gases during normal operation. (If acid contacts skin, eyes or ctothing, flush immediately with water for a minimum of five, minutes and get "on-the-spot" medical attention.) Five - Wîth the engine turned off, con nect one end of either of the two booster cables to the POSITIVE terminal of the booster battery. Then attach the other end of the same cable to the POSITIVE terminal post of the weak battery. The posi- tive terminal on mnost latç-model domestic car batteries is identi- fied with a plus (±) sign and IT'S SPRING CHECK UP TiME AGAIN B ring your car in for a complete I tune Up.. and en/o y worry free driving ail summer long. -' Specializing in Domes tic and Foreign cars y and ail Datsun models. DATSUN LTD. 1300 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-6828 FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY HOME ana BUSINESS ,ASK ABOUT OUR 5 YEAR FULL REPAIR GUARANTEE pNEW CLEAR CLEAN RUSTPROOFING COMPOUND ,3-YEAR "LUSTRE GUARD" GUARANTEED ~ONE 0F THE ONLY ALL-CANAD IAN RUSTPROOFING COS. ~BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA AL CANADIAN ~CHECK WITH US SUPrER JOR AUTO -TRUCK RUSTPROOFING LTID. PHONE 576-61l41 40 RUSSETT 1 Block South of Taunton Road (Off Simncoe) AS GOOD, AS THE BEST - YET BETTER THAN THE RESI