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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, April il. 1979 5 Batster Services St. PauI's United Church MAULNDY THULRSDAY SERVICE 7:30 p.m. - Jesus of Nazareth his life and death Theme: "CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE" narrator: Rev. E. Schamerhorn commentaItor: Rev. John Peters ~t1 ~'tuaLiuArmU 35 Division St. Capt. & Mrs D. Lews 623-3761 Good Friday 11:00 a.M. "WATHINGTHE CROSS"Y Sunday 7:00 arn. Sunrise Service 11:00 a.m. Family Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting Ail services conducted by "The Joyful 1 Evangelists" Session of Cadets f rom Toronto SUN DAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group.- 9 years and older la.m.- Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary (ppjm Irntue t u i 8:00 a.m.- Sunrise and informai Communion Service followed by Hi-C Pancake Breakfast 11 A.M - COMMUNION SERVICE Sermon titis "LONG SHOTS PAY OFF" Nursery Cars Provlded A Warm Welcome for Everyone Maundy Thursday, April 12 Service at 7:30 p.m. In Si. Paul's Church, Conducted by Rev. Ed. Schamerhorn. Rev. John Peters wIII preach on theme "Caught ln the Mddle." WORK PARTIES sponsored by Property CommIttee wIII be held April 161to 21. Please register now. A Message From Min isterial Association, (Bowmanville Pentecostal) The core cf the Christian message is the cross cf Jesus Christ. It points a needy world to a saving Lamb, the Divine Sacrifice. Everything for the believers was provided through the work cf the Son of God. Ail that we receive are derivitives from Him: redeeming love, and saving power. It is in Him we are more than conquerors. It is Christ dwelling in us who is our hope cf glory. It is through Hlm we have an inheritance in heaven. Jesus made an atonement for our sin; made possible reconciliation with God; and provided the indwelling Spirit. Easter is a special time. Whîle the calendar date neither diminishes nor increases the daily experience maintained by the power cf the Hely Spirit, there is an opportunity te give special consideration te the work cf our Lord. Calvary must net be separated from the, resurrectien. The cross is best viewed through the open tomb. Without the climactic events on the first day cf the week, and the witness of those who met the risen Lord, Calvary is bereft cf its true meaning. Resurrection is the triumph cf the cross. The gospels were written for people who had net the privilege cf knowing Jesus in the flesh. The disciples needed ne record for the if e and death cf Jesus. They were there. The information from the Bible is directed by the Holy Spirit te us. We learn cm- sin was dealt with: our enemy was defeated; death was vanquished for us; we now have life in Jesus Christ. Calvary is the source cf power for Christian living. If it is enly a seasonal affair, we do of ail things in my sight is Anglican Qriiurdî EASTER DAY, APRIL 1 5th 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION ~ 9:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00, a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 p.m. EVENSONG and HOLY BAPTISM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18t 9:30am. HOLY COMMUNI rZAn1 "ÊHE IS RISEN"F th MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL l2th ION 6:30 p.m. - SEDAR SUPPER 'In1 CDIInASJADFFI28I .I1. '.UJU.JJRnIUAY, AMRIL 1ith 3-H aur Service.- 12 Noon to 3 p.m. Temperance at Queen Archdeacon Tom Gracie net have the ability we neeci for the balance cf the year. But we can walk in newness cf life every day. It is both real and practical. We can be sure cf victory through Jesus Christ amid the problems cf daily living. YelvertÂ-onr Winter is back with a vengeance and its al cm- fault. Marcb was a lovely month, it came in like a lamb and left in a similar manner. The soothsayers were busy witb their Doomn and Gloom prophesies - "The weather's toc nice, we'll pay for it later. " It almost, but net quite, made one guilty te enjey the bright sunshine and balmy breezes. The "helluvit" was, that they were right. But, we hate them. We took down our snowfences (last year we plowed threugh mud up te our clavicle deing samne). We teck off our storm windows - we usually manage te have tbem removed by July. Last, if net least, we teck off our snew tires. Surely'that was eneugh te tempt the fates! Mr. and Mrs. Ress Hurren metored te T.O. on Sat. te attend the Home Show at the Exhibition grounds. Yelverton U.C.W. By Sect. Thora Gray The April meeting cf the Velverten U. C. W. was held on Thurs., April 5 at 4 p.m. in the Sunday Scheol reom with Mrs. Allan Howe presiding. Fellow- ing the singing cf the Ode, Mrs. Floyd Stinsen read the scripture Matt. 28, 1-10 te be fellewed by a hymn. Mrs. Clarence Page prcvided a timely Easter message whicb was concluded witb prayer. The Roll Caîl was answered by 14 members with an answer te the question - "What dees Easter mean te 'me?" The minutes were read and approved and varieus reports presented. Easter hules are te be purchased fer the churcb fer Easter Service. Corres- pendence was read and dealt with. The U.C.W. will previde lunch for sale at the farm and fm-niture Sat. cf Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm on Sat., April 28th. The annual bus trip was finalized for May 23rd. The cemmittee in charge cf plan- ning the Spring B.B.Q. (an innovatfion te be tried this year fer the first time) reported on past discussions with further meetings te be behd. Cupboards are to be pur- chased fer the Sunday Scool roem te beld their supplies. Mrs. Ralpb Pfeb gave a report on the Annual Presby- terial Meeting whicb was held in Queen St. United Cburch, Lindsay on March l5tb and on the Bay cf Quinte Conference held in Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay, Ont. A pet luck supper follewed the meeting with a few hubbys and visiters present as well'. Hostess Mrs. Allan Howe and Mrs. Ralpb Pfcb did a fine job cf decorating the Sunday Schoel for the occasion in the Easter theme. Fellewing the dinner Miss Candy Malcolm showed sldes cf lher Decem- ber visit te Turkey augmented with a few slides cf local occasion from the files cf yesteryear. Miss Candy Malcolm showed the slides she teck hast December on bier trip through Turkey on Thurs. evening in cburch basement. These were provided with a running commentary by Candy with bumorous innuendous on varieus facts cf day by day activities. At the conclusion she showed some cf the souvenirs she acquired in Turkey. Mrs. Ralpb Pfoh tbanked Candy fer lber inter- esting presentation and pre- sented hier with a small token cf appreciatien. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson motcred to Port Elgin te spend the weekend with on Sat. April 7. Congratula- tions te the first place team comprised cf Terry Malcolm, Perry Grandell, Roy Mc- Laughlin and Trevor Nesbitt. Mrs. Terry Malcolm won one cf the door prizes. Mr. Murray Malcolm and daughter Lana, provided the music for the dance that followed. Murray is embarking on a new venture in the music field. Mrs. Fred Stacey is sche- duled to enter Bowmanville Hospital this week for an operation. Ail her Yelverton friends join in wishing Peggy a speedy recovery and im- proved health after. 1Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mal- colm, Jody and Michelle of Janetville were welcome Sun- day callers at Malconia. A number of residents fromn this community -attended the April Fest night at the Nestieton Community Hall on Sat., April 7th. Something like Octoberf est but beld much earlier. Mrs. Frank Glasbergen attended a cake decorating Convention in Stoney Creek on Friday of last week. H"I LA Y DON- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Allan and Grant, Messers Ronald and Ray Ashton attended a family birthday party at Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge's at Scarborough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wier Swain, attended the 5th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris, Blackstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain attended the Vimy dinner at the Legion Hall, Bowmanville on Sunday. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, spent at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Mrs. Arthur Trewin called at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home where the late Rudolph Stenger was resting. Funeral service was beld on Monday. Interment Bewmanville Cern- etery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, R.R. 1, Enniskillen called on Mrs. H. Crossman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, and Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain attended the Canadian Club meeting at Maple Grove on Wednesday night. Jean Ahlvik, formerly with the "Statesman" and now a staff writer with the Toronto Sun, really bit the headlines this week. In Sunday's Sun, it showed a picture of Jean climbing out cf the huge vat cf lime Jello, a Chum radio sponsored centest, and alongside a vîvid description cf what it was lîke. Don't tbink toc many will want -te duplicate the act frem bher description cf the stunt. Mrs. Chas. Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden were Sunday dinner guests with the Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Kedron and enjoyed the General Motors Choir'in concert later at the church. New menmbers were received and! welcomed at morning service in Trinity United Churcb on Palm Sunday, April 8 by Rev. John Peters on behaif cf the congregation. The following members were introduced by David Harmer; Received by Transfer Certificate: Helen Baker, from Harmony United, Oshawa; Sandra and Robert Calloway, St. Stephen's Anglican, Lachine, Que.; Patricia Hilborn, All Saints Anglican, Ridgeway, and James Hilborn, Ridgeway United, Ridgeway; Mildred and Lowell MacDougaîl, St. Andrew's Pr-esbyterian, Bowmanville; Mary Morris, J. Wesley Smith United Church, Halifax, N.S., Donna and Terry Stewart, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Received by Reaffirmation; Nina Cowling, Ovid Reynolds, Janet and Paul Towner. J.T. Taylor, Plant Manager cf Goedyear Canada Inc., cf Bowmanville, will be one of the nearly 90 featured speakers, at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 62nd Conference, one cf the largest safety event cf its kind in North America, held April 9-1lth at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Over 7,000 delegates are expected te attend fromn Canada, United States and overseas. Breslin's Ladies Wear, and the John and Judy Shoppe are presenting their Spring Fashion Show at the Durham Christian Hligh School, tonight at 8 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary te Memorial. Hospital. The choir cf M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School under the leadership of Mrs. Mary Ruth Moore contributed three numbers at the merning service in Trinity United Church on Palm Sunday. John Crookshank, provided the organ accompaniment. Th~e congregatien thoroughly enjoyed the rendititions by this well trained group and thanks were extended by Rev. John Peters. emsoof Eastern Breeders Inc. galthered- at Kemptville College on March 14th for their Annual Meeting. Guest Speaker was John McDcugall, Assistant Manager cf Western Ontario Breeders Imc., Woodstock. Presentations were made to the members cf the co-eperative by President, Archie Robertson, Glengarry County, General Manager, Dr. R.G. Smihey, Assistant Manager, Dr. M.E. Wilson, Director cf Promotion, Mel Thomas, Secretary- Treasurer, Glen Blackburn, Chairman cf the Holstein Sire Selection Committee, Howard Dodge, Sire Anahyst, Don Jobnston and by the_ Veterinary Consultant, Dr. P.A. Watson. John McDougahl's presentation composed cf shides, related experiences and field data on the topic cf Herd Fertility was outstanding. The St. Thomas District MaIe Choir "Crescendo", wihl present a concert in song at the Rehobeth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, at 8 p.m., on Satm-day, April 2lst. The next meeting cf the Oshawa and District Ostcmy Association will be held on Tuesday, April l7th at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1002 F, Oshawa General Hospital. For information please phone 576- 9516, or 728-1869. Over 250 members and Deug Ferguson, interested individuals cf Sales Manager, of Roy Nichols Motors Ltd., announced recently that Lowell Gatcheli has recently successfully completed a specialized motor truck application training program, and in recognition of bis proficiencey bas been granted a Certificate of Completion, by Truck Marketing Institute cf Carpinteria, California, an accredited member school of the National Home Study Council. Lowell bas had tbree years experience in truck sales and will be pleased to assist you in building the correct truck for your trucking needs. Regional Chairman Walter Beath will be guest speaker at the Durham League cf Women Electors at their regfular monthly meeting, Boardroom 2B, Oshawa City Hall, on Tuesday, April l7th at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. On May 16th, Sam Cureatz M.P.P. wili be the guest speaker. For information please phone 723- 5937 or 723-1243. In February, the Durham Regional Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society cf Canada held their Annual Meeting when the following was elected. Chairman AI MacKay, Vice Chairman Lloyd Fenemore, Secretary Tony White, Treasurer Dave Griffith, and directors Mary Lfynch, Ann White, Ken Thoms, Peter Izert and Terry MacDonald. Downtown Festival '79, being presented by the ODCA, (Oshawa District Coundil cf the Arts) is being presented in Oshawa April 27th and 28th. Admission is free. Presented will be "Blue Grass" country westerni music at the Resource Centre. At St. George's Church the Oshawa Civic Band, Donevan String Ensemble, and the Oshawa Choral Society ÊMASTER SERVICS ST. PAUL'S UNJTED CHURCH Sunfday, March l5th 8:00 a.m.- Sunrise .. Service followed by family pancake breakfast served by men of the church. 11:00 a.m. -Sermon "The Power and the SenoryarswI both Chancel and (~--.. present special Easter music~. Guesi violinistis1 John Semjan. s..i .s. MaundyThursday Service 7:30 p.m. - 'Jesus of Nazareth", his life and death Theme: CAUGHT IN THE M ID DLE narrator: Rev. E. Schamerhorn commentator: Rev. John Peters

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