Intended for last week> Debby Wood and Rene Smnelt read the scripture lessons at St. Paul's service -and Cannon Dyer cbanged bis metbod of sermon by relating to tbree bymns and said bow interesting a bymn is when one considers its origin and wbat it can mean to us. Hymn 26, author (Walter Smith) wrote about bis own simple faitb and belief and bow he referred to the sun. The sun is obscured by the ligbt it produces, just as we cannot actually see God and yet God ~never rests but He acts quietly and is always the same. Al physical and spiritual life depends on Him. In Hymn 197 Martin . Renchart was a pastor of a -ity overcrowded witb refu- ..gees and a city suffering fromn ,famine and disease and be .conducted as many as 4,480 funerals, bis wife being one of *the deceased. His bymns breath utter confidence in God. -Hymn 113 written by John Bowering was tbe most unpopular governor of Hong Kong. He wrote is hymn before the age of 35 but when corrupted by power bis conceit made hlm disliked by bis followers. Yet this man Celebrated Firat Birthday Last Month was the most brilliant man as be could speak 25 languages and could converse in 100 dialects. Despite bis ambition he became aware of tbe cross and wbiie preacbing at one sermon only one soprano attended, and tbe organist also left the churcb and left hlm to carry on alone. However, he composed this bymn in contrast to bis feelings naming it the Ratbborn tune, after the lone soprano. Happy Motber's Day was said by many chiidren on Sunday as tbey remembered the kind, willing, patient gestures as Mother helped eacb cbild over the obstacles of life. May Mothers have a year of happy days in 1979!! Visitors witb Mrs. Mildred Bristow were: Allan, Linda and Tracy Bristow of Whitby, Joan and Douglas Graham of Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bristow and girls of Janet- ville. Jerry Br istow of Norwood, who bas been a patient in Civic Hospital, is spending a few days with is mother. Mrs. Bristow's two otber daugbters pboned wishing ber a nice Motber's Day. BE TH AN Y homne Friday and Sunday evenings for supper. Mrs. Helen Vine, who nurses at the Homne accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Heaslip. Weekend guests with Bruce and Olive were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frew, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Perey McMahon and Evelyn Culley of Scarborough and Miss Lillian Lawson, Lindsay who was an overnight guest. Miss Gail Malcolm attended the Pioneer Days weekend, Sunday at the Scugog Shores Museum and enjoyed the activities very much. Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Dayes hosted a birthday party on Saturday evening for three granddaughters and a grand- son, ail in their teens. The honored teenagers were Christine, Denise, Cheryl and Stewart Dayes. There were ten at the party altogether. What a lot of fun for everyone present. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson, Nestieton, have bad a trying time with flu. Do hope for improved bealth soon. "Warmest Wisbes" from the folks witbin the area. If anyone bas news of Mrs. Elsie Clark would you kindly phone your correspondent as haven't heard recently bow she is gettîng along. Mrs. Stewart is reported to be in hospital in Port Perry. We wish a speedy recovery for her. Mrs. Mabel Cawker was guest speaker at Ontario North District Annu al W. beld in Uxbridge, May 16tb. The topic - "Wbat makes a good Women's Institute Mem- ber". Mrs. Cawker also stioke at Ontario Soutb District on the theme "Great World Ideas Ah Begin in Some Home Neigbbourbood", wbich was beld in Stouffville Uniýed Churcb. News for next week phone 986-4715. Your correspondent is interested in baving your, news for those in the area to enjoy, and perbaps other folk as weli. The people who phone every week witb news are incredible! Be one of those folks! SHAW'S, Shaw's Ladies group met early this month at Bea, Campbeli's. Plans were made for the June Picnic. A pleasant evening was spent at Dorotby Crago's home last Wednesday, whien a bridai shower was beld for Miss Addy Gerrîts wbose marriage to Mr. Ken Mount- joy takes p lace early in July. Wben Addy arrived, with ber sister Marietta, and ber two bridesmaids Wendy Mountjoy and Linda Draper (unfortu- nately, ber third bridesmaid, Joanne VanHoff was unabie to attend), Mrs. Crago escorted ber to a special chair and presented ber witb a dainty Items of Mrs. Audrey Johnston, Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire and ber daugbter, Miss Julie Johnston, Brighton, bave returned to England after spending a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Graham, Liberty St. N. Tbey also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Fry, Town and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bail, R. R. 4, Bowman- ville. Their departure was delayed while the Laker aircraft, a D.C. 10, was tborougbly checked as a resuit Interest of the tragic air accident in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Bowmanville, Mrs. Ross Adams, Miss Tracy Adams, Mrs. Gayle Grant, twins tRhonda and Ryan of Oshawa, spent Wednesday of last week visiting their granddauother Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir, at their beautiful farm home at Baileboro, over looking Rice Lake. FOR QUALITY AND j SERVICE e SHOPAT - - ~Dykstra' s 4 , The pleasant alternative - IN FOOD SHOPPING FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF TENDER RIB STEAKS PRIME RIB ROAST CUT FROM GRADE A STEER BEEF CHEF STYLE TRI M 2.39 LB. 2.59 LB. 2.49 LB. M Tara Janelle Sutch celebrated her first birthday on April 17, 1979. Her sister is Leeanna and her parents are Ron and Carol of Pontypool. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Lottie Johnston of R.R. 1, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sutch Sr. of R.R. 3, Pontypool. Great grandmother is Mrs. Isabel Power of Lindsay. -Photo by Astor Studio N E STLETOLN-CA E-SA RE A Anniversary Service - North Nestieton A good congregation was present for the Sunday School Anniversary Service held at the United Cbnrcb at il o'clock witb the Snnday School Superintendent. Mr. Robert Mairs conducting the service. With Mrs. Carol Mairs playing tbe organ the service opened witb the choir proces- sional "Jesus Loves the Little Cildren, " followed by the Scripture. Proverbs 20: Ver. il and the cildren's story entitled, "Higb Up Doorbeli", read by Mr. Lawrence Malcolm. The cildren's choir sang tbree numbers, "In the -Tempfil," "ýO-BeCareful" and "It's a Small Worid". Guest speakers were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leslie of Ferney Honse, Pickering, a Presbyterian Home for delinquent boys. Tbey ministered in song and story, to the delight of cbildren and aduits alike. The Leslies sang, "Sometbing beautiful, some- tbing good," and "I'm so glad to be part of the family of God". They closed the service witb, "Let there be peace on eartb." Nestleton Presbyterian Cburch Service at the Presbyterian Churcb was Christian Family Sunday. Miss Bulmar deliver- ed a fine dîscourse on the topic "Spiritual Dryness". The choir sang an anthem " I amn the Way" and Michelle and Michael Douglas favored with a duet accompanied hy their mother. Mr. George Scott led in Responsive Read- ing and Mr. Jas. Douglas read the 23rd Psalm during the Meditation period. A Prayer of Tbanksgiving for "Ounr Family" closed the service. As June 24th is Anniversary Sunday at Sonya at il arn., Nestieton Preshyterian Cburch Service will be witb- drawn on that date. Matter of Interest The group of concerned citizens regarding the petition in Ward 4 (Cartwright) to ask Bell Canada f0 re-consider its position on toil free calis to Oshawa have posted tbe petition in ail Ward 4 commun- ities the week of May 9th. Organizers hope ail phone subscrîbers in Ward 4 will sign. The petitions will remnain inthe stores, etc. and then be presented at the meeting of Scugog Twp. council on June llth at the Municipal Hall, Port Perry, wben a repre- sentative fromn Bell Canada will be present to discnss the situation. A misnnderstanding on the part of some that the petition would be taken door to door is not true. Ail those PONTYPOOL CH îLE EMPEROR GRAPES NEW CROP79LB. GREEN ONIONS 19ge CUCUMBERS 39* HEA LETTUCE 49 STORE SLICED SWIFT PREMIUM $Je49 v/ $j .5, BACON LB.IBCON i LB. FRESH STORE SLICED DINNER HAM 2.69 LB. STORE SLICED DUTCH STYLE SPICED HAM 2.69 L B. CAPRI 1 PLN TOILET TISSU E1 BUTTER MATE 24 OZ. WHITE BREAD CHAPMANS ICE CREAM laI FRESH GROUND PEANUT BUTTER SUN NY CRUNCH GRANOLA CEREAI .Y 2ROLL PCK. d49e EACH 59e EACH 45A A2LTR. LRG. TUBS LB, LS 1.29 A BAG [IYKSTRA'S RE ~ PARKING DELICA TEISSEN OFF QUEEN FOODMARKET STREET 73-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 Pontypool United Churcb is holding its anniversary service this Sunday with a bam and salad supper to foilow on Wednesday, dune 6tb (See Coming Events) . Jim and Normne Propp bad Jim's brother, pastor Rhein- hold Propp and bis wife, Margaret of Regina, cali on them recentiy as tbey were enroute home following the Memorial Cup Tournament in Montreai. Their son, Brian, is a member of the Brandon Wheat Kings. In the final game of the tournament, the Peterborough Petes won tbe Memorial Cup with tbeir 2 score in overtime over Bran- don. Incidentally Brian scored Brandon's lone goal. Tobacco pianting is in ful swing on our two local tobacco farms Fajt and Szcygiel. Get weli wisbes are sent to ail those in bospitai and to those recuperating at home. Doug Murphy suffered a heart attack last week and is presently in hospital in Peter- borough, Dorothy Dewar is stili in Oshawa Generai Hospital: Tom Aiken is now borne fo llowing snrgery in Peterboiough; Carl Porter returned .1ome from Bowman- ville Ho pitai last Tuesday; tbe infar son of Gail and Ray (ameroi is in Sick Chiidren's, 'Toronto but bis parents hope Io soon 'lave bim home. Mrs. Herman Webb bas I)een in Lindsay visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Truax and iheir bab daughter. Herman and Mai ion have become grandparn ts twice in the last month. Edgar Vight - our very faitbfni Str r carrier from Enniskiilen ind Mrs. Wright are aise as p, eased as punch at the new litI e bundie of blue which arriv-d recently at the home of La vrence and dune Wrigbtin F inewood Estates. A week ago iast Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L 'oyd Clark visited w7ith Tom and Doris Lowes of Peterborough. They also called on Derena's sister, Mrs. Olvie ('ummiskey, in Campbelhiord. Dave and Ruby Masters bave left for Grand Prairie, Aberta wbere tbey will be visiting witb their son, Reg. Baiiyduff Presbyterian Chnrch heid a speciai service on Sunday, May 27tb. The guest speaker was the Mod- erator, Rev. Calvin Maclnnis of Bobcaygeon. Special music was provided by Keitb Dewar and Bert Frape. Decoration will be beld at Baiiyduff on Sunday, June l7tb at 2:30 p.m. On Snnday, July 8th McCrae's Decoration is being beld at 3:00 p.m. To celebrate McCrae's 1lOtb anniversary, a pot luck luncheon is going to foliow the service. Kindly pass word along to anyone that migbt be interested. The home of Jim and Diane McEwen has been soid. Jim, Diane and baby will be leaving next week to take up residence in Toronto. The home of Fred Nimigon and the late Mrs. Nimigon bas a "For Sale" sign posted. Several local folks traveiled by bus to Nashville, Tennessee on the holiday weekend. From Pontypool those attending the Grand Oie Opry were Sandy Johnston, Larry and Diane Adams, Barrie and Linda Sytnyk, Clarence and Sue Pleadwell, Freeman and Tohy Arbeau, Cliff and Yvonne Fallis. Aiso on the trip were Carmen and Trudy Lons- berry, Fraservilie, Tim and Dehbie Toye and Hon and Phyllis Broome. Orono, Jack and Carol Worsiey, Hampton, B. Green, Oshawa, and Stu and Onita Endicott, Lindsay. There was lots of entertain- ment the entire weekend as Larry Adams and some of bis Midnight Country group pro- vided music botb coming and going. Ail should be a whoie lot heaithier after their frouie in the "bot bath". Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kirby and family have moved to their new home in Port Perry. Mr. and Mî-s. Perey Beggs were weekend visitors witb Jim and Norma Beggs and family in Port Elgin. FTheCar That Paoed The Indy 500, On Display Now in our Showroom! interested re this matter sbould attend the meeting. Caesarea Euchre Club There was a fair tut-nout at . the eucbre Wednesday evening last beld in thee Centre. Prize winners were - e lst. Olive Gratton, 2nd Mrs x Mardie Handyside, 3rd Bob Carnegie. The Euchre will be held next week as usual. A Bazaar Yard Sale is in the offing for June l6tb at the centre. Any items for the sale would be appreciated by the Ladies Auxilîary. Pleasurable Event Ten members of Bine Ray Chapter O.E.S. attended the Featu ring: Reception held at Witby, in . Unique Pace ho nor of D.D.G.M. Sister - Front Air Dan Bessie Cosway. Tbose attend- ing were - Mesdames Doris .H ood Scoop Nottingham, Minnie Fisher Unique rear d and Shirley Nichoils, Unique "'Rec, Caesarea, Betsy Staniland, 302 V-8 engin Blackstock, Avelyn Williams, TR trea Nestieton, and Marjorie TXtrs l MeCombe, Margaret Cornish, Sport tunede Elsie Wilbur and Stella -FIip up openi Dennis, Port Perry and Ethel Leather wrap Nottingham, R.R. 'l, Oshawa.. Plus numneroi The girls report a most enjoyable evening with plenty of fun. -DON'TMW Social News R W T Mr. and Mrs. Victor O W I Malcolm entertained three granddaugbters over the weekend and took tbem to the o Anniversary Service at Nes- tieton Churcb. Their littie z guests were Katrina, Dawne and Tamara Denise Kent of Orono, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Kent. K. SL E. Sunday dinner guests of Mr.A P and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm,Sto Nestieton were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm, Heather and Alison, Nestleton, and Miss Gail Malcolm of Blackstock. We are pleased to report that Mr. Bruce Heaslip was The 1979 Mustang Officiai Indianapolis 500 Pace Car Replica Car paint and tape treatment n wit-h integrat fog lamps- teck Spolier arc"l racing seats ne uminum wheeîs and suspension exhaust air roof pped sport steering wheel )us addhjonaî features that must be se ISS YOUR CHANCE TO VIEW HIS OUTSTAN DING ROAD CAR SEE IT THIS WEEK. Seillng Price of this Collectors' Editon- Pace Car ReplIca 1 29278.70 Plus tax and license en. Don't Miss the Annual isi Maple Grove Cubs and Scouts Flea Market Sunday, June 3rd .9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at MacDonald Ford - Bowmanviîîe "Buyers and SeIIersiWeIcome" 219 King St. East Bowmanvilîe 623-4481 1 semoie oeIection We beheve you should get your best deal right from thie stanL 4Our mercharidise is priced that way ta begin with, but we don't say it, we put it in writing with every purchase. WVe include delivery, full customer service and guarantee package ta ensure the best-value for everyone.. Harry, Lau and Myer Cherney have buit their business on customer value and satisfaction. Why not get your best deal f irst' A family aif air sinoe 1935. You'fl find the drive to Chemney's weII worthwhile!. 1 personally promise Cherney's wiIl not be undersold. chiney FURNITURE WORL D Hwy. 2 Opposite Whitby Mail Telephone 579-2660 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 30, 1979 15 corsage. Then Margaret Kil- passing of ber step-motber leen welcomed the guests and Mrs. Edna Allun of Newcastle. expressed the best wisbes of The funeral was beld from the neighbourbood to Addy on NewcastleUnited Cburch on her fortbcoming marriage. Saturday afternoon. She then presented the bride- We were very pleased to to-be witb a Honevmoon Gif t attend tbe officiai opening Pack and read the poetic ceremonies of the new instructions for its use. The Seventb-day Adventist Cburcb lovely and useful gifts from in our community, last Sunday tbe neighbours were then afternoon. Wbat a splendid unwrapped and Addy churcb it is! From its very graciously tbanked each of the broad and welcoming friends for their tbougbtful- entrance hall, tbrougbout the ness. Mrs. Mildred Quinney very beautiful and functional then conducted a game whicb classrooms, meeting bail and provided some fun and match- kitchen, right through to the ed the guests as partners for main sanctuary, it is truly a tbe delicious buffet lunch. magnificent structure. During Assisting with the lunch were his official remarks our the committee members; Mayor, and neigbbour, Garnet Dorothy Crago, Marg and Rickard spoke so effectively, Rosemary Killeen and as he warmly welcomed this Thelma Lane. fine, forward-minded congre- Sympatby is extended to, gation that bas chosen our Mrs. Beatrice Campbell on the community for its ministry. BrewOrs Dominion -~ Retoil Store Beautifti showrooms~..Warehouse prices 6z