14 The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanville, June 6, 1979 Trees Installed A long Bowmanville's Main Street [CLASIFIED623-L3303 14 Auction Sa le Saturday, June 9 11 a.m. The orooertv of Gladvs Slack, M2 m e Isouth of Goodwood, 3rd concession of Uxbridge. Ford tractor, riding lawn mower, cutter, fridge, stove, freezer, dryer, chesterfield suite, washstands, old cupboard, sewing machine, tools, numerous other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. 22-2N Auction Sale Saturday, June 9 at 1 p.m. For Jim Robinson, 2 roads south of Blackstock, known as the Shirley Road, go east as far as you can go to the town uine and north to the first buildings. Furniture and machinery, W4 tractor, 1971 Pontiac car, saw frame, rake, 3 f urrowp lough, new snow blower, four sections of Harrows, chesterfield and chair, two kitchen cabinets, studio couch, new 30" electrlc stove, 2 fridges (one new), 13 cu. ft. deep freeze, washing machine (new), 3 radios, TV (black and white), two china cabinets, dishes, ,tools, other articles. No reserve. Terms cash or gond cheq ue. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Cl iff Pethick, auctioneer. 23-1 N Aucti on Sale Saturday, June 9 Pethick's XZ'ï'ion Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen. Large quantity of furniture, dînin groom suite, loads of small artficles. Terms cash. Good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 23-1 N Monday, Junel Sale Time: 7: 00 p.m. Sale to be held at Garrard Road North, 1 mile north of Taunton Rd. W., 1/2 mile east of Thickson's Road, Whitby Watch for signs. The property of Mr. and MArs. Hapgood of Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Ajax. Both moving our west. Coppertone stove; frldge; washer and dryer; Frost Free fridge; auto. 30" range; G.E. TaI lis- man washer with mini basket and G.E. auto. dryer; Ken- more range, continuous dlean oven; Admirai harvest gold dishwasher; older fridge; bed chesterfield; modemn bed- room suite, 6 pc., (worth approx. $3,000 new); 5 pc. white leather chesterfield (approx. $2,000 new); both like new. Small wooden tables; 8 pc. oak dinfing room suite, with round fab[e; tea wagon; 2 Jason & Hayes chairs; wooden chair- with needlepoint seat; chess table; brown swivel rocker,; books; 12 and 28 gauge, single shot shotguns; 22 rifle; wooden lanes; milk cans; Lawn Boy lawnmower; garden tbols; insulation; oldbged; chest and rocker; brass bell; aquarium; clrop leaf table and 4 chairs; kitchen dishes; appliances; Corningware; pots and pans; plus many other household articles. Tis sale has a good selection of modern furniture plus some very good older urniture and collectibles. Good consigniments acceoted. Viewing Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 Sm., and Monday after 3 p.m. oss McLean, Auctioneer, 576-7550. 23-1 N Thursday Night, June 7 7 p.m. at Orval Mc Lean Auction Center, Lindsay Property of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peacock and others. China cabinet, Hoover spin washer, 2 captain chairs, pub table, single cont. bed, couch, small chrome set, humidifier, 4 bicycles, school desk, record player, cases ot chain lube and rot stop, wringer washer, pair single continental beds, roll- away utillty tables, chester- fields, chairs, small cup- boards, chests, dressers, oak buffet, crock, bedroom suite, wall sheif unit, good auto- matic washer and d ryer, good chrome suite, apt. size electric stove, haîr dryer, other furni- ture and smalI items, garden tools. No reserve. Moving to apt. To consign caîl 324-0182 days, 324-2783 nights. 231 N Auction Sale Thursday Night, June 14th Fridge, stove, washer-spin dryer, upright f reezer, pool table and accessories, 2 pc. colonial chesterfiîeld suite, hall tables, round oak peclestal table, old sideboarçi, buffet, good glass anddshs Bell pump organ and stool, antique covered loveseat, smali tables, dining tént, and a good selection of other items. Terms: cash. Auctioneer: Frank StapIlton, 786-2244. 23-1 N Antique Estate Auction Saturday, June 9th 12:00 Noon Seiling the estate of the late Miss Mae Gainer, Bewdley, located on the west' side of Hwy. 28 just north of the village: oak extension dlnlng table (ornate), set 6 oak dining chairs, oak sideboard, round glass china cabinet, Bell pum p or gan and stool, plant a¶d hal tab les, 3 lier table, good glass and dishes, Royal Bayreuth tea service, Nippon china service for 12, Grindîey china service for 8, cut and pressed glass, Carnivai and Depres- sion glass, miniature cut glass, Occupied Japan, ironstonie, Noritake, North- wood, linens, severai oId rocking chairs (pressback and bow back), several oid oll =ap including china lamp, A iddn lamps, and unusual metai figure base Iamp, pine tables, set 5 pressback chairs, Diana Banner cookstove (Gaît) with warming oven and reservoir, Quebec healer stove, McLagan gramophone, quanty 78 records, pictures, frame s palnings, old shelf dlock, several washstands, 3 ,c. oak bedroom suite (match- igdresser, washstand, and high back double bed), quanti- ty good bedding, quiits, hook- ed rugs, 7 pc. tolet sel, dressers, wardrobes, 3 pc. bedroom suite, single continental bed, chrome kitchen set, roilaway bed, daybed, coffee tables, occasional chairs, sllverware and chest (Wmn. Rogers A-1) ' cast iron pleces, china figures, fIât irons, seai ers, ianiernis, trunks, flow blue and wiiiow pieces, Bisque f igurines, quantity of f irewood, gardien tools, and numerous other ar- ticles. Auctioneer's note: this sale is compmised of the inter- esting contents of an old home- stead as the ho use was neyer wired for electricity. Plan to attend. Terms cash. No re- serve. Refreshments avail- able. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton,. NewtonviIle, 786-2244. 23-1 N Auction Sale Saturday, June 16 Antiques, household, tractor, tools, for Art Low, 4 miles east of Kirby then 1 mile north of Durham Rd. 9. 4 piece antique wicker set - wide settee, rocker.. arm chair, table, ail in excellent shape; extra wide wash stand, dressers, parlour tables, fern wicker stand, firepiace Irons and utensils, buf fet, oak table, many crocks, jars, jugs, bottles, sewing machine, old radio, 18 du. ft, Moffat freezer, Moffat refrigerator, Admirai stove (contanuous.cdeaný), spin dry washer, a ppiances - aimost new .8" Beaver table saw, compiete sets of tools, 3 power lawn mowers, 3/2 h.p. roto- tiller, Avery tractor, 2 furrow plow, cultivator, B' dlsc, rubber tire wagon, snow fende, page wire, 14' gale, heavy duty block and tac kles, electrical supplies - prtable spotiight, man y hunreds of î9ood articles. Slae at 1 p. m. erms cash. No reserve. Lunch by Kendal W.l1. Auctioneer: Steve Liptay, 263-2961. 23-2 N Auction Sale Saturday, June 23 Excellent furniture, and appliances for M. and Mrs. M. Hronel, 176 Grenfeli St., Oshawa, (2 blocks east of shopping centre). Complete househo id furnishings - some not even used - 30" stove, refrigeralor, 2 freezers, kitchen set, elegant velvet chesterfild set, (unique) bed- room suites, sewing machine, T.V., washer. Tools, lawn mower, lawn funiture, hall bench,pictures., kitchen uten- suls and smnali appliances. Everythi ng goes.Owners moving toErope. Terms cash . Sale 1 pm. Auctioneer Stev Lipay.23-3N Auction Sale Frlday, June 15 il a.m. The property of Marie Henderson, Hwy. 47, 1/~ mile north of Stouffv 11e, household funiture and antiques. Terms cash. No reserve. Owner mv ing.e Earl Gauslin, auct Ioneer, 1-640-3079. 23-2N Auction Sale Saturday, June 16 barn 'boards, 'l1umber, l-1arge quantity marbie slabs, cedar posts, cedar rails, hydro poies, spool bed, 2 captain's c hairs, scrap steel, plus many other items. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 22-2 Saturday, June 16 12 Noon Estate Sale Excellent auction of quality furniture for the estate of the late Murray Dunkeld, 54 Park Dr. N. in Stouffville. French Provincial chesterfield, modern dining room suite, Zenith colour 'TV, G Eelectric stove and matching refriger- ator in gold, uprig ht freezer, bedroom suite, quilts, Inglis washer, Ing lis dryer, dehumi- difier, gingerbrea d dock, dresser, oak table, antique F ne table, antique globe am P, crocks, walnut occasional chairs, rocking chair, pictures, set of dishes, hang ing lamp, quantity of lovel y dishes and cups and saucers. Note: This is a fine sale. Everything dlean and in excellent condition. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 2- Auction Sa le Grist MiIlI Auction Centre Newtonvil le Wed., June 6th 7:00 p.m. Stove, fridge, wringer washer, single continental bed, chests of drawers, glass, dishes, school desk,' bîkes, stroller, turntable radio, and a great variety of other items. Terms: cash. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton, 786-2244. 2- Saturday, June 9 Giving up farming, auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture, many antiques. The property af Gordon Strong, lot 11 con. 6 Manvers twp. 15 miles south of Lindsay on 351 Hwy. or 3 north of Pontyool on- 35 Hwy FarmalH Int. tractor with Sedora manure loader; W4 Int. tractor; Int. 4 baier PTO; Cockshutt mower; Farm Hand wheel rake; Case manure spreader; bale stook- er; bale fork; 32 ft. hay - grain elevator with gas motor; 30 ft. drive bet; MH cultivator 17 tooth; Cockshutt plough; rubber tired wagon with rack; MH grain grînder 10"; 1/2 ton truck cap; MF No. 4 riding iawn mower, antique side- board; washstand; pressed back chair;- washstand; square parlour table and stands; feather tick; 3 pc. bedroom suite; GM toddler car seat; blonde buffet with gls doors; approx. 700 bales mixed hay; pprox. 200 bales straw. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 1: 00 p.m. Lunch available. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, 705- 324-9959. 22-2N Auction Sale, Thursday, June 7 6 p.m. Quantity of buik merchandise. Ideai f o stores and f lea markets. Over 1000 assorted roils of walipaper. Antique couch, chair and footstooi (newly recovered). Also occassional chairs and dressing table. Quantity of government surplus canvas as and bUoths. Lar g equanti- ty of sheiving and dispiay counters. Fold-up tables, etc. Assorted tools. 100 ibs. bees wax, schooi bus (running condition), school bus for storage, '58 Dodge 4-wheei drive with snow plough, Mediterranean couch and chair, table saw, many house- hoid and business items. 1/4 mile east of Bowmanvllie Zoo on No. 2 Hwy.- 2- Auction Sa le Saturday, June 9 il a.m. The property of Giadys Slack, Lot 13, Con. 3, Uxbridge Twsp., 1/2 mile south of Goodwood. Ford tractor, loader, discs, piough, harrows, riding iawn mower, cutter, fridge, stove, freezer, dryer, old dressers, chester- field, wash stands, 4 pc. toilet set, q ulilts, large amount of antiqe dishes, number of garden tools. Terms cash. No reserve. Property soid. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer, 1-640-3079. 23-1iN Saturday, June 9' 12 Noon At estate of Mary Jane Hearn, 76 King St. W., Bobcaygeon, near arena, antiques, furni- ture, appliances, dishes, refrigerator, eiectric stove, square Speedqueen wringer wasche-r, manv An+iniîpc- bi~de3 ot H hevv dtv'; air compressor 295 amp welder; Homelite chain saw; skill saw 5 h.p.; electric grinder; large assortment of tools, pipe fiftings; quantity of assarted lumber; quantity of building supplies; windows; tables; chairs; liiht fixtures; house- hold funture. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale il a.m. Arnot Wotten, Auctioneer, Hampton, 416-263-2583. 23-2N Corneills Auction Barn Friday, June 8th 1at7p.m., 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindlsav onthe Lindsay - Little BritainRd The property of the late Miss Rettis Moore of Lindsay plus other consigners. 8 piece oak diningroom suite with round pedestai table, dressers, chest of drawers, quantity of good carpeting, Acorn heater, two French Provincial chester- field and chairs and French Provincial coffee and end tables (ail in excellent condi- tion), bedroom, suite, six matching pressed bcick chairs, -wicker chairs, round maple table, oak table àaw, chesterfields, gate ieg table, Quebec heater, bar stools, colour T.V.'s, Windsor back rocker and arm chair, 14' fibreg las boat with canvas top and 35 h *p- Johnson electric start mot or and 2000 lb. trailer, 1974 Ford 1/2 ton truck (not certified), plus many more antiques, furniture and househoid items. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Litle Britain, 705-786-2183. 23-1 N Auction Sale Antiques and Coliectibles Monday Evening June Il - 7p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewdley consisting of rocking chair, chests of d rawers, brass skuii mirror, bookcase, dra leaf table, dresser, dishoes,g lassware, lamp, cast iron belt, chairs, frames, and other items stili being consign- ed. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651.23N Auction Sale Saturday, June 9 * 1: 15 p.M. At Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewdiey, consisting of: chests of drawers, sewing machine, chesterfield, chairs, tables, office desk, dishes, giassware, lam Ps, coîored and black and white portable T.V.'s, smalî appliances, books and other items stili being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 23-1 N Auction Sale Thursday, June 7 5:30 P. M. Stouffville Sales Barn Fridge, stoves, washers, dryers,, bedroom suites, deacon's bench, diningroom suite, press back chairs, tables, clishes, including Royal Douton, Limoges, glassware, over 100 pieces of siiverware, numerous other articles. Cash. Earl Gausiin, auctioneer. 1-640-3079. 23-1 N BLACK. dog, part Lab, in Newcastle village area. Reward. Phone 987-4878. 23-1 N HAYDON: Mr. and Mrs. Delbemt Potts and family, Cornwall; Mm. and Mrs. Bill Patts, Fart Elgin; Miss Mary Fotts, Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fotts., Mr. and Mms. Gerald Shackleton, Salem; Mm. Eric Shackletan, Toronta and granddaughtems, Christie and Laurie Geddes, Maple Grave, Richard Huggins, Part Ferry, were Saturday supper guests af Mr. and Mrs. Wilbum Blackburn and family. Mm. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, David and Lauma, A tree-planting crew from Wiggans Landscaping was busy in downtown Bowmanville last week. And anyone drîving along the front street between Scugog and Temperance St. will see the resuits of their work. About 35 mountain ash and Linden trees were planted in receptacles in the sidewalks. Here, Bill Wright (left), Pete Wiggans (centre), and Brad Almond plant a specimen near the Temperance St. intersection. The trees are part of the merchants' downtown beautification program. Last year, business along King St. installed the decorative lighting fixtures. Eventually, lights and trees will be installed on the eastern end of King St. which is now under construction. Scarborough, were weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ahston's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, and Timothy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fak Neilsen, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Graham, Bowmanville; weme Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Allan and Grant, the occasion, Mr. Glen Ashton's bithday. Miss Cora Degeer, Haydon; Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa; Mr. Jim Jones, Scarborough; were Friday evening visitors at Mm. and Mms. Jack Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, and Mm. and Mrs. Bob Jones, and family, Port Coîborne, were Sunday visitors of the Jack Jones family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson and Bill, Port Hope; Mm. and Mms. Clifford Trewin, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Trewin and Paul, and Mms. Mildred Anderson. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, attend- ed the funeral of the late Robert Coates at the McDermott - Fanabaker Funeral Home, Port Ferry on Wednesday, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance and called on Mrs. Edna Vance, Port Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, went ta the Kings Trailer Camp, for a birthday paty for Miss Heather Jones, held at hem grandpaments, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boumne, Oshawa, on Saturday. Club 21, June meeting will be held at the Centre on Monday. June Il. Jean Garord, Kay Buttemy, Eileen Blackburn in charge of meet- ing. Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers Ail Design und Lettering Don. by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details ANNOUNCEMENT J. Kingsley Van Nest and Louis A. Sebert are pleased to announce the formation of a partnership for the practice of Iaw under the firmi name of Van Nesi and Sebert P.O. Box 145, Suite One 118 King Street East Bowmanville, LIIC 3K9 623-2771 623-2537 effective June 1 st, 1 979 KENALNEWS 1Miss Cathemine Stewart and Mrs. Eleanor Poster accompanied Mms. Jack Elliott of Newtonville ta, Peter- borough last Tuesday. While there they called on Rev. and Mrs. G. Mantgomery. Those fom Kendal who went with the Omana Horticul- tural Society on a bus trip last Tuesday were Mrs. L. Green- wood, Mrs. Julia Jackson and Mrs. R. Elliott alsa Mms. L. Hallowell fmam Starkville. They went ta Dundas first where they visited the Mc- Master Fattery and the Ben Veldhuis Greenhouses where each persan was given a cactus. They then went ta Hamilton and visited the Dundurn Castle, then the Royal Botanical Gardens. Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. Janet Dykemen attended warkshop for the Tweedsmuim Histery in the Women's Institute last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm in Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk and family from Woodstock spent the weekend with Judy's mother Mrs. Eleanor Foster. The local Boy Scouts held a banquet in Kendal School on Thursday evening at whîch they hosted a group of Boy Scouts. from Pennsylania. They ail camped out over the weekend at the Educational Centre in the Ganaraska. Mr. and Mrs. H. Boudreau and Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. Harland Elliott. It was Sunday School Awards Day at Church on Sunday morning. The service was conducted by the Co. Superintendents Mrs. Dorothy Hellebust and Mrs. Peggy Frank with the children doing the service. The Welcoming Committee was Paul Foster and Sheri Kennedy. The ushers were Peter Fonk and Randy Frank. Caîl to worship was read by Murray Greeiiwood and the Invocation Frayer led by Glen F, oster. The primary class led in the Responsive Reading. The Nursery Class under the leadership of Lorraine Evans told the children's story with three finger plays and two songs. The Scripture reading was read by Billy Greenwood and Steven Hellebust gave the Pastoral Prayer. The Senior Class sung an anthem- He Lives. There was a Sword Drill Competition between the girls and boys in the Sr. class, the boys won. The presentations of pins and awards was done by the teachers and leaders. There were 12 who had a perfect attendance and many more with less than three Sundays absent. These young people were presented with a silver spoon with the United Church Crest on it and plaques for most outstanding achieve- ment. The Webster plaque was won by Heather Hay. The U.C.W. plaque was won by Peter Fonk and presented by Mrs. Margaretta Slevens. The U.C. Board plaque was won by Arthur Thompson., The Turk plaque was won by Andrew Hellebust and presented by David Turk. Rev. Tizzard pronounced the benediction. Everyone was pleased to have Mrs. Tizzard's father Mr. Thomas Watkins and ber sister Miss Dorothy Watkins bath from Newfoundland out to church with Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard Sunday morning. Kendal Ham and Salad Supper will be held later in June. Advance tickets may be bought from the U.C.W. ladies. Sunday afternoon the Sunday School picnic was very well attended on the Public School grounds. Miss Catherine Stewart had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tunsley and family, Orono. The prize winners from the events at the Sundav School picenic are as follows-: Races - 5 and under - 1. Cheryl Foster, 2. Dwain Walkin, 3. Michelle Evans. 6 - 8 - 1. Paul Foster, 2. Heather Hoyý, 3. Sandra Atkin. 9-11 - 1" Paula Robinson, 2. Peter Fonk, 3. Raymond Foster. 12 and over - 1. Raif Hellebust, 2. Donald Fonk, 3. Tanya Fonk. Wheelbarrow Races - 4-8 - 1., Shari Kennedy, Janine Foster, 2. Heather Hoy, Sandra Atkins. 9-12 - 1. Randy Frank,, Peter Fonk, 2. Glen Foster, Raymond Foster. 13 and over - 1. Raîf Hellebust, Andrew Hellebust, 2. Tanya Fonk, Steven Hellebust. Shoe Kick - 5 and under - L. Christina Walker, 2. Mark Walker. 6-8 - 1. Sandra Atkins, 2. Mark Evans. 9-11 - 1. Billy Greenwood, 2. Richard Fonk. 12 and over Ladies - 1. -Tanya Fonk, 2. Pamela Frank. 12 anek_ over Men - 1. Roif Hellebust 2.' Keith Wood. Three Legged Race - 6-8 - L Sandra Atkins, Heather Hoy, 2. Paul Foster, Brad Foster. 9-11 - 1. Randy Frank, Peter Fonk, 2. Raymond--Foster, Glen Foster. 12 and Up - 1. Donald Fonk, Robert Fonk, 2. Raîf Hellebust, Andrew Helle- bust. Shoe Scramble - '6-8 1. Heather Hoy, 2. Janine Fos- ter, 9-11 - 1. Peter Fonk, '2. Jackie Smuk. 12 and Up - -1. Donald Fonk, 2. Richard Fonk. Hot Potatoe - Mark Walker. Lucky Spot - Steven Hellebust. Relay Teams - 1. Steven Hellebust's team, 2. David Frank's team. Oldest Person Present - Mrs. Awde (Rita Foster's mother). Youngest Person Present - Michelle Evans. Farthest Distance Away - Dorothy Watkins from New- tonville, Nearest Birthday - Jean Hoy. Musical Knees - Paula Robinson, Murray Greenwood' w4 0'F ~ISNGS!M AMVI N GS! T ISAVI NGS!I SAÀX&iY $ $Iri Os. d Man. Sugg. Lst $21 .95 sq. yd..