Wek an* d ArtilesForSal ANTIQUE CLOCKS Repaired- i-.its available for most antique dlocks, pockot watches and modern watches, and dlocks and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are dono with modern up-to-date equipment' and qualified Swiss trained watchrnakor. HOOPE R'S JEWELLERS LTD.r 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf N CANOE, 12', rod and black nylon plastic, 2 paddlos, 3 life jackets. Phono 623-7491. 2- MAG wheels, 4 with radiai tires, G.M. 14 Inch, $175. Phono 623-689 between 5 - 6 p.m. 24-1 N USED, furniture and ap- ý ian ces. Paddy's Market. ampton. 263-2241. 33-tf EVERGRE ENS Flowering Shrubs, Hedging Shade Trees AI l ReasonablyPriced Brunt's Nursery South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 18-tf N 1916 - 20 ft. LARSEN run-about, 175 h.p. O.M.C. inboard-outboard, trailer, spare wheel, new tires. Load- edrwith extras. Mint condition. Phone 416-885-8055. 23-2N 4 KEYSTONE mags. 15". 6": front 7" ln back. $200.00. Phone 1-983-9470. 23-tf N 197 ter sel VISIT Orono Garden Centre. Large seloction of petunias, pansies, violas, marlgoids etc. 'omato plants - 15 varieties. Spanlsh onlons, cabbage, cauIiflower, brussel sprouts, Kale, broccoli, etc. Also sandy lIoam top soil, brlng your own containers and load your car for $2. Small trailer $5 - no deliveries. Orono Garden Contre, Taunton Road at Orono, one mile west of Highways 115-35. Open Sundays. 983-9308. 23-tf Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmnanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewinig Centre Whitby Mal Whitby Complete tuneup $15., incl. cletn, gil, adjust tension and timing. 8t The great seven day money PATIO SLABS FLAG STONE b c INTERLOCKING BRICK b c BRICK and STONE MASONRY SUPPLIES w r o t . Newcastîe Block Now thero is a gamblo" Co. Lt. usod car wagfantgin P.O. BOX 219 < "MACDONALD tORD NEWCASTLE, ONT. COUNTRY" that cannot be 987-444bettered. If you are not Certified sed Car withnase 23-2 from us, return it wlthin seven days for a full refund. Any eason is a good reason. For 77 STARCRAFT hardtop more information cal nt.traloer, sieeps six, stovo, .623-4481. Another reason why e box, awning, $1700. Can bo this is "MACDONALD FORD en at 10i- Liberty St. N. COUNTRY" J -and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radialI centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N APPLES-CIDER -WILL DELIVER Phone 623-3699 H. PEL, No Su nday Sales TALISMAN Flea Mail open Sat. and' Sun. holidays, 10Oa.m. - 6 p.m. 115,and North St., Nowc, Outsido dealers welc $5.00 per day. 987-5021. J and M TIRIE Servic Michelin tires, your one radial centre. 299 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. I..L 'i.' 'I GROOMING, AND CLIPPING 1 at BRACKENHURST REG. Poodies and most breeds. Free pick-up and dlivory. 623-3080. 19-tf N F R EE ta gaod home, neutered maie and spayod femalo cats, usod tai adul-ts. Phono 725-3947 after 4. 23-4N POODLE puppies, tiny toys, f ive woeks aid, registered. Phono 623-2986. 24-1 N KITTENS, free ta good homo. Phono 623-5479. 24-1 GERMAN Shepherd pups, six weeks aid, $50. Phono 623-6077. 24-1 N FREE ta goad home. Female Colie-Sheperd dog. 11/2 eoars. Good with kids. Has had shots. Cal i1623-3699. 24-1 PUREBRED Labrador Retriever with papors, 2 yeam aid maie, excellent with children, $125 or best offer. Phono 623-4924. 24-1 N FOR DJQGS ONLY PUPPIES Oh Afghan 1 Cock-a-poo Great Dane (H. Lhasa Apso Fox Terriers (V Other BreedsJ - NEEDLES, MA - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL - CERTIF lED GUARANTE E -EXCELLENT 25 BON DS OSHA% 723-6& EVERYTHING -Used Tack- -al ona r O rch BOWMANVILLE, close -to downtown, hoated upper duplex, 2 bodrooms, fidge and stove. Available August lst, $285 monthly. Phono 623-4922, 4: 30 toi7 p. m. 24-1 N ONE three bedroam apart- ment in Orono on Main St. Phono 1-983-5337. 24-1iN SEMI-DETACHED 3 bod- raom house, centrali ilocated in Bowmanviile. Xvai lable July lst. $300 per month, net. Phono 1-983-9171. Ask for Sandra Lewis. 24-1 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, semi, contrai residential a rea, Bowmanville. Phono 623-3471 or 623-2446. 24-1 NEWCASTLE Village, 1 bedroom, smali don, living raom, kitchen, eioctric heat ing, private entrancos and yard plus y aur own basement. Sorry no childron or pets. $210 plus hydro. Phono 987-4714 or after 5,987-5318. THREE bedroom ih separate dining ri carport, central, $300 rn Available Juiy 1.F 623-7438. SMALL one bedrooma ment, contrai Bowman Availabie Juiy lst.P 623-7438. N HAN BOWMANVILLE, contrai - i hon Di apa tment, four rooms and Bishn Fisebath, immediate possession, Cockers reasonable, Cable TV. Phono arlecyin) 623-7523. 13-tf N Wire Hair) CM ECA pc o Available CMECA pc o JORMED ent. Bowmanviile, prime downtown location available PERIOD now. 200 sq. ft. up ta 7500 sq. ft. Phono 623-4172 or 723-0575 betwoon 9 and 5. 23-2N QUALITY ST. E. HASTINGS - Apartment for WA mnt in tawn. Near water and fishing. Four rooms and bath. B82 $185 plus utilitios. Phono i+fN623-7523- 6-tf N ONE bedroam apatment in Newtanviiio, $165 month plus hydro'. No pts . Avaliabie J une 1 . Phono 1-786-2893. 2t -New Tack Tack Repairs STORAGE Ie of horses. tack, trailers etc. arrangod. Open daily, ovenings and weekends. Gadwin and- CompanyDrham Road 23 South,VWitby 668-1282. 19tf N REGISTERED Hostein caw, classified goad-plus, BCA 140- 160, to freshen saon. Phono 1-786-2965. 24-1 N COMMERCIAL flock of Suf- folk sheep and approximately 30 sheep, purebred ram and lambs. Cali 263-2380. 24-1 N FREE REMOVAL bF FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL 23-tf MARGWILL FUR FARM '73 BUICK GRAND PRIX Hampton 263-2721 One owner, 61,000 mi., air, tilt, Port Hope 885-5274 crulse, sterea, ali power. LikO niew. Lic. A TE530. $2295 A8t , '78 CHRYSLER LoBARON 4-fN Browni metallic, 2 door, rket - Landau roof, air, cruise, tilt, and 1,000 mi. Lic. LSB938. Hwy. castle. AUDI 5000 come. Beautiful silver, automatic, 19-tf N moon oof, air, ail powem, - ultimate luxury. 4,000 mi. ce for Lic. LSB11 0. 1e.tapAil Cars Certified Ave., ONT. SPORTS. 40-lt1-983-5444 ELECTROHOME black and whtetelevlsion, 21", excellent condition. Lady Schick hair dryer (now). Phono 623-2329. 24-1 N CI-RISTMAS tree baler, good condition. 6 HR78X15 radial tires, also dune buggy. Phono 623-5632. -24-1 N MOTORCYCLES, four used, neod repairs. Phono 623-1820 between 8 a. m. - 5 p.m. 24-1 N 4,NTIQUE organ, "1887"1, cllent condition, $800. '--etween 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cal 623-1820. 24-1iN FROM 80 ta 100 standing hay, 25c a ba le. 263-8447. 24-1 MERCURYoutboards,,annual sale, 25 peor cent off ail new and usod boats and motors. Ont. Sports, Orona. 983-5444. 24-1 N 1977 SUZUKI, RM125B, weil looked> after, many extras, $675. Phono 1 -983-5121 after 6 p.m. 24-1 ALFALFA, Timoth y, Red Claver, Brome, Trefoil and other hay and pasturo seed. Seed oats, barley, buckwheat, ttnitd Hybrld and, Senoca corn and soy boan seed. Swain Seod Cleaners and Dealers Mt. 986-4331. 21-3 24-1 N 1974 MONTE Carlo, 2 door hardtop, 1/2 viny i roof, 350, new Dunlop radialiftires and mags. Sharp laoking car. Asking $3000 certif ied. Phono 623-3485. 24-1 N '69 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4 door, 383, 2 barrel, one ownor, good condition. Asking $550. 623-2962. 24-1 '71 GMC van, 6 cyl. standard, ý oo gasandoilmileage. evenings. 24-1 N DUNE buggy, good condition. Best offer, 623-4084. 24-1 N 1973 MONTE Carlo, V8, automatic, power stoering and brakes, as is. 1975 Chev. V8, automatic,. 4 door, as is. Best offer 623-2469. 24-1 N '78 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supremne, 14,000 miles, P.S., PIb. rear defoggor. $5900.00 certified. Phono 1-983-9470. 22-tf N 1978 OLDS Cutlass Supreme Brougham, Ioaded . Phono 263-8184 after 4. 23-2 '68 MERCÙRY Montego, good condition, $325 as is. Phono 987-5266. 24-1iN '76 HONDACivic hatchback, Ai, certified, one owner,, $2,250. Phono 623-5438. 24-1 N for SMALL TRAILERS, VANS, SKIDOOS, CARS AND OTHER ITEMS. Phone 263-2042 il-tf ONE hardtop trailem, sleops four. For information c aîlS anytime 623-6342. 20-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, cdocks, jewllory, dishes, furniture, cracks, p aintings, sealers, appliances, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N UtED Furniture and Ap- liances. Paddy's Market, Hamptan 263-2241 - 26-tf 6-tf CASH - highest pricos paid' Im for diamonds and goid. Annis Jeweiiery, 53 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. 6-tf N 1 PASSE NGERS wantod for car pool for downtawn Toronto. Cal 1623-6780. 24-1 A RIDE ta Orono. Working hours9a.m.-6p.m.Willshare costs. Please cail 623-3877 after 6 p.m. 24-1 THREE bedroom home in the country close ta Bowmanvilie. Ploase caîl 705-277-2913. ___________23-2N BOWMANVI LÈE, spotless 3 bedroom, home on large treed lot, in excellent neighborhood. 11/2 baths, central air condi- tioning, garage, complote fin ishod roc roomn and studio. Loaded with extras. Availabie August lst. $450 per month, plus utilities. First and last month's rent required. Phono 623-2635. 24-1 THREE bedroom townhouse, Bridie Path, Unit 39, available JuIy 1, $350 monthly. Cali 623-6342 anyti me. APARTMENT in country, 25 miles oast of Oshawa, heat, hydra, gardon, for $300 per manth with first and last. Responsible marrleds. Phono 728-6609 or 1-797-2046. 24-2 N TWO bedroom home with basement apartment for ent. On a largo lot, contrai. Phono 623-3373. 24-1 BED sitting room with bathroom and kitchen, north of Bowmanville. Cal 683-6892, 9 - 5, ask for Mr. Morley or .263-2788 evonings and woekond. 24-1iN BOWMANVILLE, close ta downtown, 3 or 4 bedroom houso. garage. Available July 1sf. $350 manthly. Phono 623-4922, 4:30 ta 7p.m. CASH for your aid docoys, cracks, chairs, tables, cup- baards, joweiiery, post cards, coins, stam ps, quilts, blanket baxes, etc. Phono 623-3060. 13-tf N HELP WANTED' URGENT Mon interested in helping a boy becomoe a man. Thore is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no groatoré reward than when a manhepa boy . For informa- tion teiephano 623-6646 or write to Box 13, Bawmanvll1le, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact iacally Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N Set-Up Person required for a METAL FABRICATING PLANT for Punch Presses and Bonder Experionco necossary, gaad benefits and salary. Please applyin writing to Advorti ser 826, c-o Tho Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 24-2N 24-1iN HANDYMAN e quired for - came of orchard an d grounds of h0us0, small estato. Vear round aoom, work, in the Orono area. nonth. Wauld suit retired persan who Phono wanted ta work twa ta three 24-1 days per woek. Phono - 705-748-3622 or write Box 1373, apart- Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7H6. rivilio. 24-1iN Phono 24-1 AVON! Increase vour income. Become an Avon ropresonta- tive. Excellent earningý opportunity. Flexible hours. Territorios open in Bowman- ville and Darlington Town- ship. Cali Mrs. Mowat, 725-9696. 24-1 N TRAVEL 1agenc y (fully licensed and bonded) req uires outside sales representativos for Orono, Newcastle area for package holiday sales and group travel. Good commis- sion and ail bookings dono by head office. Resume ta Advertiser 825, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. 24-1 STrUDENTS to cali on Fuller Brush customers in town of Bowmanville, must be 15 or 16. Taik this over with Mom or Dad as a Parent must be present at interview. For more information cali 1-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe 416 Walton st., Cobourg, Ont. 24-2 WAITRESSES over 18, full or p art time. Short order cook. Phono for appaintmont. 983-5536. 24-1 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted. Salary plus commis- sion. Phono 623-2201. 2- c &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scrap Cars Wiii pick up aid fridgos and stoves, etc. f ree of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 23-4N SMALL engine repair alsa used furniture and a pplia4nces. Cali Elmers F ur niture, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Ham pton, 263-2294. 6tN WILL pick up local grown strawberries far wha I sale trade. Phono 987-5300. 24-2N KITCHEN cupboards roquir- ed for romodeiling job - anything in reasonab le condi- tion considered. Cali 579-3971. 24-1 N Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf RETAIL OR WHOLESALE SHOWROOM,' WITH LARGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ATTACHED, FOR SALE BY TENDER This business property, iocated on Highway 115 North of Orono, Ontario, postal address, R.R. 2, Orono, Ontario (described as part of Lot 23, in the 8th Concession, Township of Clarke, lying and beinq in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regianal Munîcipalîity of Durham) is for sale under the Power of Sale by virtue of default of a boan socured by a roaity mortgage. The praporty comprises land ap proximatoly 400' x 200' on the east sideoaf Highway 35 and 115) and an attached brick building approximatol y 8,100 sq. ft. The proporty is fuily serviced and fenced, the building is approximately 7 years aid, zaned commercial, in good condition and suitabie for retailers or whosalors. The retail or whoiesale part of the building is 128' x 93'. The rosidontiai portion is a 3-bedroom apartment with a largo living room, dining room and family raam area. Arrangements ta inspect the reaity may be made by contacting Mm. D. F. Clark, Oshawa, Ontario (416-576-6800). Written tenders, addressed ta Mm. D. F. Clark, P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ontario, Li H 7N2 (marked "tender"), wili be accepted up ta 3:30 p.m. on June lSth, 1979. A certif ied choque for 5 per cent of the amount tenderod must be included as a deposit (payooto bedesignated) and will be returned without interest if the tender is not accepted, or held as liquidation damages if the tender is accepted and sale not completod. The highest or any offer shah nat nocossaril y be acceptod, with the vendor rosorvîng the right ta reject ail offers. Assistance In financing this transaction may be considered. 24-1 Paperboys-girls Needed to Deliver THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 57 PAPERS Little, Strike and Colo Ave. Availablo lmmediately 15 PAPERS Alonna St. Available June 27th 49 PAPERS Liberty St. N. and Sunsot Rd. Available July 4th Phone 623-3303 24-tf THE Personnel Committeo of Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, invite applications for the positi on o f Sexton. Ploase reply in writinq by June 2th stating qualifica- tions to Trinitv United Church Office, 116 Church St., Bow- manville. Attention, Person- nel Committee. The job description and any other pertinent information may be obtainod f rom the Church Office. Duties to commence August 1, 1979. 24-1 MATURE babysitter for two school age boys. Vincent Massey school area. Pro- forably in my home. Cal eveni1ngs 623-7458. 24-1 Tho Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Cafeteria Assistants required for CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL 20 hours per week - Septem ber to J une. Previous related experienco proferred. Duties to commence on or about September 4, 1979. Applications in writing, stating experience and qualil- fications will be received until June 20,1979 by: James A. Bird -Business Administrator and Treasurer The- Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, K9A 4L2. 24-1 N FINE QUALiTY MONUMENTS 'and MARKERS Look for, this seal1 it's your R guarantee of O \perma nonce. STAF FORD Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 PART time or full time secretary - boakkeeper needs a position. Phono 623-7234. 2- MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 24-1 Yard Maintenance Odd Jobs Cutngg awns, trimming, claigbasemnents, ight moving, hauling brush. 623-4160 24-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Freo p'icku p and deîivery. FREE E STIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 8tN T &C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Repai1r of most awn equipmetlt andi snowbiowers. --AUTHORIZED Briggs & Stratton, Lawn Boy, MTrD, G ilson, Canadiana DEALERS SALES- SERVICE -PARTS HAMPTON 263-8469 - 22-tf N Yard or Garage Clean-up Rubbish removal, rnoving or painting, pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 light scrap 14-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and househoîd cloaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, waiI washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 31-tf BOB'S LAWN CARE MEMBER 67 LANOSCAPE ONTARIO Horticul- ture Trade Assoc. Top Soul For Sale 59c bushel REASONABLE RATES Weekly Maintenance. sod Laying and Fertilizing Shrub Prun ing- Free Estimates Fuliy lnsured Newtonvilie 786-2308 Est. since 1968 Mgr. Bob Brown 23-tf N BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND R ENOVAT IONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 50-tf N Va ndergaast Roofîing Calnow for free estimate New and roroof ing sinco 1965 in Bowmanvilie 623-7400 or 623-7659 (30 years experience> 17-tf N INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleanor. Combination woad and ail. Financing available. Funaces cîeanod Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Partner, your EsFu service dealer. Free estimates. Orono 983-5206 or BowmanviIie 623-2301. 24 hour service. 17-tf N B ilI Sellers Ca rpentry Genera I Contra ctor 30 Hunt St., Bowmanville ADDITIONS GARAGES IREC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairscf altypes FORIP REE EST-1IMATE CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER Sp.m. 6-26 Monte Hennessy Clarpontry,. fencing, roofing, conc:rete wrk, atio docks and glass siiding doors. Phono 623-6629 22-4 Yard Maintenance Odd Jobs Cutting lawns, cleaning basements, light moving, hauig brush. 623-4160 "The 4afi itî,Meat- Enniskillen, Ontario LOB iHO Have A Good Day BILL HENDERSON 0w ne r (416) 263-8072 Ref rigeration and Appi lance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Miik Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days............... 623-5774 Nights ............ 623-3177 Lander Hardware and'ELEÉTRIÉ 2-tf MUTTON MASON RY Ail Tvnpsôf Cernent Work - Brick, Blocks, Chimney, etc. SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 ScUgog St. BowmanvilIle 623-2756 13-tf 7 WATER Wells bored, 30 tMe. Ward's Woll Boring. Tele- fhoe 32-230.Ropresonta- ieHrry L. Wade. Tele. f phono 987-4531. 16-tf CARL BRINK BulIder Homes, additions, a lerations 623-2365 6-tf 20-tf N Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanviile We Service AIl Makes 263-8272 14-tf N GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phono 623-5187., Mon. - Fr. 8:00- 5:o0 Sat. 9- 12 noon Shoot and F loat Glass Sealed Units - Storm Wlndow£ Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patternod and Colored Glass and Glazing., 9-tf N Don't leave your driveway, parking lot or tennis courts, exposed to the elements. For a long lastiýg. protective isealer and-or patchwor .k caî1l A-i DRIVEWAY SEALERS (Memberof B.B.B.) ý623-3060 23-4N Timý's Haulage and Backhoe Service 1 725-8411 Excavation, footings, basements, pools, top soli, clean-ups, demolition, landscaping, parging, septic systems. 14-tf N MNDUSTRIAL, commercial and private lawn service. Amount cut er hour approx. 21/2 acres. 14?o or very littie hand trimming requirod. Phone 263-8031. 16-tf N MIN ER'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Caîls 4t DEAN'S Homne Improvement Renovations, Concrete, DryWaII. FREE ESTIMATLb Phone 723-7774 21-tf Don Brooks & Soi, Genera 1 Contra ctor and Custom Builder -Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alIterations, roc rooms, garages, repairs of ahl types, etc. CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phono Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Interior or Exterior PAINTER Also odd jobs around house. LOW RATES Phone 623-2827 19-tf N ALL-TYP E ROOFING Shing les new or Koroofing Flats hot or colId process. Ail roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 23-f Hutton & Wiggans Insulation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tf N OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our f irep laces do not smoko) CHIMN EYS CLEANED, Orono, 983-5606 - 51-tf Ma rpie Auction Services 623-3060 13-tf N GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf' DARLINGTON 1MASON RY Brjck, Block-, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf NEED a pressure systom? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey Pa rtner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 5-tf N Bowmanville Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash and Carry glass, mirrors, alumfi- num products (sliding doprs). 28-tf K D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION Now Homes - Ronovating Roc Rooms Repa irs of ail1 types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf CUSTOM BALING 1200 lb. Round Baies NE WTON VIL LE 786-2309 23-1 WHYTE'S U PHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield and chair professionaliy upholstored. For free estimates cali RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 M. Brooks CARPE NTRY R EMODE LL ING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf JACK BURGESS JlL BURNERS- FURNACES 1CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf ATT-IÇS CLEANED te. j,ý- Wa 46-tt