Sice'Bd'Fanning Came Here, 15 Years Ago, There Hav e Been Great Changes Director of Community Services, T.A. "Bud" Fanning marks bis l5th anniversary this June as the toWn's recreation director. By Donna Fairey Compared to when T.A. "Bud'" Fanning first took over the reins of Bowmanville's recreation department in 1964, co-rdinating leisure time activity today for the Town of Newcastle's 32,000 residents is a horse of a different color. Mr. Fanning celebrated is 15 year anniversary this June as the town's director of recrea- tion. The Town of Newcastle's. recreation department is now referred to as Department of Community Services and enmiploys 14 ful-time pesonnel under the direction of Mr. Faànning. The office is located in the Bell building. SMr. Fanning's second-mn- copimand is Deputy Drector Joe Caruana. Bowmanville native, Joe Kennett is Proeram Director and the department's office "Girl- Fniday" is Sue Davey. Parks ind cemetery foreman is Nick Van Seggelen and he bas a support staff of two. Facilities manager for the Darllngton Sports Centre and Bowman- ville Arena is Fred Payne. In addition to Mr. Payne, the two arenas require seven refrigeration operators who also spend time wrking in the parks during the summer montbs. Some of the town's recrea- tional programs are getting beyond the facilities to accom- modate them. said Mr. Fanning. For example, lobb bail leagues have expanded greatly and interest in soccer bas come on so strong that steps will soon -have to be taken to keep pace, he sdid. Mr. Fanning stated that township ball diamonds will have to be upgraded and provision will have to be made for adequate soccer pitches. téPeople are far more demanding than they used to, be," said Mr. Fanning. "They move to town from tbe city and want the same facilities to which they -were accustom- ed," he said. A general upswing in people's attitude toward- physical fitness bas had a definite bearing on recreation- ai participation. The town's program is far more diversi- m fied than it was 10 years ago and continues to grow witbin its budget limitations. The Town of Newcastle allocates the Department of Community Services a yearly operating budget of $765,000. In addition, Mr. Fanning and bis department must raise $305,500 in revenue to balance their budget. This budget may seem like a hefty financial outlay for the town's recreational activitv but according to Mr. Fanning bis budget bas been cut back from ast year and compared to surrounding municipalities, it is not a big budget. Residents of the 225 square miles which constitutes the Town of Newcastle want Li good recreation program and it takes money to provide it. . Included in the Department of Community Services expenses are, three public swimming pools, two arenas, Orono park, programs in hockey, ball, bowling, skating, tap dancing, baton, swimming lessons, gymnastics, soccer, etc. Also, in 1977-councfi appoint- CANOE RACES Mens open Womens open Under 18 yrs. Blindfolded LOG ROLLING Mens Wo men s Boys under 18 yrs. Girls under 18 yrs. EVENT RU LES 1. Ail entries must supply their own canoe, life jackets and paddles. 2. Ail participants must wear life jackets. 3. Only two people in a canoe. 4. Race course must be followed as outlined on race day. 5. Winners will be determined on fastest time. Top two fastest times wiII run one heat for f irst and second place. 6. Log rolling will be process of elimination. Due to time, log rolling will be limited to 12 entries per class. 7. AIl entries under the age of 16 yrs. must have a Written consent of parent. 8. BowmanVille Jaycees Inc. and Port Darlington Marina will not be re- sponsible for damage or injury. 9. Decision of judges wiIl be final. I ENTRY FORM I(please print> *Names: Events to be entered: ___________________________ We have read and wiII abide by the above set of rules: *Signed: , _____________ *If under 16 yrs. Parents Signature: Entry forms may be dropped -off at Jamieson Tire, King St. W., Bowmanville. For further information caîl John Gould (416) 885-8509 or Fred Robichaud,(416) 623-6522. Sponsored by: JAMIESON TIRE ed the Department of Com- munity Services responsible for the general maintenance of Town -of Newcastle cemeteries. Mr. Fanning re- ports his department.will soon be taking over the, general mainteanance of the Town Hall, Bell building and the fire and police building. The recreation director views Fine Ridge School as an ideal facility to be transform- ed into a magnificent sport and municipal complex. As a resuit of the scbool's closure this September, recreation department swimming lessons this winter could be up in the air instead of in the water. For a number of years, the department has utilized the indoor pool at Fine Ridge School for recreation swimming lessons. The department's summer programn is in full swing and soccer is one of the biggest attractions. According to Mr. Fanning, the European sport of soccer has really caught on in this area. There are 240 boys ranging in age from six to 14 playing bouse league soccer. To demonstrate its growing popularity, soccer was introduced to the town's recreation program in 1972 with an original registration of 32 boys. Mr. Fanning attributes part of soccer's popularity to the fact there is littie standing around as in basebaîl or some of the other sports. Soccer. players are always on the move, he said. The recreation director praised the introduction of T-Bahl a few years ago for cbildren under the age of five, They corne to us now, he said, and we hardly have to teach them a thing about baîl. One of the latest additions to the department's program is roller skating. One may now lace up and roller skate Monday and Wednesday even- ings at the Darlington Sports Centre. Like ahl new programs, it takes a while to get off the ground but Mr. Fanning is encouraged by the growing, response. Future plans for the Darlington Sports Centre will include regular rock concerts, danc- ing and possibhy skate- boarding. When elementary school is out, playgrounds will be in. The Department of Communi- ty Services co-ordinates 25 summer playgrounds in the Town of Newcastle with a total staff of thirty. Three of the town's parks will hold a little more appeal as of June 3th, when their public pooîs are scheduled to open. The Town of Newcastle's Department of Community Services offers something for everyone in the way of recreation. "It's a big opera- tion and -I attribute, its successes to a good staff," said Mr. Fanning. BOWMAN VILLE JAYCEES INO. Bowmanville Week Annual Canadian Foresters Celebrate 1llh Birthday Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, June 27, 1979 13 Comm unity& Services Office 'Girl-Friday' for djur lOth birthday was sî)Oo,~ to be presented to the Canadhan Cancer Society at o ur National Convention in As of May 2th it stood at over $112,000. Canadian Forègters are the largest contributors to Cancer Resêarch in Canada. Ct. Peterboro was the host for our provincial Assembly in April and, they were celebrating their looth birthday. At this Assernbly $3,000 was given to, Horiz~on Homes for problem children, which was our proVincial project and $3,250 was given to Cancer Rescarch, our National Proje-et. Over the past years Our Assembly area have finisbed patient Ilounges in the Happy One Year Old Office "Girl-Friday" for the Department of Community Services, Sue Davey, explains an umpire's registration form to applicant Steve Skene. Hi! My ' name is Tiffany-Leigh Cameron and I was one year old on May lst. My Daddy and Mommy are Bob and Dayle Cameron (King). My grandparents are Marg Curry, Bowmanville, and jack and ,Dorothy Cameron, Orono. My tWo great grandmas are Mrs. Amy Parker and Mrs. Bessie Cameron, both of Oshawa. Kingston General Hospital, Ottawa Civic Hospital and the Princess Margaret Hospital. Our~ local Council bas helped Participation House, Durham House, Retarded Childrens Association, etc. Our local Courts sponsor minor sports teams and other events on a local level. We also have a company in our area to provide senior citizens and low income family accomodation and we hope to build the first of these units in Bowmanville. In the early years we had insurance for our members on a very limited basis, but today we have all kinds of policies for people in every walk of life. The insurance part of our organization is big business, and we have almost $190,000,000 dollars of insurance in force and assets of over $40,000,000. Our fraternal system is set up on four levels: National, Provincial, District and Local. On the Provincial level, Ontario is split into two Assembly's - Eastern and Western. The Eastern Ontario Provincial Assembly area covers fromi Toronto to the Quebec Border. The Assembly area is then divided into four District Councils which are the St. Lawrence Seaway Valley District Council, the Huronia District Council, the Toronto District Council and our council, known as the Kingsway District Council. The local courts. in this area are Mens Courts: Court Bowmanville, Court Nestleton Court Oshawa, and Court Peterborough; Ladies Courts; Court Charlene, Oshawa; Court Lady Snowbird, Nestieton; Court Otonabee, Peterborough; and Court Venture, Bowmanville and Mixed Courts: Court Belleville and Court Lindsay. The members from our area who will be delegates to the National Convention, representing 1500 members from the Kingsway District Council area are: Ct. Bowmanville - Milt Dakin -and Clarence Bell, Ct. Charlene - Emma Balson, Ct. Oshawa - Ormand Yourtb, Len Barker, and Ted Twining, Ct. Peterborough - Walter Booth, Andy Dalton, and William Westman, Ct. Venture m Faye Allen, Cts. Lindsay, Belleville, Otonabee, Nestleton and Lady Snowbird will be represented by proxy votes. To all Foresters we say a very Happy lOth Birthday! The 2 BILLION* \3 DOLLAR QUESTION *the cost of Heart Disease and Stroke to the canadian economy each year. THE HEART FUND "m l-=m s i m m mM 'Mmmmm mm m m mmm mm mmm mmm1 i owm»sanville Jay;eeîs 179 CÀ%alendaro Bwmaville1 Week SB owmanville Week Canada Day Celebrations to be held directly, east of Port Daringiton Marina on Lake Road South, Bowmanville, I FRIDAY, JUNE 29 -5 p.m. until 1 a.m.I *Entertainment by Lcebe * SATURDAY, JUNE 30 -12 Noon until 1 a.m.I 2 p.m. - Fiddler's Contest Fireworks display at dusk Entertainment by' Lockerbie"' * SUNDAY, JULY 1 - KIDDUES' DAY * (Sponsored by Newcastle Block Parents' Association)I * Car RaIly * MONDAY, JULY 2 - 12 Noon until 1 a.m.I I 4.00 p.m. - Canoe Race (Sponsored by Jamieson Tire) and Log Rolling ContestI * 9:00 p.m. - Entertainment by "Something Blue"I I TUESDAYe JULY 3 -5 p.m. until 1 a.m.I Bed Race (Sponsored by Checkers Variety) * 9:00 p.m. - Entertainment by "Something Blue' WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 -5 P.Ml. until 1 a.m. * 9:00 p.m. - Entertainment by "Something Blue" * Canada Day Birthday Party (Sponsored by Recreation Department) i THURSDAY, JULY 5 -5 p.m. until 1 a.m. * Amateur Night * FRIDAY, JULY 6 -5 p.m. until 1 a.m.I * Entertamnment by "Stampeders' SATURDAY, JULY 7 - 12 Noon until 1 a.m. Entetaînent y 'tampders - 9p mMusic Booked by Music World Attractions I OU *~VL4 Buy a Button * OnIy$ '619799" Your Passport to Bowmanvlll. Week à Immmmm mummmm m CLIPand SAVE. nmmmmmmmmmmm Canoe Race and Log RolIing To be held ai Port Daringion Marina JuIy 2, 1979 3:30 p.m. Over $200.00 in cash and trophies' In 1879 in London, Ontario, the fraternal organization called the Canadian Order of Foresters was born. On July 9, 10, and il, 1979 again in London, Ontario we will have our National Convention to celebrate our looth birthday. Our head office is in Brantford, 'Ontario and we have Courts in every province in Canada. In 1952 women were allowed to form their own Courts and be full members of our Society. In 1968 by an act of the Canadian Parliament our ýname was changed to Canadian Foresters Life Insurance Society. Our National,, Project is Cancer Researc6and our goal il,