RTe daaian Statesman wDranvme ie n 2, 1 S ~ecion T_ AT0 Cauada's Birthday Les Fêtes du Canada Iodn A.m:4 's what better way than with.. El 111111! SATURDAY, JUNE 3Oth f rom 10:00 Oa.mneta 3:00 puma Any customer that m akes a purchase within the store Saturday f rom 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 puma,98wiII be eligibl'e for a FREE ride on CANADIAN TIRE'$ BALLOONI. Canadian Parachutisi Bill Cole THE BALLOON WILL BE LOCATED AT:a D)arlington Auto'Cen trc Across, f rom the Canad Ian Tire Store "See You There" (parking lot) Su 1bjeci to favorable weathler conditions.