'arlington Marina Hotel was jammr-ed on Saturday nigh t for the 'opening night of Disco the traditional flashing lights and jungle beat music. Here, some of the dancers try out their Blackstock During July there will be joint church services at St. John's Anglican Church at 9:30 a.m. while Rev. V. Parsons is on vacation. During August there will be joint services at Blackstock United Church at 10:00 a.m. while Rev. R, Rose is 'on vacation. Mrs. Nancy McConnell bas several articles of clothing and playground eipment lef t at Poplar Parki fromn theUnited Curch picnic. If you are missing any please contact Mrs. McConnell. - The Grade 8 dinner was held in the Rec. Centre on Wednes- day evening. It opened with Grace, the Toast to the Queen, 0 Canada and a deliclous dinner prepared by the 0.N.0. Mr. Hogg, principal gave the Farewell message to the students after which Kim Harris gave the student fare- well message. Mr. Paisley, principal of Cartwright High Schoo, and Mr. Williams, Principal, Port Perry High School each gave a welcome to the students entering their schools. Greetings from the Board were brought by Mrs. Y. Christie, Chairman. The awards were presented. It was pointed out, that these awards are spread around by the policy that each student is allowed only one award so that proficiency does not always mean the top student. Awards ta be Inserted in Next Week's Paper Courtice Secondary -Sehool's Ontario Seholars for,.1978-79 Gordon Fitzgerald Peter Stoop Scott McKee John HI 93.0 percent 88.2 percent 86.8 per cent 86.0 percent AndrewSvetec Allan Ashton Donald Rowan Catherine Lettner 82.8 percent 80.7 percent 80.0 percent 83.2 percent 200Port Hope ]Residents From Page 1 of objectors and indicated that support for council's actions thus far is not unanimous. Asked at the outset of the meeting to explain fees of $400 for' haîf a day's work with the municipality, Mr. Philpott assured his audience that he was charging this amount because he was worth it. He pointed out that the cest of his fees could be quickly recovered through the successful re-development of downtown Port Hope., Mr. Philpott said that his job is to negotiate on the town's behaîf a revitalization project which would benefit Port Hope. He said the town is trying to create a "seed"ý development which will attract newý business and stop present business from fading away. Although two development proposals are in the the wings, the specifics of downtown development were not discussed during this week's meeting. Mr.-Philpott said he would negotiate with developers and then make his recommendation to Council. "We are not subsidizing anybody, we are making an investment in the community," he said., And Mr. Philpott, who has been in the shopping centre development business since 1952, assured his audience that a large centre would adversely effect downtown Port Hope. In fact, he advised the town to fight the proposed Northumberland Mail shopping centre project being planned for Cobourg. This centre will be the subject of an upcoming Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. Port Hope Mayor Bill Wyatt joined Mr. Philpott in warning residents that they would face difficulties if they avoided the issue of downtown revitalization. Mayor Wyatt said he believes Port Hope is at a crossroads. "I personally think that if we don't do something right now we're going to be in trouble. He said another study is unnecessary because "we have been studied te death."'I The Port Hope Mayor added that he believes all studies indicate something ought to be done. Mayor Wyatt reminded his audience that downtown is a thriving business centre employing 944 persons at last report. It contributes haif a million dollars in taxes annually. Mayor Wyatt stated that the public would be kept informed as the town proceeded with re- development plans. He described the outeome of Tuesday's meeting as a vote to go ahead farther. "We don't intend to go ahead and spend $4 million right now, " he said. He indicated that the door would still be open for the public to express its views at various stages. "We do not intend to see any plan go through which will adversely effect the taxpayers of this town. Commenting on the amount of time it would take for completion of a downtown project, Mr. Philpott said that the very earliest development could be completed would be 18 months from this faîl. He said that progress would depend on whether or not land can be acquired without difficulty and whether or not hearings are needed. He said a proposai for downtown re- development could be brought before council within two months' time. Mr. Phllpott said that as with any investment, re-development contains some risks. But'he said that these were small in comparison with the risk of, avoiding a downtown project. He said that without revitalization in the core of town "You are assured of a declinie of business in the downtown area. We have to make 4,his move to preserve the level of business that we're doing now. " Receives Ail Round Cord Elien vaneyk 80.0 percent Linda Waring 80.0 percent On June l9th a special ceremony was held to, present Lorrie Hartwell of lst Bowmanville Guides' with her Mll Round Cord. Taking part in the ceremony were her father John Hartwell and Guide Captain Marilyn Acheson. Oshawa Man Dies Ini Crash Last Night A single vehicle accident just east of Prestonvale Road on Highway Two last night took the life of an Oshawa man. Dead is John Cate, 37, 113 Patrîcia Avenue, Oshawa. Durham Regional Police report Mr. Cate's car left the road and entered the parking lotof a BP Station and struck a parked van. The vehicle also took off a hydro pole in the process. There were no other occupants in the car. The victim was pronounced dead at the scenç. Onitarjo Scholars from Clarke High Ojrder In House From Pagel , staff performed their duties according to standards. Mr. Elston told the press Bowmanville's Hospital Board has sanctioned a complete in-hospital investigation into Mr. Hibben's death. The hospital's medical advisory committee have struck a six man committee and they have been given a mandate to investigate the totality of the incident. The committee consists primarily of physicians and the hospital's administrator. They will also have the power to add resource people where necessary. Mr. Elston expects the committee's findings and/or recommendations will be finalized within the next two weeks. INSULATION weIIwrh ,vsin l. Specialist in- CELLULOSE- INSTALLATION 576-5606 Estimnates &Informnation -i. On Governmnent Grants WHITE'S TOWER& FENCE COURTICE .576-5606 SEMI-DETACHED3 bedroomn house. Centraiîy located ln Bowmanviiie. Availabie Immediately, $300 per month net. Phone 1-983-9171. Ask for Sandra Lewis, 8:30 -5 p.m. Auction Sa le Hloisteins Monthi yMalMount Consign- ment of Hoîstleins (Both pure- bred and g rade> seliing at the Malmount Sales arena, Biack- stock, Ontario. Thursday, July 12, 12: 30 noon (Lunch available). Features of th)e sale are 10 head from the listed and R.O.P. tested herd of Charles Varty, WarsawN, Ontario. lncluded in the group are 2 spring.in9 daughters of Quaiity U Iim ate, also daughters of AdmiraI Cita- tion, Kemp and Royal Star. Some real nice grade heifers, fresh or springing to hellp the milk supply. Also yearings and caives. Ail Brucellosis tested. For entries, phone Ed WNerry 263-2225, or Ed MlvcMorrow, Auctioneer 705-953-9444 or Neil Malcolm, Sales Manager, 416 986-4246. Jane Ann Staples 81.0 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Staples, R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario Suzanne M. Chidley 80.8 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chidley, --Leskard Road, IR-. 2, Orono Matthew William Irwin 87.5 Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin, R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario Mary ýmn Valorle Veldhuis 82.0 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Veldhuis, Lance William Payne 85.7 son Of Mr. and Mrs. M. Payne R.R. 3, Newcastle, Ontario Kristlne Grace Dennis 81.7 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Demnis, Diane Elizabeth Pigeon 84.8 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Pigeon, Newcastle, Ontario Gîve.. THE HEART FUND FLOWERS DRIED FRESH TROPICAL .GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: S .Highway No. 2 -King St. E, Oshawa Simcoe St. N., Oshawa -il a, E' ~ ~ - - - flVllUdi, ~JULdl lU M THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F H IG HWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting ta b. heid at the Council Chambers, Police Builng, Bowmanvllle, Ontario, on Monday the 30th day of JuIy, 1979, ai the hour of17:00 o'cîock ln' the afternoon, propose to pass a by-law to stop up and close Part 2 Reference Plan lOR- 964, ln the Town of Newcastle, In the Geographie Town- ship of Darington (formsrîy County of Durham) more partlcuia-rly describedas foliows: AIL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premIses situaie, ing' and being ln the Town of Newcastle, In the Regional Munfici- paiity of Durham and beîng composed of that por- tion of the original road alîowance between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 7, ln the Geographic Town- ship of Darlington, formerîy ln the County of Durham) now wlthin the lmits of the Town of Newcastle, In the RgonaI Munlpalty of Dur- ham, deslgnated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 10R 964, deposîted ln the Land Reglstry Office for the Aegistry Division of Newcastle (No. 10> on May 22, 1979. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Councililn- tends to authoriza the conveyance thereof ta abuttlng owners. AND FURTIHER TAKEN NOTICE that before passîng the sald by-iaw Council, orsa Committse of Councl, shahl hear ln person, or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent,, any person who dlaims that is land wiii be prejudicaîiy affected by the by-Iaw and who apples ta be heard. DATED at Newcastle this 4th day of JuIy, 1979. J.M. Mcl iro-y, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, 27-.. __________________________M Al ' ML nenaai, untario