12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Julv il. 1971) CLASSIFIED DEADLINE rTues., 12 noon 623-3303 A oses BUIRTIS - Mary and Lorry are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their daughter Jennifer Elizabeth, 9 lbs. 11¼ ozs. on June 26, 1979 at Beleville General Hospital. A littie sister for Alisha. Proud g randparents are Mrs. Paulitie Jones and Mr. and Mrs. George Burtis. 28-1 COUTTS - Hug h and Anna (Parker) are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrivai of their flrst born, a -son Jere- mlah Eliah on June 19, 1979 weighing 6 Ibs. -11'/2 ozs. at Memnorial Hosptai, Bowman- ville. Many tfhanks to Dr. Sylvester and Maternity staff. 28-1 EDWARDS -Terr y and Marie are proud to announce the birth of their son on July 3, 1979 at 8:30 p.m. Proud grandparents are Barb and John Ozzv Osborne of Bow- manville and Walter and Zena Tymczyna of Oshawa. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Bowmanviile Hospital and Dr. Siemon. 28-1 MACDONALD - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie MacDonald, Oshawa, (Gail Rundie) wish t0 announce the safe arrivai of their wee son John Daniel on July 2, 1979 weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie, Bowmanville and Mrs. Velda MacDonald, Oshawa, Mr. Lloyd MacDonald, Prince Edward Isand also great ý, randson of Mr. Stewart oung, Bowmanville. 28-1 NEVILLE - Fred and Terry (nee Webster) are pleased to announce the arrivai of their first chiîd, a daughter Jailene Ann, welght 6 Ibs. 14 ozs. on JuIy 5 at 2:35 a.m. First frandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harland Elliott and another for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neville. Speciai thanks to Dr. Tesluk and nursing staff of Port Hope Hospital. 28-l' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Groot, Orono, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, ancy rM.arjorie, f0 Theodore Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lichacz, Wewtonviîle. The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 4, 1979 at the Groot's residence, Orono; 28-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Brettie, Matheson, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Janet Darne Cadeau to R. Bruce Smpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpson, Bowmanvilie. The wedding wiII take place JuIy 28th, 1979 in Matheson, Ont- ario. 28-1 Mr. and Mrs. James Van- dergaast, R.R. 6, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Graaf, Vauxhali, Aberta are happy to announce the forthcomi.ng marriage of their children Marian and Sid on Saturday, August 4th, 1979 at the, Rehoboth Christian Re- formed Church, Bowmanville. 28-1 BROWN - Sadie Elizabet h at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. On Saturday, July 7, 1979. Sadie Brown f armer iy of Orono. Aged 95 years. Rested at Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was held at Lang Chapel, Monday at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 28-1 MATTSON -Vivian Wheeler - On JuIy 7th, 1979, at Bowmanville, in hem 85th year, Stuart Vivian Galbraith, wife of Harald Bror Ringdahl Matfson of Oshawa, formerly of Brantford, Windsor and Preston, predeceased ln 1928 by her f irsf husband, Alden Dodge Wheeler, Jr. of Nor- weIl, Mass., mother of Alden Dodue Wheeler, 3rd. of Victor- lae B.C., and iana Grand- field of Toronto, grandmother of John Wheeler, Bruce, Clive and Daphne Anne Grandfleld, step-mother of Dr. Margaret, Eric, Christopher and the late Joseph Mattson, daughter of the late Mary Wilmot and Duncan James Galbraith. Resting at St. George's Church, Newcastle, from il a.m, July l4th , for service at noon . Donations ln her mem- or f0St. George's Church would be apprcae. FoiIow- Ing burial in St. George's Cemetery friends wlll be eceived at the cottage. 29-1 N CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville HOSPITAL SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Fîowering Plants and Cut F owers Mau ALLDREAD - In loving memory of a dear son Danny Aldread, who passed away July 5, 1975. Four years have past Since we've seen you last Vour smile we cannot see Vour words we cannot hear For God knows best When he took you at lest To his resting place above. - Sadly missed, neyer forgot- ten by Mom and Dad and family. 28-1 BILBEY - ln ever loving memory of the Pearl, who left us July lth, 1978. - Douglas. 28-1 BI LBEY - In loving memory of Pearl (Wright) Bilbey who p assed away July 10, 1978.. Weoften think of bygone days When we were ail together; The family chain is broken now, But memorles will live forever. To us, she has not gone away, Nor has she travelîed far, Just entered God's eternal home And-left the gate alar. - Sa= missedi by Mother, Dadand family. 28-1 McMULLEN - In lovlng memory of a dear friend, Lucille McMullen, who passed away July 11, 1978. We do not forget nor do we intend, We thlnk of you often and will to the end. Gone and forgotten by some you may be, But dear to our memory you ever will be'. - Always remembered by Winnie Strong, Margaret Wright and Beul ah Forrest. 28-1 McMULLEN - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Luclie McMullen, who passed away July 11, 1978. ller smile has gone forever And her hand we cannot touch, Stili we have 50 many mem- ories,, Of the one we love so much Her memory is our keepsake From which we wilI neyer part. God has her in His keeping, We have her In our hearts. - Lovingly remembered by Jim McMullen and family. 28-1 MCMULLbN - in loving Imemnory of a dear daughter and sister Lucille who passed, away Jl lth, 1978. Sadlymissed ln ieswy Qu ietly remembered every day No longer in our l ives to share But in our hearts you're always there. - Sadly missed by mother and father, sisters and their families. 28-1 Ca' The famiiy of the lafe W.H. (Mick) Brown wish to express their sincere appreciation to our relatives and friends; former Mapie Grove neigh- bours and neighbours in Sunset Rd. area; for f iowers, cards and donations f0 Heart Fund, Participation House and Maple Grove United Church. Speciai thanks f0 Strathaven Nursing Home and nurses in S.C.U. of Memorial Hospital, f0 Drs. Westciarth and Dr. Jethalai. To Morris Funeral Chapel and Rev. David Burns, Men's Canadian Club, Maple Grove U.C.W. for tasty lunch and ail who sent food and helpedin any way. 1Winnie, Barbara Bob, Don and David 28-1 Thanks to our relatives, frlends and neig hbors for the Surprise 25th Wedding Anni- versary party af Nestleton, July 7th, 1979. Many, many thanks to aIl for giffs and cards. A lovely evening we wiIl always remember and cherish. Phyl lis and Douglas Fal lis Bowmanvi île 28-1 The family of the iate Harold Kennedy wish to express our sincere heartfelt appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neigh- bors for f lowers, donations and ail expressions of kind- ness during our time of need. A very special thanks to Drs., Cunningham and Jethalal, nurses and staff on first floor and Special Care Unit of Bowmanville Hospital, Rev- erend Smith for his comfort- moa words, Morris Funeral Chapel and neighbors and1 friends for the lovely lunch. Very Grateful Agnes Kennedy and family. 28-1 To my friends, neighbors and relatives of the Solina Commun ity, I wish to say thank you for your generous gifts and best wishes at the shower given in my honor June 22nd in Solina Hall. Mariîlyn Knox 2- I wish to express my sincere thanks to aIl my relatives, friends, neighbors, Trinity U.C.W. and -Durham O.E.S. for their cards, flowers, gifts, visits and inquiries during my recent stay in Bowmanville Memorial and Oshawa Gener- ai Hospitals and since return- ing home. Thanks also to Rev. Amacher for his klnd visits. Special thanksto Drs. Siemon, Stephenson, Anderson and ail the nurses for their excellent ca re. Meta Moffatt 28-1 We would like to express a very sincere thank you to ail our friends and relatives who came to the "Open House" on Saturday, June 3th to help us celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. Our thanks for gifts, money, cards and good wishes and to those Who hel ped in any other ways. Special thanks to our famiiy a nd grandchildren for their love and thoug htfulness - you gave us an aftrno on we will always remember and trea- sure. Emery and Vera Smith 28-1 We would sincerely like to thank our family, friends and neig hbors, those) who helped with the reception, sent cards and came Io our Sth wedding anniversary to help us cele- brate and make this a very special memorable day. Thank you sincerely, Lucy and Parney Martin 28-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, w COURTEOUS SERVICE ~ ' FOR ALL YOU R FLORAL N EE DS tf FINE UUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKE RS Look for this seal,. '%k ills your ' ESTAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 M u t#ura t iat THOUGHTFULWESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inqUire about pre-arrangement of funerai details. Infor- mation can be simpiy and thoughtfUily obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 4 DIVISION ST. -35 8 BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Ontario Hydro's Darlington generating station informa- tion centre is open Tuesdays 9 a.m. t0 1 p.m., Wednesdays 1: 30to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 to5 p.m. The Centre is at the corner of Hoit Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Dennis Flaherty, 623- 7122. 28-T F KUT 'n' KURL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King Street East 623-5019 SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. 9 a.rn'.~5 -mn 9a.m. - 7p.m. Saturday New Hour 7 a.m. - 1: 30 p.m. 28-1 CARNIVAL QUE EN Newcastle Lions are iooking for single girls 17 to 23 to participate in their CARNIVAL QUEEN CONT EST Juiy 28th at the Newcastle Lions Carnival Girls wilIl be iudged on persona lity, poise, We have available sponsors or contestants may have own sponsors. For more information cal RON LOCKE 987-4406. 28-2N EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment necessary) Plus la per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Lt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to be a friend to gi rls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N Our family has been adopt- ed by a very friendiy, female, part Beagle pup. The owner may make arrangements for its return by calling 623-7095. We cannof keep this p et 50 if will have f0 be sent f0 the pound if if is nof claimed. 28-1 inity Taunton Road and Carke- Darl ingfon fown lune. Reward 983-9638. 28-1 SILVER grey and white fe- maie cat lost in Miii Lane area, Bowmanville. Reward. Phone 623-6578 or 623-6761., *28-1 Looking for person to ride f0 Toronto or Pickering with. Working hours are 8-4 p.m. Please cali 623-1656 for further information. 28-1 FURNISHED house or apart- ment required for Au gusf and September '79. Excellent re- ferences available. Cail Tor- onto 592-6225 days, 766-5513 evenings. 28-1 BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "F Iowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoîida ys Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf ~'Flwers Say It Best"'ý VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery to ... Oshawa - BowmanviIle Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf Tie-Dye Show Demonstratiorl by Carnie Osborne Saturday JuIy, 14 SUnday JuIy 15 11-5 p.m. 1at the ELVA REID GALLERY ON Durham Road No. 9 2.8 miles east of Kirby (Hwys. 115 &35) Phone 416-983-9339 1 28-1 N Ladies Lobb Bail Tourna- ment, Saturday, July 14 af Newcastle Memorial 9 a.m. - 6 P.M. 28-1 BEADWORKING and INDIAN WEAVING CRAFT Courtesy of the Mc Michael Collection Thursday, JuIy l9th at3p.m.-- Please Register at the Bowmaiinille Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 ADMISSION FREE BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues. July 17 Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $550. in Prizes Plus $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 28-1 N BLACKSTOCK TRACTOR PULL, Saturday, July 14 Beginning il a.m. 13 CLASSES INCLUDING -- Stock Farm Tractors 4 Wheeî Drive Tractons -Trucks -Vintage Tractors Powder Puff Dràw Admission - Adu its $2.00 - Chi dren $1 .00 28-1 N Pontypool Fun Fair and Sumnmerfest sponsored by Pontypool C. of C. PONTYPOOL PARK Friday, July 13 -6 p.m. - 1 a.m. Saturday, JuIy 14 - il a.m. - 1 a.m. ChiIdren's Rides, Gamnes of Chance, Refreshments ADMISSION - $1.00 l6andunder- FREE Dance on Friday and Saturday - 9 p.m. BERT GRANT D. J. SPECIAL EVENTS - BeerTent, SATU RDAY Parade 1il a.m. Kinsman '500' - 12 noon Races 4 p.m. Pet Show 6 p.m. Draw12 p.m. 1~ A - - o Yard Sale Two Households FRIDAY AND SATURDAY J Uly 13th and 14th Starting at 9 a.m . 4 Jane Street Bowmanville 28-1 Garage Sa le 76 Parkway Crescent Bowmanville SATURDAY AND SUNDAY July l4th and lSth 9 a.m. 'tii dark Ceramic tules, nails, some flooring, cold ceramic moids, Sa mes, record pla vers, many ousehoîd items from three homes. 28-1 Large Yard Sale Articles from three families. 69 Middle Road (off Scugog St. on Golf Club Road> Saturday, JuIy 14 Sunday, July 15 Seliing 9:30 unti 11 Something for everyone. 28-1 YARD SAL E, July 14 ; 10 a.m. 5 p.m., Juiy 15 10 a.m. - 1 p. m. First concession north of Taunton Road and Highway 57, east '/ mile, pool table, large selection good qualîty clothing, lamps, furniture, etc. 263K-84. 28-1WN YARD Sale July 13, 10-7 p.m., Juiy 1 4, 9-4 p.m. Single beds, double box spring, rug, vacuum cleaner, bedding, drapes, lamps, shelving units, rototiller, utility table, patio screen, dishes, table and 4 chairs, tools, clothing, house plants, headboard and mrror t0 match. Antique vanity and mirror. N. off No. 2 on Morgan's road or E. of 115 on 3rd line. 28-1 WEIGHBORHOOD yard sale. Saturday, July 14, Junction 115 and 35. Something for everyone. Starts at 9 a.m. 28-1 N Yard and Bake Sale - Base Line Road, 4th house west of Courtice Road on south side, Saturday,_ July l4th, 9-4:30. Clothing, gir's bike, accord- ian etc., and bake table. 28-1 YARD Sale, Miscellaneous articles, 8th Line, just past Martin Road. First house on north side of Hwy. 2. 10Oa.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday, July 14, Sunday, Juiy 15. 28-1 Ië ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repaired- Parts availabie for most antique dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches, and dlocks and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualîfied Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf W 4 KEYSTONE ma s. 15". 6" front 7" in bac . $200.00. Phone 1-983-9470. 23-tf N U SED furniture and ap- l1iances. Paddy's Market. Samp ton. 263-2241. 33-tf Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionals Less tha n 1/2Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 SiMCoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tfýN SILK AND DRIED FLORAL DES IGNS WEDDING BOUQUETS CORSAGES CE NTE RPIEC ES, WALL HANGINGS and ARRANGEMENTS IN POTTERY, WICKER, and ANTIQUE VASES TALISMAN EMPORIUM EVERY SAT. and SUN. 27-2N GOOD mixed hay. Bill Tom- linson. Phone 1-983-5033.283 ONE Algonquin fent trailer. Good condition $350. Phone 623-9568. 28-1 1978 HONDA, CR250R, Moto- cross, excellent condition, $1250. Phone 987-4465 before 4:30 p.m. 28-1iN 1970 - 750 c.c. NORTON. Low mileage 623-7257. 28-1 Ail makes and Models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby. Bowmaflville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $1 5., inci. cieun, oil, adjust tension anid timingo. 8 COLECO - pool, 15 ft. diameter x 4 fit., filter, skimmer and vacuum, needs new liner. $80. Phone 623-4607.. 28-1 CLEAN - oId bricks and f ire bricks. 623-5220. 28-1 McCLARY - frig. 15 cu. ft., f rost free freezer, good condi- tion, McClary stove, good working condition, kitchen table with four chairs, white with black trim. Phone 623- 7115. 28-1WN 30", FRIGIDAIRE electrlc stove, olive green, 2 large, 2 small burners, clock, timer, large oven. Ail in good worki1ng condition. Phone 263-8301 28-1 N 1978 PYRAMID motor home, 4500 miles, Ziebarted, still under warranty, fuli yequlp- rd*Cnbe seen at Webber's edCSatn, 2 miles west of Bowmanville. 28-1 BIKES (one tandem), type- writer (electric), end tables, pctres and frames, dishes, washing machine, chester- field and chairs, vacuum cleaners and many more items. W. Harris, Old Cemne- tery Road, Orono, 1-983-5478. 28-1WN sale. Rafters, braces, beams, barn board. Cali after 6 p.m. 623-5353 or 623-7226. 28-1 HAY for sale, baled and stooked in field, best quality, no ran,. 60 cents. Phone 1-797-2616. 28-1WN SMALL fridge, ideal for cottage or rec room. Craig 8-track stereo, tape player. Phone 623-4358. 28-1 '77TRANS Am. FuIly loaded, 4 speed trans, P.W., air con., tilt steering, Jensen speakers. Asking $7,100. Certified. 623- 4409. After 6 p.m. 786-2701. 28-1 15' GLEN ELLE house trailer, asking $1800 or best offer. Phone 987-4675. 28-1 MACHINE for sale. Case 580 B Extendahoe. Loader back hoe, 3 buckets, frost ripper and spare parts. 623-7125. 28-1 PROPANE barbeque's. Com- plete with rotisserie. Serving trays, 20 lbs. propane tanks. Arkla. 623-7125. 28-1 TWO western saddles, Ford tractor,8W, 24 x 24 ft. ail steel barn, portable electric weld- er, steel office desk and chair, and typewriter. Cali after 5 p.m. 1-987-5075. 28-1 BUFFET and hutch, two bicycles. Phone 263-2180. 28-1 FOUR aluminum Ford Truck wheels, 8.5'- x 15", $150. Phone 1-983-5972 after 5 p.m. 28-1WN TWO 1978 Vamaha Motor- cycles, excellent condition, low mileage - 750 with farrlng $3,000 and 400 for $1 ,500. Phone 1-986-4437. 28-3 USED-BEIGE Carpeting Assorted sizes such as: 13 x3 -$15.00, 8x 7- $21.00, 12 x 30 -$120.00, 10x 6 -$21.00, 6x 17 $33.00, 6 x 8 - $18.00 PHONE 623-4102 .8rf 7u pt.m. 28-1 N à'OSHAWA SAND8& GRAVEL SUPPLY TOPSOI L PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SANDO GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE - PRODUCTS DRIVEWAYS & ' PARIKING LOT Phone Oshawa7523* , iLL SOLINA RD. N. i mile north of HWY - 2 ftWo lrs $50. ach. Two electrcane$0. each. To plicpramer $00. hOne ietween 6ander$2p.m.P1-986 5067. 28-1WN FOUR seated button back brocaded chesferfield and chair, rusf, $250. Phone 623- 5202. 28-1WN PADDY'S' Market now has new furniture, appliançes, T.V.s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Will accepf trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf j and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 2 WALWUT end tables and lamps. Screens ail sizes. Inside doors. Shuffers. Crock pot. 263-2248. 28-1 TALISMAN Flea Market open Sat. and Sun. and holidays,l10a.m. - 6p.m. Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle. Outside dealers welcome. $5.00 per day. 987-5021. 19-tf N 1971 SEPTIC tank truck. Fully equipped, plus business. Good condition. 725-0302. 26-tf N HARDTOP fent trailer, sleeps 6, good condition, $800. 'Phone 623-6768. 28-1 N 22 AC R ES wheat. Cal11 after 7. Located Summerville Rd. Orono. 576-4971. 28-1 N 302 MOTOR and automatic transmission or wili seil sep- arateiy. Phone 263-2536. 2- TENT frailer, good shape, $250. Phone 623-9360 or 623- 7116. 28-1WN TENDERS Tenders will be received by the underslgned until Frlday, Juiy 20, 1979 for the followlng work. Caulking Bowmanvilîe Central Public Schoo, 120 Wellington Street, Bowmanville. ' Hastings Public School, Hastings, Ontario. East Northumberland Sec- ondary School, Brighton. Roof ing Hampton Jr. Public School, Hampton. Newcastle Public Schooi, Newcastle. Enniskiîien Public School, EnniskiIîen. M. J. Hobbs Sr. Public School, Hampton. East Northumberland Sec-, ondary School, Brighton. Campbellford 'High School, t-ampbellford. 11 S Hilîcrest Public School, Campbellford. Murray Centennial Public SchooI, R.R. 1, Trenton. Cobourg District Collegiate East, 335 King St. East, Cobourg. North Hope CentralI Public School, Campbelicroft, Ont- ario. Courtice Secondary SchooI, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Interior Painting Bowmanvile High School, Bowmanvi île. Grafton Public Schooî, Grafton. Smithfieid Public Schooî, 2 Drewery St., Brighton. Clarke High School, RR. 2, Newcastle. Mitchelî's Corners Public School, R. R. i Hampton. Dr. Powers Public Schooî, PotHo~e High Schooi, Port Ho&ee:ýrge Hamilton Public SchooI, R.R. 1, Port Ho pe. Coîborne Public schoo, Coîborne. Percy Centennial Public $chool, 129 Church Street, Warkworth. Kirby, Centennial Public schooi, R.R. 1, Orono. Exterior Painting Hastings Public Schooi, -Hastings. Thomas Gilîbard, 323 George St., Cobourg. Bnighton Public Schooî, Brighton. Castleton Public Schooî, Castleton. Specificat ions may be ob- tained from the office of: J. A. Bird, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, North, COBOURG, K9A 41-2 vent 1955 FORD 1/2 ton, 4speed, 283,, headers, 4 barrel, high rise,,,, mags, velvet interior, must be seen, $3300. certified. Phone 987-5402 before 5 p.m. 28-i 1976 FORD, F250, 4x4 with, glow , one owner, 25,000 miles, etoffer. Phone 623-2871. 28-1WN '73 MATADOR, 8 cyl. wagon, auto' P.S., p.b., air cond., cert- if ied, $1375. Phone 623-7151. 28-1 1979 CHEV. Impala, 2-door,, fully equ ipped, air condition-__7 ing, Ilow mileage. Phone 263-8866. 28-1WN '72 CHEV. Impala, 4 door, ý ood condition. $400 as is. hone 623-6768. 28-1WN J and M' TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '78 OLDSMOBILE Cutîass Supreme, 14,000 miles, ps., p.b., rear defogger. $5900.00 certified. Phone 1-983-9470. 22-tf N GROOMING AND CLIPPING. at BRACKENHURST REG. Poodies and most breeds. Free pick-up and del ivery. 623-3080. 19-tf 1 4 FREE stud service, black- purebred Miniature maie' poodie. Calîl 623-2427. 28ý 1' FR EE to good home.Puppies.- 1 female, 3 maie. Pone 1-983-5295. 28-TFNW GERMAN Sheperd for sale. 22-.- month oid female. Telephone' 623-2756. 28-1 FREE to pood home, 7 month old maie Siberian Huskie. Cal _ after 5 p.m. 623-5249. 2- 28. FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HAND Afgha!n Bishon Frise Cock-apoo Cockers' Great Dane (Harle, uin)" Lhasa Apso 1ood les Fox Terriers (Wire Hair) 7 Other Breeds Available - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL PERIOD - CERTIFIED GUARANTE E - EXCELLENT QUALITY . 25 BON D ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882 1il-tf N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274- 6-tf The great seven day money back warranty. I. Now there is a "no gaMbIe" used car warrant in1 "MACDONA LD IýO RD COU NTRY" that cannot bé, bettered. If yuaenot corn petel satlsf led with yUr Cri ed lsed Car purch ase from us, return it within severi days for a full refund. Any. reason is a good reason. For more Information caili 623-4481. Another reason Why this is "MACDONALDFOR D COU NTRY" 23-T jèfter 7, 00 p. m.