14 The Caniadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July il, 1979 Large Crowd Celebrates 11lOth Anniversary of McCrea's Church on Sunday Afternoon C.H.S. Ontario Scholars KATIE SCHMIDT Average on top 6 subjects 85.8 percent, daughter of Mr. & Mirs. George Schmidt, R.R.2, Nestleton. LOIS VAN CAMP Average on top 6 subjects 85.8 percent, daugbter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Camp, R.R.l, Blackstock. TAMMIE DEMERCHANT Average on top 6 subjects 80.8 percent, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Keitb Demerchant, R.R.1, Blackstock. A corner of McCrea's Church Cemetery provided a perfect setting for llOth anniversary services on Sunday afternoon, attending by a large crowd, many in formai attire of yesteryear. The Rev. Basil E. Long of Orono led the service with Yvonne Fallis at the organ and Pontypool United Church choir providing special music. At right is Gerald Fisk, complete with top hat, cane and frock coat. Friends of McCrea 's Cemetery bad a beautiful afternoon in whicb to commemorate its llOtb an- nlversary on Sunday, July 8th, 1979. A large congregation atteaded the service beid in the cemetery grounds and most of the people remained for the pot luck supper and social time ýwhicb followed at Pontypool Community Centre. The service was conducted by Rev. Basil Long of Orono United Churcb and music was supplied by Poatypool United Churcb Choir witb Yvonne Fallis organist. Duets by Kevin Preston and Lana Malcolm, witb their own guitar accompaniment, were mucb enjoyed. The Cemetey Board wishes to thank those people most siacerely. Speciai appreciation is aiso expressed to Fay and Glory Adams wbose sound system was of great assistance. Siace, at an anniversary service sucb as this, our tbougbts go back across the years, we attempted to recreate some of the past la various ways. We bave always used the pulpit from the old churcb at our annual outdoor Decoration Service and we did so once again. We also "borrowed back" two of the old pews that bad been sold to Jim Moiioy and on tbese the cboir sat. From Orono Museum was obtained the "thiag" - we stili don't know its correct name - with which to take up tbe collection - a very generous oae by the way - well over $300. To the people wbo lent us the ldfasbioned clothes and to al tbe ladies and gentlemen wbo wore tbem, we owe a real debt of gratitude. Tbey certainly did add a great deal to tbe spirit of tbe occasion (and unfortunateiy somewbat to the size of the ladies' figures, but for a good cause!) The beautiful floral tributes express our love for those wbo rest la our little cemetery, and the care and attention bestowed on tbe grounds themseives, show a regard and respect for our ancestors, that we trust the next generation wiil see fit to continue. When everyone arrived at the hall, ail couid see a dispiay of family pictures on the walls, some photos and a painting of the ld cburcb as well as the deed of the property, purcbased in 1869 from Andrew McCrea. One item that proved of great iaterest was a quilt owaed now by Dorotby Jackman (nee McCrea) on wbich were many names embroidered at a cost of 25 cents eacb. t was purcbased for $25 by Dorotby's mother from the ladies Aid of McCrea's Churcb. She also brougbt a picture of Andrew McCrea. Her contributions were appreciated very mucb. Our pot luck meal proved very successful - no lack of good food or good comnanv. Everyone seemed to thorougbiy enjoy renewing old acquaintances - some dating back for many years. In tbe guest book tbere were many addressed listed. Some were Toronto, Cobourg, Bancroft, Barrie, Flesberton, Osbawa, Peterborougb, Cardiff, Newcastle, Bowmanviile as weli as local ones. AIl our churcb souvenir plates, 120 in ail, were soid. Tbese plates witb a sketcb by Grant Curtis are reaily loveiy, priced at only $250 eacb. We have or-ders- foxi. more - so it you wisb to get your namne on the list, please pbone Hilda Cocbrane at 983-5566 or Jessie Fisk at 983-9108 before next Monday. Tbis will be tbe last cbance so don't delay. Nearly 50 copies of "Memories" Jessie Fisk's book were sold. Tbey are going fast! Tbe Cemetery Board wisbes to tbank each and everyone wbo belped in any way in tbe planning and program Many friends, neigbbors and relatives met at St. Paul's Parisb Hall on Saturday, June 30tb to, offer congratulations and best wisbes to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Smitb on tbe occasion of tbeir 45tb wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Smitb and girls, Sbeily, Sharon and Denise, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith and Kari served, a dainty lunch of biscuits and cheese and a variety of squares as well as wedding cake to tbe visitors, and tben at 6 o'clock tbey entertained the aunts and uncles to a delicious anniver- sary dinner. Emery and Vera were tbe recipients of many congratulatory cards and a gift of a beautiful painting from tbe immediate family and a 'money tree' from tbe brotbers and sisters and in-laws. May tbey enjoy many more years of good bealtb and bappiness together. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son flew to Baltimore, Mary- land to attend a cousin's wedding. Mrs. Violet Carr spent th~e long weekend witb ber daugbter, Mrs. Marie Gilmour of Weston, Ont. Sincere sympatby is extend- ed to Mr. Douglas Logan and family la tbe deatb of bis wife, Mrs. Ruby Logan. Congratulations go out to Mr. and Mrs. George Timms as tbey celebrate tbeir 4tb wedding anniversary. George is presently confined to Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay resting and recovering from a beart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green received best wisbes from many friends and relatives on tbe occasion of tbeir 35tb wedding anniversary. Many called on tbem at their borne and otbers enjoyed an an- niversary dance in the town bail. Mrs. Garnet Stewart of Willowdale spent tbe long weekend witb ber cousin, Mrs. Belle Smith. Visitors witb Mrs. Mildred Bristow this week were Mrs. Jack Harris (nee Frances MeMabon) and ber daughter, Judy, from Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Davis of Eldorado. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McCuliough of Elrose, Sas- katcbewan bas been visitng friends and relatives in this area tbis moath. Tbey are stayîng witb Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk in Peterborough. Kennetb Palmer bas decîd- ed to try the West for work. He is visiting bis sister, Sharon, at Corneli, British Columbia. St. Paul's Anglican A number of United Cburcb members attended tbe Communion Service at St. Paul's on Suaday. Canon Dyer referred to a passage from Joshua "Honor the Lord and serve Him sincerely and faitbfuliy. . ." We are ahl aware of the fact tbat we are living in times of great tribulation and we need unity in this land, especially today - Dominion Day, July 1. We're in a land of many ethnie groups, wben the elderiy are a' concern, wben maay languages are spoken witb many native tangue news- papers and people of differeat colored skias. Canada bas been earicbed by tbis and yet tbere are problems. As Christ- ians we are very privileged and we should be grateful for our good standard of living in material and social wealth. t becomes easy to tbaak God but are we serviag Hlm under false pretenses. God is no respecter of persans; tbe wbole eartb is the Lord's and all tbat is in it. Wbat God do we serve - is it God of Canada, God of our ancestors or God of ourselves? t sbould be God of tbe Holy Spirit, fatber of Jesus, wbom we sbouid serve as He is a God of every nation. We must tbiak of unity wbicb can only be brought about in our owa bearts, tbus we can have tbe rigbt relatioasbip witb God. Kari E. Monk After 29 years as tbe Guidiag Force bebind C.H.O.K. in Sarna, Kari E. Monk is retiriag. Monk began bis broadcasting career as a rookie annouacer at C.K.C.R. (now C.H.Y.M.) la Kitcbener, arrived la Sarnia back in 1950 following a succession of jobs witb small aad medium sized stations. He says over the years tecbaological cbange bas dramatically improved tbe quality of radio. Highligbts of bis career include broad- casting tbe devastation left by tbe tornado that struck downtown Sarnia la 1953 and tbe Royal visit of King George.- VI to Kitcbener in 1939. Kart bas been 49 years in tbe communication business, 43 years la radio and 29 years at C.H.O.K. but bie retired on June 29,' 1979. He said bie didn't tbink it would be possible to bave a more inater esting "work life" and aow bie and bis wife, Lola, are lookîag forward to an equally interestiag and excit- iag retirement. He won't be too far from Radio and C.H.O.K. as be wiil be continuing as a Director of tbe Company. Kari lived bis cbildbood days in Betbany as be was tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monk. Tbey plan on travelling and bope to vîsit England some day before long. Kart recails tbat in Kitcbener wbere be first worked as a radio announcer, the station received its world news by Morse Code and later from tbe teiegrapb office. Married ln 1941 Mr. Monk says be met bis wife, tbe former Lola Cummings in tbe radio station at Kitcbener wbere sbe was a studio pianist and accompanist. Tbey bave three cbildren Mrs. David (Sandra) Rumble of King City, Ont., Dr. Byron Monk associated witb Dr. Robert Wilson at Sarnia Animal Hospital, and Barbara wbo is a second year student at tbe University of Western Ontario. He aiso bas two grandsons, Byron and Scott Rumble. Congratulations to Walter Failis wbo bas been appointed senior custodian at Grandview Scbool to replace Tom Jennings wbo retired' in June. We wîsb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jordan many years of good bealtb and bappiness in tbeir new bome in a Senior Citizen's unit in Omemee. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Steven- son and family, wbo bave bought the Jordan bome, to our village. we ais o weicome Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm' SmeIt' and cbildren to tbe village as tbey bave bougbt and moved into the "Jackson House". Other bomes that bave been sold are Marlene Smith's also Calvin Reynold's farm, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Logan's farm too, we bear bas been sold to Mr. Porter. Swallowing your pride will neyer give you indigestion! Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wood of Botwood, Newfoundiand bave been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood and family and bave visited many friends in tbe area. Tbey aiso spent some time witb Jean's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fraser in Belleville and also witb son, 'Victor and daugbter-in-iaw Carol and famiiy in Edmonton and were able to tour around Banff and Jasper. We're always pieased to bave a visit from Rupert and Jean. Congratulations to Mrs. Irene Rowan of Extendicare, Handcrafted Canadian Pine 1wrniture an ccessories. Peterborough who will be ceiebrating ber'9th birthday on Juiy 13. Her daughter Mrs. Johnson is baving a littie birthday party for her and bas invited ail nieces and nephews to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds of Cavan and Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGiil of Bethany enjoy- ed a scenic tout to and around Niagara Falls and the Rockton Animal Safari. Levi happened to leave bis camera at Rockston but wben be pboned in tbey said someone bad turned it in and it was returned to tbem. Tbis is proof tbat tbe worid isn't as dis- bonest as many predict it is! Tbere are stili many good people in the majority! Steven McGiii son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGil experienced a painful accident wben be was tbrown off a bigbway rouler and received a five inch deep gasb in bis tbigb. He spent nine days on crutcbes, and tben it was necessary to re-open tbe wound and again repair muscle damage. Tbis has not only been a painful ordeal, but Steven bas been bampered from al bis sports activities of wbîcb be is a keen participant and bas often won tbe bonor of being tbe most popular player in bockey andbasebail. We al wisb you a very speedy recovery, Steven! Bailoons iauncbed by an anti-nuclear group in Illinois on June 2 were found tbis week. by Alian Bigelow wbile be was, working in bis bay fieldin"l. Fraservilie. He found three-, broken bailoons and tags' asking bim to return the remains to tbe DeKalb area alliance for Responsiblé: Energy. Tbe balloons were rèieasect, from the site of two proposed - ligbt water reactors in Byron, Illinois. Neitber Allan or bis wife- Laureen Bigeiow are taking a side in tbe nuclear coatrover- sy. Allan said be's send the- tags and bailoons back ton. DeKaIb. Illinois, Tbree young people namely Jackie Snyder, Ian Worthing- ton and Karen Gillbank, are< using their summer bolidays/ to good advantage by leading, on an average of 31 cbiidren'- between tbe ages of 4 and 14 i, maay wortbwbiie activities.-t Tbey meet at tbe Bethany, Athletic Grounds eacb week- day in the afternoon and: participate in special crafts,' games, story reading, nature- studies, and then tbey plan on:- an "Indian Week" wben tbey- will study Indian customs and:. dress and tbey will set aside , one day for parents and,~ friends to attend and be able to ' view their activities. Tbey arQ planning a "Penny Day" and-, would appreciate anýî: donations to tbis sale. ArRi certain parents appreciate tbe. effort of these tbree leaders ag, tbey teach and amuse this group of cbiidren. Oshaw Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers Ail Design und Lettering Don. by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Fuit Details SeIIing Your House by Ed Vanhaverbeke F.RL EDVAN REALTY LTD. HOW MUCH HOMEIMPROVEMENT? Does tl pay to fix up your house? Is this an investment you'll get back when you seli? Actually, much of the payoff will be n enjoyment, flot in dollars. Rarely can you recover ail the money you put into major home improvements. (Cosmetic improvements before you seil are another matter.) n certain high-demand areas, where prices are rising and housing is short, you may recover the entire cost. In most places, though, you'd be more likely to gel back hait of what you put in. O0er-improvement will. not pay off. Major improvements should not cost more than 30 per cent of a homes value - and most should be kept in lme with neighborhood stand- ards. You can get more for your home-improvement dollar by con- verting under-utilized areas instead of building outward. Making a screened porch into a family roomn will cost less than pushing ouf walis. If you want more home than you've gof, if may be wi$e fo selI your current house and move into a 'more-home" neigh- ' borhood. For quick action and a good price, lisf with Edvan Reaify Ltd. 623-4439 or 987-4733. BETHANY Rainbow Motel R.R. No. 2 Newcastle FOR RENT Permanent housekeeplng units- Singles $125.00 per month Including everything. Larger units avallable. 987-4540 DO 1N- FRERW & SONS LT D.7 RXR., NESTLETON 986-5568 or 986-5238 *Agents for Ontario Winter Wheat *We wilI be receiving wheat as t an Agent for the Ontario Winter Wheat Marketinýg Board for the DON FREW 1979 Crop. 9 ONSLD *Grains - Bought & Sold Reg. Rd. 57 * *Grain Drying w.7 *Grain corn contracting available -Port Perry *Tractor-trailer Sca les wVeight Uipto 4 Miles Nort-east of Nesleton E Or 7Miles West eoftlwy 35 80 Metric Tonne On Regional Road No. 57 We have an opening for experienced resale house salespeople f0 work ouf of our Bowmanville office. WE ARE OFFERING Frank Country Catalogue *Unique bonus and In- centive program * Bonus trips ta the Sunny south *Appraisal Department *Audio-vlsuel traininglre. training programme *Intensive advertising * Direct Toronto linos *19 Offices *Mortgage department *Member of referral system throughout Canada, U.S.A. and Europe * MANAGER DOES NOT SELL* We have your inferest at hearf. For conf identil interview cal Joseph Bosco at 623-3393 or Oshawa 728-7518 Write 234 King Street, E. Bowmanville, Ont. Li C 1 P5 reeoccn EASTERN ONTARIO STEAM and ANTIQUE ASSOCIAllON INC. 15tti ANNUAL SHOW NORWOOD FAIR GROUNDS FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY JULY 20;21,22 1979 FR[ JULY 20th, PREPARATION DAY ADMISSION WILL BE CHARGED ENTERIAINMENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY DAILV PARADES GAS Et QIL STEAM ENGINESe TRACTORS GAS ENGINES MUSICAL SHINGLE MILL ENTERTAINMENT SAW MILL FLEA MARKET -PLUS SPECIAL FEATURES OPEN HORSE * DRAW Frî. Nite Téo dock SOUVENIERS FREE RIDES FOR K IDS ORAW FOR VALUABLE PRIZES ANTIQUE DISPLAT BELTING CONTENT ANTIQUE CAR TOUR YURS NOUT TO R E'AS ON WHY, YOURS BUT TO COME AND BUY At Murray Johnston's 1/ YEARLY SALE of fine MEN'S : WEAR. Enjoy our reputation for quality, integrity and service ai our 1/ YEARLY SALE. starting MONDAY. 16 JULY ai MURRAY JOHNSTON'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA. (OSHAWA) ImnéLù 8 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4511 DO WN TOWN OSHA WASQUA RE