The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvile, July M19179 15 Y ellowlees Family Holds Family Picnic Near Orono by Gladys (Yellowlees) Short On Sunday, July 8, over 90 members of the Yellowlees family gathered on the beautiful grounds of Don and Helen Thompson near Orono for their annual reunion. It was a great pleasure to have with us, on this happy occasion, Norm Thompson and bis wife Pat and two sons from England, who are visiting bis parents, also Sandra (Ellicott) Booth and sôni, aierïon, ol Vancouver, who are visiting ber mother ýssie Ellicott. Candace and were also present. From Brockville came Ben and Jo Anne Thompson, Charlés and Angie and from Brampton - Don and Maxine Yellowlees, Greg and Angie Yellowlees and cblîdren Michelle Yellow- lees and friend Ted. Prom Collingwood came Frank and Grace Wrigbt and David Kohi(grangon) . .Durifig the afternoon we were especially pleased to welcome Aunt Florence Yellowlees who came witb Jean and Gerry Glaspell for a brief visit. One of our members Ivan Ellicott wbo is seriously ill in VWË CARRY A LARGE fiATURAL FOUDS ORANOLA CEREALS UNTREATED FLOURS VITrAMINS ând F000 SUPPLEMENTS DYKS¶'RA'S DELICA TESSEN, FOOD MARKET. 13-77 KINO ST. WEST 6e:3541, VARIETY 0F MIE PARK INC OFF OU EEN STREET Playcamp Preachoolers Tour Bowman ville Zoo Peterborough Hospital was remembered with a card contaiming the autograpbs of those present. After singîng grace every- one beartily partook of a delicious dinner in the usual way. Following dinner a lively program of sports was conducted by Ron and Gladys Wite and Marie Haick-and Suzanne McBain. The resuts are as follows - Pre Schoolers - all received prizes. 5 to 6 year olds - 1. Layton Yellowilees, 2. Bradley hmpn,3. Bryce McBain. 8 easndunder - 1. Bryce McBain, 2. Bradley Thomp- son, 3. John Yellowlees. Clothes Pin and Pie Plate Race - 1. Kevin Kossatz, 2. Robbie Wrigbt, Crab Race - 1. Candace Ellicott, 2. Jason English, 3. Robbie Wright. Men's Speedy Dressing Relay - Won by Grant Wrigt's team. Ladies sboe - Xicking Contest - 1. Angie Yeilowlees, 2. Brenda Metcalf, 3. Pat Thompson. Straw and Paper Race - 1. Brenda Metcalf, 2. Karen Asbton, 3. Pat Tbomp- son. Wheelbarrow Race - Don and Beverley Burgess. Break- ing tbe water filled balloon - Bambi and his friends! This young deer is only one example of the Noah's Ark menagerie of animais which may be fed and petted by visitors such as the playcamp pre-sehoolers. Lorne and Angie Tbompson. Men's Blindfolded shoe scramble - Norm and Pat Tbompson. Guessing contents of box - Don Thompson. Elimination Contest, - Lois Yellowlees. A scavenger bunt concluded the sports program. Harvey Yellowlees on bebaif of ail present expressed our sincere for their generous hospitality to tbe sports committee and to Lorne Tbompson for the occasion. The 1980 picnic will be beld on Sunday, July 13 at the home of Lorne and Angie Tbompson, Orono. The J. Yellowlees family will arrange the sports. See you althere! Provincial Court BOWMANVILLE July 3, 1979 Judge Runciman presided wîtb acting Crown Attorney A. Bolotenko and Duty Counsel D. Barber. Bencb warrents to be issued for George Stewart and Charles Lavelle. Leonard Barrett, 23, Montreal, pleaded 'guilty' to driving while disqualified on May 25. Const. Dunn stopped him on Higbway 401 for a speeding violation. The fine was $150. or 15 days. Jeffrey E. Ross, 21, 72 Scugog St., Bowmanville was cbarged May 20 'did drive wile disqualified'. He plead- ed 'guilty'. He was observed on Regional Road 14. He was stopped and CPEC sbowed be bad been suspended for three different matters. The fine was $350 or 35 days. Mark A. Wihlidal, 22, 283 Bluejay Cres., Oshawa was fined $150 or 15 days after pleading 'guilty' to possession of marijuana. Robert M. Arcbibald, 28, R.R. 6, Bowmanville was sentenced to 14 days in jail after pleading 'guilty' to having care and control after consuming over .08. The offense took place March 16. Const. Greentree came upon him sitting behind the steering wheel with the engine running. Tests were .20 and .18. TAP will flot be opposed. Bell 'Hikes Phone Rates In Oshawa Ma Bell will be asking ber Courtice area customers to dig a little deeper into their pockets beginning in August. That's the month when new phone rates wil apply to all customers on the western edge of Newcastle where telephones are part of the Oshawa exchange. Joan Poirier, a representative of Bell Canada, informed members of the Town of Newcastle finance and administration committee on 1Mionday that rates for residential private lines in Oshawa will increase from $6.65 per month to 7.15 per month while customers n party lines will have telephone rates increased from $4.80 per montb to $5.10. A business line with an unlimited number of calîs will pay a rate of $21-05 per month, up from $18-60. The Bell Canada representative said that the increases were due to a large number of customers making use of the Oshawa area exchange. Exchanges in Bowmanville, Hampton, Newcastle and other parts of the municipality will not be Keeping your balance is as easy as falling off a log! Jo-anne Dilling, project co-ordinator for a Y.M.C.A. summer playcamp for preschoolers, took a group of youngsters on a tour of Bowmanville Zoo last Thursday. The project functions in co-operation with the Newcastle Community Services and Young Canada Works. effected by the higher rates. In other discussions with the Bell Canada representative, the issue of a single exehange for the entire municipality was raised by Councillor Jasper Holliday, chairman of the finance and administration committee. Counillors were informed that the idea of placing the entire municipàlity under one telephone area would probably not become a reality until the mid to late 1980q THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR ... < 4émmier THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor oýee4î:2ogq., n the community. For information cali Marg Bain Phone 623-2661 r clierney!i Illustration of Cherrîey's Whtby<-. showroom ware- house .other show- rooms in Kingston; Belleville, Cobourg, Peterborough and soofl f0 be opening our 6th location in Lindsay. P lan to Plug Leaks on Roof 0f Town Hall Newcastle's finance and administration committee bas appointed a three-member committee to bring back recommendations for plugging leaks in the roof of the Bowmanville Town Hall. According to a two-year-old estimate on the committee's agenda Monday, it was noted that the cost of repairing shingles, comnices, entranceway and the balcony could cost a total of $20.000. Since tis quote was out of date, Town Manager Albert Guiler said in a written report that he would recommend a further inspection of the hall and that necessary repairs be made in the fail of this year. The report. prompted Councillor Ivan Hobbs to note that both the roof and the damaged upper windows', which have been boarded up with plywood concern hlm. Our selection, L' savings and depend- ability are proven ... we buy in cartoad lots, have our own shipping, warehous- in and automated stock control buying the way you'd have it in your home. Fil, Allprices are marked clearly and delivery is included. lt's worth the drive to Cherney's.. OvedOOaccSsoýedromsettg&.. However, he suggested that another study of the Town Hall was not necessary. "This is where money is spent for nothing," he said. He added that unless the municipality is gomng to do somnething, there's no point in taking part in a study. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard agreed that the roof and windows ought to be repaired regardless of what the town does with the building in the future. "Personally, I arn supportive of restoring the building. I think it is Mickey Mouse getting reports hither and thither at great expense," said Councillor Ann Cowman. She suggested that even if the town were to seil the building at some point in the future it would still be necessary to fix it up. After discussing the problem, the committee recommended tbat Chairman Jasper Holliday, the Town Manager and Mayor Rickard bring back specifications for repairing and replacing the roof and broken windows. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Murphy and Mary, Bowmanville. Christopher StarK, Knox- ville was a Saturday overnight guest of bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Donna and Raymond Trim, Pontypool visited Saturday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim and Mr. and Mrs Horreli Pinch. On Saturday evenîng, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews with Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby attended the Old Time Fiddlers Contest held at Perth Jamie Todd is holidaying in Oshawa for a few days with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark visited Saturday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and Glen, Campbellcroft. Miss Mary Anne Veigner. Burlington is holidaying witb Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woods, Kristine, Patrick and Paul. The M Now there is a'"no gamble"used car warranty in "MACDONALD FORD COUNTRY"that can- not be bettered. If you are not compietely satisfied with your Certified Used Car purchase from us, return it within seven days fer a full refund. Any reason is a good reason. For more information cati 623»4481 . 219 King St. 1977,CHARGER.... $4695.00 V8, Auto, PS., P.B. Buckets. Vinyl Roof. Lic. MHB 720 1978 FORD CUSTOM 500.... $4895.00 V8, Auto, P.S.,P.B. Fuît size comtort. Lic. MMK 479 1976 F1 00 Pickup $. 3795.00 302 V8, Standard transmission Lic. H70379 1976 GRAND PRIX .$4895.00 Immaculate automobie Fuiiy equipped plus f actory air. Lic. KMW 346 1978 DIPLOMAT $. 51 95.00 V8, Auto, PS., P.B. You've got to see it 1 Lic. MMK 250 1976 F100 SUPERCAB ...... 1359500 360 V8, P.S., P.B., with rear jump seats. Lic. Dl 188 1977 ASPEN 2DOOR ....... $3960.00 Siant six economy with automatic and P.S. Lic. LSB 501 1978 FIESTA ......3995.00 The front wheei drive Import f rom Germany. Lic. MWK 925 moneymack Another reason why this is 4CDONALD FORD COUNTRY. For Quality and Service Shop DYKSTRA'S THE PLEASANT ALTER NATIVE IN-FOOD SHOPPING m ils THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL LEAN, BON ELESS CHUCK 21 B STEAK 21 e TRY OUR FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF syAHN 0 IDEL FR BQ EeAD ENJOY YR IDEA FO BB KSTHIS SUMMER. .SLICED STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 2.69 LB. STORE SLICED SWIFT PREMIUM BOLOGNA 99" LB. LAZY APLE1.29 LB. PCK. BACONý SPECIAL 1976 VW RABBIT ... $3279.00 4 door, f ron t wheei drive. 1Lic.KPK,337 Qualtybrand names,à warehosesavingsa... a Y fincithe ckîve toChemfeyiswel Y <wh4.~.-:; ~ ~ ~ A w«hwhîIe. NATURAL FOOD SPECIALS FRESH GROUNO à REANUT BUTTER LARGE TUBS "yLB. SUNNYCRUNCH GRANOLA CEREALS 860ofgr. , BAG1l'n I personaîly promise Cherney's wiII not be und FeNIUR WOL Hwy. 2 Opposite Whitby Malil Telephone 579-2680 Open Mon. to FrI. 9:30 - 9:00 Saturday 9:00 -5:30 Beaautifl owMRoms-NWarehoSe lprcsS _M9