2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 18, 1979 Nluclear Crities li Have an Op portunity To Answer Questions Critics of nulear power will be allowed to answer questions along with Ontario Hfydro spokesmen at the upcoming public meeting oi the !Darlington Generating Station, council decided Monday. 1The meeting is being held to reiew, with the public, the present status of Darlington, the need for it and to discuss contingency plans i the event of a nulear accident. :Ontario Hydro has been lnvited to present a brief report on the project and then answer questions from the public. In a letter to council, Dorothy Boden of the newly- formed Durham Region Coal-, ition for Nuclear Responsibil- ity said, "it is our view that Van Belle Floral Shoppes F.. much more than a flower store! 48STORES S Highwey No. 2 KIng SI. E., Oshawa Oshawa 1King St. W., VA EE Bowmanvlfle these questions should be answered not only by tbe proponents of nuclear power, le. Ontario Hydro, but also by those well-versed in the draw- backs to tbis form of power generation." She asked that two nuclear critics "well- prepared to accurately present the alternate view- point" be allowed to speak as well. Counillors Keith Barr and Jasper Holiday said tbey didn't see wby this group should get preferential treat- ment. Its representatives wil have the opportunity to speak the same as any other members of the public who attend. "This is to be a public information meeting. We are not conducting a hearing but a question and answer period," argued Holliday. "You may be happy with alI tbe answers we've been getting from Hydro", replied Councillor Ivan Hobbs, "but I'm not". He indicated that at the meeting wben someone asks a question, he would like to bear a reply from Hydro and a reply from the nuclear critics. Councillor Ann Cowman also tbougbt someone should be there to comment "on tbe other side of the coin" From Page 1 Meanwhile, copy of a letter from Ontario Minister of Labor Hon. Robert Elgie to MPP Sam Cureatz did littie to allay council's concerns about the preparedness of local medical faciities to treat victims of radiation accidents. Elgie first pointed out that the Ministry of Labor is no longer the lead Ministry for nuclear emergency planning. This r espnsibilty no rests with W.A.B. Anerson whow reports to the Solicitor General, the chairman of the cabinet committee on Emergency Planning. Elgie said he has discussed council's concerns with other cabinet members and members of his staff have held discussions with their counterparts in the Ministry of Health "with a view to involving various medical facilities in the planning preparation for dealing with tis type of emergency. CI agree on the importance of preparing hospitals in the vicinity of the Darlington plant before the first unit of that Rlan 'becomes operational in 1986.' Couneillor Ann Cowman said she ý"astonished that anyone would consider building such a thing in a built-up area when hospitaland contingency plans are needed. What are we coming to? I think we're mad. " Delay Decision on Designating Town Hall as an Historic Site Town council delayed a decision on whether or not to designate tbe Town Hall as an historical site until it bas definitely decided where its administrative facilities are to, be located. The town is considering tbe possibllity of amalgamating all administrative offices in one location on the Pine Ridge School property. The local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee recommended tbe building for designation for architectural reasons because its exterior bas suffered only minor alterations since it was completed in 1904 and also because it is the only example in Bowmanville of the Beaux Arts style of architecture. In addition, it is the best example Of civic architecture left in Bowmanville and historicaily, it bas housed municipal offices since 1904. 1The purpose of designating a builig or property as an historical site, is to protect sometbing of architectural and-or bistorical value or interest. Designation allows council to control alterations to land and buildings and, to a certain extent, demolition or removal of buildings. If the owner wants to make alterations which are likely to affect the reasons for designation, he or abe must apply to council for permission to do so. Councillor Ann Cowman argued in favor of the designa- tion because it would protect the building, to some extent, from beinÏg tomn down to build something like a parking lot. ILocal Cancer Campaign $3,7 14 Over its Objective The Bowmanville and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society bas reached its Frigate's Serol Goes to Museum A scroll from the World War II frigate H.M.C.S. Bowman- ville wil be given to the Bowmanvile Museum for display, council agreed Monday. At present the scroll is framed and hangs in the Bowmanville Town Hall. The Bowmanville Museum committee also requested possession of the bell from the same ship. It nýow hangs in the Royal Canadian Legion here and' Councillor Bull Clarke asked town clerk Joe Mcllroy to inform the committee of this fact. 1979 campaign objective. Target for this year was $20,000,00. As of July 12th tbe Unit bad collected $23,714.11. 1To accomplisb this task it requred the assistance of over 900 people. Funds were received from the April campaign drive from tbe residents within the Unit, commercial and industrial establishments, daffodil sales, and special events. Bowmanville Unit extende west to Courtice, east to Newtonville, north to Ponty- pool and Enniskillen. Ontario Division of Province objective is 9 million dollars witb the national objective being 16.5 million dollars. 0f the national total il million will go to cancer research. The balance will be used for Boits and Pieces PROMOTED - Congratuations to Terry Wetmore, a resident of Bowmanville for the past several years and a former member of the Legion Pipe Band. He's also advertising manager for Sears in Oshawa and has received a promotion that will take him to the London area the end of July. His final achievement in this area was handling the publicity for the Ontario Games for the Physically Disabled last week. WIN TOURNEY - A fastball teamn from Bow- manville Kinsmen were runners-up in a 12-team tournament in Warkworth on Saturday.,They won two games over Kingston, and Oshawa but fell vietim to a Warkworth team. A picture of the trophy and a few of the winners wiIl appear next week. They were too busy gathering up carnival booths on Monday to have the entfre team on hand. FISH DERBY - Bowmanville Jaycees have a father and son Fish Derby lined Up for Saturday morning at the stocked pond in Kendal, starting at 9 a.m. Sec the story on page 14, second section, for more details. cancer education, transporta- tion and treatment for patients. Bowmanvile Unit as well as all Units throughout Canada are managed and operated by many dedicated NON PAID volunteers. To ahl who donated, can-' vassed, sold daffodils or assisted with various special events a sincere thank you for your efforts. Charles Trim, Campaign Chairmian. TIown Gets Runaround Letter to Editor Dear Johnny; one of my readers called at the bouse tbe other day with two items he tbought mîght interest me. The first one concerned the mayor afid the indoor swimming pool, witb Mr. Rickard explamning that by using "zero based budget- ing"l there need be nio ope!'at- i ng deficit. This is what we used to cail " pay as you go" (I think) and I thought this observation was timely as I could neyer quite realize bow, before the p lace was even started ta be bufit, those i the know could figure it was going ta Jose $40,000.00 the first year. Thé second item was from a trade magazine and was by Dr. Steve Smith, Recreation Professor, University of Waterloo. Dr. Smith takes a very very pessimistie view ef the cost of ligbting and heating new arts centres, hockey arenas, swimming pools and, so forth and suggests "per- haps Wintario sbould be put- ting some of its, proceeds putting some of its proceeas into some kind of a trust fund Sate driving is a famiiy altair. ta help offset the operating coats for faciities currently in tbe miil." Hope be is wrong. A week after fayor Rickard explained bis "zero based budgeting" be bas a another letter ini the paper saying he was a little misunderstood. Whereas some people were using a figure of $50,000 to $150,00 as a deficit he pre- ferred -ta use the Dept. -of Com- munity Services figure of $40,000 and "zero based budgeting and efficiency of op)eration it should not cost the taxpayers more than one dollar per person." Ail of whicb brings us pretty well back te where we started. Morgan STOP-SOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS M MU ONTARIO MUNICIPAL'BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F Section 15 of The Planning Act, (R.S.0. 1970, c. 349). Please b. advlsed that the Ontario Municipal Board Hearings related to the Duirham Re- gional Officiai Plan have adjourned until August 13, 1979 at the hour of ton o'ciock (local time) In the forenoon at the Councl Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,, Cierk Regional Municlpaiity of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSîNG TAICE NOTICE that the Councl of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Councl meeting te be held at the Councll Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanvllle, Ontario, on Monday the 3Oth day 0f July, 1979, et the hour of 7.00 b'oîock In the aflemnoon, propose te poe a by.Iaw te stop up and close Part 2 Referene Plan 1OR- sait, In the To*n of Newcastle, ln 1h. Geographlc Town- ship of Darlingten <f ormerly CeuntY Of Durham) mors partlcuIarly deiscrlbed as foîlows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and promises sîtuate, Iying and beîng ln the Town of Newcastle, ln th. Reglenal Munici- pality of Durham and being composed of that por- tien of the original read eîiewance between Lots, 32 and 33, Concession 7, In the Geegraphlc Town- shlp of Dariington, formerîy ln the County of Durham) new wlthln the limite of the Town of Newcastle, ln the Reglonal Municlpity of Dur- ham, desIgnated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 10R M8, deposit.d In th. Land Registry Office fer th. Regîstry Division ef Newcastle (No. 10) on May 22, 1979. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thât the Ceuncîl ln-. tends te authorize the convoyance thereof to abuttlng owners. AND FURTHER TAKEN NOTICE that before passîng the said by-law Ceuncil, or a CommIttee ef Council, shall hear ln person, or by his ceunsel, solicitor, or agent, any person whe dlaims that hie land wlll be prejudicaily et fected by the by-law and who applies te be heard. DATED et Newcastle this 4th day ef Juiy, 1979. J.M. Mciirey, A.M.C.T., Cierk, Corporation efthte Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, 27-4 Bowmanvillîe, Ontario NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE DEPARTMVENT 0F PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DATE: Juiy 23, 1979 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE:' Committe. Room, Bell Building Church and Temp. erance Streets, Bowmanvlie, Ontario. PURPOSE:- To permit interested persons to express their views regard- ing an application requesting the rezooing of the site on Liberty Street North present- ly occupied by Brooking Transport fromt Agriculture to Residential, with a speciai provision ta permit a stôrage and maintenance building for transport trucks. Details of the proposais May be obtained by caiiing the. Planning Department et 263- 2231, or enquiring at the Hampton Office. ATTENTION! You're always welcome at the V.1. P., but ... Wednesday Night is MEN'S NIONT Styltng m Perme Colore using the very best products f rom L'Oreal For the total man.. V.P Hairstyling Limited 112 Wav.rloy 623-6252j I BOWMA NY!LLE SIEW LKCARIVAL DAYS 1 9-20-21 Corne and Enfoy YourselfI Don't miss, the PEPSI Challenge! Congratulations and Appreciation Congratulations to The Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board of Manage- ment for their untiring efforts and contributions toward their beautification seheme. This beautîfication has been undertaken and totally paid for by the merchants. To ail the merchants and other businesses who have been so understanding and co- operative during the period of construction. Congratulations also to the many agencies involved: The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department and ail other Town Staff involved. The Regional Public Works Department The Ministry of Transportation and Communications The Engineering-Firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki The General Contractor, Dagmar Construction Limited Bowmanville Public Utilities and ail other utility services. We would like to express our appreciation to the many residents who continued to support the merchants and other businesses under difficult conditions. Also, the Citizens who live in the area for their indulgence through ail the inconveniences they endured during the construction period. This has truly been a co-operative affair strengthening our community pride, that wili further enhance Bowmanville as a place to shop and do business. I invite our Citizens to continue supporting our local mercrlants and businesses s0 that"our Town will continue to grow and prosper. With best wishes to ail those that have been involved. THE COU NCI L 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE. Garnet B. Rickard. Mayor.