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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1979, p. 5

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How a Courageous Girl Deait with Major Disability Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Church Street, held a most successful family picnic on their spacious lawn at their home. A bountiful dinner was served, and, the day thoroughly enjoyed by all attending. Ontario County Hostein Club will hold fts annual Hostein show Sept. 3 at Port Perry Fair. The show, open to alI Hostein breeders in the former county- of Ontario, starts at 10Oa.m. Judge -for the show is George Kita of Japan. Prizes are provided by the ministry of agriculture and food, Agriculture Canada, and Port Perry Agricultural Society. Ail cattle shown require a negative test for brucellosis within 60 days of the show or must corne from a herd listed as free of the disease. Mickey Leddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat 4eddy, Bowmnanville, is attendiag a one month Business Administration course at Sir Saadford Fleming College, Peterborough. In the faîl she will then complete a two year Business Administration. Sandra Paul, 'of 131 Lawrence Crescent, is in the cast of the smash hit "Boeiag Boeing" which' is being presented by the Spotlight Theatre of Durham Region, later in September at the Arts Resource Centre Oshawa. For SALEM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP DURHAM Nori-denominational full gospel. Sunday 11-6 p.m. Wednesday night Bible Study 7:30 p.m. commencing August 8. Formerly Salem Sehool BAHA'I TEACHINGS All existence is dependlent upon God, Who's image is reflected in the mrror of the entire creation. This is what is meant by Divine Unity. For information - Box 36, Bowmanvle Itesof information re dates and the area comprised of the prices phone 725-7750. former county of Ontario will have a chance to show their Would you like ta be a St. stuff at Uxbridge on Tuesday, John Ambulance First Aid August th. That's when the Instructor? annual Junior Plawing Match You can provide a valuable will be held, sponsored by the service ta your community Region of Durham, Rama and and earn a littie money in your Mara Plowmen's Association,, spare ime. To find out how ta at the farm of, Earl Baconi, qualify, get in touch with the R.R. 3, Uxbridge. The match St. Joh Ambulance branch in is open to all farm boys and your community or with girls In the former county who Manager, Course are12 years old by Nov. 1ithis Development, St. John year and who have not Ambulance, 46 Wellesley St. reached their 23rd birthday by East, Toronot, Ont. M4Y 1G5., that date. Plowing starts after _________a 10 a.m. instruction session At the Peterborough 'with event judge Fred Exhibition on Friday, August Timbers. Separate, classes l7th, a most successful will be held for beginners and fiddlers contest was held. In those with more plowing the Open Contest, lst place experience. Classes will also was won by Dwight Lubinicki, be divided by age. Contestants Scarborough, 2nd' Rick must supply their own Cormier, Bay Ridges, 3rd equipmfent and those under 14 Albert Moher, R.R. 1 must bring acoach. Lakefield. These top fiddlers _____ are in the 18 years of age bracket. Recently in the Brooklmn Redmen Lacrosse Shelburne Fiddle Contest Team, coached by Pete Dwight placed second. Vpond, have been defeated by Cormier and Lubinicki were Brampton Excelsiors in the pupils of Victor Pasowesty, of Ontario Lacrosse Association Whitby who_ won at Shelburne Major Series Play-offs. a few years back. Brampton now meets ________Peterborough Red Oaks in a Young tractor jockeys from best of seven final. WESLE Y VILLE After Saturday's raiastorm, weatber cleared sufficiently ta dry off the grass on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Payne's lakeshore home, so churcb service could be held there. This August the l2th, continues the outdoor services whichbave beëen helcl-for some years by the Hope Township charge of the United Cburch. The guest speaker was Rev. Rex Norman af Peterborough, district secretary for the Canadian Bible Society. His message conceraed the work of the Bible Society and the need for it. The world demand for the Bible always exceeds the supply and the saciety la constantly at work providing new. language translations. This 75th anniversary of the Canadian Society, it is endeavouring ta raise a special fund ta produce the whole Bible for the use of the Innuit people. There is a great challenge-in Mexico also ta pravide Bibles for the rnany litle villages where they are aow beiag urged ta read it by their church. Rev. Norman hadbeen in Haiti recently and told of the poverty bf many people there. Poverty it is bard for 'us ta canceive, Chrc atDvso tRf e6333 10 am WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Titi. "MA N RUNS DO WN - GOD BUILDS UP,, Nursery Car. Provlded A Warmi Weicome for Everyone A special welcome to members of St. Pau's Church who are worshipping with us during the month of August. Rev. John Peters wilI have pastoral overslght of bath congregations whlle Rev. Ed Schamerhorn la an vacation. Phone 623-3138 or 623-6544 PLEASE NOTE - Service Timea- 10:00 a.m. according ta the lives af most of tbem the ordinary Canadian' la a very wealthy persan. The purpose of the Society is ta put this great guide for life withia the reach of all who want -it. The congregational singing was led by choir members, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. H. Reeve. Soloist was Mrs. Carroll Nichols whose voice is always a treat ta hear. She sang, "His eye is on the sparraw" and ber second sala concerned God's Guiding Light. Ushers were Russell Baker and Allia Osborne. Congratulations were extend- ed ta Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne wha were celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary on, this day, so al of their family were home including Garth of Toronto, Jeanifer and husbaad Ivan, Hale of province of Quebec, Rodney home between study courses, Lance back fram a French course in Quebec, and of course, Shelley. It was anaounced that any one wisbing ta caatribute ta the Woadstock disaster fund, migbt leave their contribution witb Ken Symans. Next Sunday's service will be beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker, Garden Hill. Following the service and the pleasant visitiag time, other guests welcomed and entertained were: Rev. R. and Mrs. Bartlett, of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardiner, Garden Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brown. Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Cameran Schiedel of Cambridge, Mr. Trevor Perrin and Miss Trina Astor of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Awrey Martin of Stoney Creek, with Mr. and Mrs. Payne, as well as Rev. Rex and Mrs. Norman. There were also visitors at the service from Hamilton and all enjoyed the fellowship of worship la lovely surraundiagsanad com- farta ble weather. Mr. and Mrs.. George Tufford have just returned fram a trip soutb of the border wbich included travelling through Michigan. Mrs. Emma Darke returned last week from spendiag a few days ia Bowmanville with sisters, Eva, Eda, Alice, Bernîce and brother Norm Broaking., Donald Nichols was in Guelph over the weekead making preparatians for bis faîl term at colle ge there, and bis mother visited witb frienda in Mount Pleasant Sunday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon a neigbur noticed a herd of cattie in the field formed lnaa circle facing in, a reverse of the defence circle of the Musk ox. A couple of others at the Paralyzed from the waist down, Debbie Bothwell, 24, Maple Grove, drives her car fitted with hand controls to ber job at Pine Ridge-Cable T.V. Requiring no assistance, she is able to manoeuvre ber wheelchair in and out of the car herseif. By Donna Fairey Most obvious about Debbie Bothwell is not her paralysis but ber "true grit." 1A young Maple Grove woman of 24, Debbie was born with a congenital spine defect which consequently rendered her paralyzed from the waist down. Debbie joined Rotarians last Thursday as guest speaker and recounted the details of ber up-bill battle against her affliction wbicb took her tbrough years of braces, opraIs crutches and With an in-grained stick-to- it attitude, Debbie bas corne to terms witb ber handicap and is _presently a productive Let's Ge--t employee of Pine Ridge Cable TV, Oshawa. Transportation to work for Debbie is her own car wbicb bas been fitted with band controls. Notbing seems to really bold this resolute young woman back. She did, nevertbeless, tell Rotarians she would like to see more ramps into public buildings to f acilitate tbe bandicapped. Dehbie tLid bow she chooses ber bank and otber places of personal busi- ness by their degree of accessibility. Tbe invention of the snow- mobile provided Debbie witb an exciting recreationai activity in wbicb sbe can Growing By Harry Van Belle The Chiachbug la Lawns Over the past two weeks we have received numeraus calîs on probiems witb the iawn, where large area's are turaing brown and witb the last raina are just not, coming back. Checking a fçw lawns over a wide area, it appears that we may bave again, an infesta- ion of the cbinchbug, whicb started ta appear la aur lawns over the past three years, and was bad again last year, sa this could be a carry over from iast year. The chincbbug will eat tbe grass stems just above the sali level, causing the iawna ta graduaily go brawn for iack af food. You can easiiy check and see if this la your problem, if yau can ake the sad and peel it back, juat above the soul level, àdLiikeiy la tbe cbincb- bug, and the lawn must be sprayed or fertilizer with a chemicai insecticide can be appiied, if left alone the whole lawn can be infested, since the reproduction cycle of the cbinchbug la very rapid and will work rigbt up ta froat. The bairy chincbbug is a lawn peat maialy la the southera part of Ontario, but is starting ta, appear dloser ta aur area. The bairy chincbbug differs from the regular cbincbbug la Lbat the aduits are predominately short wiaged. Tbey, wili winter over in all grasses and ater areas wbich are nat kept cuL througb the sumeér, and wili then migrate la large aumbers ta the iawns wbicb are nice and green la the later part of April and the eariy part of May, ta iay their eggs at the grass rmots. When the sali temperature la starting ta warm up, usuaiiv la the month far aide of the field came rusbing over ta join the circie, aad some of them were making a iow mooing sound. On investigation, a sea guli was faund ta be the cause of the concera; it was dying and iLs fiapping wings aroused the cattle's curiosity. of June,- the bright red nymphs start sucking at the base of the grass roats, campietely suck- ing away the sap that la comiag up fram the roots. Then they darken and grow larger as tbey go througb variaus moita , with, a brawnish stage before change ta black aduits. The female wiii iay their second eggs for a more disastrous braad which wiil appear in Auguat, and the nym-pb and aduits will continue ta, feed an the grass well into October,- causing severe damage ta the lawns infested. There are several materiala hat can be used ta contrai the chinchbug, La, spray the iawn yau can use the praduct caiied SEVIN. this must be appiied at the rate of 51/ ounces La 500 sq. ft., with a minimum of 15 gallons of water so that the spray wiii geL right into the thatch, and then don't water so that the chemicai will give as mucb contrai as passible. If yau bave a hase attacbment aprayer, iL wiii iikely be a 15' galion aprayer, put 51/2 ounces of Seven la the container and f111 the reat of the container Up with water and apply La about 500 sq. feet. Another product wbicb can be used la DIAZINON, wbicb la applied at double the above rate. During a dry speii the lawn should be tboroughiy watered, or try ta do IL after a heavy rainstarm, but don'L skimp or try ta caver a iarger area than recommended since thîs wiii nat Rive vou the rieht controi Another product that can be applied, is a combinatian of fertilizer with a chemical cailed Duraban, doing two jobs at the same ime, feediag the lawn and canroiiing the chincbbuiz. This iroduct must be watered la after appiying that the chemicai wifl move dawn ta the thaLch zone for proper contrai., This praduct can be appiied witb a fertilizer apreader. Untîl next week, happy gardening. participate. Snow macbiae's band controls allow ber tbe same advantage as any persan. Debbie attributes credit for ber progreas and.accomplisb- ments to ber parents, a faitb in ber religion and tbè Bowman- ville Rotary Club. ,II remember wben I used to faîl sometimes as a cbild and Dad would pick me up, dry off the tears and teli me ta, not just sit there but get walkiag again," sbe said. Rotary supplied the braces wbich enabied Debbie ta walk for a period of ime. However, tbey proved to be too cumber- some and in 1965 she resorted to a wbeelcbair only. Rotary nat only assisted If1 y financially. Tbey drove Dehhie to and from the Oshawa Crippled Children's Scbool for many years wbere she received training and tberapy for bier condition. Rounds of Cbristmas parties and sponsorship ta the crippled cbildren's summer Camp Merrywood are all remembered by Debbie as kindnesses extended by the Bowmanville Rotary Club. It's not necessary for Debbie to mention the bull-dog courage, perseverance and self -wiil it must have taken ta put bier where she is today - hier record speaks for itself. Debbie is truly wortby of the slogan, "You've corne a long way baby! " The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, -August 22, 1979 5 BL AcKSTO CK Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walden, Waterdown and Miss Tva Williams, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Samelîs last Sunday. The Tuesday Night Senior Citizens Euchre Party had 20 tables with the following results: 1 - Alvin Spencer - 86; 2 - Lloyd Fawns -,85; 3. - Bernice Gibson - 83; 4 - Vera Fawns - 80; 5 - Carl Wright - 80; 6 - Leslie Taylor - 79; Gord Smitb - low. Mrs. Wilbert Archer accompanied ber son Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer to help her sister Mrs. Cooke celebrate. her 98th birtbday. à Mrs. Reg Boundey, Port Perry was a Saturday evening dinner guest at Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family to belp celebrate Eleanor's l3th birthday. Mrs. Ray Essery and Heather were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family to help Yelverton Marleah and Paul Bowan. entertained their parents and' Lana on the occasion of their mutual birthdays - (38 and 39th, according to Murray) this week. Also in attendance were Joyce's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen. Joyce and Murray were -presented with two pieces of luggage in anticipation to their future trips to Edmonton no doubt, by their family. We \at Malconia were pleased to welcome Corrie's sister Christine from Holland and ber daugbter Elizabeth for a vacation. celebrate Elizabeth's l4th birthday. Roy and Harold McLaughlin have been busy with their horsehoe pitching as usual this Lime of yearý. On Friday they competed at Peterbrough Exhibition where Roy won first and Harold third prizes. On Sunday they each compet- ed at the C.N.E. with Roy winning seventh in the A Division and Harold coming seventh in the C Division. Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp, Debbie and Jay went by railroad to P.E.I. where Keith -judged sheep classes at the Charlottetown Fair. The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. went out to dinner on Sunday evening at the Crock and Block in Oshawa. KENDAL Mrs. G. Hamilton and daughters Beth and Leah from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia have been visiting her mother Mrs. Margarette Stevens this past week and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bamnsby of Port Hope spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and, Mrs. R. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williamson and family from London are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Skerratt entertained for lunch on Monday, Mrs. .Geo. Hamilton and daughters -Beth and Leah from Yarmouth,, Mrs. M. Stevens, Mrs. L. Johnston, Mrs. E. Foster, ,Miss C. Stewartand Mrs., M. Ellîott. ~ SSO-Effoctive esev W e W o rth L oo k inaq F or SEPT. I Quantities -i 6235 THE IPTICAL MQUEI IRENE McROBE RT, Dispensi!g.9t0ia 30 KING ST. WEST RO WMANVILLE PHON E 623244Ï77 Sunday, August 26th, 1979 8:00 a.m. HoIv Communion 10:00 a.m. Morning Praye r Archdeacon Tom Gracie-1 Temperance at Queen F i Serving the motoring public for over 56 Years '~-j' MOTORS LTD.- Hwy. No. 2 ai Courtice Road Lebasing.. the complete line of Chevr ots - Oldamoblies and Chevy Trucks Cali Roy Owen ai 728-6206 RESIDENTS 0F' MANVERS TOWNSHIP Written applications wilI be received no later than 10 arn. on September 41h, 1979, by the undersigned -for three residents who are willing to offer their services on the Manvers Township Recreation Comrnittee. THREE MEM BERS FOR MANVERS TOWNSHIP RECREATION COMM ITTEE (1 .3 YEAR TERM) (j .2 YEAR TERM) (1 - 1YEAR TERM) Ross Davidson Clerk-Treasurer Township of Manvers BETHANY, Ontario '--cýGrey.or DrugsE 5 KING ST. WEST, BOWMANVILL6 OPEN ON SUNDAY - 12 NOON UNTIL 4:00 AND 7:00 UNTIL 8:00

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