2 The Canacian Statesman. Bowmanville. AuQust 2q. 1970 Coun. Carke Strikes From Page 1 presented by Councillor Clarke at Armed for this meetin, the net meeting of Town Council in Councillor Clarke had done bi orderto direct this matter to the homework and succeeded in keeping proper committee and arrive at the community relations officer and some type of settiement with ot-üher hydro representatives on the Ontario Hydro for lost revenue from hot-seat following their, presenta- the HydroI corridor which psses tioôn. through the villa ge of Nwate. ilydro personnel were unable to Whie stili fired up from his sortie provide on-the-spot answers to a with Hydro, Councillor Clarke next number of Clarke's questions. His took aim at representatives of queries probed how many acres had Eldorado Nulear Limited. bèien expropriated in the 'own of A two-man delegation appeared Newcaste and how many families before the committe to discuss the Ibad been disrupted in the course of comPanY"5s waste managenent their endeavour. facility at Port Granby. Chemical "It's a damn disgrace 1 shouted waste containing some residefo Councillor Clarke'in reference to the company's Port Hope refinery is Waltona Park, Newcastle, which transported to the Port Granby site î*as only one piece of, property for waste disposal. expropriated by Hydro to facilitate Included in the presentation were the line. explanations of Eldorado's plans for You people (Hydro) have bebaved storage of dry raffinate at the Port ian irresponsible manner by walk- Hope refinery, reduction in the igonto properties like Waltona quantity of waste, and the graduai Park, erecting your towers, and then phasing out of burial of radioactive sImply abandoning the land to fail to wastes at Port Granby. The ultîmate waste and ruin. saîd the councillor. decomissioning of the Port Granby ";ÏYour image in this community site was also discussed. bas not improved one little bit," he Levelling verbal rein on said. " Our town will neyer be the Eldorado's spokesmen, Councîllor same again because there are scars Clarke demanded, "I want to know on the land tbat can neyer be fixed,"'y exactly wben you people are going to stated Clarke. get the bell out of our town witb this -Addressing the Hydro delegation, dumping?" Clarke told them, "Men you cause 'You (Eldorado) have only begun a wound you should attempt to bind to dlean up your act, beeause the it up" ' pop made you do it,1' said Clarke. S According to Chris Taylor, 95pr "AIl you've, done is put some cent of the tower foundations and 75 cosmetics i n the chemical waste pr cent of the towers constituting down there and hope everyone will the complete line have been forget about it," he said. installed. One bundred and sixty of Councillor Jasper Holliday forti- the total 930 towers are located in tbe fied Clarke's stand by adding, "'We Town of Newcastle. can see notbîngbut trouble and if it's S Conductor cable is now being going to happen, we would prefer it s trung and barring any major happen somewbere else,"1 set-back, Hydro anticipates the lîne Eldorado Nuclear Limited will be energized April lst, 1980. operates their waste management Following the meeting, Councillor facility at Port Granby from a Clarke stated bis antagonism did not licence issued annually by the iay with Hydro as a company but Atomic Energy Control Board. The their lack -of sensitivity to the local licence is up for renewal January 31, environment and the area residents 1979. involved. As a prerequisite to licence We used to have a recreational renewal, Eldorado must be able to area but now ail we have is "long assure the A.E.C.B. they are grass' and vandalism"l was the- keeping the Town of Newcastle concern voiced by Councillor Bill appraised of their actions at Port Clarke, at the August 27 meeting of Granby.. council. The liaison committee concluded 1Councillor Clarke saîd that be the Eldorado presentation by intro-~ feels some compensation sbould be ducing a resolution that status made to merchants and small reports on Port Granby's waste businessmen for lost revenue since management program be forwarded the closing of Waltona Park. to the town manager on a regular A ,nH ntr of nmotion will, be basis for dispersai to council.11 SANITARY LANDFILL SITE THE DARLINGTON WASTE DISPOSAL SITE w Ili be closed Monday, Sept. 3rd, 1979 due to Labour Day Holiday. Normal operatlons, will continue Tuesday, September 4, 1979. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works 35-1 From Page 1 dru ms tbrougbout the morning. Bowmanville firemnan Lloyd Forsey suffered a minor injury to bis band and was taken to Memorial Hospital Wbere he was treated and released. According to Chief Hayman, the portion of higbway involved sustain- ed serious -pavement damage from the intensity of the fire. The Ministry of the Environment is investigating. Ontario Provincial Police rerout- ed botb, east and westbound traffic via Baseline Road and the Service Road unt il normal flow could be resumed. Durham Regional Police pitched in, and supervised 'the rerouted traffic on the alternate, roads. The tractor trailer transport was completely destroyed along with its entire cargo. Not including the cost of the major dlean-upwhich will be involved, damages to the truck and its freight were estimated at approximately $45,000 Onario Provincial Police, Newcastle detacbment, are investi- gating. 'Jaws' Free Truclker From Pagel1 Beaucbamp tractor trailer, killing bad been extinguished witb a hand hlm instantly. unit belonging to one of the transport For the second day in a row, due to drivers, prior to the arrival of consecutive early morning firemen. accidents, traffic flow on Higbway In recounting the rescue of 401 was interrupted. Durham Beaucbamp, Fire Chief Jim, Regional Police rerouted Tuesday Hayman stated, 'I bave neyer seen morning westbound traffic via sucb a courageous young man." Highway Two and normal flow was According to an O.P.P. not resumed till noon hour. spokesman, the possibîlity of 0f primary concern to charges and/or inquest in Bowmanville Fire Department, who connection witb the fatal accident bad been summoned to the accident are still pending. Extreme fog scene, was the extraction of Bruce conditions existed at the time of the Beauchamp from the wreckage. accident and investigation Minor fires in the tractor trailers continues. Sainta Pr,,arade uHeàre àrNov.17 Did you know there are only 12 weeks left before Santa Claus visits B'owmanville? This year," he is scbeduled to visit tbe area on Saturday, November 17 for the lBtb straigbt year. The first meeting of the Bowman- ville Santa Claus Parade Committee Van Belle Floral Shoppes .much more than a flower store! S 4 STORES H ighwy No. 2 King Si. E. Oshawa Simncoe Si.N. O shawa King Si. W. gowmanville 'Was held on August 23 and early plans are being organized. In keeping witb the 1979> Year of the Cbild theme, this year's parade theme will be "Christmas isý for Kids". FOR ALL 0F YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS at Iowest possible prices contact: MRS. BARB AUSTIN, Operatons Manager of ARMSTRONG TOURS 88 King St. W., Oshawa Ont. 728-4344, Furniture Restoration & Rof iffshing Antique and Contenipoîary Custom Work 'ýReAu O'NeiI & Son 251 Simpson Avenue - Bowmanville Telephone 623-2891 RESIDENTS 0F MANVERS TOWNSHIP Written applications wiIl be received no later than 10 a.m. on September 4th, 1979, by the undersigned for three residents who are willing to, offer their se rvices on the Manvers Township Recreation Comm ittee. THREE MEMBERS FOR MAN VERS TOWNSHIP RECREATION COMMITTEE (1 .3 YEAR TERM) (1 .2 YEAR TERM) ( 1 YEAR TERM) Ross Davidson ClerkTreasurer Township of Manvers BETHANY, Ontario THE CORPORATION OFTHETOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council 0f the Corporation of the Tow~n of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bo wmanvîlle, Ontario, on Monday, the 24th day of September, 1979, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon, propose to pass a by-law to stop up and close that part of Lot 14, Concession Two of the former Town of Bowmanvilie, now Town of Newcastle, more particuiariy described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regionai Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of ail that portion of Jackman Road within Lot Fourteen (14) ln the second Concession of the former Town of Bowmanville, more particulariy designated as Part One (1) according to Plan i 0R971, deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on May 31, 1979. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-iaw Council, or a Committee of Council, shail hear ln person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims that his land wîll be preiudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this 29th day of August, 1979. J.M. Mcliroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. 35-4N Sewage Plant Tender From Pagel1 recalled Peter Eberlee, a consulting engineer from the firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates. The tenders on the project were opened August 16. Mr. Eberlee suggested that the tenders may bave been so mucb higber tban expected because of the time at wbich tbey were called. He noted that tbe project was divided into tbree parts and on tbe construction of the water pollution control plant only tbree of approximately 24 eligible contractors in soutbern Ontario submitted bids. Remaining contractors were apparently too busy witb other work. Mr. Eberlee, noted that there are tbree major bospital projects underway, two otber large buildings, a large sewage treatment plant and a large theme park as well as other offshore work which i5 taking place at this time. "This level of activity apparently influenced a num ber of major contracting companies wbo bid on the projeet. Sucb activity is difficult to predict in advance but indications from tbose contacted are that there will be a reduction in activity beginning in early faîl and tbey would probably be interested in the project if re-tendered. The consulting engineer also suggested that some redesigning of the plant, could eut costs. One possible plan would be to, re-route the outlet sewer so that it would not cross the marsb area nortb of the Port Darlington harbor. By avoiding the' marsh, some money may, be saved. However W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Public Works for the Durham Region said he is not optimistic that costs can be eut down to the $5.7 million estîmate. He told works committee members that the Ontario Housing Action Program (OHAP) wlll only provide interest free boans for $5,7 million. OHAP bas not yet agreed to pick up costs over and above this amount. "Unless we goet OHAP, financing for the baance, we're ini real trouble," be warned. Quoting from facts and figures p er by the Region's finance department, Mr. Twelvetrees raid that there would be eitber a 13 per cent increase in the regional sewer rate or a $550 increase in lot levy funds if the region were to approve the $10.5 million projeet wîftbout getting additional belp frm pHA. Mr. Twelvetrees also noted that some OHAP pro jects in Courtice and Bowmanville could be cancelled or delayed so that tbe money could go towards the Bowmanville sewage plant. And witb this in mind, thbe works committee is recommending that watermain tenders for part of Nash and Trull's Rd. in Courtice be delae until some of the problems relate to tbe sewage treatment plant have been solved. About $2.7 million in OHAP sewer and water projC ts could be delayed. Tbe works committee is also recommending that the matter of OHAP grants for the plant be discussed witb the ministry of bousiý*.. Decisions made by me works committee must still be endorsed by members of- Durham's Regional Council next week. r HEYI BOWMANVILLEI IT'S THE Grand Oening located at the Self-Serve King St. E in Bowmanville! Buyl.a Geti1 F I et Plus refundable deposit for botties and case - $4.00 plus tax PURCHASE 1 CASE at REGULAR PRICE ... GET SECOND CASE FREE! Limit One Free Case Per Customer This offer good only at the following locations until Sept. 5, 1979 Sunoco Checkers Service Self-Serve Variety Station King St. E., Waverly Plaza, Bowmanvllle Bowmanvllle Hwy. 115 - Newcastle Accident Closes 401 Case of 24 SmaII Botties $2.89A Case of 12-âv LargeBottiesi $3 A.29Aa& O 1 luc