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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1979, p. 11

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Councils Invited ro Discussion on Darlington Plant Letters have been sent te urham Regien and Oshawa à.ty Councils, via Mr. Beath and Mayor Potticary by the Durham Regien Coalition for Nuctear Responsibility. The tetters suggest that the Councils attend the public meeting to be held in Bowmanville by Ontario Hydre. The meeting bas been called by Newcastle Council s0 that Ontario Hydre can explain te the public the need for the Darlington Nuctear Generat- ing Station and answer questions on the nuclear powýer issue as it relates te this prejeet. The D.R.C.N.R. bas been granted permission, by the Newcastle Council, te put eppesing views on nuclear power by supplying two experts te aise answer questions at the meeting. Jili Chappeil, President of D.R.C.N.R., said she hoped that the Councils would take the suggestion as an invitation and attend the meeting te ask questions and evaluate the answers given. "Lt seerns that the peopte of Bowmanville and Oshawa are te be asked te bear any and al of the risks associated with this piant, therefore it seemis only f air that the Councils ef the Regien should make sure that the vital safety and pollution questions be asked before the station is built"', she added. "I think it will aise be a geed learning experience for LAKESHORE LOT FOR SALE Attractive lakeshore lot on Bentley Lake, 31/2 miles south of Bancroft. $7900.00 with $500.00 down, open mortgage. Ken Matthews,,725-7740, Oshawa. REALTOR 8'623-4428 090* ý'r IR181 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIIMITED Bomavil MAPLE GROVE lst Maple Grove Cub News We would like te start, by introducing our Leaders for this season. Mrs. Hoogeboom, (Bagheera), Mr. Chamberlain, (Sher Khan), Mr. Lawson, (Balloo), Mr. Van Hemmen (Akela). The Cubs we will introduce in our next article. There are stili openings for boys, who would lil e to Join Cubbing in Maple Grove. We meet every Monday night at the Maple Grove United Church from 6:30 tili 8 o'clock. On Saturday, September 22nd, we will have our first Paper and Bottie drive for this season in the Maple Grove area. Please have ail papers the Councillors, they will find out some of the problems that can occur and the effeets that they may have on the Region". The meeting is expected to take place sometime during the last two weeks of September, although no firm date has been set as yet. P RIVATE SALE $33,900.- 3 bed room, 11/2 storey aluminum sided home. Located in a quiet village 17' miles forth of Bowmanville. New roof, dining roomn off of good sized kitchen. Lot 66' x 132'. $2,500. down Io qualified purchaser. Telephone 623-5683 tied up. We will start at 9 o'clock sharp. On Sunday, October 7th, there will be a meeting for ahl Parents and Group Comrittee members 4t the Maple Grove United Church starting at 7:30 o'clock. We will aise have Registration on that night. See you there. For more information phone 623- 5301. Yours in Scouting, Akela, Andy Van Hemmen. Seek Report On Newcastle Reservoirs With the new water systern available in Newcastle village this faîl, reservoirs which have1 been used for fire protection may ne longer be necessary, Newcastle's fire chief said Tuesday. Chief Jirn Hayman told the town's cornmunity services committee that three reser- voirs in the village need sorne attention. The chief said that one reservoir needs to have its lid replaced, a second one needs re-lining in order to hold water and a third one has been covered up se that it is not easily accessible. The cornrunity services cornrittee, after hearing this report, recommended that the town manager investigate the reservoir and bring back a report. The fire chief said that even to remove the eld reservoirs, witl cost the town money. CHARMING COU NTRY PROPERTY IN VILLAGE OF ORONO Enjoy your privacy in this 7/8 acre 'estate of mature trees, flowering shrubs and perennial gardens. Graciaus older home is brick, two storey, featu ring four bedrooms, 1i1/2 baths, fire- place and detached double garage. By appoint- ment only, please eall Alex Drummond (416> 889-6308 Thornhill. Bowmanvllle- 623-3911 BOWMANVILLE - close f0 sohool, hospital & shopping, this home offers 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, family room, fire- place, broadloom & fenced yard. REDUCED to $59,900. BOWMANVILLE - beautiful custom-built 2 storey execu- tive style home with 3 baths, rec room, 4 bedrooms, walk- ouf basement, large balcony, attached double garage, & paved triple drive. North area close f0 sehool & church. BOWMANVILLE - 1112 storey aluminum siding home with 3 bedrooms, dining room, fireplace, broadloom, paved double drive, garage & fenced yard. Very centrai. Reduced to$45,000,with IMMEDIATE POSSESSION'!! fKen Hockin Real Estate Mt. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Sept. 22nd, Sunday, Sept. 23rd., 1-4:30 p.m. Corne and see this Iovely home. Picture your family living in this four bedroom spli level. Dad can warm his toes ai the family room f ireplace while the children play in the f ully fenced rear yard. Corne to our open house Saturday and Sunday. The coffee's on us. Waverley Road S. to Spry Ave.- east to Loscombe - south to 32 Carruthers Drive. N UE~LTOU 237 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-4115 Oshawa & District Real Estate Board; Cobourg-Port Hope District Real Estate Board; Ontario and Canadian Real Est ate Associations. lEt The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 19, 1979 Pan khu rat Squirts Win International Tournament OîBITUARY STELLA ALGEAN ANDERSON Follewing a iengtby illness, Stella Algean Anderson, aged 96 passed away in Newcastte on Wednesday, September 12th, 1979.' Daughter of the late Richard Parnell and Ellen- Ainley Butler she was born at Oakwood, and married in 1907 at Etmhurst te the late Herman Clarke Andersen., Mrs. Anderson was empley- ed as a social hestess at the Royal York,- the Casa Loma, and the King Edward, in Toronto before returning te Newcastle where she ran the Newcastle Arms. Residing in Toronto, Guelph and then in Newcastle she was a member of St. George's Anglican Cburch, Newcastte. Surviving are ber sister Cora of Newcastle, a grandson Richard of Oshawa, and two great grandcbiidren. Reverend, A.E. Haldenby, Newca 'stle, efficiated at the funeral services held on Friday at the Morris Funerat Chapel. Interment Bond Head Cernetery. Receive Bids On Siding for Fire Station New siding for the Newcastle Village Fire Station will cost $4,760, according te the iowest bid received by the community services committee Tuesday. The siding wiii be apptied te the nerth and east side of the building and is necessary because the hait bas te be frequentty re-painted with its existing wati-cevering. Twe bids were received for the preject, Fire Chief Jim Hayrnan said. While the lewest of the two quotes has been approved by the cemrnunity services commit- tee, it must stili be endorsed by Town Ceuncil next week Fire Damages before work can begin. - -- aB q , -.a & . MW ___A-% Lets Get Growing, total, 5775,UUU B y Harry Van Belle Indoor Gardening Repotting. ... Wben you buy a smalr"plant at the florist shop eften it will cerne in tee srnall a pet, and wili have te be transplanted inte a larger pot se that it will keep on grewing. A lot of smail plants are grown in the 3 or 4 inch pet and will grow rapidly, se the need for transplanting will depend on the variety and its particular grewth habit, bowever even larger plants wiil eventually have te be transplanted., Signs te look for that indicate that a plant needs re'-lanting are, when the roots are starting toeoeeout of the pet, a large reet formation at the soul level will indicate the need for transplanting, rapid drying eut, stunted grewtb, wilting or ne grewtb at ail will tell you te transplant them. My experience has been that wben a plant is deing well, leave it alone and don ' t try te, ,make it grow better or faster by transplanting, thià is especially true of the tropical plants which can grow in very littie soul, when watered and fertilized properly. Another way te, check the plant, is te, remove it from the pet and if there appears te be a tigbt reet formation ail around the reot bail, and the soit is bardly visible threugh the covering ef rmots, transplanting sbould be done. Transplanting or shifting as we cati it in the trade, te a larger pot can be dene anytime of the year. Neyer transplant the plant into tee large a pot, thinking that this will save you a lot of time, or that you won't have te transplant again tee quickty, but this is the wrong way te de it, since then you are asking for trouble, plants that are in tee large a pet will develop stewly, since ail the action will be in the roots and very littie on the top grewtb, aise the soul will pack tee tightly, smother- ing the reots and cheking tbem off, the soul wilt aise retain tee much meisture enceuraging root rot. Repot inte a size that Suggest Fee For Late Registration The early bird will avoid paying extra charges for registering in recreatien pregrams spensored by the Tewn of Newcastle communi- ty services department, according te a recommenda- tien from a town committee. "In the past, our depart- ment staff has been incon- venienced with people registering for pregrams after registration cut-off dates and even after prograrns have started. As a resuit, office staff is required te up-date tearn lists, schedules and files which involves tirne and meney, "Mr. Caruana said. l'tu a rare bird- a blood donor. frlends for Mer is 2 inches larger than the original pot, se a 6 inch plant should be shifted inte an eight inch pot etc. Water your plants a short time before repotting, then the sou wen't crumble and fait away when -you remove it frorn the pot. Take the plant with its stem between yeur fingers and give the pet a sharp tap, or in the case of larger plants, lay tbem on the side and tap the container and the reot bail will coeeout easily. The new pet sbeuld be ready with Stones on the bottom covered with a layer of potting,, soit (see next week's article) then the plant can be placed directly into the new pet, leavîng about 1/2te 1 inch clearance at the top of the-pot then fI in areund the sides, or sometimes it is a good idea te loosen the reets around the outside of the reot bail se that new roots can start right into the new sou, and fi in completely te the top of the reet ball, press in the sou se that the plnt is firmly set in the new soul and water the plant thoroughly until the water cornes eut frem the bettom of the pet. Most plants corne in plastic pots these days, and will do quite well, but keep in mind that plastic will net breathe, se they wil require less water, and when you are shifting inte a larger pet, 1 weutd recommend a lay pot, since the sides of the dlay pets are pereus and will breathe, thus the soit bas less change te pack and become tee wet. Clay pets that are new must be soaked in water for at least 1/2heur, se that the dlay is filled with meisture, other- wise the dlay will absorb the meisture frem the soit after transptanting. Until next week, happy indoor gardening. Since January Newcastle's comrnunity services cornrittee received sorne idea of just hew busy Newcastte's fire department has been this year as a resuit of sorne research by Fire Chief Jim Hayman. Accerding te data supplied by Chief Hayrnan, the loss of buildings and contents since January is just over three quarters of a million dollars or $776,250. A total of 369 fire alarrns were answered during the year up te the end of August. At 'the Courtice Fire Hall, velunteers are aiready answering calls and have previded 154 man-hours in ernergency responses te date. Training heurs fer personnel at the newest of the municipal- ity's fire halls totalled 335. At Bowmanvilie, emergen- cy catis since January requir- ed 3,798 man fleurs. At Newcastle, 993 man heurs were required te bandie ernergency cails and at Orono, there were 859. These figures forý Bowman- ville, Newcastle and Orone do, net inclue~ additionat heurs spent by volunteers, on train- ing pregrams. We'd like to welcomne you back (from your vacation I s ourhaï inWe're pleased tol[ntroduc, bad shape? Get itîn shape with a Tru-organic Permanent with Vitamin E Regularly $40.00, N ow Just $30.,00 with 1 eas f xprienc HEY GIRLS You can also have a Tru-Organic Permane'nt 1with Vitamin E - like mother. MEN!1 Our Hair Styling Experts will give you the style that you want! Don't just settle for anordinary haircut. Artistic Barber and-a'Beauty, Salon ithe Dominion Plaza 623-2931 Bowmanville INFLATION FIGHTER 11% MORTGAGEI - on this at- tractive sidesplit. Ground floor famiiyroom has fireplace and walkout. Extra insulation added in attic and garage. Cali te, see this 4 bedroom home today. Priced ai $68,500.00. Vendor f ransferred. 5 ACRE FARM - Beautiful century home in mint condition, surrounded by mature shade trees. 4 bedrooms, familyroom, den, country size kitchen and livingroom, main floor laundry- room, 2 full 4 pce. bafhrooms. Home has been newty in- sulated. Large painted hip roof barn, 30 x 95 ft. Triple garage, carport, patio, artesian well. Just north of Bowmanville. Al for only $109,900.00. NORTH END BUNGALOW - Eaf-in kitchen and 33 ft. rec. roomn with Franklin fireplace are features of this 10 yr. old 3 bedroomn home in prime location. Lots of storage space. Newly listed af $59,900.00. cail to view now! 10 ACRES - TRY YOUR OFFER - View this Newcastle parcel today. Trees plus clear land. Good road. Reduced f0 $32,900.00. ON 1'1/ ACRES - on the oufskirf s of Bowmanviile, on Hwy. 2. The 11/2 sforey home is spofless wifh 2 bedrooms up and one down. Also diningroom, single garage, paved drive, and 1excellent landscaping. Asking $65,900.00. KING ST. COMMERCIAL - Central Bowmanville store, 12/ x 25 ft. with a one bedroomn apartmenf. Asking only $44,900.00. Terms. APPROXIMATELY 2,000 SQ. FT. - 10 yr. brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 2 full size bathrooms, rec. room, games room, laundryroom, 2 kitchens. Oownstairs couid be rented as separate apartment with private entrance. Spacious lot. Ask- ing $55,900.00. Large f irsf mortgage at oniy 8% interest on this Orono home. ON NEARLY 2 ACRES - Weii appoint ed 3 bedroom home, separate diningroom, firepiace in livingroom and rec. room, three watkouts f0 rear deck, double garage. Dog kennel on property. Only 20 miles from Bowmanvilie. Asking $79,900.00. 41 SCENIC ACRES - just off Hwy. 115, 1/2 cieared, balance bush. Some hardwood. Ideal building site. Asking $44,950.00, Terms. COMMERCIAL: - In downtown Bowmanviile. 2 apart- ments, 1 store, 1 repair shop, plus office and basement area and storage area that couid be ut iized to income. Good location. Excellent investment. cali and see if today. Asking $1 35,000.00. YOUR LAST MOVE - Couid be this 34 acre horse farm, north east of Orono. Spacious 2 storey brick and aiuminum 4 bedroomn home with fireplace, covered back porch overiook- ing 17' deep sfocked trout pond. Large barn with 8 oak stalîs, pole barn and drive shed. 2 streams, double defached garage and more. Asking $135,000.00 with good terms available. GREAT STARTI - In the north end of Bowmanvilie, this aluminumn sided 2 bedroom home has ivingroom, diningroomn plus a bright cheery sunroom. There is aiso a garage which s insulated and converted int o a super workshop. Just isted at $45,900.00. Member of Executive Rlocation Service Ltd. -thraughaut North America"l Recently the Pankhurst Squirt Ail Stars won the championship in an international soccer tournament at Cobourg in which eight Squirt teams participated in their division. They defeated Kingston 2-0 in the opening with George Bryant and Ryan Doble scoring and Jonathan Goad making a couple of terrific saves in goal. The second game ended in a scoreless tie with Peterborough. Bowmanville blanked Greece, N.Y. 4-0 in the third game with Steve Bizi, Jim Pithie and Rickie Luisser sçoring. In the final against Cobourg, Bowmanville controlled most of, the game and won 1-O on a goal -by George Bryant. Members of Pankhurst Squirts are, front row, left to right, Jonathan Goad, Dana Smith, Brad Rickard, George Bryant, David McWilliams, Ian Knight, Ryan Doble, Mark Halliday, Tony VanHoof; back row, Manager-Co-ordinator Jim Pithie, Roy Doble, Steve Bizi, Scott Hanthor, Mike Geidlinger, Dean Baumhauer, Manager Don- Baumhauer, Jason Pawley, Mike Ruthard, Coach Ken Cowling, Ricky Luisser, Jinger Therteil. MRbiPht 1

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