16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile. September 19, 1979 Frank'a Take Two Game Lead in Playoffs Last night at Memorial Park, Frank's Variety went two games ahead 3-1 in their Men's Town League Softball final seriès, defeating Kramp's Furniture 8 to 3. What could be the deciding game Lion s on Guided Tour of Nuclear Site A guided tour of the Darlington Generating Station site was the highlight of hast week's Lions Club meeting. Members boarded a bus which transported them about the 1200 acre site and Sue Stickley, Hydro Community Relations Officer provided an informative commentary on the progress of the project. Though the site is still in the earth moving stages, the first CANDU nuclear reactor is scheduled to go into operation in 1987. Following the tour the community relations officer fielded questions from club members regarding the pros and cons of nuclear energy Sue Stickley is pictured here receiving a gift fromn Lion President Roy Turnýr. ENNLk'"ISKILLEN mNEWS On a mid-September Sunday it appeared as if reguhar routine was returning to normal as a arger numnber of folks attended the Sunday a.m. service to enjoy ýthe messages including one from the choir and leader Ulah Chambers as they taught the congregation a new hymn. The Children's Story "More Important Thani Arithmetic" exphained that our attitude to others is at school. The Children's prayer and hymn followed their story. Our minister's sermon entithed "In the Image of God" began with questions about the answer exphained that the image differs in life's different stages and eras. This week's events were - 1. Monday 8 p.m. The Manse Committee met in the Manse. 2. Tuesday -6 p.m. Oshawa will start at 6:30 Thursday night at Memorial Park, when these tw'o stalwarts will probably be ýthe startfing pitchers, Dennis Bickle at left for Kramp's and Bill Cochrane for Frank's. what it means to them and what it should mean to us. Advance Notices are - 1. Sun., Sept. 3 Oth Mrs. Margery Levan will bring us . the message of Alcohol and Drug Concerns Ine, for dur region. We can look forward to an enjoyable, informative and challenging message. 2. Sunday, Oct. 7th - is Thanks- giving and Thankoffering Sunday, when we will look forward to enjoying special music, harvest decorations, and the message of the Rev. Roland Hopkins who presided over the infancy of this pastoral charge. Miss Julie Wray spent the weekend with Mr. qnd Mrs. G. Lyons. Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mr. Arthur Stainton, Mrs. Allan Werry were Monday visitors of Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterborough and Mrs. Jeff Grills. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were Sunday evnigdne guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ah Wray and family, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater, Lori and Mark, Oshawa were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Ross, on the occasion of Lori's 9th, birthday. Happy Birthday Lori. Mrs. G. Lyons attended the Holmes - Porter Wedding in St. Catharines hast Sat. and spent the week with relatives. Mrs. Wayne Piggott attended a baby shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ashton for Mrs. Lee Nevitt in Kettheby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holmes St. Catharines, were Saturday evening supper guests of Mrs. G. Lyons. Margar ýe t Ashton aecompanied her daughter Lois Worden to Stratford for 2 days ast week to enjoy a Shakespearen Play "Othello" at the Stratford theatre whihe Orvihle Ashton visited at the Worden Home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton and family were Sunday cahiers of Mr. Milton Stainton and Miss Elva Orchard, Bowmanvilhe. Margaret and Orvihle Ashton visited at the W.H. Bragg home and were happy to find June Bragg recuperat- ing rapidly from her recent surgery. Mr. and, Mrs. Laurence Wright, Jeffrey and Trevor were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty and Mrs. Frank Spry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarboro, Mr. 'Cliff Pethick, Bowmanville were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick to help their father celebrate his 95th birthday. Congratulations Mr. Pethick, may you have many more to corne! Mrs. Jim Hodgson and girls, Peterborough were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mrs. Wayne Piggott visited with Mrs. Ina Beryl Dudley in her new home Bowmanvihhe on, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor spent Thursday wýth Mr. and Mrs.-J. Abernethy, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Cem Rahm, Orono were Thursday evening visitors of Mrs. Lou Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe were visitors on Sunday with relatives in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts and sons, Bowmanville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott on Saturday. To dhe Unfit If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit Presbytery met in Newton- ville United Church. 3. Wed- nesday 1:30 p.m. Enniskihhen U.C.W. met in the home of Barbara Howe., Coming Events - 1. Next Sunday - Oshawa Presbytery's "Opportunity Now" team of Mrs. Kay Moorecroft and Mrs. Cora Patterson wilh conduct the services and present the story of our church's M and S Fund; r utThey Go AI1,l 979 Stock M ust Be SoId Now!. UPTO 5O %OFF Speakers- Recelvers - Turiables Cassette Docks - Home & Car Radios TVs - Stereo Consoles - Mlcrowave Ovens Everythîng must go ta make room for new models. H urry for besi selection. Quantiles are llmited. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Parkway TV& A udio In the Sports Villa Centre 184 Bond St. W. Oshawa 723-3043 Est. 1953 Timo Paymenta and Chargex Avallabi, 1By golly we've done it again! Forgot our own anniversary! Heck no, not our wedding anniversary, we wouldn't dare! We refer to our "Silver Paper" anniversary with the Bowrnanville States- man with whorn we started an amicable rehationship as Yelverton correspondent way back on Sept. 9, 1954. Things haven't changed that rnuch in those 25 years - except - That tiny bald spot on Our summit that denoted a sign of virility and sexiness - (according to the experts) has spread to join up with a similar spot on the forehead (which depects a thinker) to culminate in the old adage - "hie just thinks he's sexy". Also physically we have maintained our status quo including our 32" waistline except for a few minor details. Our handwriting has slfpped from awful to terrible judging by the haîf dozenf errors or so that appeared in last week's column. Our "ohs" corne out "ahs", our "eyes" corne out c"ease". One might suspect that writing that colurnn would give one the "D Ts". Oh well, guess we'll carry on for a littie while yet. Editor's note: That's good news, Congratulations. Which reminds us we forgot to wish old friends Jean and Bruce Taylorhearty congrats on their 25th wedding anniver- sary last week. Bruce has participated actively in nearly every farm organization in old Durham County (except the W.I.) and has made a great contribution to the farm comrnunity with the moral support of wife Jean. Their first 25 years together have been most productive (any way you look at it). May their next 25 be equahly rewarding. Judging by the diabolical look in his eye as his latest exploits as C.I.A.G. agent are announced with accompany- ing photograph, there is lots of vim and vigour ini the. old boy yet. Neglected to mention that a number of local "Conser- vitives" attended the BBQ put on by the Hon. Allan and Mrs. Lawrence at the Devil's Elbow ast week and report a verv "fulh-filliniz" evenin2. The many friends of Pontypool's correspondent hubby - Cliff Fallis joining in wishing Cliff continued improved health without further complications. 1 am told that being married to a correspondent is a very "Tax- îng" experience. Best wishes Cliff for a speedy conva- lescence. Yelverton gais started out on the wrong foot as per usual in their first game vs Janet- ville and got clobbered i3-3 for their lack of initiative. We understand they played way behow their potential and probably got what they deserved. In the words of the Ont. 'Egg producers' commercial - "Get Cracking" gais - you have the ability and we trust, the desire! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson are spending a few days this week with Mr. ýand Mrs. Jim Beggs, Crystal and Stacey of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan entertained their grand- daughter little Miss Alîson Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baker of Toronto this week. Also their niece Miss Lisa Jackson of Oshawa over the weekend. 1On Tuesday, Art and Doris, Linda and Rahph Pfoh are planning to attend a birthday party for their grandson Master Kendall Baker in Toronto on the occasion of bis second birthday. This Saturday, Spt. 23 Yelverton United Church observes its ll7th anniversary with original building intact. Our popular past pastor Rev. Stanley Haines would be the guest speaker on this occioinn. laenotethat THE SIGN OF A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor in the community. For information cail Marg Bain Phne3-261 Among those present at Malconia on Sunday to assist Marti in observing his birth- day were the normal ininates of -the institution pîus Mrs. Emma Malcolm of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick of Scarborough, Mitzi and Bob' Fick of Willowdale. Mr.- and Mrs. Murray Malcolmn visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams of Bowmanville this week. Lois is recuperating from an operation on her foot and will be.,hobbling around for a while yet. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp of Toronto entertained their nephews and their wives, Howard and Eileen Malcolm, Murray and Joyce Malcolrn to Sunday brunch at the Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club. Belated congratulations to Mr. Philp who observed his 8oth birthday earlier in the month. Miss Valerie Malcolm of Sheridan College Oakville, who is attending Toronto University, were weekend visitors with the Murray Malcolms. Neglected to state in hast week's news budget that it was at Orono Fair that Lana won lst place in amateur contest. Murray and Joyce Malcolm have an innovation at their home. Because Joyce suffers YELVERTON NEWS from a bad back, Murray has installed a water bed with satisfactory results. The bed holds 120 gallons of water (approx. 1,200 lbs. or haîf a long ton of water) which is maintained at a comfortable 85 degrees F approx. for sleeping comfort. Murray reports he has not suffered from mal de mer and has not fallen out of bed at change of moon when the tide comes in. Mrs. G. Morris told about the bake sale at the park on the 29th and Mrs. J. Barkwell was appointed to help sel the articles. A thank you cardwas read. We have one quilt to quilt in Oct. Mrs. C. Elliott had the programme and we discussed the Bill of Rights. She also had a tahk on a trip to Moosonee. Lunch was served by Mrs. to try sehing pei Lunch was s McAllister closed with pray. Mr. and Mrs.1 spend Wednesda: and Mrs. Dekok land. They arE England for (Dekékers) The Golden Ag Thursday at the attending. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services at Garden On Tuesday afternoon our Elliott. Next mee Hill on Sunday were conduet- W.I. held their Sept. meeting W. Longyear's ar ed by Rev. H. Rudd. 'He spoke at Mrs. C. Elliott's home with H. Quantrill's on the various types of fear. a very good attendance. Mrs. Education and Mrs. B. Gray sang a solo. An Ross Beatty the president activities. average crowd attended. Next presided. The roll eall was On Thursday Sunday, Rev. W. Kennedy will "name one of the articles in held their meetinI be with us. the bill of rights" motto. Mrs. R. White's i Mrs. -H. Quantrili and Mrs. Bad politicians are elected We had a good W. Kennedy attended Cobourg by those who do not vote. ken Trew had the Presbyterial meeting on Tues- The minutes were read by another talk on th day, the lith., Mrs. H. Thickson and child. We also haÈ On Saturday, Sept. 29th a re- approved. M. McAllister t( naming of the park at Garden A number of tickets for the the business. M~ Hill ceremony will be held at 2 Golden Plough Lodge raffle read by Mrs. Thi p.m. Other activities will take were sold by Mrs. Quantrill. absence of Mrs.1 place as well as a bake sale. We have decided to take the We appointec Many dignitaries will attend senior course on indoor Muldrew to helpa when the park will become gardening and Mrs. J. Bark- on the 29th for t!, Alex Carruther's Memorial well and Mrs. Killingbeck We set1 a price fg Park. Games and entertain- are, the leaders. $35 for quilting ment will be arranged. Every- We have appointed Mrs. M* members plus t] one is welcome. All organi- MeAllister as our delegate to thread, and bindii zations have been asked to the W.I. convention in Nov. know yet whether donate to bake sale at 1 p. m. to 'Mrs. B. Wheeler, Mrs. R. any su ppers this defray expenses. Beatty, and Mrs. H. Quantrili were discussed TI ME TO Itfs CAA's, Approved Auto Repair Services Programn! 4 iON MUTTON iDB .. Assistant Service Manager Mdu evc aiiisFulRan-ge Service Faclities SElectrical systems Engrne lune-up Automnatic transmission SManual transmission, Heating, rear axie é Air Conditiooîinq qe rakes ( 5 ~ M a;or angine repairs Mirior engine repair, /and rebuilding routne servicing Diagnostic lane (« VI 5VTires, steering, suspension "For vears rom you the MEMBER have becir asking "can yo.u lange facililies, A fourth identification sign is also available for recommend a reliable garage that mil repair my cal ai a fair oi ets offering specialized services ie.: Transmission, Brake price?- Nom me are mcîst happy to say YES and Vbheel etc. Recently your Club look a giant tep forward ani introduced its Approved garages provide our members with s wrttes neweut member service- Approved Auto Repair Service guarantee of 90 days or 4000 miles (6400 kilometers) i; (A.A.R.S.)i And this service ts not unique Io your Club terri tory, whichever cornes first. n the event of a dispute over prîce or tl s underway in most mai01 cilles n Carnada Noý von mill cse rrvice the A.A.R.S. facility is oblîgated through t is contrc able to, identify and use wîth confidence garages lIrat perform agreement to allom the Ontario Mofor League lo be the final guaranteed morS at reasonable cost abtao HERES HW AA.R.. WRKSAppri ced Auto Repaîr Service has bec îcîtisted by your Club HERE HO A..R.. WRKSsolely as another member becefît. We have no financîi ( riWe endorse selected auto service outilsmta have passerd a nterests inr any of the repaîr facîlties and the ocly cost ofthis %e Istrict investigation by qualîfîed OMc inupectors. This program îIo tue facîlîty is a nominal rentai fee for our offca investigation includes an or delptfr look at garage fac iities sg înciudîng personnel, avaiability of parts, tdios, accesuorles and gr > reception faclties for costumers Our approval syste iriaso Ask your Club for detaîls of approved garages in gour ares and M C frinvolves selectîng at randoor the namnes of recect custorrers take the worry out cf car repaîru. S from the garages' files, These customers are contacîrd and -owan-P-n-i-c-B-i-k-L - their comments corcernicg the facîlîty are taken inoC w n mba -B lk Ld consîderation W rer the repaîr outiet passes our inspectior il- can Ibm display our Approved Auto Repaîr Service sîgo. h v e n a po eia Th Ne to-dîciluate si facîlîtsp mer bfaitefulanefuricil Cit Tunequp pedI aceTenmsaeiTa Cinoolingl eat0ng3 yste p ls of, c -onensguie and eviesavicab.fo aLe * C ec ser1i diaebs ad * T2'edcipp it en alca p a*IRepalcew pVivalveeO1nspect balhoes " Check voltage regulator, e Adjust ail beits, starter circuits and le Test radiator cap fuel pump e Test/recrdrr freezInn " lnspect filters " lnspect manifold heat control valve 4 cyi. $1 9e95 6 cyl. 8 cyl. $24.95 $29M95 IPrt. lb OAii Point 0f coolant *Pressure test cooling systemi *Instaîl anti-freeze as required OnIy$'p1 7. 95 - SPECIAL VEHICLES AND OPTIONS SLIGHTLY MORE - jbà166 King St. East 623-3396 Â eting at Mrs. rid it is Mrs. Sgroup on id Cultural the U.C.W. ng at Mr. and. in Port Hope., crowd . Mrs. ýprogramme he year of the td a skit. Mrs., ook over for linutes were iickson in the Quantrill. >d Mrs. H. at the bazaar te U.C.W. for quilting a t and $25 for the marking, ng. We don't ýthere will be is faîl. Plans Son- how to id we decided 'ns. served ,Mrs. d the meeting H. Thickson y with Mr. )ker, Sunder- re going to a holiday. ýge Club met >hall with 12