4 The Canadian Statesman, Nqewtonmvmfe Nestieton United Church Women Meeting, The Nestieton U. C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Norman Mairs on the afternoon of Sept.' lt. The Presîdent Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm welcomed 10 members and several visitors. She, read a poem, "This I Pray", by Patience Strong to open the meeting, followed by the Theme Hymn. A splendid Devotional and Study Topic was given by Mrs. W.. Vine, assisted by Mrs. N. Rohrer. The hymns "Corne, let us sing," ýand "Tell me the old, old story" were sung with Mrs. L. Malcolm accompany- ing on the Hammond Organ. During the business period, donations were voted to. Andukyaun Home for Indian girls in Toronto, and Nestieton Sunday Sehool. Ilt was decided to invite Mrs. Jnvce Met .ean, President ]?resbyterial U.C.W.,for our December Pot Luck Luncheon-. Our Dresden Plate quilt sold recentiy for $150.00 'Final, plans for the wedding banquet on Sept. 15th were made. The programme concluded with a humorous skit by Mrs. A. Williams and Mrs. W. Vine on "Churcb Visiting". Follow- ing the delicious lunch and social hour, Mrs. D. Frew expressed appreciation to the hostess and Mrs. W. Vine's group for a most interesting meeting. The Pine Ridge Shop Just east of the main village of Nestieton, alongside the Spring Water Trailer Park, Highway 7A is situated the Pine ýRidge Pottery works, operated by Beth and Gordon Curnow, residentsof the area. The business opened some 12 years ago in Mississauga-and bas recently moved to the present location. The move bas proved to be a successful venture. The endeavour now boasting a display room,, a large interesting worksbop witb six employees, busy in the designing and manu- facture of vases, ash trays, figurines, candle1 holders, mugs, maple syrup containers etc. The sbop selîs to the public as well as retailers and is presently showing at the National Gift Show at the Coliseum Exhibition Place, Sept. l6tb to 2tb. Open all year round, tours for small groups are welcomed and can be arranged by contacting the proprietors. Phone 416-986- 5320. We wisb Beth and Gordon Curnow every success in their pottery business. Court Lady Snowbird L1930 Presîdent Irene Train open- ed the regular meeting of Court Lady Snowbirid L193Q on September lth at the home of Anne Lee. The roll caîl showed 5 officers and 8 members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Carol Doyle and approved. The communi- cations were read. The Treasurer Marg Lee reported that we bave 32 aduit, 8 juvenile and 7 social members at Ithis time, and that we did very well at the three weddings we catered to during the summer months. A roast beef, dinner is scheduled, for October 27tb for the Scugog Lake G.R.S. club. The date for tbe Annual Christmas Tea and Bazaar is Wednesday, November 28th at the Nestieton Community Centre. t was decided to purchase two wine openers, medium sized bowls and gravy bots to add to our dishes. The ladies' annual evening out was discussed and it was decided that as soon as the scbeduie from the Oshawa Little Theatre was available we wouid set a date. Anne Lee is going to look into gyetting prices for air darling baby boy, Robert Don, weight 7 lb. il ounces, born in Peterborough Hospital, Septémber 2nd an increase in the family from three to four, a littie brother for Brandy. Social News of Interest Recent guests witb Mr. and Mrs. LaWrence Malcolm, Nestieton, were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mulcolm and Lana of Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm and Gail attended the official opening on Central Seven Industries in Port Perry on Sunday afternoon. Vstors with Mr. and Mrs. George Donnerai were Mr. and Mrs. William Abbott, David and John of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs, George have just returned from -a five day Denure Bus Trip of the Agawa Canyon, a most enjoy- able and educational trip. Fresi CHICKEN PARTS LEGQUARTERS, CHICKEN BREAST QUARTER MIXED CHICKEN4 QUARTERS, CHICKEN VALVES à89 New Zealand (Shank Haif lb 1.99) LEGS, Portion l WHOLE 12-4-LB AVERAGE PorkShoudeslb 89< PICNIC SHOULDER ROAST OR SHOULDER BIJTT Pork Chops lb 1.19 FRESH, SLICED PORK LIVER OR Pork Hocks lb 59< MAPLE LEAI' - REGULAR OR ALL BEEF W ieners 1-lb vac pac 15 MPIE LEAF - ASSORTED VARIETIES 1 -LB VAC FAC Sliced Bologna 1.59 MAPLE LEAFI-LB VAC PAC Golden Fry Sausages 1.89_ Assorted Colours Adt Mion Pricel Fresh - Shouder POK ROASIS Shankless Picnic Butt Roast Freh lb 9 :91 SWIFT BREAKFAST Old Mill Sausage lb 1.19 SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGE Oktoberf est-lb vac pac 1.99 AUP - SLICED Side Bacon 1-lbvac pac 1.39 MAPLE LEAF - SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Me a c .L.T-0 .. MAPLE LEAF - SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIESP Side Bacon V-bvac pac 1.59 MAPLE LEAF - BAVARIAN 1-LB VAC FAC Beerfest Sausage 1.99 box of 100 sheets SCOTTI ES 1for7O FACIAL TISSUE 2&1Y" Powdered P UNC H 6 litre box DE TERGENàT Action Pricel Our Regular Price 38c ea. - Buy 3 - SAVE 15c 16-oz loaf A&P SLICmED foO WHITE'BRADJJJ<Â Jane Parker, Sliced, 60% Whole Wheat Sandwich, 60 or 100% Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Action Price! BROWN 24..2fr..0 BREAD e 2,60 SV 0 Heinz - FancyI M.ew< Our ýRegular Price 1.69 NO. 1 SMLL, ONTARIO, YELLOW 1 0-LB BAG Cooking Onions 99< NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, SWEET, JUICY Bartlett Pears ýlb,49< CALIFORNIA, SWEET THOMPSON Seedless UGrapes lb97o Soft Margarine Action Pricel pkg of 2 n ctionPrice lu BL uE 8-oz tubs V McCORM"ICKS BONT_7 BONUS PAICKAI<- 16a - a us -ao FREE")~ CARNATION - INSTANT Coffee-Mate 18-oz ja,1 1.49 STRAINED ACTION PRICEI 4%/-fl-or jar Heinz Baby Juices 41o89< ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 6.5-OZ TIN Pamper Cat Food 3for89< DELUXE GOURMET Melitta Coffee ACTION PRICEI 1-lb tin 4,49 TEA BAGS ACTION PRICEI Mother Parkers foi1,k0 1.79 POST CEREAL Aiphabits ACTION PRICE! 450 g pkg 1.15 ACTION PRICE! 15-FL-OZ TIN Laura Secord Puddings 69<, SOUTHERN BIEAUTY Long Grain Rice 3-lbpk99< AUP Choice Peas "'d.J' 3 fo 1.00 ACTION PRICE! 2-lb pkg 89< INSTANT, SKIM ACTION PRICEI Vim Powdered MiIk 3-LB PKG 3.99 I AtinPrice! Assorted Varieties including Fancy Cream Style Corn VEGETABLES 300 for 10-f-o L KA e M NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, FRESH DAILY, LARGE SIZE, Celery Stalks bunch9< NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, SWEET, NUTRITIOUS Carrots 5-lb cello bag 79< NO. 1 GRADE, WHITE MARSH, PREMIUM QUALITY Ont. Potatoes lb 15< TOOTHPASTE Aqua Fresh 100 ml tube 99/ CASHMERE - MHITE OR YELLOW ACTION PRICEI Bath room Tissue 4'rois89Ë ACTION PRICE! 1500 mi PACK 0F 2 BOTTLES Mir Liquid Detergent,1.49 POWDERED ACTION PRICEI Ail Detergent 6 'litre box 6.99 1' 'I First .0' 4FA the secsn eeat A&P 1The pride of the Ontario growers, f irst of the season McBIG SNAPS 700 g tin tie bog ASSORTED VARIETIES Catelli Pastas WHITE OR PINK ACTION PRICE! Camay Soaps81,,reg,îar,2 for69Yt m