i Two N VILLEt UDI U,lsI N'S * * k featuring Panasoic Ibchnics byPanasonic ~ Fria Septembeir 28th 7:u00 p.m. until1 3:00 a.m. Buy'> righ t off the Panasonic Truck parked outside our door Tremendous Savings on, Demonstrator Model Clearouts and Specials Throughout the Store on Clock Radios - Portable and Console Color TV, AMIFM Portable Radios - Modular Stereos- Tape Players -Lmited quantities on certain sale Items - Special gilft if you wear your PJ 'sI CHARGF-X Auto AMIFM In Dash 8-Track Unit OnIy $59.95 honored for your shopping convenience Bowmanivi le Auadio-Visi'onLtd. 623m231 No-payments until January, 1980 on purchases of $100 or more (to qualIf led purchasers) * -If ot 10A Il 000'.