125th Anniversary Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, September 26, 1979 E - aster Sel April 14, 1898 The Easter Services at St. George's Church were very largely attended and neyer did the buil .ing look more beautiful. There was an abundance of plants and flowers mos tastefully arranged. A handsome brass Altar-Cross and Vases, a memorial to the late Rector, which were given by bis fami- lwere used for the first time. Also a white festal frontal to the Altar, a splendid piece of work, was presented by Mrs, Crosher. The music was of the brightest charac ter,' and showed evidence of careful preparation, most-credfitable to the Organist and Choir. The Communicants numbered eighty-six and the offerings were unusually large. The Church was crowded in the evening when the sermon was addressed to the Children of the Sunday School, who presented their Mission boxes. Mr. A. Waldon was soloist during the offertory., At the Vestry meeting on Monday evening the wardens presented a report of a most gratify- ing character. The interior decoration, of the church was ail paid for. The Rectors stipend had been increased by $200, balai 'nIr Gr et i-g fom -lIg ivit~~~~e~~ Newcastle Comm unity Hall NwateLde i and there ýwas a donatedbytheMasseyfamily The very excellent pies", and "Ime Lce on hand of $30. rga hrdyEF" Mrs. Sutti LJI~~~~poga * VL..1IJi 111aDIA the report of the Sunday Schoo, showing a balance on hand of -4.19. Messrs. F. Pope and J. X.- Allen were elected Church wardens; Messrs. H. Brown, A. Lake, A. Waldon L Hillary, A. McLeoâ and W. Foster sidesmen; and Dr. Mclntosh and Mr. T. H. Gibsondelegates to the Synod; Auditors, Messrs. C. Wright and A. Waldon. The Rector Mrs. J. Farncomb ami Miss Farncomb were thanked for work done in the interior decora- tion, and Mrs. Crosher for the handsome Altar- cloth presented at Easter. Altogether the congregation have reason to thank God and 't.' Newcastle Arena Construction Begins Pictured above is Durhamn born United Counties Warden George Walton. George and his wife Dunreath owned and operated Waltona Park in Newcastle for many years. 1925 Program et a little ,n. with lier well-trainect v oice of lovely quality, pure tone, flute-like sweet- ness and wide range is a neal acquisition to New- castle musical circles. Her "Loves a Mer- chant" bnought'out a wondenful degnee, ber Power, accent and expression. 0f entranc- ing sweetness and viva- city of tone was her "lSing and Dance", "The Wasted Crust" - pure unalloyed mnusic. AIl hope to hear these ladies sing again. Mr. E.C. Fisher played the piano accompaniments. GOODE'S HARDWARE 73 King St. W., Newcastle 987-4422 Hardware, Electrical and Plumbing Supplies Ful Une of Benjamin Moore Paints and Supplies... ....5 Window and Screen Repairs Best wishes to the James Publishing Company on their 1 25th Anniversary Establiîs>hed in 1953 Serving Newcastle Village and area with Cernen t'Block and Masonry Products * Fireplace Materials * Air-tight Wood Stoves by: Fisher, Lakewood, Farmer, Kresno, Carmor and Marksman We seli complete hook-ups * Quarry Tule, Brick and Stone * Glass Doors and Custom-made screens Congratulations to The James Publishing Company Limited on their 125th Anniversary Newcastle Block CO. Ltd P.O. Box 219 Telephone 987-444034 1 M Keith McGill and Jack Wade, receive service awards tram [Beautiful sellection of ' Qualit y Gif tware and Cra ft Supp lies for you r leisu re hou rs Howard and Kaye Quinney of _i A NS- - j& KIN G STREET EAST - NEWCASTLE Serving Ne wcas te and District If's Time For A N :l\,ýiFali1 ard rabi , M M and we' re ready to serve you! Shop for~.. Sportswear in Co-ordinates and Separates, Dresses, Sweaters and Sleepwear. "We've been dressing the ladies of Newcastle Village beau tif ully for P 'm lin e*n 30 years "' s LADI1ES WEAR King Street - Newcastle -i evenîng provîcled by Ladies' Aid Committee of Newcastle, Mes- dames E.C. Fisher, W. J. Moore and 'Frank Branton with the straw- bernies and cream was a success in spite of unfavorable weather. Contributing artists were Mrs. R.J. Gill, Bowmanville; Mrs. S. W. Sutton, Newcastle; Mrs. Harry Rowe and daughter Dorothy, Orono; Mixed Quartet- Messrs. W.F. Rickard and Harold Allin, Miss H. Mason and Miss Edna Rickard, and our own Newcastle Orche- stra assisted by Mn. Fred Greenfield and Mr. Tripp of Newton- ville. Mrs. Rowe's and Miss Dorothy's elocu- tiotiery numbers won rounds of applause and each genenoulsy contni- buted encones. Miss Dorothy also nendered a pleasing piano selec- tion. Mrs. Gill and Mrs. Sutton each chanmed and delighted the audi- ence. Mrs. Gili bas a well-matuned voice under perfect control and she received an en- thusiastic neception on each appearance. Hen selections included "When you pick a tulip, when you pluck a Rose", -"The- two Mag- zSince 1971o cÇïreasures 39 King St. E., N'ewcastle Serving Newcastle Village since 1975 Vest G4)skes Io am4es £Iu/,îtskingQ. Bob and Lynda Willsher. Uyford's ift e hoppe *Gif t Item s Costume Jewellery *Custom Framing Souvenirs L&E VISA 40 KING STREET EAST, NEWCASTLE "Voyageur Bus Station" % n ' g àslimesll