125th Anniversary Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, September 26, 1979 Royal Theatre Changes OYwnership Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bain, Toronto, at Mr. F. Crossman's; Miss Grace Trewin, Bow- manville, and Messrs. Allan McKessock and Hilton Tink and Misses Nora Robbins and Laurette Naylor, Solina, at Mr. J.H. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Pascoe, Columbus, at Mr. Thos. Scott's; Miss Gladys Cann, Mr. Ellis Collacott and Mr. Percy Cann, Salem, at Mr. H. Mountjoy's; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Cann, Salem, at Mr. C. Hos- kin's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mountjoy, Lorenzo and Rose, Nestieton, and Miss Vera Siemon, Haydon, at Mr. F. Crossmafl's; Rev. J.R. Fraser and daughter Margaret, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Enfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Werry, Enniskillen, at Mr. Clar- ence F. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, daughter Aud- rey and Mrs. S. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Batty, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Batty and daughter, Grace, Ash- burn, Mr. and Mrs. F. Batty, Helen, Doris and John, and Rev. and Mrs. R.A. Delve and sons, Will and Sam, Brooklin, Miss Elva Wright and Mr. Percy VanCamp, Blackstock, at Mr. H.F. Werify's; Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Werry, Osha- wa, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wright, Solina, at Mr. P.J. Luke's; Miss Berta Cole, Beth esda, Mr. Ernest Werry, Enni$killen, Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, at Mr. W.L. Mountjoy's; Miss Grace Werry, Enniskil- len, was guestof Miss Wilma Werry ... Miss Bernice Werry enter- tained Misses Gladys Ross and Alice James, Columbus. and Miss Happenings in 1961 the death was reported of Louis W. Dippeil, principal of Bowman- ville High School, just two months after retir- ing. on a happier note, Dr. George W. James was presented with his 5th year pin from the Cana- dian Order of Foresters. In 1960 he was presented with 90 vear Dins bv the Helen Batty, Brooklin, on Tuesday ... Mr. J. Elder, Oshawa, guest of ,Mr. Albert Luke. I.O.O.F. Lodge and the A.F. and: A.M. Chapter. Jack Reid was ap- pointed Town Clerk, and Bernard Holden, named the Hospital Admini- strator. Roy McMullen pur- chased the Mason and" Dale Hardware Store, which is now owned by~ Gord Carnegie. Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home moved from its location where Bowmanville Audio,- Vision now operates, to: thé corner of Weilington'. and Divison. KedronNews FromWay BackWheit June 1925 evening' singing by the beautiful numbers. Miss Batty, Brooklin is with Anniversary services Sunday School was of Marjorie McGregor, is hier' cousin, Miss Ber- on Sunday were splen- high order. Rev. J.R. guest of hier cousin, Mrs. nice Werry '... Miss did successes. Rev. C. Fraser, M.A., Colum- A.R. Scott, Bowman- Gladys Ross, Columbus, W. DeMille, Oshawa, bus, conducted the ser- ville ... Miss Hazel with Mrs. C.F. Werry.. gave a splendid address vice. Brooklin male VanDyke visited in Mrs. A.L. Pascoe, in the afternoon. In the quartette rendered two Toronto ... Miss Helen Solina, visited relatives here ... Misses Dorothy and Marjorie McGre- gor, Hazel VanDyke and Mr. Bruce McGregor attended tea and con- cert at Maple Grove.. Misses Iren Bray and Olive Luke, Toronto, and Florence M. Luke, Miss Gertrude and M r. Alfred Parrot, Ashburn, at Mr. R.J. Luke's.. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bray, Enfield, and Mr. A.L. Pascoe, Solina, with relatives here ... Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Lang- maid and Miss Cruse, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and baby Joe, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Mountjoy's ... Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Scott, Bow- manville, at Mr. F.W. Lee's. Anniversary visitors: Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Langmaid and Bernice, Mr. Myron Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins, Mr. A.D'. Langmaid of Zion, at Everett Mountjoy's; Celebrating 40 yearsosevc 1926 Buit in 1976 tanker frucks.o *Seorving the domestic faselneeds for the rown of Newcastle since 1939. *Coaplete line ofpetroleuml products for the arclua 12 Sturrock Road Gordon and Lucille Sturrock - Howard and Helen Sturrock Arnold Etcher - Harold Knight - Miner Brink Sons Ltd. Telephone 623-5516 r For your Iisteingf Norman's Entertainment Centre e dise.e*coutrky & iwestern *s rock o children's records -TAPE - CASSEÏTES - LP.S - OHUN CHART 45S - Mi gg gg là l i om mumamm