12 The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanville, October 3, 1979 Phono flIneeified Phone 62 3-3303 623- 30 Classified Deadline Tuesday 12 Noon ANGE R- Roy and Chris (ne Coombes) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their first child, a son, Jesse Dalton, on Friday, September 28, 1979. First gnandchihd for John and Gwen Coombes. Second gnandson for Roy and Rose Anger. Great grandchihd for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coomfbes, Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Diling and Mrs. Reg. McCui loch. 40-1 PINGLE - Tanya is pleaseti to announce the arrivai of her baby brother Jason Peter, September 20, 1979, 6:08 p.m. Weight 9 ibs. 8/ ozs. Proud -prnsare Peter and Sheila Pinglo. Grand parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Crom ble and Mn. and Mns. S. Pingle., Special thanks f0 Dr. Sylvester and maternity staff. 40-1 WARD - Simon and Chis- tena (Tight) are happy to announce the safe arrivai of thoir daughten, Ciara Hayes, on October 1, 1979, 7 lbs. 4 ozs. at Caivary Hospital1, Adelaide, Sout h Australia. Proud grand- parents are Robent and Phil Wa rd, Adlaide, South Australia and Murray and Chistona Tighe. Great grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mapie Grove. E=.e Fiends, neighbons, and ac- quaintanco s are cordialhy in- vited f0 'a 25th wedding celobration and farewell party, forMargaret and Allen Beer, at the Manvers Com- munity Centre, 35 and 7A Hiqhway, October 5, 1979, Friday, 9 p.m. 40-1 The family of Winnifred and Charles Wehsh (Peg andi Buck) are ploased f0 announce that they are having an open house at P ot Darliing- ton Marina Hotel, Bowman- ville on October lth from 1 f05 p.m. in honor of their parents' 4th wedding annivonsary. Best wishes onily. 40-1 N Mn. and Mrs. L. Lloyd Wright are happy f0 announco the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cheryl Renetta, ta Bnrian, son of Mn. and Mns. Bon DeJong, Nostie- ton. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 20, 1979 at 4:30 o'ciock at Biack- stock Unied Church. 40-1 GARROD - At Momoiai- H ospi tal, Bowmanvillo, Wednosday, September 26th, 1979, Lena Garnod of Newcastle, in hon 62nd yean, beloved wife of Gordon, Gannoti, dean mother of Gordon, Jr., oving grand- mother of Cynthia, Sandra and Shawn. Service was heid in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanvilio, on Friday affernoon. Infrment St. George's Cemeteny, Newcast le. 40-iN POWELL - At Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, Tuesday, October 2nd, 1979, Samuel John R. Powell, R.R. 3, Newcastle, in his 84th year, beloved husband of Marianoe Selby, dean fathen of Floyd, Maurice (Mrs. Don Coultr), Hazel (Mrs. Jack Crago), Ronald, Dorrene, Russell, and the late Donald and Elaine, also survived by his Ioving gnandchiidren and great grandchildren. Friends may cail af the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville affen 2 p .m nWdnesday.Service ,in %he c0hapelaon Thursday at 2 p.m. Infrment Onono Cemetery. 40-1 N BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Fîowers with Feling" For a ny Occasion 6 23-3377 Sundays and Holidays Boy. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 LOWERY - Veima Jane. At Memoriai Hosp ital, Bowman- ville on Saturday, September 29, 1979, Veima Cowan of R.R. 1, Orono, in her 56th year, beioved wife of John Lowery, dear mother of Mrs. M. Switzer (Catherine) and Wayne, sister of Mrs. Elva Smith, Oshawa and Cocil, Toronto. Rested at the North- cutt Eliott Funerai Home. Funeral service wàs heid at 1:30 o'clock Monday after- noon. Interment Orono Cern etery. 40-1 N STOREY - Dr. Vernon Harcourt. 'At Memoriai Hospital, Bowrnanville, on Saturday, September 29, 1979, Dr. Vernon Storey of 64 Temperance St. in his 88th e ear, husband of Norah itcheli and the late Aima Patterson, father of Mns. M. W. Crom pton (Kitty) and Mrs. C. H. Musclow (Margaret), res ted at Northcutt Elliott Funerai Home, Bowmanville, where private service was heId Mondaï. Cremation. Donations 0 Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, in his memory wouid be appreciate- ed. 40-1RN VAN LEEUWEN - Gerrit (George). At his home on Friday, Sept. 28, 1979, Gerrit Van Leeuwen of R.R. 6, Bowmanvilîe, in his 7th year, beioved husband of Marie Koene, dear father of Mrs. A. Van Hemmen (Henny) and Jake. Rested at the Northcutt Ellioft Funerai Home. Funerai service was held on Monday morning. Interment Bowrnanville Cemetery. 4- ADAMS - In loving memory of thnee brothers and uncles. Dave Earl who passed away October 2nd, 1976, Charles Henry, Sep tomber 17, 1974 and George El mer, February 25, 1972 . Time may heai the broken heanted Tirne ray make the wound iess sore But if cannot fil11 the ioving For the ioved one gone bofore Who shahl say the grief's essened Though smiiles hi!de the tears Memories keep the wound stilI open With passing of the years. - Lovingiy remernbered by sister Benniece and family. .40-1 CLARK - In loving memroy of a dean husband, George, who passed away October 2, 1973. As time unfolds another year Memories koep you very near Sulent thoughts of tirnes together HoId memories that will ast forever. -Sadly misseti by Iife Pearl. 40-1 HODGE - Loving mernory of a dean husband and father Thomas Jonn Pollard Hodge, who passed away October 3, 1978. The year cornes with deep regret It brings a day we will nover for get In our hearts you wilh ahways stay Loved and remembered day by day. Memories and treasures no one can steal Lite must go on we know it's true But it's fot the sarne since we ost you You hoft us quietly without goodbye But memrnoies of you wihh nover die - Lovinghy rernerbered by wifo Marlon and sons Tommy and John. 40-1 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanviîle 623-7141, , VU1f HOSPITl«AL --k Juuerat *hue THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concern for the demands Upof you . . . our first Consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 irVorr-is F uneral Chapel DOWIE- In oving memory of a dear son, brother, and grandson who passed awa uctober 4, 1978 in his 16t Il lend y ou for a littie time a child of mine HE said. For you t0 love the while he 1lives. And mourn for while he's dead, t may be six or seven years or twenty-two, or three. But wili vou tiI i cali him back again, Take care of him for me, H'l bring his charms to gladen you, And should his day be briof, You'l1 have his iovely memories,' As solace for your grief. 1 cannot promise he wiil stay, Since ail from earth returns But there are lessons taught down thore. i want this Chiid to iearn, i've iooked this wild world over in my search for teachers true, And from the throngs that crowd 1ife's -lanes, Now wiil you give him ail your love,' Nor think the labour vain, Nor hate me when i corne to caîl him back again, i fancied that i heard hlm say, Dear Lord thy wiii be done. For ail the joy thy chiid shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run, W'll sheiter hlm with tender- ness. We'll love hlm whiie we may, And for the happiness we've known. For ever grateful stay. But should the Angel's calil for hlm, Sooner than we've pianned, We'Il brave the bitter grief that comnes, And try to understand- - Sadly rissed by Marilyn, Orville, Janice and Thomas and Blanche Benedict. 40-1 N KE EN - In loving momory of Robert S. Keen, who passed away Octobor lth, 1974. Deep in my heart a memory is kopt To love, to cherish to neyer forget. -Every iovingly remember- ed by his wife Winifred. 40-1 KERSEY- In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great grandfather, Sydney Thomas,'who passed away October 8, 1978. The aoiden qate stood open 4One year ago today With tarewelh ieti unspoken You quietiy sliiped away God knew th at you were weary The hili too steep to ciimb Ho qently took your hand in And whispored peace be thine. Lord put your arms around hlm And keep him in your care. Ma ke up for ail1 he suf fered And ail that was unfair. His memory is our keepsake With whi!ch we'ii1 nover part God has hlm in his keeping And we have hl m in our heart. - Sadi y missed and iovingiy remem bered by the fam ily. 40-l' McCULLOUGH - In loving memory of a dean son anti brother, Charlie, who passeti away October 6, 1976. Ho is gone but not fongotton Anti, as dawns anothen yoar, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are aiways nean. Days of sadness will corne o'en US. Many fhink the wound is heaieti, But they littie know the sornows, That lie in the heant conceal- eti. -Lovinghy rememboetid anti sadly misseti, Mom anti Dati, George 1, Gloria anti Mary. 4- MONTGOMERY - In loving memony of our dean father Gardon A. Montgomery who passeti away Octaber 5, 1971. Gone is the face we hoveti 50 dean, Sulent is the voice we lavoti to hear, Too fan away for sight or speech, But not tao fan fan thaught f0 reach. Sweet fa remember him who once was here. Anti who, though absent is just as dean. -Sadly misseti by daughter I-bien anti son Ron. 40-1 REYNOLDS- A birthday tnibufe un loving memary of, a dean tiaughten Tanya Ann, who passeti away suddenly, ageti 81/2 years on April 23, 1978. If we coulti have one ifetime wish We'd pray ta Goti with ail aur heants Fan yesterday anti you. - Too dearly loveti, fao ever be forgatten, by brother Dale and Mom andiDati. 40-1 VANDEPOELE - In ioving me o y of a dea nr father A u u s t w h o p s s e t i a a Septem ber 29, 1 932. A dean brother Noel who diet October 3, 1954. Theso days we do nemember Anti ioving thoughts we g ive To the ones no longe r wi th us But in our heants stili ive. - Loving iy remembereti by Laura Vanhaverbeke anti family. 40-1 Im SThe Hampton Ladies Lobb Bail Team would like to thank the Recreation Departmont for their help and cooperation in making this bail season very successful1. 40-1 N Mrs. Marion Edgerton wishes to express sincere appreciation to neighbors and friends for the man y kind express ions of SY mpathy and concern during th e iliness and death of her husband Orial. 40-1 We would liko fo thank the community of Burketon for the basket of f lowers and donations to the famiîy of the late Sidney and Lena Irons, also to the Durham Regional police for their kind assistance and the Northcutt Eliiott Funeral Home for their kind services received. The Irons family 40-1 We wish to express our sincere thanks f0 friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, donations, floral tributes and acts of kindness during our recent bereave- ment of a dear mother and grandmother, the late rances McPhail of Keswick. Gordon, Mary and Danny Wilcox Bruce and Donna Richards 40-1 The farnily of the late John Barrett would like t0 express their thanks to friends, rela- tives, neighbors for the lovel y flowers, cards, acts of kind- ness, and donations f0 the Heart Fund. Thanks also to Rev. Schamerhorn and North- cutt Eliott Funeral Home. 40-1 h wouhd like to thank my famil y friends, relatives and neigh bors for cards, gifts and visits, ahso Drs. Syvester, H. B. Rundie and Westg arth and nurses, third fhoor Memoriai HoptlVehma Luke 40-1 Alfred and Lihllan Johnston wish f0 thank their famihy, for arranging our Fif t eth Wedding Anniversary colo- bration. Aiso thanks to rela- tives, friends and neighbors for makin g if such a peasant occasion. T ho gifts, fowers, etters, plaques, cards and best wishes are greathy appreciated. Special thanks to somo of the former pupils of Carscadden's Schooh for their lovehy gift, bringing back many happy memories. 40-1 N h would like fa tako this opportun itv ta tha nk Dr. Hoy, Dr. Shrives,the nursing staff of the Special Cane Unit, family, andi frientis for thein kindness shown during my recent stay at Bowmanvilhe Memonial Hospital.LeiFo 40-1 i wouhd 1ike to say thanks to doctons, nurses and staff at Bowmanviile Memorial Hospital and St. Michae's, Toronto during my recent iliness. To ail that ha vo sent cards, flowers, fruit, visits, phono cails f0 my wife and rides given her to visit whihe I was in Toronto and trans- portation from Newcastle to Sf. Michae's since 1 have returned homo. Thank You. Thanks Brothers of Durham Lodge No. 66 Newcastle and a very speecial.thank you fo Mr. Bruce Kely. "God Bless You Al". Lawrence Gaines 40-1 LUXTON - The family of the ate Ken Luxton wish f0 extend sincere thanks f0 relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their rnany acts of kindness, floral arrange- ments and donations to ftho Durham Lung Association. Speci al thanks to the Goodyear Retirees and the Morris Funeral Chapel. 40-1 The family of the late Raymond Shane wishes to thank relatives, neighbors and friends for their kind wishes and support in the loss of a ioved one. S ecial thanks to Northcutt Êliott Funerai Home, Rev. John Peters and Mrs. Arlene Ayre. Ruby Shane and fani ly 40-1 We wouhd ike to extend our sincere thanks to our family, relatives and friends who helpoti us celebrate our Sth wedding annivorsary -The many cards, best wishes and lovely gifts will be. long remernbered and cherishoti. Mary and Art Low 40-1 N 1 would sincerely like to thank rny tarily, relatives and ftrientis for floral arrange- ments, gîfts, cards and visits shown to me whiie h was in the hospital and after roturning home. A special thank you f0 the nurses and staff on the third floor and Dr. H.-B. Rundie and Dr. Singal. i nanK yo i.George Huber 40-1 The famîly of the ato Lena Garrod wish f0 express our deepest, thanks for fowers, donations, food, hehp andi kind words, in dur tirne of sornow. 40-1 Vet .. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN NUTRITION? NOT FEELING QUITE WELL? TIRED? DIETING? HUNGRY? Corne and hear how nutrition can help both body and mind. Tuesday, October 9 a? 7:45 Special speaker f nom London to be held at Len and Emma Chambers', 8th lino 1 mile south of M.J. Hobbs Schooi, Hampton. Phono for details 263-2280. 40-1 N ROAST BEEFZ DINNER at TRINITY UNITED CHU RCH Novem ber 3, 1979 TWO SITTINGS '5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Aduifs $6.00 5 to 12 yoars $3.00 For tickets cahl1 623-2443 4- Creative Dust Ceramnics 8 SHOREVIEW DR. Bowmanvilie, Ontario 623-.2989 Registor for ceramic classes now. PLEASE CALL DEBRA 40-2 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Oct. 9 Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Reguhar Bingo 8: 00 $550 in Pizes Plus $500 JACKPOT Sponsoroti by NEWCASTLE LIONS 40-1 N Modern Square Dance Classes Starting Oct. 4 Evory Thursday 8 - 10:30 p.m. ONTARIO STREET SC HOOL $3.00 a couple per week For information phono 623-5811 or 263-2022. 39-2N Chiltiren ages 10 f0 14 are invitedti f a Cadet and Calvinette Club featuring Bible and Crafts wîth rnany other outings on Thursday nights 7:30 fa 9:30 at the Christian Reformeti Chunch,' Hwy. 2. For information cal, 987-4958. 40-1iN TU RKEY SHOOT, Sunday, Oct. l4th 12 noon 'tii 4 p.m. 12 gauge shot gun and 22 iron sig ht only. Orono Fish and Hunt Club Range 40-1 N ENJOY Thanksgiving Dinner at YELVRTONUNITED CHU RCH on Monday, Oct. 8th 3:00 p.m. tol:OOp.m. Copoeroast beef dinnor incudng doudtous home bakod desserts!1 Location: Highway No. 7A, 12 miles east of Port Perry, 2 miles west of Highway No. 35. Adults: $5.00 Children: Under 12: $2.50 Pro-school: FREE 40-1 N Sharon Brittain announces pottery classes for aduits and children beginning first week, in October. For further information caîl 623-4712. 39-2 ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH C.W.L. BAZAAR ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH HALL 11:00a.m. -3:00p.m. October 13, 1979 Plants, baking, produce, crafts. etc. DRAW PRIZES 3- Pontypool and District Softbail League Banquet, Manvers, Arena, Saturday, October 6th. Dinner served at 5: 00 p.m. for PeeWee, Bantam and Junior 'Girls teams. (Please be at arena at 4:30 1p.m.) Dinner served at 6:00, p.m. for Senior Girls teams. ance foilowing with Bort Grant, D.J. 40-1 N Announcing the Scugog Family Life Series Monda y,,Octobor 29th Topic - "The Canadian Famiiy To Be Or Not To Be" Speaker - Dr. Bon Schlesinger Tuesday, Octobor 30th Topic - "The Child In The Family" Speaker - Lloyd White Times - 8to 10p.m. Place - Port Perry Town Hall Free Admission Everyone Weicomo 40-1 N 62 TEMPERANCE ST. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seai. RO~\ It' your- guarantee of permlanence. ~4~/ STAFFORD BROS. LTD. r DutAri7 Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Wh itbY 668-3552 OPEN HOUSE Princess Margaret Hospital and Lodge 500 Sherbourne Street, Toronto Sunday, October 14, 1979 12 noon f0 4:.30 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKERS, DEMONSTRATIONS, EXHIBITS, TOURS and FILMS. For transportation or information please cal 623-5865 or 623-5174 40-2 BOWMANVILLE UNIT 0F THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY AN NOU NCES Speaker: Dr. CecilI Wright LONDON, ONTARIO October 25 Timo and place ta announced lat on. 40-1 N The Town of Newcastle has declareti October 15 - 20 as Library Week and to celebrate the foîiowing programs wilI be at the BowmanvilIe Library. AIl programs have free admission. MONDAY,.OCTOBER. 15,,7:00 p.m. Family Film Festival - a senios of short films, bath olti anti new. TUESDAY,.OCTOBER. 16, 7:30 p.m. MaÈgic Incorponated visits again. W EDN SDAY,.OCTOB'ÉR .17,7:OOp.m. Guest speaker fnom Royal Ontario Museum discusses "mummies" anti King Tut. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 6:30 p.m. Pyjama sfony hour - pro schoohors anti young chiltinen ,wehcome. FRIDAY,.OCTOBER.19,7:30p.m. Maphe Sugar Folk Troupe - entertainment for the whole farnily. Throughout the week, thero will bo a dispîay of textiles by Anne Suzuki of the Ontario Crafts Council. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 39-3 Private Piano Lessons For Limited Number of Students Cali Lisa Samnuel 623-2473. FARM tractons, machinery, cars and trucks for parts. Also obsolete rifles antdshotguns andi parts of same, no charge on estirnatos anti towing. Parr Wreckers, 263-2508. 40-2N RIDE to Toronto, fa arrive by 8:45, Eglinton - Bayview area. WiIi pay. Phono 623-2723. -..fl GARAGE SALE Saturday, Oct. 6 9 a.m. -5 p.m. BELLWOOD DRIVE, NEWCASTLE Hwy. 35 north to 3rd conces- sion - turn left to Bellwood Drive and watch for signs. 40-1 N YARD SALE October 6 and 7 Martin Rd. N. First farm on east side. Childron's clothing, skate board, dishes and odds and ends. YARD SALE Sat. and Sun. October 6th and lth 10 - 5 p.m. Chu rch St. north of Orono Post Office Antique furniture and miscel- laneous articles. 40-1 N GARAGE SALE Saturday, October .6 9-5 6 Liberty Place GARAGE SALE 57 WEST BEACH ROAD BOWMANVI LLE (off Liberty Stree t South) Watch for Signs Oct.. 13 -14 9 until1 dusk Captain's 3/4 bed, night tables, chest of drawers, single bed, dishes and glassware plus much, much more.' 40-1 N ;e back -ag ed~ helped it hein type of ýeWvitt's )le at d ýothen 40-1 n this Do you feel the neoî mild diuretic to help oasg discornfort and that- dn ouf feeling? Lot DeWitt' holp you, as they have1 rnany othors, trough prompt relief for this t, distress. Ask for DE PuIs today. Availab Shoppers Drug Mart and druggists. BE A BIG SISTER Volunteers are needod i area to bo a f riond tog aged 7- 17, who are in n supportativo relationsl CAL L SIMCOE HALL SETTIEMENT HOI a? 728-7525 MALE caf, approximate months olti, orange anti new white flea coilan, 'V loy Rd. area. Reward 623-1834. GOLDcharm bracelet - "Date to Remember" inscribed on it. Reward. Phono 725-3148. GRAY maie caf, rnissing one week. Waverley Road area. Famiiy pet. Cail evenings 623-6481. 40-1 GOLD' link bracelet, heart attached, heirioom, reward. Phono 623-3087. 40-1 ONE smail, maie, blonde dog wearing black coliar. Missing three weeks. If found please p hone 983-5295 or 983-9470. Reward. 35-tf N TO Apple Groweri Service for juice apples, on, noie off, 400 b, containers. Prompt del anti pickup-. Paymenf we Cail 416-349-2521. Market $90. Knightý's Appîed Fruit Ltd. R.R. 3, Coîborne Say1 IBesi VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto.. Oshawa - Bowmanviiio Phone 623-444* FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanvil le AN Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOUS 2â' SERVICE FOR ALLg YOUR FLORAL NE EDS HUMIDIFIER, wood stove, chain saw, library table, dresser, press back rocker, siat back chair and rocker. 2 sets of chairs, iight fixture, new canoe. Many other articles. 983-5817. 40-1 CEDAR posts, 8' long. Phone 263-2081. 40-1 ANTIQUE bed, $150 or best offer. Caîl 623-1584, affer 4:30. 40-1 F IRE PLACE ýWOOD Alil Dry Hardwood Maple, Oak, Beech and White Birch. Cut and Spl it DE L IVERE D 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) Look for signs 623-4550 or 623-2176 40-tf N Attention! APPLE LOVERS Feddema Orchards has a good supply of C g rade Mac's available now. Bring own containers, $4.00 a bushel. Open Monday, Wodnesday, Friday and Saturday. Phone 263-2074 NO SUNDAY SALES 40-4 Firewood Special Bundled hard and soft wood 4x4x8only$25. Picked up no delivery. Carlafter 5 728-6852 Pick-Your-Own FRESH VEGETABLES BEANS TOMMTES BRUSSEL SPROUTS FREEZER CORN CAR ROTS FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTIC E From Hy.2 take l3th Une nrhone block. 725-8288 girls LUXURY '76 Winnebago, 29' ieed of custom, excellent condition, ihips. price reduced. Phono 1-786-2367. 40-2N USE BUSH conci of hardwood or- white birch, picked up at Beacock's Hardware, Bhack- stock, $125 per cord. Also for 26-tf N rent a wood splitter, $5 per houn. Beacock's 'Hardware Store, Blackstock, Ontario. * 986-4971. 40-4N ALLIS-CHALMERS 716 hydro stafic tractor with mower, ýey six blower, chains and weights, white, speciai sale prico this week, Navor- $4,250. Trewin Farrn Equîp- I. Cali ment. 1-986-4283.- 40-1 40-1 N _____________ 18 x 4 ABOVE ground pool, accessories inciuded. Asking $450. Phono 623-7686. 40-1 N ONE baby carrnage, Gendron, baby lounge and car seat. 987-4743. Cali1 af ter 5. 40-1 101 WINCHESTER, over and under. Monte CarIa stock, 12 gauge. Used one season. 1978 Volkswagen Rabbit, 4 door deluxe, many extras, good condition. 705-277-2599. 40- 1 SIMPLICITY washer-spin dryer, excellent condition. $200. Phono 623-4923. 40-1 IRRIGATION System - air cooled, 4 cylinder Wisconsin purnp, pipes and sprinklers complote. Phono 576-2458, be- tween 9 a.rn. and 3 p.m. 40-1 N eeokIy. 16 FT. CANVAS covereti( pnice canoe. Reasonable. Phono 623-7448. 40-1 dn POOL fable, $160;1 kitchenF table anti thnoe chairs, $15; baby Colonial high chair, 39-3N covents to play table, $25; car seat, $18; Hoover Dia-a-mafic vacuum, $75. Phono 623-9229. E 40-1 N rs TALISMAN Flea Market -F It opo Sat. anti Sun. anti n .1 holidays,l10a.m. -6 p.m. Hwy.T 115 anti North Sf., Newcastle. u Outside dealers welcome.m $5.00 perday. 987-5021. j 19-tf N 1TOPSOIL PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SAN D GRAVEL &STONE, LIMESTON E &aII PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS l PARKING LOTS SPhone Oshawa 725m-02£32 SOLINA RD.N. i mile north of Hwy. 2 , noie bushel divenýy Weekend Special Ropoat of las? wook's Unadvortised Special A FULL SIZE BUNCH 0F MUMS $1.49 CASH AND CARr-Y - NOW IN STOCK . WILD BIRD SEED and SUNFLOWER SEED Sfpring Flowering Bulbs, Daffodlis, Hyacinths, Crocus, Snowdrops, Paperwhites And compare our Tuîips anywhere at on ly 25 c each CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvilîo 623-7141 or 623-5577 40-1 3 PIECE chesterfield, chair and coffee table, matching, in very, good condition, muti- color. Asking $250. Phone 623-2378. Ma y be seen at 62 Division St. N.- (front door). 40-1 N I -WILL PAY $7.00 for each dollar 0fý Canadian silver coins 1966 and prior, $5.00 for 1967, $4.00 for 1968. Aiso buying American 1964 and prior. Cai Anytimo 623-4095 or visit Ron at the Talisman Flea Market on Sat. and Sun. (Prices sublect to change) 40-1- CaulifloWer EXCELLENT QUALITY Soid by head or bushol Freezer orders taken. 280 King St. E. Bowmanville - 623-5532 38-tf N 400 R.W. HOLMES wrecker: and box. Phone 263-8172. 40-1 N 1979 ET300 YAMAHA, low mileage, excellent condition, carbi de runners and cover. Cail 623-4362 before 5 p.m. SNOWMOBILES, new and used. We bu used snowmo- bile s. Hwy. No. 2, three miles east of Newcastle, north sîde. Phono 1-786-2308. 32-ff ý - USED furniture and ap. ý1 ances. Paddy's Market. ampton. 263-2241. 33-tf Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectiona Is Less tha nV12Prico LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simncoo St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N PATIO STONES 18" x18".............. $1.25'. 24" x24"..............S$1.90 24" x30"------------.. 2.3 12" x24"-------------... 1.25.,- 18" Round-----------...$1.10 24" Round ............ $1.60- Borders-------------...$1.50-- PHONE 705-277-2442 39-2 FIREWOOD DRY HARDWOOD Roasonabe, Deilverod Phone 263-2570 38-tf CHINA cabinet, good condi- tion. Phono 623-9236 af ter 6. 40-1 PICK your own Mclntosh applos. Browview Farm, Newcastle. 39-2 1971 SEPTIC tank truck. Fuliy equippod,-plus business. Good, condition. 725-0302. 26-ff N PADDY'S Market now has' new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Nul accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phono 263- 2241. 33-tf t- 'TABLISHED 1881 EST 4 DIVISION ST BOVVANILE623*5480 icles For S 1. »