6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 3, 1979 Section Two R estoringMon,%umefet touetnvil orWar Vet-era A rubber stencil of the original inscripion must be made from what remains before sandblasting Captain W.P.K. Milligan died at the Battie of Kleinhardts River at age of 40. By Carlene Kirby "Lieutenant Carruthers, assisted by Sergeant Perry, Corporal Wilkinson, Lance- Corporal Band and Private M1cCall, kept his men in hand, d'ismounted them, and formed in a haîf moon shape to face the Boers. "Sergeant Hodgins, whose men were being swept off in the stampede, rallied about 10 of them and dismounted to meet the attack. "The splendid stand made be Lieutenant Carruthers' party without cover of any kind, and against overwhelm- ing odds, was well worthy of the best traditions of Canada and the whole Empire. "Before their ammunition was exhausted, 17 out of the 21 were either killed or wound- Here at the Battie of Kleinhardts River in South Afrîca on March 31, 1902, Captain William Peter Kenneth Milligan of Newton- ville, fell at the hands of the Boers. The above excerpt was taken from a Department of Militia and Defence publica- tion, Extracts from Staff Diary. Captain Milligan's family received word of his death on Monday, April 7, 1902. Serving in the 46th Durham under Colonel John Hughes and Major H. A. Ward, M.P., Captain Milligan previously served with the 48th High- landers in Toronto. An accomplished rifleman, Captain Milligan resigned his commission and enlisted as a private in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles Regiment to serve voluntarily in South Africa. Prior to his military career, Captain Milligan was a wealthy Newtonville farmer, who left a wife, Marguerite, Robinson, a son William and a daughter Marguerite, when he died at the age of 40. On Suniday, April il, 1902, a memorial service was attended by the officers of the 46th Durham Regiment plus Colonel McLean of Port Hope, Major McNaughton, Major Snellgrove of the 4th Cobourg, Colonel McLaughlin of the 3rd Dragoons and 47 members of Captain Milli- gan's old Company No. 3. On May 25, 1903, in front. of citizens, from Durham, Northumberland, Peter- borough and Victoria Counties, a monument described as "magnificent obelisk to the memory of the late Captain Milligan" was unveiled. Colonel Hughes presided over the ceremony which included an official ur.veiling performed by Colone'. Cotton, Qua terma ster-Gerti'ral of Ottawa. Following the unveiling, the monument was presented to the Township of Clarke through Mr. Bradley, princi- pal of Newcastle Public School. The monument which was erected on the four corners of Newtonville remained there as a testimonial to Captain Milligan until it was knocked from its position after being involved in an acciden't with a truck some years ago. Since this time, it has been situated in the park on the north-west corner of the- downtown core of Newton- ville. Last week, John Martin and his son Gord, of the Oshawa Monument Co. Ltd., set about restoring thîs piece of history to its original condition. Through a sandblasting treat- ment the stone has been recut with the original inscription, following the painstakinig work of duplicating the work on a rubber stencil, The bronze plaque has also been polished to its original finish through a finer sandblasting treatment. Newcastle Councillor Bill Clarke said that a rededica- tion ceremony will take place at the monument on.Rememn- brance Day. Captain 'Milligan's only remaining famnily, a daughter- in-law, Mrs. Wm. Milligan (Amy Taylor), two, grand daughters, Bernice Milligan and Mrs. Roy (Jean) Hall, and a great granddaughter, Charlene Hall stili reside in Newtonville. The original dedication ceremony of the Captain Milligan memorial in 1903. John Martin and his son, Gord explain the process involved in the restoration of the Boer War memorial in the Town square in Newtonville to Newcastle Councillor Bill Clarke. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM CLS UR E 0 F s A NI YL A ND FIL L SI- TE The DARLINGTON WASTE DISPOSAL SITE wiII be closed- Monday, October 8e 1979 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Normal operations wilI continue Tuesday, October 9, 1979. W!.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works. GRAND OPENING US AS SEEN ON T.V. AS SEEN ON T.V. REGAL lAREGAL A TOYS LAFJYTOysVV ILLY CATHY DOLL WALKER DOIG SHE LAUGHS Ê alAmm & GIGGLES Iw-U-m- PLUSH DOG rml BATTERY I. WALKS - SITS OPERATED ONOUR9 1978 DEPT. STORE CATALOG PRICE $19.95 1978 DEPT. STORE CATALOG PRICE $19.95 "REEVES" OLPlNING6 TUBES 011S. f I 98DP.MADE EASY 6ASST *: ÙS - INEEDOIL STR RC $9.98 KIT STYLES1a PALETTE. KNIFE. "MATTEL" Jimmy MATTEL" 17 OS OND LL PRESCHOOL TA-LKING DEPT. mDEPT. TEEH N STOR ,WE.STORE À0 PRICE WAS RC $699 $8.99 "ARKER" CLOSE ENCOUNTERS 0F THE THIRD KINDOET BO.BOARD GAME PRICE CRAYOLA CRAYONS COLOUR BOOKS.- TONKA TRUCKS GAMES GIANT BOX dINl& IF6 F 17 ROM W/sHARPENER Z@49 4icior U U FROM $1.49i VICTORIA &GREY TRUST 6 IOS .OE BowmanvIlle Daily tili _________EAST.6.m Thurs.-Fri. LAY AWAY NOW FOR BOWMAN ýVILLE til 9p.m., CHRISTMA Ontario Envi ronmental Assessment Board NOTICE 0F PUBLIC HEARINO EXTENSION 0F EXISTINO WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Regional Municipality of Durham Town of Newcastle The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has received an application by the Regional Munici- pality of Durham for approval of a proposed extension of the existing waste disposai site for landfilling Iocated on Lot 1 0, Concession IX, in the Geographic Township of Darlington in the Town of Newcastle. The Environmental Assessrnent Board wili conduct a public hearing to obtain information and to hear the views of the public so that it can make recommendations in respect of the pro- posed extension of the existing waste disposai site. Written and oral submissions may be made to the Board at the hearing. The Board will not consider any submissions regarding the pro- posai after the-hearing has been closed. The hearing wilI be held on October 10, 1979, at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, local time, in the Municipal Office, Hampton, Ontario. Plans of the proposed extension will. be avail- able for examination and inspection during normal business hours in the office of the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road E., Whitby, Ontario, in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, and in the office of the Environmental Assessment Board, 5th Floor, 1 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. M4V 1 K7. STATUTORY REFERENCES The Environmental Protection Act, 1971, (S.0. 1971, Chapter 86, as amended). T.M. Murphy, Secretary, Environmental Assessment Board. Dated at Toronto this 6th day of September, 1979. 38-3 LA w M-W comas NMM C"ýHll 71l !ýý'ýý, -k . . . . . . . . . . . CANADA Ammi