125th Annîversary Supplement of The Canadîan Statesmn ctbr3,17 Officii Openng ofoy W. ic adnEvent There was a pleasing- social the reception of guests by the hos- was the recipient of a red rose as Manager, Genr Mators, Osia- Genera1 SPles Manager, General ed by Roy W. Nichols in Bowman- Crown Attorney of OntaroCon atmosphere at'the grand opening ofI tess, Mrs, Roy W. Nichais. A the git ai Mr. and Mrs. Nichais. wa. At ther , ,I*î hr Motors, Oshawa. ville Friday evening, were twotyOha.Mr.Ansssan Roy W. Nichols' car service enterprise wealth of flowers in vases were Shown above, leit, is Miss Lucille trn,!owmý'i.!nee'< Mr. Att en-dng the receptian at the friends of long standing. Shown on the left and Mrs. Nihite in Bowmanville on Friday evening I everywhere about, the gifts of Wade, secretary ta Mr. Nichalsd,i hostess for the occasioni th May 27th. Arrangements made for admîiring friends. Each lady guest w ho pinned a rose on Mr. W. A. and 'Mrz. 'Mirùl rsetarose openng of the new builing and above, centre, îs Alan F. Annis, right. among the throng of 1500 visitors Wecker, Presidentan Gerltoc gi. JUrphyIca sales service enterkise open- KC., Daringt'on ocy and f ormer RoRsStevns ind 161Ma Listing Many LclIsiuin June 4, 1953 An insight into the past. of Bowmanviiie and Durham County may be gained by a study of an old map of Durham County printed in 1861 which was found by Ross Stevens in the oid Manning Cooperage Shop, on Scugog St., just south of C.P.R. station, which he recently purchased along with the fine brick residence next to it from the M.W. Tamblyn estate. This ancient and sonîewhat tattered map not only shows ail the townships in the county but is bordered by many woodcuts showing places of business, schools and residences in the county. It also has two long iists giving dozens of names of residents in the County who subscribed to the, map and thus defrayed the cost of printing it. The map is a huge one, measuring five feet by four and one-haif feet, and was drawn by John Shier, Public Land Surveyor, assisted by John F. Ward. It was printed by George C. Tremaine, Toronto in 1861. The map is strongly made, with the paper portion glued to a heavy cloth backing and would probably stili be in very good condition if it haci been properly stored. Among t heý institutions shown on it are: St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, of which 11ev. A. Macnab, D.D. was then the, Rector; the Bow- manville Town Hall, then located where the Post Office now stands; the Union Sehool on Weilington St., on the site of the present Central Public School; St. George's Church, Newcastle, of which 11ev. Henry Brent was the Rector; the Orono school buildings and the Newcastle Grammar School. Business establish- ments shown include the C. Scott and Company store, the Bowmanville Cabinet Factory on Elgin St., owned by G.P. Walter and Company; the Wellington Building showing the names of J. McLeod, Darlington Bros., and Milne, who were merchants in the buildings; F. F. McArthur, Murdoch Bros., the D. W. McLeod Iron Foundry, Enniskillen, and the dry goods, hardware and grocery store of Henry Elliott, Hampton. Included on the map were several woodcuts of the homes of prominent citizens of the county incluiug those off Mrs. John Burk and St. John H. Hutche- son, barrister, in Bow- manville; William Hilier, Enniskillen, John Smart, Justice -ýof the Peace, Port Dariing ton; Dr. W.L.Hr[ man, Orono and W T Boate, Durham Super- intendent of Fducation, Newcastle. Also shown are pictures of severail residences and places off business in Port Hope. Included in tlhe ists of subscribers to the map are the names of the ancestors of many~ prominent familles stili living in Durhanm County. Make every bar gain clear and plain, that none may afterward complain - John Ray. Last year travellers in Canada spent $276 million while Canadians travelling out off the country spent $3936 million. 1One and a haîf cents on each dollar of sales was the net profit, before income taxes, off Canadian chaîn grocery stores in 1951. Harold SLemo7 Rotary Speaker Thursday, April 26, 1945 Dr. C. W. Slemon. introduced bis son Major Harold V. Slemon, as guest speak- er at the regular meet- ing of Bowmanvîfle Rotary'Club, on Friday. The club was accorded an informed and interesting view off how medical specialists devote their time and talents to cur ative efforts at the Sick Children's Hospital, b-y Major Slemon, who i5a sur geon on the tf there. Dealing briefly with the founding o& the hospital and its expans- sion durîng the past 70 years, he went on to describe its dîfferent departmnents, and with the use off X-Ray plates and photoeraphs brought out vvidly tl1 e amazing things nw being done in nde surgery. The finest china and crystal f rom Great Britain Traditional and high-fashion jewellery Canadian kitchenware and woodenware Leather goods Wedding invitations Coutts-Hallmark cards, party goods - Business stationery - Art Supplies Tapestry, crochet and knitting yarns Books, Bibles, D ictiona ries ,eý e, rBrass and copper Linens and placemats Imported candies, jams, soaps and spices The Big2O- Since 18 King Street West on your, BOW ANVILLE monemm