125th Anniversary Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, Octobpr 3, 1979 Outhouse Is Goiie NeedTown Bylaw The days of the Pump and the outside toilet in town have long since assedoverthe hill into Modemn society has become used to push- button living and its accom panying com- forts. Indoor plumbing is now a- necessity and what - eople want, people wil1 have. With this thought in mind, Town Council might well investigate the advisability of establishing a plumbing by-law for Bowman- ville. Such a by-law would protect the very people who chose to h ave their affairs handled by the respon- sible Counceillors they elected by ballot last December. While Bowmanville plumberc. can usually be relied upon to supply good material and guarantee satisfactory work, there are outside plumbers 'who, when they do a job locaàlly, do not have the interest of the town at heart. Consider Local, Plutnbers Perhaps some people in town prefer to have their plumbing needs catered to by outside plumbing concerns with whom they have had previous dealing. There is no reason why they shouldn't continue to patronize these plumb- ers,1 but it would appear that the interests of Bowmanville plumbers should corne in for a littie consideration. Many cases have cropped up where out- town-plumbers have done a job in a Bowman- ville home. Local g lumbers have later een called in to right some wrong, or in some cases, have had to do a considerable part of the work over again. Outside plumbers are interested in getting the job done as quickly as possible, picking up your cheque, and leav- ing town in time to tackle another job before quitting time. On the other hand, local plumbers know they must do a good job the first time because they live in Bowmanville and their reputation is at stake. Therefore, they value satisfied custom- ers and a good reputa- tion. Mayor Receives Chain of Office in 1963 Social-and Personal January 27th, 1949 Blackstock Merlin Bailey went to Peterborough on Monday to begin work at the Bank of Com- merce. Miss Mary ýPearce, Scugog Island, is clerk- ing at Saywell's Store. A double' header of hockey was played on Friday at the rink. Blackstock juniors defeated Port Perry. In the second game Kites Killers defeated the regular Blackstock team. Mr. J. D. Hogarth had the misfortune to break his arm, in a faîl last week and is being treat- ed at Toronto East General Hospital. We're celebrating Dur i Oth of service te Bowinanville and surrounding area. Be sure and watch- for the announcement of the arrivai of the beautif ul11980 cars f rom- Chrysier mDodge. 1980 DODGE MIRADA TWO-DOOR SPECIALTY HAR DTOP Hwy. No. 2 at Maple Grove Telephone 623-2586 PRESTON PRESTON TRANSPORT LIMITEO Daily Freight Service Bowmanvill-e ta Toronto Preston Transport Limited has been in the -trucking industry in the Bowmanville area for more than 25 years and with that ex- perience, we can assure you of safe, reliable shipping. A large f leet of up-to-date vehicles pro- v 'ides fast, efficient service to fulfili ail your shipping require- ments. PRESTON TRANSPORT, LIMITEO P.O. Box 160, 420 Base Uine Rd. W. Bowmanville, Ontario Telephone 623-4433 Toli Free 1-800-263-7880 May 1935 M I ON QUALITY AND EXPERTISE When you corne into Gould Photo, whether it's to purchase film, photo accessories, a camera ..or1 just to ask us queèstions about the great hobby of photography, you cani be sure of our utmost attention and an honest willingness to help. We want ail our customersto be satisfied with our service because 4 we want you to come back! Passports - Photocopyîng - Portraits Anniversaries -Weddings G o uld P houto ho %p L1 imi t ed 78 King St. W. 623-2402 Bowmanvllle g! î