Present Revised Plans for Courtice The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 3, 1979 7 Enjoy Midnight Madness in Pyjamas Newcastle Planning Director Don Smith explains revised plans for Courtice during a meeting at the Courtice High Sehool cafeteria last week. By Peter Parrott It will take one mare set of plans ta pin dawn the details of deveiopment in the Courtice area. Residents attending a public meeting at the Courtice Secondary School last We,d- nesday, September 26, were taid by Newcastle's planning chief that plans for seven neighborhood areas must be completed before subdivision deveiopments receive approval. The first area ta be planned is immediately next ta tbe Oshawa-Newcastle townline. Next is the area south of ýHighway Twao and tbe third area is located north of Highway Two between Black and Farewell Creeks. "Wben each of the neighbor- TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and' Related Accounting Services 118 King St. gL, Suite 2 Bowmanville; Ontario Li C 1 N4 PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building suppjies. Our speciality is lumber a nd lumber products. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. " Wainut Cherry. Maple Redwoad " Teak D ak . PhIl. Mahag. Softwoads Hardwood & softwood plywood. boods bas been planned tbere will be a full picture of residential densities rigbt across the Courtice envelope," said Newcastle planning director Don Smith. Mr. Smith said that tbe neighborhood plans, which would be pnepared by the municipality's planning staff, would not bave ta be very complicated documents. Most of the ground work for the plans bas already been done in the revised Courtice urban area plan whicb was explain- ed ta Courtice residents last week. Mr. Smith told the Commit- tee audience that be hopes the town would be in a position ta bave the first of the neigbbor- bood plans ready by the end of this year.,However, bie added that the date wben the plans would be ready depends on the amount of discussion and problems wbicb may arise. in reply ta questions from the 75-memben audience, Smith said bie was not able ta predict when development would occur in the Cour tice area, adding that this depends partly on the housing market. Howeven, the Courtice urban plan bas a suggested popula- tion of 20,000. Regional sewer and water services for Courtice are being designed ta accommodate a population of 30,000. i Highlights of the Courtice plan outlined ta residents last week include an environ- mentally sensitive area which bas been designated between Farewell Creek and Black Creek. Development of these low, wetland areas cannot take place until environment- al studies bave taken place. The existing Courtice Heights subdivisions whicb bave already been approved by Newcastle would not be subject ta the neighborhood plans or tbe environmental study. STARK VILLE Sorry to report that Mns. John Munpby bas been a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville but is now home again and feeling better. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Falls, Toronto were recent dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Liew Halloweli. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Paeden, Newport, California visited Mn. and Mrs. Liew Hailoweii before retunning home. Last Friday evening, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Farrow attended the 5tb wedding anniversary celebrations, beld at the Oshawa Curling Club for ber aunt and uncle Mn. and Mrs. John Lindsey, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Shemilt, Oshawa were Monday supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mn. and Mns. Jim Stark visited Tuesday afternoon with Mn. and Mrs. Bert Stapieton, Bowmanviile. On Tuesday evenjinwt,N. Mn. and Mrs. Liew Hailoweli were Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson, Port Hope who are ieaving this montb for their home in Flonida. Mn. and Mrs. Morley Robinson spent Sunday visit- ing with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Chaniene, Wesleyville. On Sunday afternoon, Mn. and Mns. Brenton Farrow visited in Toronto with Mn. The Courtice plan also calls for re-alignment of Preston- vale Rd. to a location west of the existing Prestonvale Rd. "Prestonvale would remain as a busier'road but essentially a local road," Mr. Smith explained. He said the plan attempts to provide room for development between existing Prestonvale Rd. homes and the new alignment. Another highlight is a com- munity centre 'area at the corner of Truli's Rd. and Hligbway. Two. This area would include community facilities besides commercial development to serve the Courtice community. Mean- wbile, small commercial areas would serve each neigh- borbood. Another area of commercial development would be along Highway Two just east of the Osbawa-Newcastle town line. Here, prestigiaus commercial developments such as large furniture warehouses would be encouraged to locate. Ia this way, there would be attractive commercial development at the "gateway ta the municipality. " The Courtice urban area would be bordered by Oshawa on the west, Hancock Road on the east, Bloor St. on the south and the proposed Adelaid Ave. extension on the north. and Mrs. Jim Gilbert and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dykstra, Joei and Kristie, Bowmanville visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rypstra and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Nesbitt, Michael and Kim, Newcastle were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow, Shelley and Kenneth. On Sunday, Mr. Clifford Fonk witb Mr. Cameron Olesen, Orono spent the day at Lake Bernard Park, Sundridge, and visiting in Huntsville witb Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vancleaf and family. These pyjama clad teenagers donned their nightwear to qualify for a special gift at Bowmanville Audio Vision's 'Moonlight Madness' sale last Friday night. Over 125 people in P.J.'s signed the store's attendance record. From left, Carnie Gill, Scott Reay and Kari Reay. Speciality Custom Milling MIII and YARD 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 1725-4744 OSBORNE& SHANK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. ALL CLASSES 0F INSU RANCE 623-2527 CALL US FOR A QUOTATION 108 LIberty Street North SýeAV E on P.O. Box 277 Fire and car insuranc e BowManville with Abstainers Insu rar uc GAYLE WINDSOR -CLARESHANK and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono. On Wednesday, Mrs. Edna Dobson with Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. Mabel Elliott, Kendal and Mrs. Catherine Lowery, Kirby attended the Superannuated Women Teachers' dinner beld at Kingsview United Church, Oshawa. They particularly enjoyed the speaker's account of ber trip this summer to Nigeria. Mr. Alfie Alldread and Mr. Tom Couch, both of Newcastle visited Wednesday a'fternoon with Mr. Clifford Fonk. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Hanley, Flesherton visited their cousins Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dean, Garden Hlli visited Wednesday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Carl'Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Wednesday witb Mr. and Mlrs. Orme Falls and Mrs. Bill Reid, Oro 'no was a Thursday supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Haiiowell. On Thb-ursday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim entertained ail their chiidren and grand- childnen for the evening to celebrate Dorothy's birtbdny. Mrs. Isabelle Trim visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim, Oshawa.. On Tbursday eveninfg, Mr. Edwin Ruthven, Port Hope visited bis sister Mrs. Edna Dobson. Miss Tara Miller, Toronto spent last week witb ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Olesen, Jay and Jennifer, Onono visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and famiiy. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Mr. Jobn Murpby attended tbe dedication and renamng of tbe Alex Canrutbers Memorial Park at Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rypstra and David, Bowmanvilie visited bis brotber Mn. and Mrs. Fred Rypstra and family on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Bowmanvilie were Saturday suppen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bnian Casweil and Jeff. Fitness. It gives much more than it takes. THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR... THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE.. This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor nthe community. For information cati Marg Bain Phone 623-2661 i ý 1 :e nce