The Canadjan Statesman, Bowmanville, October 10, 1979 il Postal Clerk Retires After 12 Years Service I W REALTY LTD). BROKER 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 987-4733 623-4439 LUXURIOUS COUNTRY LIVING - is possible in this fine 5 bedreom 2 storey home near Orono. Yeu'lI neyer have a better opportunity te own a home such as this, surrounded by a weli treed one acre lot just a few minutes from town. Two fireplaces and a very well finished rec., room and a large deck off the dining roomn are just a few of its many feafures. Only $89,900. Caîl now fer complte details. NEWCASTLE - DON'T PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY! - rImagine 10 acres of good land plus spacieus farmhouse. 1Must be soldat j ust $54,900. Cal Bill Morrison fer details. ORONO - MORSE FARM - Excellent werki ng herse farmn wif h Hwy. 115 f rontage. Ideal location with 2 excellent barns, féncing,.solid 3 bedroem house and 48 acres of excellent pasture and crop land. Venderwill assist in financing. Cal Bill Morrison. COUNTRY LIVING $49,900. - 4 bedreem aluminum home on well over an acre of land nerth of Orene. Finished rec. room with fireplace plus a games room, aise detached garage. Ask fer Josie Dextater. EXECUTIVE $79,900. - Large 4 bedroom sidesplit, 4 bath- rooms plus a sauna, family roem featuring massive fireplace and walkout, rec. reom has wet bar plus a fireplace, separ- ate dining reom and double attached garage. Listed belew replacement cost. Jusf east et Newtonville. Cail Josie Dextater. NEWCASTLE $48,500. - 3 bedreom bungalow on large private lot, circular paved drive, cedar deck. lncluded in pur- Chase price are washer, dryer, most drapes and garden tools. Take a look at this one. Caîl Josie Doxtafer fer appoint- ment. BETHANY IN A social evening of court whist was spent at the Bailieboro School by the members ef the Cavan- Manvers parish. Today's parents are better informed about their children's education than past, generations of parents ever were, for there is ne excuse for any concerned parent te be "in the dark" about what's happening in the schools. There is a constant flow of information from the school te the parents, and special days are designated for parents te discuss educational pregrams with teachers. Parents of kindergarten children have extensive inter- views with teacher and child and further communication between the school and parents occurs when a student needs additional help from a resource teacher. Parents are always welcome te contact the school te make an appointment for a visit. The doors are always open. There is ne reason for parents te have unanswered questions. This is part of an article I read and feel certain it applies te Our own Grandview Elementary School, that is trying se hard te have helpful communication between parent and teacher, as well as teacher and child. 52 King St. West ______________ Bowmanville 623-2453 ORONO - Charming 4 bedroom aIder bungalow in lovely condition. Has nice modern kitchen; large dining roem; bright living room; laundry room and attached garage. Lovely mature trees too. Selling at $53,900. BOWMANVILLE - Unique 4 bedroom bungalow on large wel-landscaped lot. Has many features including extra living quarters in basement; ec. room with walk ouf to roofed-in patio etc. Must be seen. Superb workmanship. Priced right at $64,900. BOWMANVILLE BUILDING LOT - 66' x il 5' on Simpson Ave. with sewer and water. Buy now on Builders' ferms. $31 ,500. THINKING 0F SELLING? TRY OUR SERVICE. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. After Hours: J.A. Barton 623-3098 Gord Beech 623-5265 Elaine Kowal 623-5868 Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5868 1FEWS rhe Grandview School erter is Fiona Crangle, a ade eight student, and she 1l appreciate any school ws you may think will be eresting for the public. Ve thought yeu might be erested in the Kindergarten ildren who entered the -olment in Grandview and ér teachers. Mrs. Ruth iclair bas room 1 with the owing pupils: Angela lissa Blight, Mark Currie- lîs, Richard Edwards, ne Francis, Deanna Gray, ý nifer Heaslip, Brenda rslen, Michael Horslen, ul Lucifora, Kimberley Gill, Sharon McMahon, .ivd Meneely, Shawn rkins, Philip Porter, rianne Quirk, Michael ea, Chris Simpson, Alana ith, Jason Snell Michael p1es. Mrs. Carol Bolton bas lverton GRI - Diana ,mstrong, Siri Brown, ichfael Carchidi, Julia Clark, icy Cosgrave, Michelle ~tt, John Goble, Jason lfstede, Debbie Blasbergen, ivid Hughes, Tracy Kellett, mie MacDonald, Mark (Mullen, Kathleen Meneely, ,aser Mennell, Melinda ardoch, Jerry Regerson, Immy Smelt, James nton, Theresa Steadman, tad Van Cam, Melanie ineberg. Wrs. Bolton's second idergarten, Yelverten Gli: rk Benitley, Scott Betz, ýula Bryant, Paul Carder, [eryl Ciesielczyk, Perry [rtis, Kelly Fitzgerald, Cora iynor, Anna Heaslip, Ian )vacs, Olga Kukasch, Don ta, Terry Masters, Stephen :Lachlan, Jenny Miller, vin Park, Ryan Shea, ather Smith, Micheli Sharon, Jean Paul Vanden- berg. Jeffery Talbot Beer arrived about three weeks ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beer. His great grandfather, Mr. Talbot, a gentleman of seme ninety years of age, made a trip from Alberta te visit his namesake and aise his daughter, Mrs. Edgar Beer and sen-in-law, Edgar and their families. "Meet the Teacher Night" at Grandview was a huge success, when many parents were "brought" by their children to meet and converse with the teachers. The people in education are still seeking volunteers te help in the many activities of the scheol. Mrs. Florrie Driver had the misfortune te twist her ankie, and in se deing cyacked the- bone, making it necessary for ber te have the burden of a plaster cast frem the ankle te the knee. Mr. and Mrs. Deug Fuller of Brantford spent a week with Gladys' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver prier te their sale on Saturday. Many friends from this area extend sincere sympathy te Mr. Wilson Heaslip and family in the loss of wife and mother, Margaret Heaslip. The Golden Star Senior Citizens meeting was epened with a Thanksgiving poem and minutes were read by the new secretary, Gertie Clark, and treasurer's report given by Frances Jackson, stating the Seniors cleared seventy-fîve dollars from the lunch sold at the Drivers' sale. Birthdays and anni- versaries were recognized and excerpts frem the United Senior Citizens' Annual Con- vention were read. The president, Mr. Van Waggoner, emphasized how much our U.S.C.O. 0rganiâation was growing and hew preud he was of it. The mayer of Kingston cemplimented us on bew much we are doing for ourselves, and expressed the hope thiat we will continue te work on our own behaîf and we should try te lead a lifestyle that keeps us independent physically, mentally and financially. Ontario alone bas over one-third of the total elderly population in Canada. Miss Flora MacDonald M .P. was the guest -speaker and spoke of ber attendance at the Commonwealth Cenference in Zimbabue, Rhedesia and said how the Africans appreciate the support they are receiving from Canada. Also an invitation from Hershey Chocolates of Smith Falls was read. The president thanked those wbo sent sandwiches and gave a special thanks te Mary Morton, Viola Clarke, Lillian Fallis, Gertie Rajski, Marjerie Coppins and Addison Scott who helped at the sale. The annual tea and bazaar will be beld the middle of October at St. Paul's Parish Hall. Cenvenors and helpers were appointed for each table and lunch. Mary Capeil introduced Mr. and Mrs. Wes McMahon. whe sbowed their pictures taken ef their trip te and around Ireland. The beauty ef the ceuntry and the historic atmesphere were most interesting as only Jeanne and Wes have the ability te express in their interesting manner. Ina Harkniess thafik- ed tbem fer a wvonderful afternoon and each of us wish we ceuld visit that land of the, green. Very complimentary remarks have been made on the production given by the Barbershop Quartett at the Manvers Arena on Friday evening, but the attendance was disappointing due te many other social commit- ments in varieus places. We hepe they will give us a reture visit in the Inear future. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes McMahen recently were Mr. and.Mrs. Charles Beckett and Mr. Henry Eaton of Kinley, Saskatchewan-. A combined choir practice and social evening was held on Tbursday evening for Mrs. Graham, and she was FAMILV TRUST CCRPOýRATIfOPNREALTOR 123 King Si. E., fiowmïanv Ille 623-6622 SOMETHING SPECIALI - 2200 sq. ft. of yaur every dream. Family room, 2 fireplaces, sunken living roam, Flaridla room, spiral staircase, 1/2 acre, ravine lot near Oshawa. Jusf lsted for sale. $139,900 or ent. Cail Gail 623-6622 or 986-5618. BOWMANVILLE- $3,975. Down. Detached 3 bedraom backsplit eat in kitchen, tamily oam wifh fireplace, fenced yard, paved drive. Call Ruby Inglefan. 623-6622 or 623-2627. 5 ACRES $5,000 DOWN - Near Blacksfack, secluded bush, area of executive homes. Building permit available. Asking $28,900. Caîl Gail Churchill 623-6622 or 986-5618 for directions! IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE - Spotless sidesplit. Bighf spaclous inside, landscaped, hedged & privacy fenced ouf- side. Fireplace warmmh for winter, central air for summer. $64,500. Caîl Gord Barnes 623-6622 or 623-6860. SPACE TO STRETCH OUT - Beaulîful kepl 5 levenI ade split wilh walk-aut tram ktchen la largo deck. Main loor familyrocam iwilh fireplace. Large master hodroom wilh oen- suite. $64,900. CalGord RRrnes 623-66n or 62'î 6,wo ED JEANS REALTOR S 623-4428 181 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED Bo m nil $2,000.00 DOWNI - fer this spacieus 4 bedroem semi. Spaclous kitchen with lots ef cupboards, 3 and 4 pce. baths, pretessionally finished familyroom, separate laundryroom, upgraded carpet in living and diningreom. Very clean. Priced at anly $46,350.00. and mortgaged at il -3/4 i/onterest. ONE ACRE PLUS ý- weoed lot with custom built sidesplit. Four spacieus bedromrs, fireplace in livingmoom and greund fleor familyreem. 2 walkeuts te lattice cevered terrace. Large double garage and paved drive. Just listed at $88,500.00. Be the f irst te look at this Leskard Rd. home!I OIL COSTS $35.00 FOR WINTER 0F '78! - This levely bungalow on Liberty St. N., in Bowmanville did just that, using a weed burning unit in conjunction with an oul furnace. 0f course if is aise a well built plaster home with plenty et insulatien. Look fer yourself - finished rec. roem with Franklin fireplace, carpert and private yard. Vender transferred and s loeking for an effer. Asking $59,900.00. EXECUTIVE SPANISH HOME - featuring 3 bedrooms, diningreem, familyreem, twe fireplaces, sundeck eff living- room and ever attached garage, cevered f rent and rear porches plus many ether extras. On 45 acres with creek, orchard and bush. 6 miles east of Newcastle, just off Hwy. 2. Asking enly $115,000.00. Try an effer. $46,900.00 - fer a spacious well decorated 4 bedroom semi n Bowmanville. Finished rec. reem with built in bar plus finished playroom for smaller types. This property has 1112 baths, is fully fenced and has carport. Well werth your con- sideration. MAPLE GROVE - Spotlessly dlean 2 bedmroom aluminized home, attached garage, paved drive. On over1/ of an acre. $42,900.00. Try youm down payment. EXCELLENT TERMS - on a f ist motgage with 10%/ in- terest rate! Lovely 3 bedroom brick 112 storey homec with diningroom, rec. room, garage and paved drive. Loi 50j x 150 fI. Near shopping and hospital in Rowmanville. Askinq $53,900.00. 48 ACRE FARM - Suitable for beet or dairy set up. Barri ha-, stable cleaner, silo and 'steel grainery. Home is com- t ortable and spolless. lnground pool. n the picturesque Kendal His. Vendor will hold financing. Asking $125,900.00. EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT - In Oreno, near park and shopping. Lot size 82 x 165 fl ToWn wafer. On Main St. Asking $19,900.00. Builders terms. MATURE TREES AND PRIVACY - in Newcastle village. This attractive bungalow set on a double lot is breadloemed throughout and has den or rec. reemn finished ntr basement plus 3 rd bed roem. Priced af $47,900.00. 34 ACRE FARMSTED - with super 2 storey 4 beýdroem home, excellent barns,,fasf f lewing stream, large treut pend. Northeast ot Orene. Asking $135,000.00. Good terms available. AL WERRY A.E. LePage (Ontario) Ltd. takes pleasure in congratulating AI Werry for his fine perform- ance'during the month of September. is efforts have resuîted in AI being the top pro- ducer in the Oshawa Office. 1 GI VE ME LAND Thats whaf the seng says . .. We have lots of acreage available for any land or farm seekers. . Study this list and caîl AI for turf her information: 100 acre Farm, Tyrene Area $1 65,000 155 acre Farm, Tyrene Area $135,000 67 acre Farm, Tyrene Area $159,000 100 acre Vacant Land Enf ield $1 35,000 100 acre Vacant Land wifhin Oshawa City Lîmits $275,000 1 acre lot - Hayden Area $35,000 with stream 100 x 330 ft. lot - Hayden Area $29,900.00 FIREPLACE LOVERS $129,900 - Admire the classic beauty that makes this homes hearth cenfered living room a jay fa relax in. Only one et the many features of this ranch bungalow situated high everlooking country side on 41/2 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 wash- roams, 2 fireplaces. A must ta nspect. A FARM WITH A FUTURE $225,000 - This may be -just the farm" yau've been wait- ing for. Study the description below: Then cail AI Werry fer an appoint ment te see if. 165 acres fast f lewing f rouf stream, cedar bush, 5 bedroems, 2 fireplaces, large family room, for those gef together parties.ý Large barn and starage sheds, caltoday. WHAT AKITCHEN $69,900 - 31/p. acres - If your Mrs. likes fa ceak then ber Mr. ought f0 look at this Hobby Farm with modemn kitchen, 5 bedreoms, barn, workshop, stream on properfy, schaol bus past door. GET OUT 0F TOWN . CENTURY STONE HOME $129,900 - Everyane loves the country and this is your chance te own a beautiful stone home on 4.6 acres. Barn on property, large garage or workshop, paved drive, 4 bed- rooms, ec. oom, dining reem, sifuated jusf minutes from town. A musfta inspecf. MORSE LOVERS $99,900 - Tmy an offer anthis 31/2 acre lot with 3 bed- moms bungalow, double garage, paved drive, barn 72 x 24 ft., ideal for herses. School bus pasf door. Close fo Oshawa. FOR INFORMATION ON ANY 0F TME ABOVE PROPERTIES PLEASE CALL AL WERRY, 571-0600 OR 263-8190. Coast to Coast Real , Estate Service FREE INSULATION Under the Goverment C.H.I.P. Programl SAVE Up TO 1500 ON MATERIAL AND LABOR (You on/y pay for two-thirds cost of labo r.) Hurryl Take advantage of this Government of fer white it las ts! FREE-ESTIMATES* FOR THE BEST IN INSULATION SPECIALISTS IN BLOWN CELLULOSE FIBRE INSULATION ELWINWHITECOURTICE CAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION 576-5606 Chris Procknow, a postal clerk with the Bowmanville office, retired effective October 1, 1979, after 12 years service. Prior to his tertn with the post office he had 25 years with the RCAF. Here, Mr. Procknow is presented with a long service award from the Canadian government by Postmaster Larry Hall. Later, while cutting his retirement cake, Mr. Procknow said that he would walk his dog for a month, bother his wife and do anything else that was not constructive. Suggest Repairs tol Burketon, Street Burketon's main street may be in need of some repairs, according te Ward One Ceuncillor Ann Cowman. Councillor Cowman inform- ed Newcastle Ceuncil Tuesday that there are reports of the sterm drainage facilities in Burketon being in a peor state of repair. She said that the village's railway cressing aise appears te, be below standard and there are seft sheulders which need grading. Councillor Cewman present- ed a notice of motion calling for the Town's public works director te, make a report on the condition of the Burketon street le order te see what can be done te, make repairs. The notice of motion will be considered by Counicil at its next meeting. Seeks Mee ting ,on 115/35 WVTidening Newcastle Council has agreed te ask the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications te, caîl a special public meeting in order te, discuss plans for the widening of Highway 115-35 te four lanes. Ceuncillor Keith Barr suggested the meeting at a gathering of the Newcastle public works committee last week. The councillor suggest- ed the meeting because be said he beard a number of conceres ever the widening of the highway during a recent information centre held at the Orono tewn hall last month. Councillor Barr said one of the key concerns was the' access te Orone as a result of the widening of Hîghway 115-35. presented with a United Church pin. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are leaving Bethany for their retirement home in Carleton Place. We wish them much happiness and better health fer the future. The Presbyterial 'U.C.W. Rally was beld at Havelock Unitedi Church. Those who attended frem Bethany were, Mrs. Jeanne McMahon, Mrs. Nellie Michel and Mrs. Marjerie Coppins. Excerpts frem Manvers Township Ceuncil Minutes for the October meeting: , Robert Sisson was paid $10.00 for shoeting a deg attacking livestock. Severance B-297-79 (Mal- colm) was approved subject te impost fee of $300.00. I-IeIp Dur FUIND[v