')79 PONTIAC Trans Arn, ý_ver, many options, 7,000 miles. $8,550 firm. Cail before 9 p. m. 987-5036. 41-2N '78 MUSTANG, V6, P .S. and p.b., automatic, hatchback, other extras, excellent condition. Cail 623-5231 after 5:00. 41-1 1972 CUSTOM Impala. One owner, 21,000 actual miles, $1895. 1969 Chovelle, one owner, 83,000 miles, $895. 623-2601. 41-1 '72 NOVA, 6 cylinder, corti- fied. $1 500. Phono 623-2604. 41-lN 19»9 GMC Sierra Grande, heavy duty, 1/2 ton. 12,000 miles. Certified. Phono 1-983-5117. 41-IN LOW miloago, '71 Chev., 350 automatic, recent paint job, new radial tires, only $795. Crtifiod. Phone 623-3363 or 623-2492. 41-N 1969 DODGE 4X4 with Myers plough, V-8. 1966 Mustang '69 - 302 standard, was certified four rnionths ago. 263-2140. 41-1 '77 FORD - F150, 4X4, 351, 4 speed, roll bar, push guard. (14 36 5 - 15"' tires). 36,000 mil es. $7,500. 623-5368. 41-1 '74 CAMARO LT, good condi- tion, asking $2000. Certified. Phone 263-2649. 41-1 N '79 CHEV 1/2 ton pick-up, P.S., p.b., and automati c, excellent condition, 12,000 miles. $6200. Phono 263-8288. 41-1 N 1978 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door with vinyl roof, power steering and brakes, sport mirrors and fender skirts, floor mats. Immaculate condi- tion. 28,000 km. $5,900 or best of fer. 263-2074. 40-2 1978 CHEV, AM-FM radio, cruise control, rear window defogger, several options, 305 motor. Phone 623-3269. 38-tf J and M'TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299,Dean Ave., 3iawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N Th. great seven day money back warrantyeI Now there is a "no gomblo" used cor warranty 1in "MACDONA LD FORD COUNTRY" thot cannot be bettered. If you are not cornletellysatisfied wit hyour Cetfed Used Car purch ose from us, refurn it within seven cipys for o full refund. Any reason is a good reoson. For more information coîl 623-4481. Another reoson why this us "MACDONALD FOR COUNTRY" - 219 King St. E. 23-tf Ontario Hydro's Darlington ? enoratlng station informa- lion contre is open Tuosdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesdays 1:30 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 to 5 p.m. The Centre Is at the corner of Hoît Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phono Suzanne Stickley, 23- 7122.à33-TF FINAL NOTICE Any boy amnong the ages 8-10 wishing f0 register ini the Cubbing movemnent may do so before October 16, 1979 by contacting Perry Rietmnuiler: 623-5882 Also Any person, over the age 18, wishing to assist as a Cub Leader please contact Perry Ritmiullor: 623-5882 for furthor information. 41-1 We are pleased ta announce the Re-opening of the BU RKETON GENERAL STORE R. R. 2, Bîlackstock 263-8147 Open 7 days a week We welcomne evervone -The Littley Family 41-13 Dr. A. F. McKenzie's office will be closed October 17 - Octobor 28 inclusive. 41-3 Lié#sW HORSE and livestock transportation available at reasonable rates. Phone 263-8241 or 705-277-2956. 39-4N FOUR Hereford cows with calves. Phono C. Brown. Tyrone, 263-8496. 41-iN EVERYTHING - New Tack - Used Tack - Tack Ropairs - Sale or Purchases of horses, tack, trallers etc. arranged. Open daily, evenings and weekends. Gladwin___ad- Company, Durham Road 23 South, Whitby. 668-1282. 19-tf N Attention HORSE OWNERS_ Availabie: Limited number of box stalîs on privafo farm. Indoor Areno 60' x 120' Daiiy Exorcise Vitamin Supplemented Feeds $100 per month Double Stolis up to 10' x20' $130 p r month Phono (416) 786-2540 41-1W TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Sealed tenders, clearly mark- od as to contents, will bo received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., local timo, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1979, for: - 1979-1980 Winter Maintenance of Sidewalks and Public Walkways Spocification No. 79-76 TOWN OF BOwMANVILLE Specific otion No. 79-77 VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Specific otion No. 79-78 VILLAGE 0F ORONO. Ail tenders must be subrnitted on tender forms available from the office of the under- signed. Lowest, or any, tender not necessariiy accepted. Late tenders not acceptod. J. Dunham Director of Public Works. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Hampton Ontaorio. 41-1 -Wan eIo B: Red C lover Seed Directly fromn combine. Please brîng ln sampie for prucing. CARNATION FLOWER and SEED 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-5577 41 -tf N DRAFTSMAN'S table. 623-7866. 41-1 CASH for most oid things. Phono 623-3060. 40-TF N SMALL engine repair, also used furniture and oppliances. Coul Elmers Furniture, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Ham pton, 263-2294. .ýASH for gýoîd, ilver, coins, guns, docks, jewellery, dishes, furniture, crocks, rointings, sealers, opplionces, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scra p Cars WiIl pick up old fridges and stoves, et c. f roe of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 40-5N FARM tractors, machinery, cars and Irucks for p arts. Also obsolete rifles an d shoiguns and parts of same, no charge on estimaies and towing. Parr Wreckers, 263-2508. USED Furnifure and Ap- liances. Paddy's Market, apton 2632241. 1 26tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi tes For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 6371 45-tf s * -snte TRACTOR trailer traineos. For application and interview caîl before 5 p.m., 1-251-2275. 41-5N PERSON wanted to do house- work and care of young children two days wookly, in Burketon - Enfield area, own, transportation preferred. 263-2312. 41-1 NURSES AIDES required in nursing home. Phone 987-4703 Monda y to Friday 9 a.m. f0 3 p.m. 41-2 N HELP WANTED URGENT Mon interestod in holping a boy bocome a man. There is no cash roward for a Big Brother, but, thero is no greater reward than when a man helps a boy. For informa- tion telIephone 623-6646 or write to Box 13, Bowmanville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact locally Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O' Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N EXPERIENCED waitross. Phono 623-3023. 41-1 MIG and Stick production welders. Only roliable workors considored. Apply in pe rson. Tho Farmer's Stovo Limited, Base Lino and Trull's Road in Courtice. 41-1 WANTED - one Class "A" liconced mechanic for new and used car dealer. Experiencod only need apply., Contact service manager 623-2586. 411iN FULL and part-timo, $6 - $7 per hour. Calling on Fuller Brush customers in yu neighborhood.* Showing aI our new Christrnas ino. Established torritorios. For information caîl 1-416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg. 41-4 BRICKLAYEI Full Time To start work immedi Calîl 623-3966 PART-TIME rogistered nurses required at nursing home. Phono 987-4703 Monday to Friday, 9a.m. to 3p.m. 41-2N OFFICE MA NAG ER-ACCOU NTANT Required by small manufacturing company, to supervise staff of 4. Apply in writing sfating qualifications, experience and wage -expected to TR.OPICAL FISH CIRCLE Specializing in Fish, Aquariums and Supplies HOU RS: Mon. - Fnl. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9a.m. - 6p.m. PETER NAEF Hampton Tel. 263-8838 41-4 FREÉE to good home, 12 week od puppy, 1/2 beagle - 1/2 dalmation, maie. Cî 623-9277. 41-1 $10 AND up for rnulti-colored Budg ies, 5 months up to 12 month s. Also Guinea pigs, $5 each. 623-1316. 41-4 GROOMING AND CLIPPING iately. a? BACKENHURST REG. podles and rnost breeds. 38 F Free pick-up and delivery. 38-4N623-3080. 19-tf N OSHAWA Obedionce Associa- tion! announce novice *obedienco class October 11. Show handling October 22. Pro-rogistration only. Phone 655-1~356. . 39-4 m ITm We are accepting applications for Ail Military Trades Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Employment Centre Oshawa Oct. 10, Oct. 179 Oct. 245 Oct. 31, N ov. 7. 10: 00 a. m. - 3:'00 p. m. PRIME retail space (1050 sq. ft.), avoulable in shopping .centre at 134 - 136 King Street East, Bowmanviiie. Cali Toronto, 362-7788. 41-3 BARN SPACE AVAILABLE Suitable for storing cars, boats, etc. Cars, $75 per season. Cali 983-9528 weekends and evenings. 41-1 FURNISHED bedroorn in Bownanvile, $120 month, house privileges. Rosponsible porson 50 to 60 proferred. Ph one 623-5253. 41-1 THREE bedroom house, central Bowmanviîle, $280 a month. Phono 263-8224 affor 5. 41-1 CLEAN three bedroorn bungalow, close to school and shopping, availabie November 1sf, $325 per rnonth plus utilities. Phono 623-5063 after 5. 41-1 TWO bedroom apartrnent, separate dinfing, sunken living roorn, 4 pioce ti lod bath, 6' x 22' balcony, new broad- loom, full basement. 623-7664. 41 -tf WINTER storage for boots and font trouler, $65 a season. 623-1297. 41-1 HOUSE for ent, 4 bedroom, 2 storoy, 2 year oid, somi detached home, roc roornî, fenced yard, paved drive, g ood area, utilile- extra. 'nailahIe Octoher 26. Cal 623 4092. 41 2 3 BEDROOM bhouse. nr6rt end, Bowmainville, near school, heated inground pool, fridgp, siove and dishwashem included, available November 1, $375 pet month plus utilities. Caîl 723-6702 and ask for manager. 41-1 TWO bedroom older house on a largo lot near schools and shopping area. Coul 623-5832 after 6 pm. 41-1 40-5~ COMMERCIAL space for rent. Bowmanvilie primo downtown location. Avoulable now 200 sq. tt.- 7500 sq. f t. Cal1 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 9-5P. M. 28-TF NEW stores and offices for rent in downiown Bowman- ville. Offices suitoble for lowyers, insurance, accountants etc. Phono 623-7664. 39-tf FABULOUS exocutive country home, f ifteen miles from Oshawa, three bedrooms, family room. with fireploce, built-in dishwasher, $475 per month plus utilities. 987-4233 affer 5. 40-2 ONE bedroomn apartmont avoulable October 1. No pets. No children. Phono 723-0575 or 623-4172. 37-TFN TWO bodroomn apartment, available Novembor 1sf on Lambs Lano. Phono 623-5888. 40-TFN THREE bedroorn house, central Bowrnanvilîe, $275, avaloabie October 1sf. Write Advertiser 851, c-o The Canadian Stafesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC3K9. 39tf FARM home, modern and immaculate condition. Avaitable November 1. Onc, ,mile from town. References required. 623 2895. 41 1 BOWMANVIL LE., 3 bedmnnm lownIiotjs-, $296 pcer mon tii pI 1w, uai l.. ,vail,îlde Novç!Mlber tsi.C ibelote fI p ýrn. 623 639 1.41 I LADY would like ao dean one bodroom apartment or fiai. Non srnoker or drinkor. Phone 623-5715. -41-1 BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY General Contractor and Home improvements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS 'KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repa irs of al1 types FOR FR EE ESTI MATE CAL L 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL' AFTER 5p.m. 39-tf Ref rigeration and Appt lance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigoration - Mi lk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf We Sharpen SKATES CIRCULAR SAWS HAND SAWS, CHAIN SAWS SCISSORS, KNIVES MOWER BiLE ;GRASS SHEARS AXES, HATCHETS HUNTING KNIVES POCKET KNIVES J.J. SHARPENING i623-4858 38-2 AC Eîectric Residontial and Commercial Installation and Repairs 623-4273 41-2 RELIABLE womnan will do housework in Bowmanville area. 'References if roquested.' Phono 623-2018. 41-1 NEPa pressure sysfemn? Water Soffeners? Ropairs to ail miakes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvllle 623-2301. 51fN Scugog Excavating Specializing in Ponds, and Shoreline Dredg ung MIKE KRAJ ClK Port Perry 985-7720 411IN MUTTON MASONRY AII lryDes of Cernient Work Brick, LlCks hlmrne etoc. SPECIALIZIN GIN CONCRETE FLOORS 20-tf N Marpîe Auction Services 623-3060 13 tffN s - .Wants REYNOLDS GORD SIMPSON UPHOLSTERING Phone 983-5808 Modern, Traditioflal and Orono, Ontario Antique. Free pcku p and delivery. Pal nti ng FeE!EESTIATESPaperhanging PHONE _ 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton48tN INSTALL an Esso furnoce, boiler, humidifier, heoter or air cleaner. Combination wood and ýou. Financing available. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partnier, your Essq~ service dealer. Fre0 estimates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 17-tf N Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior i 4-tf Yard or Garage Cîean-up Rubbish removal, light moving or painting, scrap pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 Saturday, Octobor 13 Sale time 12:30 p.m. Goat Disperal Auction of 100 regisfered and grade goats to be held at the Malmont Sales Arena Blocksfock. The propert of the Long Range View Herd of E. B. Lunnev of Scuaoa Islond. King and Jackson, Auc- tioneers. 1-416-985-2459. 40-2 Farm Sold Auction Sa le Wednesday, October 17 The property of Ron Stuckey west 1/2 lot, 22 con 2 Eldon Twsp. 8 miles north of Woodville on 46 Hwy. to Eldon Station R. and 1 mile west and 1 mile north; 1974 - 16S MF diesel fractor power steering and 8 spoed transmission, Ford 8N gas tractor wlth manure loader; 1010 JD gas crawler loader with bucket; Cockshutt 30 g as tractor; 1978 -MF 128 boler PTO; 1978 swather floul type PTO; 1974 MF 4 x 14 trp boom plough 3 ph; 1978 AiIied outomatic stooker with mot or; MH Super 26 combine 10 ft. head with pick up; MF 10 tt. tandem disc'Cockshutt il seod drill 13 run, Sandrijm 10 ft. cultivator 3 ph; 1979 3 ph Windrow turner; 1977 field sprayer 100 gai. fiberglass tank 2 set tips; Cockshutt 471 manure spreader PTO; 2 - 5 ton wagons with 8 x 16 ft. rocks; Oliver 2 row corn g lanter 3 ph; Ailied snow Iower; Hoy King elevotor 34 ft.; Snow Prince snowmobile; Trail 90rnotorcycle; 1971 Ford 1/2 ton truck as is; 1979 - 4" g rain -auger 21 ft. with 10 ft. extensi!on plastic hopper; quantity of lumber; cernent blocks; 24 ft. above ground swimming pool; Clay silo unloader; Clay feod auger 40 ft.; stanchions; water bowls; steel posts; 6 new f ree stalîs complote; grass seed; rnixed grain; approx. 5000 bales hay; antique. purn p organ; dresser bookcoses . Torrns cash. No reserve. Furniture sale 12:30 p.m. Implements 1:00 p.rn. Cari Hickson, ouctioneer, Reaboro. 705-324-9959. 40-2 Vandergaast14t Roof i ng Ca Il now for free estimate JACK BU RG ESS New and reroof ing since 1965 OIL BURNERS - FURNACES in Bowmanville CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS 623-7400 PHONE HAMPTON portable, china cabinet, 3 pc. cane set tee, 24 in. stove, bîkes, and many oCher items. Terms cash. Auctioneer Frank Stopieton 786-2244. 4- or 623-7659 (30 years experierice) 17-tf N CGC Constructa Il Genera I Contra ctors R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ontario Speciaiizing in: Repairing - Remodelling Reconstruction S. MASTRANGELO Telephone ofter 6 p.rn. (416) 725-5990 26-tf N BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Vil lage of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 OXFORD Brick la yers ai Stonemasons L (Our firep laces do flot sr CHIMNEYS CLEAN Orono 983-5606 Bowmanvilîe Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash and Carry glass, mirrors, alumi- num prcts (sliding doors). 28-tf N AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNI P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTIO 149 Scugog St. Bowmanviî le 623-2756 MIN ER'S EXCAVATI N( FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLI 987-4995 No Sunday Col is EYS MN 31-tf .E 14-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alterations, roc rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 5-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Ropairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf T &C SMALL ENGINE R EPAIR Repair of nmost lawn equlpmOn? and snowblowers. AUTHORIZED Bi uiqqs & Siratfin, Lawn Boy, Mi D,, Gilson, Cailadianla DEALERS SAI Fs Si' RVICF PARTS 1 IAMPI ON 263-8469 22 IN Hutton & Wiggans Insulation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tf N 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phono 342-.2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wado. Tole- phone 987-4531. 16-tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shinglos new or Roroof ing Flats hot or cold process. Ail roof and chimnoy ropairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 23-tf Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpontry, Renovating Ail General Ropairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 50-tf N DA Home Improver rîd Renovations, Concrg td. FREE ESTIMATE ,oke) Phone 723-77, I E Ron's Floor Ci Commercial and hot cloaning. Dry foam i carpe? shampooing.M moval, waII washir Ron Turcott 623-7966 D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAV Phono Orono 983-5005 or 983-1 -WHYTE'S U PHOLSTE R Have your chesterfile and chair prof essiona ur'hoistered. For f ree estimotes ci RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 M. BROOK5 CARPENTR' Cupboards, Vanîtiei Remodelling, Roc Roc Additions, Garages Sun Docks, Porches,e AIL GENERAL REP, 623-5566 Monte Hennesý Carpenfry, fencing, ro concrete- work, paiio decks and glass sliding doors. Phono 623-6629 28-tf N Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanville We Service Ail Makos 263-8272 14 tf N BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmianvilie, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. -Fr.8: 00 -5: 00 Sat. 9 -l2noon Sheel and Float Glass Sealed Unîts- Stornm Windows Store Fronts Float Mirrors Pallernced and Colored Glass and Glaziig. 9-t? N Umm SNOWMOBILES, new and used. We bu yusod snowrno- biles. Hwy. No. 2, three miles east of Newcastle, north side. Phono 1-786-2308. 2tN Saturday, October 13 10a.m. 27-tf Large auction sale for John Townson, R.R. 3, Uxbridge, 3 mi. east of Uxbridge on Hwy. 47 to Marsh Hill Rd., hon mennt -n&hfho ist road, turn left to eTe, lncluding Jarnesway hog Sens, osts, etc. for 34' x 94' ES garn, Chov. 5 ton truck - stake body with hoist, steel silo for 74 storinq hoq feed - 12 foot, 24' 21-tf hay o evator (new>, 12' hay elevator, grain auger and motor, hay buncher, 30' steel are fîa gpol e, steel eyebeams, Maselin jists, MFIland îusehoid pocker - 2600 lb. ernpty (good), rug and Massey seed drill, pr. oT wire Wax re- gates - 16' x 8 , qty. of ing. alvanizod steel fonce posts, e op railsand caps, cedar rails, te Pterbroug 161cedor conoo, Favorite thrashing machine, cornent mixer (new), J B & D 33-tf weed sprayor- 20' boom - nover used, several eiectric motors, Cohler gos motor - 25 cycle, 2 sobre saws, hand tools of ail kinds, gardon tools of all kinds, nuts and boits, ladders, grease guns, fertilizer, VING olectric fans, aluminurn ladder, antique battery radio, 967 antique sickie, antique wood 9627 claps, set of truck rocks, roll il-tf of aluminum chain Iink fonce, gun rocks, olectric drills, antique shoe lasts - 8 pc., Engîish riding saddle, 12 gage shot gun, 22 rifle, bottery ty chargeor, motor oul, buggy and slei gh parts, antique jugs, qty. eld of old wido pine boards, Ing lis ally wosher and dryer, Ktchen :al Aid dishwasher, oak kitchen al table and chairs, alurninum folding picnic table, drapes, shelving, qty. of bamboo 2tf gardon stakes, Iarnps, 2-f shutters, black and white TV, Bell & Howell movie cornera sand case, number of oul paintings, fancy buckles for y' Feaith or beits, maplo student's " desk, staplers, qty. of leather OM, hand tooled pieces, Stenorette S, dictating machines, Crown etc. telophone valet, 2 jet purnps, AIS pots and pans and dishes, oiectric appliances, steel shelving plus many rnany 29-tf N other articles. Lunch - avoui able at the sale. Sale af 10 . arn. Sale monoged and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., ofina, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. Aucfion Sale Saurday, Octobor 13 a? 12:30 p.m. (if tain, sale wili be held following Sot urday) Clearing ouction of furniture, glass, china, appl iancos, tools, etc. The proporty of Mr. C. Don Biesen, I oca ted on Hwy. 12, north end of Brooklln. Partial Iisf includes: 5 pc. Spanish bedroomn suite; 5.pc. kitchen set; sofa; vorious tables; small cupboord; pine harvosf table; antique scole; porta ble sewing machine; tbeand standing iamps; dishes; glass; china; stone- ware; typewriter; quilt trame; firescreen; ping-pong table; Coidspot fridge; Moffot stovo; wash machine; vacuum; floor polisher; Fridgidaire air con.; 1 h.p. router and table; radial arm saw; Il 2 h.p. elect. motor; 16" chain saw and kit; propane tank; Coleman space heater witli 200 gal. tank; golvanizod lrough; mon y gardon and work tools; 15 h .p.ftractor with mwrand plow; snowmoblie and double trouler; and other good mîsc. items. Terms cash or choque (with l.D.) No reserve. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161. RS Acierisr 82,c-rTh Cnaan Ïtatesman, Box 190, FMREE REMOVAL 0F Bowmanvile, Cntario LiC 3K9 DIFRESH, DEAD and 41-1 DIABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL WZIRE XWEAUINGFUR FARM WE'REHopHEADING7 V'fTT'IAYIAV 1 P-rt 1 à Auction Sale Sa? urday, Oct ober 13 a? 12:30 p.m. For the estate of the late Ann Hoît, Courtice, no. 2 Hwy. third house oast of Nichol ' Garage. AIl her furniture: chest freezer, range, refrigorator, chrome kitchon table, 4 chairs, corner shelf, dining roorn suite, tea wagon, wall mirrors, chesterfield, Gibbard, 2 upholsterod chairs, coffee table with glass top, color television, 3 end tables, floor and table lamps, 4 pce. bedroorn suite, old an d in excellent condition, cedar chest, telephone table, dresser with mirror, double bed, wall mirror, 2 steamer trunks several odd chairs, some old, wringor washer, card tables and chairs, fern stand (wicker), ladders, Lawnboy lawn rnower (good), fruil soalers, old books, one blanket box, small kitchen appliances, set of dishes, miscellaneous dishos (somo antique), old paintings and pictures, linons, clothes hamper, five piece silver tea service. Terrns cash, no resorve. L &C Harris, clerks. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 41 -1 N Auction Sales List of sales by Cliff Pethick Saturday, October 13 a? 12:30 Furniture for the estate of the lato Ann Hoît, Courtice, 500 other ad. Saturday, October 20 a? 12:30 For Caldin Myles, Orono, Main Street, aIl hîs furniture, see ad noxt week. Saturday, October 27 a? 12:30 For the estate of the lato Mrs. Harvey Strong, her furniture and some tools. Also Pethick's Auction Barn on Saturday Night Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen a? 7 p.m. Deep freeze, 2 dinfing roorn suites, washing machine, stove, chesterfield, odd chairs, wash stands, high white cupboard, rugs, partial listing, loads of more good articles, corne and see. Terrns cash. More sales to corne. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer 41 -1WN Hoîsteins October Consignmont Selling a? the Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario Octobor 18Sat 12:30 noon Fresh a nd Springing cows and heifers (both purebred and N.l.P. grade), from R.O.P., classified and fre isted herds. lnciudod is a Springing Verv Good cow serial by Rockman. Also solling are a g roup of yearling heifers sirea such Unit Sires as ritimate, Perotion and Chioftain Sunde ovailabie. For entries phono Ed Werry, Ed McMorrow, Auctioneer, Neil Malcolm, :Sales Manager. 416-263-2225, 705-953-9444 and 416-986-4246. 41-2 N CorneilI's Auct ion Barn Friday, October 12th at 7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Rood. 8 pioce woinut diningroom suite, 4 rnatching press bock chairs, pino trunk, church pews, antique dressers, Dunlop candiestond table, 8 piece dinette suite, coffee an dend tables, Gone With The Wind lamp, piano stool, table saw, bedroom suites, coper boilers, press back rockers, quantity of wooden chairs, chests of drawers, 3 cutters, Democrate, quantity of tools, plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Cornoîl, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 41 -1N Saturday Evening, Novem ber 3rd a? 1: 00 p.m. Complote Avoca Dispersai a? Lindsay Community Sale Barn R. R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario a? 7: 00 p.m. sharp Complote Avoca Dispersai of 44 head purebred and percentage Charol ais cattie and 15 head of percentage Simmental catte . iThe Droper-