4 The Canadian Statesman, Bethany Thought for the day: Put yourself in the other person 's shoes; then treat hlm as you would like o be trea ed. Howard and Beulah Robin- son enjoyed a two week tour of European countries and expressed how enchanting scenery, cathedrals and other buildings are unique in so many different ways to ours. Others who travelled this summer were Robert and Marion Sisson who visited their daughter Judy and son-in-law at Rncky. Mountain House near Edmonton. Marlon and Noel ,Wood return on Tuesday from a wonderful trip to Scotland and England. We welcome themn home. Also Frank and Joyce Edwards have returned from England after spending three weeks with relatives and fiends. Belle Smith enjoyed the returned visit of two friends Norma Hogg and Millie Cunnington, of Warren, Man., who arrived from a month's visit in England, Scotland and Wales, Norma visited many places where her late -husband, Jim, had been while serving in the air force. The parish of Cavan and Manvers members are planning bowling games in Millbrook for the lst and 3rd Friday evenings of each month. Leave names, those who are interested, with Rev, Wainwright or Canon Dyer. When a person stays in one location for forty or more years ,an accumulation of varlous articles is certain to r esult. So Leonard and Florrie Driver found when they pre- pared for their auction sale which took place on Saturday. The weather was beautiful and many enjoyed visiting as well as participating In the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davidson spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. PaL Mantle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Borrow, who plan on living in an apartment in Oshawa. Canon Dyer delivered a most inspiring sermon at the Thanksgiving Harvest Service at St. Paul's, and spoke of how society tends to promote a smugness of material things, and how Thanksgiving services are essential Lo make us realize that God 18 responsible for our plenteous- ness. Now IL is not just grown products, but iL is the many materials and ,by-products thaL are used, and we must depend upon one another for our living. Some give hanks and are full of praise, while others do not have this feeling of gratitude. Our hanksgiving must be with a humble and sincere heart for we have so much to give thanks for every day. A release from the subdi- vision agreement was given for 13 lots in Plan M-715 on condition that the impost féee of $9,000.00 be paid for the balance of lots in Plan M-715. The tenders for building the addition to the Pontypool Pire Hall will be opened on October 9th by the Council and the Fîre Department representatives. rThe Township is o sell Block "A" in Plan No. 157. The Council is Lo act as a Committee of Adjusment and Committee for Minor r Variances when the legisla- ion is enacted. The Millbrook Fire Depart- ment is to be hanked for their assistance at the Pallet Factory fire in Pontypool. The Council accepted the verbal resignation of Wm. Schley as Manvers Municipal Auditor. The Council decided to cobncur with the recnmmendan- remuneration -for --Fenceé Viewers at $25.00 per engage- ment was passed, signed, sealed and numbered 1639-79. Another by-law was introduced to appoint a Plumbing Inspector. The Building Inspector's report was read and approv- ed. Tenders will be called locally for snow plowing in front of the Township Hall and the Pire Hall in Bethany. The Road Superintendent is to advertise for two trucks for sanding for the winter of 1979 and 1980. Tenders were opened for an unlicensed Dodge truck. One tender was received from A. Tomlinson in the amount of $200.00. The offer of $200.00 was accepted fromn the unlicensed truck as advertised in the Lindsay Post News- paper. Bowmanville, -October 10, 1979 We reseve the right to limit quantitis to normal family requir.ments! Ail prîces effective thru Saturday, October I 3th, 1979 WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS! Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario tickets available at A&P Food Stores! SAV UPTO70SAE<0 CANADIAN BRANDS CIGARKET-TES Limit 2 cartons par family, with a 3 minimum purchase this Our Reg. Price productRegular Size carton7.99 Our Reg.-Price King Size$80 Acton Pricefl Pieces & stems ANN a@PAGE MUSHROOMS 1O-fi-oz tin o SAVE 20< 1 A&P, Assortecl Varleties includlng fCHOC. CHIP Cu COOKI1ES 450 g tin tie bug Our Regular Prîce 1.19 NAVONA Fine Crystal Stemwar( ON pu r< This Week's Feature! 13-OZ DOUBLE THE ROCKS No other hase require d.e 3ch1 MARTINS APPLE JUICE 48-fi-oz tin Our Regular Price,99c EI'SAVE 47<ibI Our Regular Price lb 1.86 Loi PORK 2' CHOPS You'II do better with A&P's S'AVE6<I A&P -Fancy JUICE 48-fi-oz tin 1ItL rnhinat ion pack Ont ains: Rib End Loin End Centre Cut Our Regular Price 75c Il I ISave on 5 lb family7f I pack vexar bags *2.7 I No. 1 Grade, large, firm, fresh daily ONTARIO CABBAGE each JJIé No. 1 Grade, Ontarîo, YeIlow COOKI NG51ÂR ONIONS bag 68 California, tender FRESH bunch BROCCOLI 8 NO. 1 GRADE, ONT., HARVEST FRESH, TENDER, SWEET Carrots 5-16cello bag 786 No. i GRADE, ONTARIIO, WAXED Rutabagas lb1J& NotGATAoe 20-16 bag 1.39 1-Ply, Assorted Colours pkg of 4 mols SWAN'S DOWN v BATHROOM TISSE 1 0 Margarine Action Pricel ~1.99 BONET 3l IIII PRIMO Tomato Pa ste A&CTION PRIuCHI 5.5-f -oz tin' 3 for 89et Round Roast Outside Cut EyeRemoved Mary Miles, Vac Pac CHUB lb2,49I MARY MILES, HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italîan Style blb .19 SPAGHETTI OR ELBOW MACARONI ACTION PRICEI Primo Pastas 2-lb pkg 89< Jane Parker - Sliced, 60% WhoIe Whoat Regular or Sandwich, 100% Whole Wheat or Crocked Wh4at Action Pric.I Brown Bread 24-oz loat2 f.r 1.09 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICE! English Muffiîns pkg of 6 69Y CARNATION - INSTANT ACTION PRICEI Hot Chocolate pkg of10- 28 gensl.29 AIL PURPOSE OR CAKE & PASTRY ACTION PRICE! Monarch Flour 25kg bagl.19 Orange Crush, Hires Root Beer or Wilson's Ginger Aie 750 mi RETURNABLE BTL 0 B EVERAGES (PLUS 25c BTL DEPOSIT) 4 Rump Siroin Tip Inside Cut Round Roast lb279J 1-lb vac pac 1.e39 SEABUOY, PROZEN, BATTERED Boston Blue Fish61l.73 Primo Lasagna ' A ap JeIIy Powders READY-TO-SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIESA Quaker Oatmeal 9-0 ASSORTED VARIETIESA Savarin Dinners H FULL. COURSE Gaines Dog Food 4 kg1 Beatrkce, Assorted Flavours FRUIT BOTTOM YOGURT 175 g tub3f ACTION PRICEI b pkg79< AC oz AC z M 5/99< *EmM M ~MEmBRMmm CTiOPRK~ WITH THIS COUPON CTION PRICE! :2.0 OF THE REGULAR pkg 99< &CtfrmCnd PRICE 0 %CTIoN PRicE! &ýCtfomCnd Grade "A" BeefM ,ag~9î Strip Loin Steaks : Acio*rie box of 8-8-oz steaks Limit one per famiîy Dr.00j Valid thru Saturdoy, October l3th, 1979. AUP # 643 YOU'LL DO' betterAT... emat A&P mh The pick of the Apple Orchurd! Canada Extra Fancy, Washington, Red & Golde APPýLES» Roast or Chops (Country Style) CENTRE (UT PORK LOIN PORK LOIN S9l RIB PORTION lb C (uat from ('unuduGrude 'A "Beef BONELESS BEEF- ROASIS lb 9 WIENERS PRIDE 0F CANADA, SLICED 6-OZ VAC PAC MARY MILES, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES 16-OZ V'AC PAC Cooked Ham 1.19 Cooked Meats 1.69 AUP, OR MARY MILES, SLICED SHOPSYS - COLE SLAW OR 24-OZ CARTON Side Bacon 1-bac pac 1.49 Potato Salad 1.09 BREAKFAST SCHNEIDERS, SUICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Burns Sausagesl6.19 Bologna 1lI6vac pac159 SIFT BLUE WATER, FROZEN 1 0-OZ PKG Sizzlean 12oz pkg 1.49 Haddock & Chips 1.13 AU Action Pricel ADI' - Frozen, Concontrâtad Our' Reg, Prk. 8à9c - SAVE 20c SRACKERS0g69< R AN GE 251o69 box JIEtin Derg nt Our Rg. Price 1.53- SAVE 54c Da.p Brown.d, with Pork in Tomato Sauce Action Pricel PALMULIVE 9 LIBS 19-fi-oz 24-f -oz Kstin LIQUID bottie 9 r BEANS J7 MOF '9% cor 1 0 lem- -----------------------------