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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1979, Section 2, p. 5

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Reads Scholarly Pape r at Conference Local Gladliolus Society Holds Annual'Meeting TIhe Annual Meeting of the Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Society was held in the Maple Grave Hall, recently, (Oct. l9th) in the form af a Pat Luck Supper, with President Dudley Deeley in charge. Twenty four members and guests enjoyed the deliciaus meal and then enjoyed hear- ing Mr. Len Butt of Huttan- ville, wha autlined the work of the Canadian Gladiolus Saci- ety. He answered several questions fram the member- ship, cancerning the next National Show which is ta be staged by the Dur. Reg. Soc. President Deeley then con- ducted several draws for the table flowers, which had been provided by Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. The winners were: Fred Wright, Sally Naden, Len Butt, David Duchemin, Doug Markwick, Lloyd Johnston and Marg. Killeen. Tlhe siate of off icers for 1980 was read by the president and accepted as follows: Past Pres. F. Samis; Pres. D. Deeley; lst Vice. Pres. L. Jose; 2nd Vice Pres. B. Samis; Sec. Treas. M. Kil- leen; Show Chairman B. Barnes; Directors Lloyd John- stan; Loamine Delaney; Marion Wright; Douglas Markwick; Sam VanCamp. Mrs. Barnes then showed Section Two The Canadian Stâtesman, Bowmanville, October 31, 1979 5 K of C Council Donates $2,500 to Refugee Fund slides of her garden which depicted the grawing of gladi- olus through the year-right from planting time until harvest. Mrs. Killeen then presented Mr. and Mrs. Barnes with a lovely ruby glass bowl, in honor of their recent 4th wedding anniver- sary. She commented an the hours and hours of work that Mr. and'Mrs. Barnes give s0 generously ta the society and referred to them as the Real Backbone of the Dur. Reg. Soc." Bertha and Arthur were taken by surprise but replied suitably, saying how much they enjay their garden and Two Spuds Weigh Five and Haif Pounds St. Joseph's Catholic Church boat people committee chairman, Steve Ryan, right, recently accepted a cheque for $2500 from the Knights of Columbus Council 6361, also of St. Joseph's. The cheque was presented b, Grand Knight, Rick Santomero, left. Expected to arrive on November 15th, the refugee family of five being sponsored by St. Joseph's, will take up residence at 33 Division Street. Commissianer H. H. Graham of the Ontario Provincial Police reminds you that Hallowe'en is a time ta have fun, but safely. If your youngsters go out trick-or-treating, go with them, or at least tell them ta stay in their own neighbor- hood. Keep your porch light on when the trick-or-treaters are doing the rounds, and tell your children only ta visit1 the houses with lights an. Young folks should be outfitted in light-colored clothing sa they can be seen easily. Makeup is much better than a mask when it cames ta OPP Issues Warning On Hallowe'en Hazards Children Should Avoid same reason, give the kids a flashlight.. It's a good precaution ta warn youngsters that their treats should stay in the bag until they get home. Moms and Dads should have a chance to look the goodies over before they are eaten. Experience has shown that paranole persons will tamper with Hallowe'en treats, but the small-fry stand a much greater chance of being hurt in a traffic accident. Remind them of the rules before they go out: use sidewalks; cross at crosswalks or traffic lights; do flot run across the road. THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR.. flemier THE SIGN 0F, A MERCHANT WHO.,CARES ABOUT'PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor n the community. For information cali 1Marg Bain Phone 623-2661 Bd.of Ed. Has Fewer Students Grand Rapids, Michigan - Itene Oudyk, a 1979 graduate of Calvin College who majored in Special Education, was selected ta read a scholarly paper at a recent conference on "Perspectives on the Unconsciaus" held at Miami University,, Oxford, Ohio. 1Her paper, an offshoot of a report she wrote in Calvin psychology professor William Sandersun's course in Theories of Personality, is entitled: "Jung and Litera- ture: Robertson Davies' Dept- fard Trilogy." Irene is the daughter of John and Ali ville. Sb the Car Robertsg one 'of triaus lil deeplyi logy of Davies mI ing, she says, is "the smooth- almost as in a dream. The ness with which he blends a village of Deptford, dominat- thoroughly Jungian and ed by one family, pillared by thoroughly Canadian quality five churches, and surrounded in the Deptfald Trilogy: "Fifth by a countryside of farms is Business" (1970), "The detail perfect, but it is also Manticare" (1972), and every Ont arlo village." "World of Wonder" (1975). Irene is interested in Fur- Davies knows Canada, she thering her knowledge of says, "and he recollects its psycholagy by attending towns and cities sa that the graduate courses at York reader re-experiences them University. Inmate Work Prrogram Successful in~ 1979 ice Oudyk of Bowman- The Northumberland and The work consisted of edging he mnakes the point that Newcastle Board of Education sidewalks, driveways, park- nadian-born author, reports that this year's inmate ing lots, painting- parking son Davies,' "is not only work pragram was successful. lines, and painting fencing at Canada's most illus-' In the western area of the the Bowmilanville Senior terary men but is also School Board (Town of Public School, and the Vincent rooted in the psycho- Newcastle), approximately Massey Public School. rJunig." What makes 2,000 man hours of labor was Additional man hours of partîcularly interest- provided by prison inmates. work were performed by cnut heating costs! Heatilator® UP Fireplace > saves heat, saves money Pnts more heat FORCED-AIR* into our omeHEATING SYSTEM keeps it there. OUTSIDE AIR** FOR COMBUSTION o GLASS DOORS** energy savings/ safety Fireplaces, Woodstoves, Glass Doors and Ail the Acr,-ssories. Tuesday to Saturday. The 900 HOPKINS AT BURNS V WHITBY fie lx Plus 668-3192, One potato, two potatoes, makes five and a haif pounds. Imagine buying a five pound bag of potatoes at the grocery store and getting only two spuds. These giant Kennebec potatoes were brought into the office last week by Richard Christensen, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. and leaersis etimtedat shoos," said Busnes inmates in the Board's central area including Port Hope and Cobourg. "The material cost ta the board including paint, brushes, and rollers, wipers $30900. This program is very worthwhile having made a marked improvement in the landscape and appearance of parking lots of the variaus Administrator Jim Bird in a repart ta the trustees. The disappearance of '100 students from elementary schools in Bowmanville this year is part of an overal decline in the number of pupils attending school in the Northumberland Newcastle education system. they lave ta share it with others. Then Merle Slute and Marg. Killeen, in the garb of true gardeners, sang two sangs which they dedicated ta Bertha and Art for everybodys enjoymeflt. After the prizes and awards, won at last summel's show, were passed out, by Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and Mr. Deeley, the secretary commented on the historical report which she has compiled recently for the Canadian Annual. She thank- ed the Soc. for their assistance with the report and expressed her wishes for a more accur- rate repart but unfortunately records seem ta be very scarce. Mrs. Barnes reported on the progress of next year's Can. Show and said that several early details have already been looked after. Mr. Deeley thanked all those who had helped with the evening, adjourned early. enrolment statistics released at a meeting af the school board last week, 700 fewer students are in the board's classrooms this year. The officiai enrolîment for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education as of September 30 was 20,263. The board was told last Thursday durîng its regular meeting in Cobourg that the loss of 100 students in Bowmanville was unexpected but it is believed that the cause is the great mobîlity of younger families. In most cases, the former Bowman- ville pupils have moved out- side of the Northumberland Enroliment figures for schools in the Town of Newcastle indicate that as of September 30 ther were 4,524 pupils attending sixteen elementary schools. High school attendance in the Town of Newcastle totalled 2,720 which represents an increase of 13 pupils over the last year's attendance figres. Total elementary school attendance in the Town of Newcastle is down by approxi- mately 200 pupils over last year's statistics. Motorists, if yau must drive on Hallowe'en night, the Ontario Association of Optometrists reminds you ta keep a sharp eye out for trick-or-treaters walking in the dark. Young trick-or- treaters, wearing masks that may obscure their vision, makes for a potentially dangerous night. . .. .. . .. ...... Churchley Jewellers presen t Oil Paintings by Fali & Winter scenes from $59.00 and up to $ 150.00 (complete with frame) Who would believe such high quality pain tings for such a low price!! 39 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5463 DENTURETHERAPYCLINIC 36 King St. W. Bowmanville LPATRICK G. DEEGAN 623-4473 -TI ,%x k WÀO% *C , mý

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