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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1979, Section 2, p. 11

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Year of the Child Programn Had an International Theme Section Two Palestine Chapter Holds Successful Ladies Night In wbat now promises to be an annual event, Palestine Chapter No. 249, held their Ladies' Nigbt on Saturday evening. October 20, at St. John's Anglican Churcb Great Hall, with the Martha group catering a roast beef dinner to approximately 90 members, their wives and guests and friends. Af ter a pleasant reception with fruit punch, the gatbering was called to order by the First Principal, Ex. Comp. M. MacKenzie. Following the invocation by Rev. Canon T. A. Tarleton and the singing of "0 Canada" dinner was served, after wbich Ex. Comp. MacKenzie extended a warm welcome to ail, especially tbe wives of former members now deceased. quirements. for expansion and working capital. " .The board of directors today declared tbe regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents on tbe 4 per cent preferred shares, payable January 31, 1980 to shareholders of record January 10, 1980 and a quarteriy dividend of 20 cents per common share, payable December 14, 1979 to share- bolders of record November 23, 1979. The head table included: Ex. Comp. M. MacKenzie and Mrs. MacKenzie, Rt, Ex. Comp. W. E. Sunderland,, Grand Superintendent of Ontario. District and Mrs. Sunderland, Rt. Ex. Comp. H. B. Tink and Mrs. Tink, Rev. Canon T. A. Tarleton, and Comp. R. Moffatt and Mrs. Moffatt.. The toast to Grand Chapter was presented by Ex. Comp. K. A. Billett with the response by Rt. Ex. Comhp. W. E. Sunderland. The toast to the ladies was given by Rt. Ex. Comp. H. B. Tink whicb was nicely responded to by Mrs. MacKenzie.' Ex. Comp. R. Walker, Chairman for tbis event, was then called on to act as Master of Ceremonies. The guest speaker, Rev. Canon T. A. Tarleton was introduced by Comp. R. Moffatt. Rev. Tarie- ton emnigrated to Canada from Ireiand in 1929, and after scbool in Windsor and the University of Detroit, and a term in the Royal Canadian Navy during World War 2, he entered the business world. Later be took up the Ministry and is presently the rector of the Cburcb of St. Peter in Cobourg, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees of Wycliff e College, Toronto. Rev. Tarleton bas the unique ability to command the attention of bis audience by first relating a few quite humorous incidents and he then proceeded to deliver a taik on the biblical approacb of present day problems. Wben Moses, be said, was commanded to deliver bis people to tbe promised land, he sent a group to investigate conditions tbere. Tbeir report, as quoted from tbe Bible "Wben we set our eyes on tbe giants, we felt no larger tban grasshoppers." Tbe 'speaker then carried- this theme to our every day lives, wbere tbe probierns witbin our country - tbe higb suicide rate, tbe bigh rate of marriage failures, tbe crimes, the tragedies etc. ail seemed to appear as giants. But, he added, in our day to day lives, eacb of us bave or may have these giants before us, but tbat we must bave tbat inner strength to cope witb tbem, and we realize tbat witb God's help, tbese giants may be overcome. The tbanks to tbe speaker was expressed by Comp. L. Tennant. Several piano solos were Tbe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 31, 1979 i ]Bowmanville 11.S. Has Second Vice A second vice principal for Bowmanville Higb Scbool bas been appointed by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion. Mrs. ýMary Ellen Beamish was cbosen for tbe new post in Bowmanville during the regular meeting of the Scbool Board in Cobourg last week. Mrs. Beamisb was previously bead of girls' pbysical educa- tion and beaitb education department at Port Hope High Scbool. Her appointment was effective Monday, October 29. rendered by Comp. J. Manuel, following whicb a sing-song was enjoyed witb Comp. Manuel at the piano and Mrs. W. Pring as song leader.. The Thîrd Principai's toast brougbt a very pleasant even- ing to a close. N. Principal Mrs. Beamish holds a B.A., B.P.H.E. and M.Ed. degree from Queen's University. During 1978-79, shie served as acting vice principal at Port Hope High Schooi. Bowmanville High Sehool has become eligibie for a second vice principal because it now has over 1200 students. Displaying an unusual enrollment trend, B.H.S. actually gained approximate- ly 30 students this year and now has an enroliment of 1,234. Bowmanville is now the second largest high school in the Northumberland Newcastle system, acrording to, officiai enrollment figures for September 30. As a vice principal, Mrs. Beamish joins Charles Clarke who was appoînted vice principal at Bowmanville at the -beginning of the school PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is iumoer and lumber products. A compiete line of Uin dried hardwood and softwoods. Wanut Cherry Maple .Rodwood Teak Oak Phil. Mahog. Softwoods Hardwood & softwood plywood. Speciality Custom Milling MILL and YARD 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Mon" Students at The Pines Senior Publie Sehool spent last Thursday learning how their neighbours in other parts of the world live. In an ail-day--program, the grade seven and eight students at The Pines learned about music of other lands, games around the world, Indian crafts, foods of the world, plants of the world and several other topics. Here, students experiment with a puzzle from half way around the globe. The activities at The Pines were part of the school's International Year of the Child program. Dunn's Students at The Pines perform apuppet show based on the topic "Plants of the World." Goodyear' s Third Quarter Sales Up 16.9 Per Cent Over Last Year Consolidated net sales of July-September period last Goodyear Canada Inc. for the year, it was announced by tbe third quarter of 1979 were company following a meeting $112,611,000, up 16.9 per cent of the board of directors bere from tbe $96,350,000 for tbe today. LoCke built thiS sports model with a powerfui engine and one of the finest custom bodies. There are those who cail it oid fashioned . .. others label it out- of-style .. . we just cail it high quality. Everything we seli here has that speciai ingredient. See! Grant Menzies Motors (1976 Limited) 1430 King St. E. 571-3600 Os Grant Menzies and AMC . .. on the move for the '80's bs hawa Consolidated net income for the tbird quarter was $3,871,000, or $1.49 per common sbare, up 46.00 per cent from the $2,651,000 or $1.02 per sbare, recorded in the tbird quarter of 1978. Nine-montb sales totalled $352,650,000, a 25.6 per cent increase over last year's nine-montb figure of $280.736.000. ,Nine-month income of $12,303,000, or $475 per share, was 95.6 per cent more than tbe $6,291,000, or $241 per sbare, earned in tbe first nine montbs of 1978. "Tbe entbusiastic acceptance of our products in tbe replacement market is reflected in these third quarter figures," said A. W. Dunn, president of Goodyear Canada. "This acceptance has served to mitigate the down- turn in deliveries to the original equipment market caused by tbe reduction of new automobile and truck produc- tion in Canada during tbe period." "Tbe improvement in profit represents only 3'/2 per cent to sales and falîs sbort of our 1979 objective of 5, per cent as announced last year," Mr. Dunn added. "Altbougb we look forward to tbe fourth quarter witb confidence, we are concerned over tbe contin- uing escalation of raw mater- ials costs and bigher interest rates and tbe'effect tbey may have on our profit and our re- -Why you%î should invest in a -~high-interest banker's-- stripe Owning a good suit is like buying a good stock. Choose the right one and it keeps paying dividends. And in these uncertain economic times few things are as good as the perfect banker's stripe. Fast idi10US Iy tailored of pure wool worsted in the classic manner but with new ease of shape and shoulder, trimmer lapels. In Navy or Banker's Grey. 3 PCE. SAVE 30.00 Reg. 150.00 NOW We carry suits, sizes f rom 34 to 52. DUln's OSHAWA CENTRE VISA Open Wed., Thurs., Fri. tii 9 p.m. G.H. Copeland, D.P.M. A.J. Marcus, D.P.M. announce the opening of their office for the practice of PODIARTRY Diseases and disorders of the foot 1> at 14 Gibbons Street, Oshawa Bv apoointrnent 579-81 71 .1 - -.

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