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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, p. 12

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12 The Catjadian Statesman, fowmanville, November 7, 1979 T eachers Join in Fun at Waverley School's HalLowe 'en Part of the Hallowe'en fun at the Waverley Public School last week included a costume Darade from classroom to classroom. The parade gave each class a chance to look at the colorful costumes of fellow students. This class poses in the hallway during the parade. Teachers at the Waverley Public School were dressed somewhat informally during Hallowe'en hi-jinks last week. This threesome was greeting students entering the school at noon on Wednesday, October 31. And the afternoon was spent on a Hallowe'en theme with most of the students from the junior classrooms in costumes. BLACKSTO CK Our young people must be congratulated on such a well behaved Hallowe'en in this area. There were many, many little goblins, witches and countless other types out in the early evening but no reports of damage. We are proud of your good behaviour. This weekend has been a very busy one for many, many people. On Friday evening there was a community shower for six young couples - Bob and Marie Atfield, Bob and Terry Bruton, Brian and Cheryl DeJong, Brian and Cindy Lee, Neil and Kathy McLaughlin and Grant and Elaine Young. Neil Malcolm acted as the very capable Master of Ceremonies and after inviting the honored couples to the front introduced the following program. A piano solo by Joan Grove, a vocal solo by Marlene Parsons accompanied by Linda Kyte, a dance and "song" routine by Frances Grove, a piano solo by Jason Kyte, vocal numbers by Debbie VanCamp, Angela Dickinson and Lynn McLaughlin accompanied by Linda McLaughlin, a demonstration of square dancing by the Durham County Junior Farmers Square Dancers. Neil presented each couple with a gift of money after which each groom replied fittingly. Lunch and a dance brought a happy evening to a close. The Cartwright High School held its Commencement Exercises in the Recreation Centre on Saturday evening. After the singing of O Canada, Principal Gordon Paisley welcomed the fine crowd with his introductory remarks. Chairman of the Durham Board, Mrs. Y. Christie brought greetings and gave her own congratulations to the graduates and students. Students' Council president Craig Larmer introduced the Student Council and presented a gift to the School on behalf of the council. The W.W. VanCamp family was represented by Richàrd Gunter who presented a gif t of books to the school. Secondary School Graduation Diplomas were presented by Robt. Sheffield, a former C.H.S. student, who is now Superintendent of Operations to Christine Brohm, Ivan Duivesteyn, Lori Ann Emerton, Grace Gibson, Susan Gunter, Brett Hardy, Anne Kristensen, Eric Kristensen, Craig Larmer, Judy Malin, Mark Post, Mark Vince, Laurel Vine, Janet Weir, Tim Wright, Teresa Wygerde and Secondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas to Roy Cowling, Tammie Demerchant, Linda Duivesteyn, Jean Horton, Katie Schmidt, Betty Jane Taylor and Lois VanCamp. Many proficiency prizes were presented. The Wallace Marlow prizes for Grade 10 were won by Stephen Kristensen, Karen Duivesteyn, grade 12 to Anne Kristensen and Craig Larmer, Grade 13 to Katie Schmidt and Lois VanCamp. The Henry Thompson Memorial Prize by Nestleton Women's Institute, grade il - Trish Sleep; O.N.O. Prizes - Top Girl - grade 9 - Marilyn Green; Top Boy, grade 9 - Howard Bailey and Brian Gardner; Susan Saywell Prize for History, grade 12- Susan Gunter; Proficiency in Languages by Trewin Farm Equipment, grade 9 French - Elizabeth Kelly, grade 10 - French and Latin - Karen Duivesteyn, grade il French and German - Karen Post; grade 12 French - Anne Kristensen, grade 13 French and German - Linda Duivesteyn, Mathematics and Science sponsored by Beacock's Hardware, Nestleton Country Store, Nestleton Forester's Lodge and Blackstock W.I. grade 9 - Marilyn Green, grade 10 - Stephen Kristensen, grade 11 - Ivan Duivesteyn, Theresia Klemencic, grade 12 Anne Kristensen, grade 13 Lois VanCamp. Prize in Economics by Duff Electric - grade 13 - Katie Schmidt. Art Awards by Thompson's Village Market - grade 9 - John Priebe, grade 10 - Sandra Little. Typing Awards by Nestleton Ladies' Court Snowbird, grade 9 - Sandra Johnston, grade 10, Kim Jeffery, Karen Duivesteyn; Prize in Business Communications - Debbie Lee, Marlene Parsons, Eleanor Gibson, Giselle VanGestel. The Port Perry Legion gave prizes in English and History, Geography. English - grade 9 - Marilyn Green, grade 10 Lea Ann Hardy, grade 11 - Trish Sleep, grade 12 - Craig Larmer, grade 13 - Jean Horton. Grade 9, History and Geography - Marilyn Green, Grade 10 H-istory and Geography - Carol Murphy, Grade 11 - History and Geography - Trish Sleep, grade 12 - History and Geography Grace Gibson, Grade 13 - Economics and Geography - Tammie Demerchant. Grade 13 - History and Geography - Tim Wright. W.G. Bowles Memorial Award were won by Pat Reader and Lawrence VanCamp. Helen VanCamp Memorial Award for Nursing - Linda Duivesteyn, Dr. Matt Dymond Scholarship in History - Katie Schmidt. Special Achievement in Grade 13 by Ernie Swain - Betty Jane Taylor Kinette Club of Port Perry Bursaries - Chris Brohm, Roy Cowling; Kinsmen Club Bursaries - Tammie Demerchant, Linda Duivesteyn, Jean Horton, Lois VanCamp. Presentation of Ontario Scholarships to Tammie Demerchant, Katie Semidt, Lois VanCamp. Athletic Awards - Girls - Midget - Marilyn Green, Sandra Johnston, Nancy Roberge, three way tie - Junior - Karen Post, Senior - Leanne VanCamp, Boys - Midget - Chris Hudson, Junior - Jason Warner, Senior - Mark Post. Chess Tournament Champion - Warren Strong, the House Competition Trophy was won by the Tigers. Linda Bradburn presented the Bob McLaughlin Memorial Award to Lori Ann Emerton. The Student's Council presented a plaque to each of the Honor Students of the school. Roy Cowling as the only surviving male in the graduating class introduced the Valedictorian, Linda Duivesteyn who gave a fine address. Mr. Paisley presented her with a gift by Port Gifts. The choir directed by Mr. R. Ashton gave two outstanding numbers after which a one-act play "Switched at the Cross- roads" by John Healy was presented by the Year 5 Drama class. The evening was brought to a close by the singing of God Save the Queen. Congratulations to newlyweds Forrest and Evelyn Dilling (nee Armstrong) who were married on Oct. 15. They were chivareed recently by a group of Cadmus friends. Another Chivaree Gang visited the Merrill VanCamp home and the Lloyd Wright home last Saturday night to do the honors to Marie and Bob and to Cheryl and Brian. On Friday night Emile and Tina Jovanouric were Drama Workshop Rehearses for Upcoming Neil Simon Comedy What started out as a friendly game of tennis ends in something a little less friendly in this scene from a play to be performed by the Bowmanville Drama Workshop next week. The Drama Workshop will raise the curtain on the Neil Simon comed California Suite November 15, 16 and 17. Performances will be held at the Bowmanville High School a they begin at 8:15 p.m. Shown here at a rehearsal held at the High School this week are (left to right): Peter Sobil, Heather Rademacher, and Sharon Barclay. That's Vie Goad who is on the floor and apparently in the process of losing the argument. surprised with a welcome party to Cadmus by a group of their new neighbours. On Sunday morning a fine congregation attended the 92nd anniversary of the Black- stock United Church. Rev. Victor Parsons conducted the service and the regular choir presented a stirring Gospel Anthem. Guest speaker was the Rev. Dr. Clarke Mac- Donald, Church in Society, Division of Mission in Canada from Toronto who gave a fine sermon on Amazing Grace in which he compared Law and Grace. Flowers were placed for loved ones by Neil and Noreen Malcolm and Gib and Doris Marlow. A fellowship hour in the Bingo Special Free Admission Free bus every Wednesday to International Centre Toronto Jackpot $1100 $5500 In prizes must go 20 regular games $100 each Early games, features and late games Bus leaves Newcastle Community Hall, 5:30 p.m. Beaver Lumber, Bowmanville, 5:40 p.m. Castle Hotel, Bowmanville, 5:45 p.m. Oshawa ShoppIng Centre, 6 p.m. FOR INFORMATION CALL623-381 I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, the 3rd day of December 1979, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a by-law to stop up and close and to authorize the sale of those parts of Third Street and the unnamed lane lying within Part 1 on Plan 1OR861 which property is part of Lot 9, Broken Front Con- cession, in the former Town of Bowmanville, more particu- larly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of: FIRSTLY, ail of Third Street lying between Blocks I and F, and Blocks L and G, according to the Smart Estate Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville within Lot Nine (9) in the Broken Front Concession, extending from the Easterlv limit of Simpson Avenue to the Westerly limit of Block H, and ifs production Northerly. SECONDLY: ail of an unnamed lane lying between Blocks G and H, according to the aforesaid Smart Estate Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville within Lot Nine (9) in the Broken Front Concession, extending Northerly from the North limit of Second Street to the Easterly production of the Southerly limit of ThirdStreet aforesaid AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council intends to authorize the conveyance thereof to abutting owners AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law Council, or a Committee of Council, shafthear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by law and who applies to be heard DATED ai the Town of Newcastle his 31st day o OCTOBÉR, 1979. J M McILROY, A.M CT, Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilie, Onteio 44-4 Three Directors of California Suite These three ladies are the directors of Bowmanville Drama Workshop's, 'California Suite' that will be presented in Bowmanville High School on Nov. 15, 16 and 17. They are, from the left, Anna Blake, Jean Sheridan and Wyn Wonnacott. Christian Education Room followed the service. Remembrance Day Service will be held next Sunday in the Recreation Centre at 2:30 p.m. On Thursday evening the A.C.W. with several guests enjoyed dinner at the Lindsay Bon Fire and then attended the presentation of South Pacific at the Academy Theatre. Also on Thursday, Edith McLaughlin, Pat Sleep and Joyce Kelly attended the District Meeting of the Fair Boards in Lindsay. The date for the 1980 Blackstock Fair was set as Saturday, August 23. Be sure to watch television on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 12:30 at C.H.E.X. 12 when Debbie VanCamp and Howard Bailey will be interviewed. Twenty-five Cubs of the Cartwright A Pack, three leaders, two parents and Mr. Dorrell toured Mother's Pizza in Oshawa on Saturday morning. Everyone enjoyed the tour and a feast of pizza. The Bazaar with displays and demonstrations will be held in the Rec Centre this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Nursery School will use the proceeds to buy gymn equipment. The top SevIen place Field Crop Competition in Grain Corn recently judged by Stan Found and sponsored by the Blackstock Agricultural Society are 1. Ben DeJong. 2. John Baumchen, 3. Bob DeJong, 4. Don Frew and Sons, 5. Brian Gray, 6. Ralph Larmer and 7. Lawrence McLaughlin. The Cubs held their annual Hallowe'en party on Monday evenings. The boys were in costume. Nancy and Dave Barr kindly acted as judges with the winners. 1. Chuck Tilling, 2. Jason Hall, 3. Steven Davies. The boys enjoyed cupeakes and pop and took home Hallowe'en haes. NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION Garbage whch would normally be picked up on Monday, November 12,1979, will be collected on Tuesday, Novem- ber 13, 1979, within the Municipal Collection Area of the former Town of Bowmanville. J.Dunham. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle Hampton Ontario. CONSERVE ENERGY-CUTHEATING COSTS FREE INSULATION Under the Government C.H.I.P. Program SAVE UP TO $500 ON MATERIAL AND LABOR (You only pay for two-thirds cost of labor.) Hurry! Take advantage of this Government offer while it lasts! FREE ESTIMATES WH ITE'S FOR THE BEST IN INSULATION SPECIALISTS IN BLOWN CELLULOSE FIBRE INSULATION ELWIN WHITE COURTICE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 576.5606

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