AASEN - Wayne and Louise (nee Hoar) atter nine months of specuiation, it was confîrm- ed by Dr. Spear that Melanle and Amanda have a baby brother Robert Richard, born Friday, Novem ber 2, 6:46 a.m. weighing 8 ibs. 15 ozs. Many thanks to Dr. Spear, Dr. Quinn and hospitai staff, Oshawa Generai. 45-1 de'WîTT - John and Lamaa are happy to announce the birth oTtheir first chiid, Benjamin John, October 14, 1979, at Cobourg and District General Hospital, weighing 6 ibs. 61/2 ozs. Proud grand- ý arents are Mrs. Heien Kerr, carborough, Mr. Loyd Kerr, Sundridge, and Mr. and Mrs. A. de Witt, Orono. 45-1 HUGGINS - John and Cinay announce the arrivai of their son Brent Edwamd on Octobet th, 8 ibs., at Oshawa Genemai Hospital. Gandiparents are Mr. and, Mrs. Waybumn Adams, Bowmanviiie and Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Huggins, Port Perry. 45-1 NEVETT - Caig and Lea (nee Ashton) happiiy announce the bi rfh of their son Daniel Craig at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on November 2, 1979. Third g randson for Bert and Freda Ashton. 45-1 RICE - Kenneth "Mark". Born in Ottawa, October 24, 1979, 4:34 p.m., weighing 8 ibs 13 ozs. Proud parents Ken and Cthy and happy sister Karen. Proud grand parents Jean Rice, Os awa, C. L. Rice, Bramalea,,Chris and Vi Aibin,i Hampton. Great-g randparents M. and Mrs. Eldon Turner, Oshawa. Mrs. Giadvs Rice. Kingston and Mrs. Hannah Abin, Oshawa.ý 45-1 VAN NEST- Judy and Kingsley are happy to announce the birth of their daughfer Amy Lynn at Toronto Generai Hospital November 1 weig hing, 5 Ibs. 10 ozs. A littie sis er for Jesse and Ryan. 45-1 Fiends and relatives of Abert and Florence Arnold are invited f0 the home of Milton and Mary Arnoid, 94 Agnes St., Oshawa fo shame in the occasion of their 45th weddinq anniversarv on Saturday, November 10, 2 - 4 p.m. andl7:30 -9:30 p.m. Best wishes oniy. 44-2 Fiends and relatives of Ross and Emma Bragg are cordiaily invited ta an Open House at their new home in Oak His, Bewdiey, 11/2 miles east of Hwy. 28 on County Rd.- 9, turn leton Oak Hilis Rd., on Saturda y, November l7th, 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 -l10p.m. 45-2 Fiends and relatives of Harry and Jennie Lane now of Owen Sound are invited to an open house for a 5th wedding annivesary at the home of Charles and Gloria Gray, Main Street North, Orono. Ten houses south of Taunton Raad on the l7th of Novem ber 1979 from 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes onily. 45-2 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvi1lie 623-7141 " HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Fîowering Plants and Cut F iowers mm P~AR - James Abert. At Memoiai Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, November 6, 1979. Jim Faim of 107 Scugog Sf. in his 57th yeam. Beioved husband of Dorothy Barfon, dear father of Mrs. H. Williams (Patricia), Mrs. L. Branigan (Lyn) and Wiliam. Resfing at the Northcutt Elliotf Funemal Home. Mass for Christian burial 11:30 o'ciock Thursday, St. Joseph's Church. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society wauld be appreciated. 4- PALMER - Russell C. At Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, October 27, 1979. Russell C. Palmer in his 84th ypar, husband of Ardath Moome, fafher of Thomas M. Palmer, Oshawa and Mms. Neil Metcalf (Carolyn>, R.R. 2 Bowmanville, brother of Mrs. Roy Salfer (Edith), Oshawa, adthe late CharIes D. and Hary Palmer, loved by one granddaughfer and six grand- sons. Resfed at the Mclntoshi- Anderson Funerai Home, 152 King Sf. E. Service was heid in the chapei Wednesda y, Octo- ber 31 af 1: 30 p .m.- Interment Union Cemetery. Lebanon Masonic Lad ge heid a service at the f uneral home Tuesday af 7 p.m. Memoriai donations to the Canadi an Cancer Satiefy wiii be gatefuily acknawledged. 45-1 N RENNIE -Af Kingsfon, on Thursday, Novem ber lst, 1979, Mary Rennie, formeriy of Ponfypool, in hem 93rd 1ear, wife of the late Wiriam Rennie, dear mother of Andmew, Haliburton, and Hazei (Mrs. 'Rabert Brown), Kingstn, survivedi by grand- child'en and great grand- chiidmen. Service was heid in the, Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Interment Pont ypool Cemetery., 45-1 N VENNING - Af Sunnicrest Nursing Home, Whitby, Wednesday, October 31sf, 1979, Leanard Venning, in his 78th year, husband of the late Sara h, dear fat hem of John, Oshawa, ioved g randfather of David, Ann, Aillen and Leesa, dear brother of Annie Darch, Bawmanviile. Service was heid in the Morris Funemail Chapel, Bowmanviile. Crema- tion. 145-1iN WINTER - Elsie. At Memariai Hospital, Bowman- ville an Sunday,, Novémber 4, 1979 Elsi'eW inter of -115ý Ontario Street, Bowmanvilie L formerly of Montreai and -oronto) in hem 76th year. Dear friend of Mrs. J. Swift (Alicia), Mrs. T. Clitton (Elizabeth), Mms. E. Gareau (Rachel) and Pefer Biakeney. Rested at the Northcutt Ellott Funemal Home. Funeral service was held 10 a.m. Tuesday. Crematian. 4- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal1. it's your R OM permanence. ~/ STAFFORD ýé1 E BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Morr7isFune ral Chapell ~,X~~XESTABLSHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVI LLE 635480 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Nunerai tî m i UL NE SN î SE RV;C E Service to yur rieeds . .. ur fi rst cncern. Sa that vau wilH be relieved tram warry aLndv det a»il. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMA.AViLLE 623-5668 M Simpson Memorials Monuments - Qranite or Bronze Markers- Inscriptions - Sandblasting 49 LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appoîntme uts qIadly arranged BARR - In ioving memory of my mother, Ida May, who passed away Novem ber th, 16,admy father, Thomas, who passed away October l9th, 1965. Wonderfui memories woven ln ,go1id, This s the picture we tenderly 1hoid. Deep ln our hearts your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and neyer forget. - Loving ly remembered by son Douglas and daughter-in- law Margaret. 45-1 BROMELL - In ioving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Emma Luxton, who passed away Novem ber 2, 1968. God saw you getting tired, When the cure was not to be, He ciosed his arms around you, And wh ispered come to me. So keep your arms around her Lord, And gîve her speciai care Make up for ail she suffered And ail that seemed unfair. - Sadiy missed by daug hter Joanne, son-in-iaw Fred and g randchiidren Chris and Kathy. 45-1 GREGG -irene. ln loving meoyot a dlear daugfter anfd siser who passed away October 30, 1978. We who love you sadly miss Yom As it dawns another year In our loneiy hours of thinking Thoughts of you are very near. - Sadiy missed by father Adam, brothers Ross and famiiy, and Ivan and family. 45-1 HENRY - In memory of a dear friend, Jim Henry, who passed away November 12, 1978. Sulent thoughts of times together Hold memoies that wiii iast forever. - Aiways remembered, Jack and June. 45-1 LANE - C.H. (Kelly). ln ioving memory of my husband who passed away suddenly Novem ber 7, 1974. BeautIful memories are treasumed ever 0f hap dy when we were -Ever missed Leone. 45-1 MAYNARD - ln ioving me- mory of my dear husband, Roy Maynard, who passed away November 7, 1969. i remember the day 1 met you And the day God made you mine 1 remember the day He took you, 1lwiltili the end oftime Among the tears and heart- aches, There is one thing that makes mie gad That you chose me to share Those precious years we had We MlI meet again one day To ive and love anew. - Lovingly remembered and always missed by his wlfe Mabel. 45-1 PENWARDEN - ln ioving memory of a dear brother, Charles, who passed away November 12, 197ý8.b ko An pg inOur boko pemorles -Sad i mssed bysister Pearl and brother-in-law Ciayton. 45-1 PITT - Horace (Ace). In lovina memnory of a -dear husband, father and grand: father passed away November 10, 1978. A million times 've needed you A million times V've cried If love could have saved you darling You neyer would have died Things we feel most deepiy Are t h e hardest thlIngs to say My dearest one i love you ln a very special way If I couid have one lite time wish One dream that would comne true I'd pr-ay to God with al My For yesterday andyou. VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanviile Area Phone 623-4441 I wouid like ta thanK triose who sent f lowers, gef Weil cards and visited mne whiie i was in Oshawa Hospital. E. R. Rainey The famiîy of, mrs. Bessie Simmons wish fo thank ail fmiends, neighboms, and rela- tives for their kind ex pres- sions of sympathy, floral tributes, donations, cards, phone cails in the ioss of a dear mother and grandmother. Aisa special thanks to Rev. Sadlier of St. Aiban's Anglican Church. Alsa. Dr. Bell and nurses of 3F, St. Jaseph's Hospital and special than ks f0 the sisters and ail the staff of Marycreft for their came and kindness to our dear mother. The Simmons family (Mrs. Jim Cochrane) 45-1 Dear triends, relatives and ne g hburs: WOith all ou r hearts we thank ofo or prayers, cards, lowrsfrutphone calis and words of encouragement, visits in the hospi fal and home. Spécial fhanks f0 Dm. Shrives, Cu nn i ngh am , Sylvester and Hubbard, the dear girls of specil came unit also of the medical floor nof forgetting the ambulance drivers, emergency, pharma- cists and kitchen staff. Thanksto ail Art Etcher and Famîly 45-1 I wish to fhank everyone who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits during m y say in hospital and since coming home. Ada Carson 45-1 I wish to express my sincerest thanks f0 my fiends for the nice cards, fruit, baking and fiowers, the wonderfuî came I received in the S.C.U. af Memorial Hospital and the C.C.U. af Oshawa Hospital, Drs. Hoy, Shrives, H.B. Rundie, Marcel- lus, Frost and athers. Many thanks f0 ail Mrs. Ethel Mutton 45-1 My sincerest thanks to my family, neighbors and friends for the ioveiy fiowers, cards and g iffs. To Dm. Sproull and excellent nursing came whîle i was in Oshawa Holspital1, and aiso Mrs. C. Pearce wha was c.o kind. May Gad biess you aill Mrs. 2R. M. Hayward 4- We wish to express aur appreciation and a t very s Incere "fhank-you" o0 u r tamilv for aur annîversamv party, to relatives and fiends fr iheir giffs and good wishes, to ail who heiped in so0 oany ways making aur sîlver wedding anniversary a-very happy occasion. Wi'<h warm regards to ali1. Ralph and Joyce Virtue 4- I wish ta express a sincere "thank-yau" f0 my friends, neig bors and relatives, for visits, cards, letters, f iawers, phone calis and other inquimies. A special "thank- you" f0 Dm. McKenzie and the nurses and staff of Bowman- ville Mémorial Hospital for their klndness and came, also to nurses and staff of fStrathaven and f0 Rev. Basil Long for his cheery visits. Again thank you ail, r Kathryn E. Coatham 45-1 The family of fhe lafe Sarah Ann Ward wish ta thank ail their freinds, neig hbors, rela- tives for carcFs, fiawers, donations f0 the Blind duming ou ecent bemeavement. ou pe c f th a k s"' to R ev . Schcaer hnand Morris F unemal1 Cha pel. Ward Family BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mail Phone 623-3365ý COURTEOUS'~ FOR ALL YOU R FLORAL NE EDS tf BE A BIG SIS TER! Volunteers are needed in this area to be a f riend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tfN BOOKS AT UNHEARD PRICES MARY ANN WARKMAN BOOKS LOOK FOR THE SIGN 0F THE GIBBY DOLL SHOP AT THE TALISMAN EMPORIUM Hwy. 115 and North Street Newcastle 45-1 FALL BAZAAR AT Nel-Gor Castie Nurs]ng, Homne Wednesday, Nov. 14 2 - 4p.m. Home baking and craffs. Tea room and knitted articles. 45-1 Arts and Crafts BAZAAR Saturday, Nov. 1Oth BLACKSTOCK RECREATION CENTRE 10a.m.ý-4p.mn. Un ique gift items and demonstrations by many of the area's top cratts peape. Ba bysitfing ser vice provi ded. Presented by the Blackstock Nursery Schooî. 4- ENNISKILLEN U.C.W. BAKE SALE 1at the BOWMANVILLE MALL Novemiber 10 9a.m. HOME BAKING, BANQU ET FACILITIES A VA ILA BL E EImhUrst Hotel Newcastle Phone 987-5808 45-1 ff N DARLINGTON PROGRESSIVE CONSE RVATIVE DANCE Sat., Nov. 24, 1979 BOWMAN VILLE LIONS CENTRE 9p.M. -l1a.m. Buffet - $20 per couple For tickets cail1 728-3344 or 263-2798 44-4N The Acres Restaurant New Year's Eve'Dance. Get yu ticket early! For informaftian phane 263-8421. 45-1 OLD TYME DANCE in TYRONE ORANGE HALL MUSIC BY WILLIE &BOB on November 10 No Blue Jeans Please Admission $2.50 per person 9-1 45-1 MOVIE FAMILY For the Love of Benji BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Sat., Nov. 10, 1979 3 p.m. Admission $1.00 ail ages 45-1 SANTA CLAUS PARADE DANCE Novemnber 17 Lions Centre 26 BEECH AVE. ORCH ESTRA THE SAPPHIRES Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. $7.00 per couple EVERYONE WEL.COME 45-2 N Parents' Associafiî Immersion French prf a panel discussionc V resent and future pia h eFrench Imm rogrammes operafin Necast le, Norfhum urisdi ction at Ontario Public School, BowmE Tuesday, Navem ber 13t at 7:30. AIlI welcome. Armistice Diii and Dance November 1 6:30 p.m. Legion members, ve wives, widaws, lady welcame. $3.50 per person Ticketsat Legion bar Long Sauit Club 50 Sale, Bake Sale, Aft Tea wili be heid Wedr Navember 14 at 2P Tyrone Cammunity9 Dmaw will be made on. set of luggage. available from me Admission 50c at door. Ponfypool General Dance, -Safurday, Nov 1Ofh, 8:30 p.m. in M Amena and Camr Centre, D.J., lunch, dances, door, prize. couple. Tickets af di tram players. NEW MONSTER BINGO Every TUesday ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM 188 King St. West, Oshawa $1000 Jackpot must go every week $250 Jackpot must go every week. 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $40 EACH $5 admission packs available Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp SPONSORED BY ST. PETE R'S COU PLES CLU Licence No. 284933. No one under 16 admitted. A SELECTION of new and used iawn mowers, chain saws, and four used snowmo- biles, $100, best offer, as is. May be seen at 95 King Sf. W., 1Gien Rae Daîmy building. One snow biower, $145, good condi- tion. 45-1 N YARD Sale, November 9 and 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 3 Church Sf., Bowmanvilie.' Tables, chairs, dressers, beds, china cabinet, ornamenfs, pockef books, ladies' dresses, ma n odds and ends. 45-1 Earn Up To $ 15,000 Per Year IN YOUR GARAGE OR BAS EMENT RAIS E NATIONAL NIGHT C RAWL ERS CONTACT: T.E. BOBIER 728-3344 45-1iN GENTLEMAN lookîng for housekeeper, fmee f0 travel south for winfer, sfate wages, address and phone number. Write Adverfiser 855, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowm anvii11e, Ontario I lC IK9.45-1 TAKEN by mistake some Timne ago, wamen's wintem coat. N Please phone 263-8851. 4- -mm HERITAGE COOK STOV RESTORAT1I Showroom - Little Lak BUY- SELL-TRAI We repair or e-nuc a ny make, wood or coa1 FIREWOOD FORS STAN G. PARKIN, E NTE RPR IS E 613-475-1697 R. R. 4, Brighton Ont. KOK 1HO BICYCLES New, 20" wheei s, bl ue,1 girls, $50. WALLPAPE Double ouls only, ail 2000 yards in stocý Vinyl Leather( $1.50 yard, black or only, 500 yards in Phone 576-62' (Solina Rd. and Hw) GOALI1E skates, size 5 623-7844. NEW Idea fwo roi p cker-sheliem, ex. White 588 semni-mounit1 5 x 18" or 20" e>ý Pedwel1 Famms 987-407E SNOWMOBiLES, nev used. We bu y used sr biles. Hwy. No. 2, three east of Newcastle, norl Phone 1-786-2308. on for 'esents: on the lans for nersion % in the berl and oStreet ianville, th, 1979 44-2 N iner 10 ýterans, friends ir naw. 44-2N Penny femnoon Inesday, Weekend Special TULIP BULBS CL EARANC E 5 for 99C <StilI a good selection) ASSORTED FRESH MUMS $2.49 (cash and carry) Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division Sf. 623-7141 45-1 ' à A DRY APPLE WOOD $30 Face Cord SPLIT and READY TO BURN Martin Rd.and No. 2 Hwy TWO SATURDAYS ONLYý Nov. 3rd and lOth Free delivery in Bowmanviîle area. AIl proceeds in aid of SWIMMING POOL COMPLEX INFORMATION PHONE 623-3090 44-2 N 1971 MOTO-SKI snowmobile with cover, excellent condition, ski rack, T.V. rotor, garage heater, baby seai fur îackef, long dresses (worn once), leather skirt and vest set. 623-6733. 45-1 FLOORtiies. Flinfkote Peel 'n Stick. 45 files per box. $12 per box. (refail value $18.90 per box). Cail 623-6149 eveni s and weekends. FIREWOOD FACE CORD........... $40 BUSH CORD.......... $120 HARDWOOD Farmer wood burning stoves at discount prices. Blackstock Trailers Hwy. 7A Cem. i 3 piece 44-2N Tickets embers- 1977 TRIUMPH Bonnyvilie 750, 5000 miles, $1700. 623-4788. 44-2 45-1 is Bail USED furniture and ap- ivember pliantes. Paddy's Market. lanvers Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf ,spt, PADDY'S Market now has $00 new furniture, appliances, door or T.V.'s and stereos and also 451 N used furniture and appliances. Wiii accepf frade-ins. Paddy's Market, 1-ampton, phone 263-2241. 33-tf SNOW fence - 5 x 100 ft. rolfs» (used one season), aiso 4 x 50 ft. roils in good condition. 623-7490. 45-1 SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS ON LADIES BRAND NEW SKI OUTFIT (neyer been worn). Ski suit, size 14, wooi toque, socks and leather gloves. JB 623-7490. 45-1 44-8N FRIDGE and stove, dresser, libràry table, rocking chairs, other chairs, aduif skates (cheap), baseboard elecfric heater, tirepiace set. 983-5817. 45-1 1972 MOTO SKI 440 longtrack E with caver, Newcastle, VE 987-4591. 45-1 0ION ike Rd. kDE ckle il stoves J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N ST RAW for sale. 623-4934. SAL E SON S Gord Ferguson's Esso ý7 TAUNTON ROAD, E. ESTABLISHED IN 1955 n, We stiii seul aby the gallon 44-4N Lowest prices in Ontario. 44-5N * 1970 - 399 NORDIC skidoo, gaod condition, best offer. 983-9619. 44-2N s FIREWOOD boys or DRY HARDWOOD Reasonabie, Deivered E R Phone 263-2570 i 1k vinyl, 44ff -ette brown FIREPLACE istock. WOOD 220 ALL DRY HARDWOOD y. 2) Mapie, Oak, Beech and 45-2 White Birch CUT and SPLIT DELIVERED . Phone 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. 45-1 (Hwy. 57) Look for signs cellnt. 623-4550 or 623-2176 plaugh. 44-tf xce lient. 8.44-2N CHIP TRUCK - Freezer, microwave, fhree ýw and frvers, fuliv equipped. inowmo- Excellent $ 10,500. th ;ide. 32-tf N 797-2773 af ter 7p. m. 44-2N 12" BLACK and white T.V.. floor model, good condition, asking $75. Phone 623-6075. 4- CASH register, typewri ter, adding machine, photlo copier. 786-2449. 45-1iN Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectiona 15 Less tha n 1/2 Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725 -5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N NEW propane barbeques, complete wlth rotisserie, servlng trays, 20 lb. propane tanks, Arkla. Phone 623-7125. 36-tf N Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanviîle Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mal Whitby Compete tuneup $15., inci. cletan. oi, adjust tension and timing. 8-fl Firewood Special Bundled hard and soft wood 4 x4 x8 only $25. Picked upno delivery. CaFil after 5 728-6852 42-4 ELECTRIC time dlock and score board. Best offer. Call Newcastle Memoriai Arena, 987-4860. 44-2N FRESH Canadian lamb. Order now for pick Up early December. Cut and wrapped, at $2.25 per lb. Whole or h ait. Whoie lamb approx. 52 lbs. Russ Dow 623-5817.,,Pick tip a free lamb cookbook at Firth Meats. 144-3 TALISMAN Emporium, North St. and Hwy - 115, Newcastle, oen Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, 10 - 5 p.m. ali i ear. 41 -tf N NEW 1980 Yamaha snowmo- biles, sales, service and accessories. Fulli uneof cioth- ing. Buy now whiie stock is avaiiabie. Asseistîne's Yamaha, south of Biackstock, Durham Road 57. 44-8N PIANO, older upright, best off er. Phone 623-6230. 45-1 BOX traiier 8' x 6' x 22" hlgh. Phone 623-5616 mornings or after 6p.m. 45-1 YOUNG BUDG $10 and up ALSO GUINEA PIGS Phone 623-131 BEAGLE pups, purebr months oîd, maies femnaies $35. Phone 986-41 FREE to good home, month aIdl pup, part 263-2124. WANTED. Home for Irish Setter pups, 6 weel 623-4788. PUPPIEStfree to good h weeks. Two black an white. 263-8884. CHRISTMAS Specials - no langer any need to drive miles for bargains and selection on saddies - tack - jeweîry etc.i Take advantage of aur every- day iow-iow prices- open Tesday thmough Friday until nine - Safurday and Sunday until six Gladwin & Co.'s Tack Shop- Durham Road Twenty-three South, Wh itby, 668-1282. 45-tf N ATTENT ION HORSE OWNERS Private farm offers modern facilities. Indoor amena 60' x 120', Iockers, saddie racks, turn ouf, vitamin suppiement- ed feeds. Washroom and launoe. (Being added). - Box. .staiis $100, double stalîs up to 10' x 20', $130. PHONE NOW 1-786-2540 43-tf N ie * 73 FORD F-250 - 4X4, 360 V-8, s1 oke wheeis, $2,500. Best o fer. 623-1663. 45-1 îlES '68 CH EV,- good condition, easonabie price, 623-1376. S$5. 45-1 6 '66 DODGE Monaco, 383, 42-tf N rnagnum,4s9eed, best offer. red, 3 $4, 1968 ROAD Runner, 440 cu. ln. 4985« wifh spare 383 cu. in., $1700. 45-1iN 623-4788. 45-1 fhmee 1974 MAVERICK, goad candi- tLab. tion, 6 automatic, power 45-1 steering, one owner car, low - mileage. Phone 1-983-5386. 45-1 N Lab ks aid. 452 '75 PINTO, good body, ~automatic, new transmission, ome. 8 $1595 certified. Phone 623-1894 d two evenings. 45-1 N 45-1iN ROOM and board available. Maie preferred. No shift workers. Phone 623-3265. 44-2 GOOD agriculture equired. Pedweil 987-4078. land Farms' 44-3N FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Pourt Hope 885-5274 68 VW 1600 cc. Mechanically good. Ideal for dune buggy. Ma ke an offer. Phone 623-5378 afte r 6: 00. 43-tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Osh awa. 576-1220. 5tN The greate ay Now there is a "no gamble" used car warrant y In !'MACDONA LD F0ORD COU NTRY" that cannot be bettered. if you are not com pietelv satisf led with your r-ertified Used Car purchase from us, return if with in seven days for'a full refund. Any reason is a good reason. For more information cali 623-4481. Another reason wh~ this is "MACDONALD FOR6 COU NTRY" 29 king St. E. 1971 JEEP Wagoneer good running condition. $1600 certi- f ied. 1-705-277-2413. 44-2N REPOSSESSIONS for sale. 1974 Firebird, 350 motor. 1973 Pontiac Catalina, Offers being accepted. CaililBl Brain, 623-2514. <45.1iN 1969 BEAUMONT with '72 -307 motor, 48,000 miles on it, p.s., 9 .b., body needs work. $200 or est offer, as is. 623-4966. 45-1 1979 SI E RA Grande, heavy 1/2, V-8, chrome bumpers, mirrors and hand rails, velour seats, AM-FM, 6,000 miles, 8 months warranty left. Phone 623-6002. 45-tf N 1976 FORD Country Squire station wagon, air condition- Ing excellent condition, $3250. Phone 623-3377, ask for Bey. Affter 6, 579-502 1. 45-1 N '70 DART Swinger, as is, for parts, good mofor and trans- mission. Phone 623-1469.' 4,5-1I 941p j'os 45-1