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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, p. 17

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Newtonville The regular church services were beld on Sunday. The sermon was "The Gospel in Letters Also. " The greeters at the door were Miss Margaret Webster and Mrs. Penny Strippe. The anthem was "Circuit Ridin' Preacher". Miss Kimn Gilmer also sang "He". Mary Vinkle presented a gift to Mrs. Mary Jones for bier services as a soloist in the choir, on behaîf of the choir members. The Sacrament of Baptism was.administered to Krstna Alice ,Harris daugbter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Harris Rev. Tizzard officiated and Bea Jones assisted. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith, Mr George Low, Brechin, Scotland spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill. Mrs. Irene Burley, Bow- manville spent the weekend witb Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Recent visitors witbh er were Mrs. Evelyn Glover, Michigan, U.S.A. and Mrs. Jean Harness, Bowmanville. Miss Mary Fae Gilmer, Lindsay spent the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and Tiffany attended the 45tb wedding anniversary for bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim, Starkville at a family dinner at Marwood Park Restaurant, Oshawa on Saturday evening., Mn-'ter Chrîs and Brian Burgess, Brougham spent the week wtb Mr. and Mrs. Stan Page while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burgess were visîting in Russia. Newtonville - Starkville 1Bowling Team Standings - Adams 17, ,$tacey 16, Arnold il, Scuik 10, High single - Peggy Milison 248, High triple - Joyce Stacey 638. 200 games - Peggy Milîson 248, Vi Patterson 241, 202, Jean Arnold 239, Karen Ruelland 231, Jean Fallis 230, Joyce Stacey 226, 208, 204, Cindy Milîson 218, Janis Dilworth 215, 210, Jean O'Neill 213, Gail Milîson 208, Pat Milîson 207, Christmas Bazaar at Courtice Draws Large Crowd Shoppers hoping to find a bargain or treasure to take home filled Courtice High School's cafeteria Saturday afternoon. Courtice United Church Christmas bazaar drew a large crowd for their annual sale and tea room. Blanche Jones 206, Bernice Henderson 200. Mr.and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Murray Armstrong and family,ý Millbrook on Saturday evening. Congratulations to Miss Sylvia Ruegger who was 2nd out of 181 contestants in Kingston on Saturday. This was a cross-country run with the Ontario Federated Secondary School of Athletics. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.- Bey Henderson at Campbellford. ivr. Sidney Brown and Cindy left Sunday to motor to Esquimaît, Victoria B.C. where she will be stationed for ber future work and training. Mrs. Sidney Brown bad dinner on Sunday with Mrs. Leone Lane. Mr. Don Fletcher, Oshawa, visited with bis parents for Saturday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Several ladies attended the sbort course "Indoor Garden- ing" at Mrs. Tina Vander- stoop's home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Mary Vinkle, Mrs. Acy Farro w, Mrs. Olive Henderson, Mrs. Violet Gilmer and Mrs. Emma Ruthven were among tbe large crowd attending the U.C.W. bazaar in Welcome United Church Sunday School on Thursday afternoon. Miss Shelley Tompkins attended a birthday party for Miss Sandra Dennis in Orono on Sunday afternoon. Several of the Stacey family had a family birtbday party for Mrs. Marlene Stacey at the Legion Hall, Por t Hope on Thursday for dinner. Mrs. Margaret Stacey was also present. Luncheon guests a week ago wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Les Peck on Wednesday were eight members of the T.N.S.M. Club of Oshawa. Mrs.Ouelette and family bave moved from our district but we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hale and family to the former Tyson Farms. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ron' Lowry, Oshawa Saturday evening. Those in-hospital lately have been, Mr. Dennis Pederson at Bo wmanville, Mr. Richard Shaw at Cobourg, Mrs. Vîkki Leudke at Oshawa, Mr. Ken Fletcher at Bowmanville, Mr. George Henderson at Port Hope and Mr. Dick Wîermere in Peterborough Hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins and Robert and Mrs. Lena Clysdale had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompkins., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ogden witb Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill visited Mr. Frank Hale and boys at their new home at Kirby Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. -Ken Brignaîl, Melissa and Angela, Bowmanville were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Farrow. Visitors the past week with Mrs. Violet Gilmer in ber Port Hope apartment included Mrs. Renee Yule of Cobourg, Mr. Anthony Ton, Newtonville, Mrs. Olive Jones, Mrs. Verna Cann, Mrs. Marion Haldock,- Mr. C. Churcbley, Messers. Jim and Phil Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leushner of Niagara Falls. Rev. and Mrs. David Burns, Ebenezer and Rev. A. Tizzard were dinner guests on Monday wîth Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones. Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson. A surprise party was held at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton's, Kendal by the family for Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton it being their 35th wedding anniversary Saturday evening. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelley, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stapleton, Mrs. Reid, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Midland, Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Morton, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Donnelley, Port Hope, Mr.and Mrs. Amnie Selvig, Port Hope and Mr., and Mrs. Roy Best. Rev. A. Tizzard, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen attended 155th anniversary services at Newcastle Sunday evening. Next Sunday, Nov. lltb will be a busy day for Newtonville. After the churcb services in the morning a special service will be held at the Cenotaph for an il: 00 memorial service with the laying of the wreaths with Mr. Frank Stapleton conducting. In the afternoon at the Cenotaph at 2:30 another memorial and rededication service when Mr. Allan Lawrence M.P. will be attending. In the evening at 7:30 a pastoral charge service of Enrichment at the church The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 7, 1979 POTPOL NEWSý,".. The Roast Beef Dinner sponsored by Pontypool United Church on Friday night was a success witb ample food for all. The members of Pontypool U.C.W. are grateful for all those who helped in s0 many ways to make it so successful. 1High bowier in the Monday Ladies Bowling League was Alta Curtis with a single of 241 and a double 393. Rev. Harold Lackey of Peterborough was the supply minister in the Pontypool United Church on Sunday morning. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Manvers Arena and Community Centre meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. This week's meeting has been postponed because of Parent- with guest spealker Rev. Kempling of Enniskillen. Mr. Stan Bowen, Bowman- ville, is spending a few days with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen attended the wedding dance Saturday evening for Miss Debbie Gordon and Mr. Donald Albin who were married in the United Church, Orono at the New Dutch Oven, Orono. Teacher night at LE. Weldon. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. l3th. Mrs. Viola Thorndyke of Bethany is going to display and illustrate the, making of Christmas decorations. All ladies are welcome. 17 The next U.C.W. meeting is to be held at the home of Kay Youngman on Monday, Nov. l2th at 7:30 p.m. Kay is going to teach the basics of quilting. Ail ladies in the comffiunity are welcome. PADY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and, Appliances Trade..Ins Accepted on Appliances - Easy Credit Terms Available- Telephone 263-2241 Hampton a Handcrafts e Woodworking e Christmas Decorations& Gift Items 0 Specializing in weaving and spinning * Off loom S weaving classes Thurs., Frn,, Sat. HAMPTON 12-6p.m. Corner of Scugog & Otherdtmes by appoinýtment ElRn St.6-8295 money back uarran ty! Another reason why this is MACDONALD FORD COUNTIRY, .Now there is, a"-no amle use crarran,,y in ",MA'CDONALD FORD CUTYta a M.'11 your " Ce.r 'l ec UedCrpllaefou retro i it wtî eedasfraflreudAyresnigood reason. For m ore information catil G23-4481.ý 1976 FORD GRANADA GHIA 2 door Immacuate condition. 6 cyl., automatic, P.S.,P.B. under 30,000 miles. Lic. LM F 042 $ 3995,00 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT' Mrs. Earle McEwen and 8 cyl., automai Jaime Jobnston, meters. Peterborough were visitors on Lic. M MK 250. witb Mrs. C. Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, 1976 FOR[ Newcastle were dinner guestsXPL RE on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. EX L R Don Vinkle. V-8, automatic Mr. and Mrs. David looking! Lic. Ez Henderson and infant son1 Christopher, Oshawa spent v cherneýtýyAs 0 1976 CH EV C-10 V-8, automatic, P.S., P.B. Lic. E45 169. A good buy at 941 9500" 1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM-,, 4 DOOR V-8, automatic, P.S., P .B. air conditioning. In ex- tremely good condition at Lic. HPV 382. $2650.0 1977 CH EVY 4-WHEELER V-b, standard. Trans. P.S., P.B. Uamper package, box cover. Real sharp truck with under 34.000 miles. Lic. H74 117. - $ ô7,9 5.00 Qualitybrnd names wareho.. - ~ y 'ou'II finci the drive toCherney'swell ~ worthwhîle.. Illustration of '11-1 Cherneys Whtby\1ý(ý showroom ware- house .other show- rooms in Kngst on; Belleville, Cobourg, Peterborough and soon f0 be opening our 6th location in Lndsay. ail Our, selection, - -- ~ ~savings and depend- .~~. .~ability are proven ..wve buy in carload lots, have aur own shipping, warehous- ~ ing and automated stock control to cut cosîs. WVe display furnishings in room settings ... you can sec what you're Y~buying the way you'd have t in your home. . Ail prices are marked clearly and delivery is included. Is worth the drive 10 Cherney's.. OverlQQaccessorized room settîngs.. under'oer oS 1 personally promise Cheriney's wiII not be un ede FURNITURE WORLD- Hwy.2 Opposite Whltby Mal 5E Telephone 579-2660 Open Mon. to Fr1. 9:30 - 9:00 Saturday 9.00 -5:30 ýeautîful showrooms..,Warehouse prîces DON WILSON General Sales Manager tic, P-.S., l-.B. Unoer 40,000 kilo- $4650.00 D SUPERCAB R ,P.S., P.B., box cover. Sharp :44 535. $4895.00

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