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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 7, 1979 Section Twn Remembrance Day Poems The Significance of Remembrance Peace Solemn vew Secretly, Harmeny, Eternally Endless hope for mankind. Tranquil War Battle Flames Dying, Crying, Trying Killing hallow and virtue. Conflict Soldiers Really Brave Writing, Fighting, Uniting Helping ail the time Warriors Peppies Flanders Field Grewing, Showing, Glowing Found on sldier's graves. Symbel Handicaps Making Poppies Easing, Pleasing, Reaseming Kind and Gentle tee. Veterans Remembrance November Eleventh Reminding, Unwinding, Finding A slemn uniformed event Keepsake. Lisa Mendonca Grade 7 Pines Sr. Public Sehool The Significance of Remembrance Day Because of the soldiers wbo died for me. The country I live in is stili quite free, For twe minutes we stand on Remembrance Day, Remembering wars from net far away.. The sldier's gun he would wieli, Now he lays under Flander's Field, Tbey fougbt se well for many years, And yet the men still bad their fears. Fears that ail their enemies, Might someday their fair country seize, And in fact they died for me, That we may have democracy. Susanne James Grade Six Lord Elgin public Scheol What Remembrance Day Means To Me There they lay in Flander's Field, Witb peppies ail areund them, A wreath that's made of love and happiness, We tbank them with our heart. They feught for us, They killed for us, To make our country free, But some did die and now Iay down te rest. Who are these people? Whoe died fer us, te make our country free? Tbey are the sldiers, the nurses, the dectors, Brave and bold they were. And se we remember these brave people, Wbo lay in Flander's Field, We pray for them and thank them, For ail that they have done. Lauralyn Lunn Grade Six Orono-Leckhart Public School The Significance of Remembrance Day In Flanders Field the peppies grow, But few of us will ever knew, The torment and the anguish felt, 0f these poor men as on their knees they knelt. They fought the batties with much despair, And they wondered at home if we even cared, When tbey, were shot down in the battlefield, With oily ene hope that their wounds would be healed. Young men were taken from their home, And sent eut in the fields te roam, Hunting the enemy with much disgrace, "Above them are being planted the maples of Canada, in the ýthought that her sons the-better in the shade of the trees they knew so well in life", -Arthur Meighen, Prime Minister at the dedication of the Vimy Ridge Memorial, France, JuIy 3, 1921 FRANK'S VARIETY 43 KING STREET EAsTr BOWMANVI LLE, But trying te keep a smile on their face. So when the veteran makes a sale, Just remember ho is telling a tale, Buy a poppy and wear it proud, For he is the proudest in the crowd. On NoVember llth, remember te savo, One minute's silence te honor the grave, 0f the soldiers who fought te mako this land, A botter place for us te stand. Donna Wagar Grade Eight Pinos Sr. Public School The Remembrance Day Poppy You don't wear a poppy 'Cause its rea. You don't wear a poppy On-your head. You don't wear a poppy 'Cause it's good. You wear a poppy, Cause it reminds yeu of spilled blood. Ian VanderSchee Grade 2 Kendal - Kirby Public School Why wear a poppy? Why wear apoppy? I jut dn'tundrstand, le's made by men from somewhere Who fought in other lands. 1 heard my teacher saying It's a symbol of the blood That came from dying soldiers And it spilled inte the mud. 1 stili have trouble remembering As we're constaiitly told te, do 0f some people dying overseas Remember ... Think.. Part ici pate Remembrance Day 11979 FRANKi REALTOR *OWMAN VILLE 623-3393 ORONO 983-9547 Some people 1 neyer knew. MIl wear my peppy anyway, 'Cause my dad and granidpa are - And because I've seen their faces When they remember war. Remember Remember the day the deg died, Reinembrance Day Lots of things li this world make me wonder. But there's one thing that stands out in my mind. Yeu're right, the war. I wasn't there to experience al the tragic frights and horrid events the soldiers cid. But I can think cf somne awful scenes that toek place. Surely thinking about these events wasn't as frightening as being there. Can yeu imagine going into battle with your best friend or brother? Just wait- ing te be fired at. Al cf a sudden your brother er friend gets bis head shot off. Can yeu imagine the terrer ?eu~d feel? It's true, this actually bappen- ed. Anyway, here's what makes me wonder about the war. There was ne real reason fer the wars' cause. Just greed and want of more power. Why would the enemy start a war, net even knowing if they were going te win, yet knnwing that Remember the day you cried, Remember day Grandad left Neyer te return again. Remember these times with sadness! Rememnber these times with tears! Remember the soldiers the samhe way. Even though theyv'e been gene fer years. They gave their lives se, yours could be Happy and safe and free ... Remember on November il - Remember! Remember! Remember!1 By WendY Killens hundreds ef tbeusands of their ewn men would die. Wben we officially declared war, our soldiers knew some ef them- selves would be killed. I asked ma1self why, would our ewn soidiers go te war? Net fo_ themnselves, for us, the people of their future. They wanted us te have a happy life witheut having te worry about a bomb falling on our head or getting shot- at while walking te school. There were others tee, tee old te go and fight. A friend told me bis father was in Germany at the time of the war. Their bouse was being bembed and a hand grandade dropped close te their bouse. His grandfatber smothered the bomb te save bis family. We must net forget the ethers, Combat nurses, which saved thousands of lives and stretcher carriers. Wben someone was weunded these men would rush eut on the battie field, net even armed te rescue them. Ail of them risked their lives te give us a better life. Who knews. if thev hadn't gene eut te figbt we might bie speaking Ger-man er Japanese. Yeu've ahl prebably heard this a thousand times befere, but they were ready te die se we'd be free. I'm net very religieus, but religion doesn't matter, I den't thînk it hurts for us te bow our heads for two minutes a year te thank these men. We owe it te them. Todd McRobbie Grade 7 Bewmanville Senior Public School If we ail strive conscientiously to fulfil the great purposes represented in the Flanders Poppy, we will have done much towards holdinâg high the torch which has been passed to us' from the failing hands of our comrades-at-arms who rest beneath the poppies ot Flanders Fields. BOuW MmAN VI L LE C L E A N ERa'S L TD.a 84 King Street West Phone 623-5520 Bowmanville "Honour to the brave who feul. Their sacrifice was not in vain'~ - Sir Winston Churchill A. H. (Bert) Johnston LONDON LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE 15 Concession St. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-3675 IN FLANDERS FIELDS In FRanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and ini the sky The Larks, stili bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We llved, feit dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields. Take up our quarrel with thefoe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch, be yours to hold it high If ye break fait/i with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. CANADA INC. BOWMANVILLE A CIVIC SERVICE 0F REMEMBRANCE wiII be held at Bowmanville Cenotaph on Saturday, November 10, 1979 at 10:45 a.m. Ail veterans, service clubs and organizations and the generaI public are invited to attend. We respectfully request that merchants wiII co-operate in making suitable observance at their places of business during this special Remembrance Service. SERVICES WILL ALSO BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: NEWTON VILLE - Rededication Service ai Cenotaph, Sunday, November 11, 1979. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE- Service at Cenotaph, Sunday, November 11, 1979 ai 11:00 ar. ORONO - Parade from Oddfellows Hall ta Cenotaph, Sun- day, November 11, 1979 ai 7:00 p.m. THE WEEK 0F NOVEMBER 4TH. 1979 THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER lUTH, 1979 IS DEDICATED POPPY WEEK IN THE TOWN 0F N EWCASTLE. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor Town ot Newcastle

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