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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, Section 2, p. 9

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, November 7, 1979 9 MTC Rev"isell5 WiÉ'dening Plan More About -Henri*etta Henrietta's given name used to be llenry tii sne unexpectedly produced a brood of eight furry babies six *months ago. Surprised but proud parents were Fritz and Betty Marti, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Now Henrietta's gone and done it again. This time a litter of 10 arrived unannounced and the Marti's son Ernie is pictured here with Henrietta and her nlew babies. By Betty Marti Since the appearance last August of the story of our rabbit, Henrietta (formerly known as Henrýy) several people have expressed an interest in knowing what, if anything, has taken place in the interval. Well, a great deal has happened and history has repeated itself in a most remarkable way. You might remember that last spring Henrietta gave birth to seven young 'uns while my husband, Fritz, and I were on a trip to Ottawa. On the way back we had to forfeit our supper when I called home from Peter- borough and was told by our son, Ernie, to corne home at once. "Henry" he said, had given birth to a litter and it wasn't certain whether "he" was about to eat them or not. During the first week of this month (October) Fritz and I found it necessary to return to Ottawa, which was in, itself rather unusual. We seidom visit, the capital - perhaps once in every six or seven years - and certainly neyer twice within six months. I had a faint suspicion that Henrietta might have beenexpecting a second litter, but was not at ail sure. Nor did I feel that a momentous event was imminent. However, as we headed east I jokingiy asked Fritz what if there should be a repeat of the earlier occasion and was laughlingiy assured that that was highly unlikely. In fact, I should put all thoughts of a recurrence completely out of my head. On the way home that evening we again stopped at Peter- borough for supper, and this time we intended to enjoy it, with no inter- ruptions. I did consider phoning home but Fritz,- mindful of our supper- less state six months earlier, said he really didn't think it was necessary. We arrived home in a well-fed condition at approximately 9:30. As we drove into 1the garage there was Ernie, a gleam in his eye and a grin on his face. "You won't believe this," he announced cheerfully, "but Henrietta did it again! Just like the hast time you went to Ottawa. She had ten babies this tîme," he concluded triumphant-: ly. It was almost too coincidental to be true, but there was no doubt about it. The rabbit population had exploded during our absence and our immediate need was for much more exten- sive living space for the new arrivals and their mother. For the moment, though, we al just stood and stared while Henrietta seemed to beam up at us in pride as she surveyed ber ten naked and not1 very appealing infants. One thing is certain. If we were able to keep one solitary rabbit - Henrietta - cosy in our basement ahi iast winter, it wiil be quite impossible to even consider the whole brood there this time. Af ter the birth of the seven, we used to bring them all in from the shed, when the mood prevailed, and ine them up in our living-room to watch TV, which they obviously very, much enjoyed. But no more. Regretfully, those days are gone forever, and their world must be the shed, unglamorous as it is, Where names for the newcomers are con- cerned - that will be a real challenge. It was difficult enough finding appropriate appendages for the older rabbits - names such as Georgina, Griselda and Midnight; Lucinda, Garibaldi and Hector Bulwinkle. But it should be lots of fun and already we have our heads stuck in books I I 'J I 14 I 'i I 'i I The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has improved access to Orono in its latest plans for widening Highway 115/35. Cliff Lumley, senior project manager for the MTC, said Tuesday that part of the revised plan includes construction of a service road south of the Fifth Line to allow traffic to travel into Orono without heading as far north as Taunton Rd. Mr. Lumley explained revisions to the Highway 115 plans at a meeting of the Town of Newcastle's public works committee in Hampton on Tuesday, October 30, He noted that the changes in design have been made as a result of discussions with residents affected by the highway widening. Mr. Lumley also pointed out that the smaller streets in Orono which were' originally excluded from access onto the highway will be able to exit onto with titles such as "iNaming Your Baby", which are proving very helpf ul. Nothing commoniMace will do for our bunnies. One problem remains. Our rabbits have become accustomed to receiving their good- night kiss and would, I am sure, bedisappoint- ed if this activity were- curtailed. It was fairly easy when there were just eight furry faces waiting to be kissed, but now that there are eighteen, that is some- thing else again. The tickling sensation caus- ed by thirty-six sets of whiskers can be quite overwhelming and at times can scarcely be endured, but it must be borne. After ahl, we wouldn't want our pets to grow up feeling unloved, would we? A Professional 8x 10 Colour Portrait [/2 PRICE 44C' With this Ad (Regularly 881lI I I I B Choose from aur selectian af eight scenio and colourbackgrounds. You may select additional portraits offered at reasonable prices, with no obligation. See aur large Decorator Portrait. Satisfaction always, or your money cheerfully refunded. One sitting per subject-$1 per subject for additianal subjects, groups, or individuals in the same family. Persans under 18 must be accampanied by parent or guardian. PORTRAITS BACK IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS" NOVEMBER TUES. WED. THURS. FR1. SAT. 6 ý 7 8 9 10 Tues.-Wed. 10-5, Thurs.-Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-4-.30 Limitod offer - not vaild wth any other special! -King Street, Bowmanvi lle, Ontario Highway 115/35 in the revised plans. Another feature of the improvements in the preliminary design is the addition of a third northbound lane through 9"gasoline alley" north of the Third Line in order to make it easier for northbound traffie to turn off the highway to enter gas stations, Clarke High School and the Pines Senior Public Sehool. In addition, there will be a third lane from the schools as far north as the Fourth Line to accommodate slower- moving school bus traffic. Other minor adjustments t accommodate concerns of residents and business owners have been made. After discussing the latest plans for 115/35, the works committee voted to recommend that town council give the plan approval in principle. However, council is not to endorse the projeet until a meeting with the MTC, residents, Town of Newcastle officials and MPP Sam Cureatz has been held on November 6. In addition,, Mr. Lumley has been asked to return to a council meeting on November 19 in order to answer any additional questions that members of council may have on the projeet. Mr. Lumley told the works, committee that he believes the majority of concerns of residents affected by the, widening of the highway have been satisfied. However, he noted that there are some residents who would prefer to see Highway LETS GET GROWINGi By Harry Van Belle Insects and Diseases on that are getting older will Houseplants sometimes shed their leaves as a natural process, a. good The question is often asked example is the Ficus "'What's wrong with this plant benjamini, which will drop its or why are the leaves turnng leaves in the faîl, with new yellow, or why are the leaves leaves coming at the same dropping off?" We often tend tirne. to blame an insect or a disease Pests are likely to corne into for this condition, but more your homne frorn plants that often it is likely the way you you ,have bought, and they treat your plant, too much should be checke'd carefully water, or not enough, or a before placing them with your change in the environment other plants in the home to such as the furnace starting make sure that they are inseet up in the faîl or you leave a free. One of the main causes door open, creating a draft for insects is to use soil that which can cause severe leaf cornes out of the garden, and drop, and many more changes this will invite insects to corne in the growing conditions will, into your home. Leave the cause this problem. Plants backyard soul in the backyard. Bomacnville Hall Bowmanville's ailing town entire town hall building, the hall may get a more thorough finance and administration engineering investigation than committee is recommending originally planned. that previous engineering At a meeting of the town's reports on the structure in 1976 finance and administration and 1977 be made available to committee on Monday, Oct. couincil. 29, comrnittee chairman Jasper Holliday said that the consulting firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates had already been given permssion to investigate the famewok supporting the town hall roof to see what kind$ of repairs may be needed. However, Councillor b v Holliday also recommended that the engineers prepare a report on the rernainder of the oi building at a cost of $750. After a brief discussion it was decided that the finance Ves . . . if your ht and administration committee would recommend the qualify for the gove complete examination of for materua Newcastle's municipal headquarters. Councillor Ivan Hobbs suggested that there was some urgency in rst cornpleting the repairs. "I arn very concerned about theFom rei operation of this place nextFom rer winter," he said. Councillor Ann Cowman noted that if a completed repair job is needed on the f~ [ f roof, it could mean that the H t o building would be uninhabitable for sorne tirne. Tel Town manager Albert Guiler said that a report on the condition of the roof should be available by the middle of next week. At this time, the Member of 1 municipality will know what sort of repairs will be needed. Along with a report on the and buy fresh sterilized soil from your local florist, which is already rnixed and is sterile and can be used imrnediately. When you feel that a plant is suffering frorn insects or diseases take it away from your other plants, so they will not becorne contaminated and sometimes it is better to throw away a plant rather than have it inf est the other houseplants. insecticides corne in several forrns, the rnost common one is the spray which cornes in an aerosol, which contains a mixture of different chemicals which normally will kill any insect. A word. of caution on aerosols is'to keep it away from the plant at least 15 inches when spraying, since aIl aerosols contain a freon gas which can freeze the plant when spraying thern ton close. What we like to use at home is a mist sprayer, and mix our own solution, several chemicals can be used, with the rnost effective one is Malathion, just put a teaspoon in the sprayer and you will have enougb for several sprays. White Fly This is probably the most 401 c-onstructed instead of 115/35 widened and others prefer that the widening project be abandoned. Mr. Lumley' noted that dealing with these kinds of objections are beyond the scope of the proposed 115/35 project. The works committee was told that the project will cost between $15 and $20 million and, has been scheduled for some time within the next five years. According to Mr. Lumley, the work may be started in 1983 or 1984 and would be a two-year projeet. common inseet that will infest the house plant, it is about 1/ of an inch long and as the name applies it has wings and will fly from plant to plant. It will sit on the leaves of the plants, usually on the under- side, where it sucks the sap from the leaf. To see them you will have to check your plants very carefully, unless you have a very heavy infestation, you can check by shaking the plant, and then you wîll see them flying away. To control white fly use Malathion. >Mealy Bugs These tiny creatures resemble the white fly, since their color is also white, except they don't fly or move around. They look like fuzzy little cotton. halls, and will stick the sap from the plants, causing the leaves to drop off> or discolor, the same as white fly damage. Dip a Q-tip in rubbing alcohol and dab them which will kill themn fastest., Sprays are sometirnes not satisfactory, since it hides under the cottony substance and cannot be reached that easily. Keep a sh arp eye for more, since they can lay numerous eggs, which are hard to see. Next week, spider mites and other insects. Until next week, happy gardening. Canada Savings Bonds WOOD GUNDY LIMITED announce the appuintment of GEORGE WEEKES as sub-agent Phone: Bowmanville 623-7345 oo00 Insutatilon and Labor orne was bulit prior f0 1961, you miay irnment grant that wiII pay Up to $350.00 ais plus i/-30f labor Up t f 010 ilate NOW and SAVE! nformation and f ree esýtimates, cail B'Wiggaâns Insulation ýlephone 623-2551 Bow manville the Botter Business Bureau One.lo.Fe, With a Rcubbit Diesel ifs like everyt hircI Idlomnetm us f me. While the Rabbit only uses 8.0* litres' And that's campared ta the ecanamical of gasaline ta go 100 kilametres, the gasoline Rabbit. Compared ta a big car Rabbit D iesel uses just 5,4* litres. ifs, One, Free, Three, Free ... That's 33% less fuel for the same distance, saving the cast af every third D ntsti o es kilametre. Right?Do ts tlfr e . *Estimatesbased an aboratory tests using a pproved Transport Canada test methods. Your fuel consumption wil1 vary Homever these estimnatesprovdeca guide faornporisons. _ OWASCO VOLKSWAOEN* AUDI EU ~~1425 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-9383 A stave exhaust fan filter clogged wvith grease and grime makes the fan motor work longer and harder to draw air through. Just soaking the flter in mild soap or detergent wiIl fLxM this energy waster. Use Energy Wisely Grease and burnt-on food reaîly reduce lune-up, clean up. It's simple. Appiances your oven's efficiency. A clean oven that are clean and well-cared for Iast longer works better and uses Iess electricity. and use Iess electricity. Over the long run, T~ry putting tin foul on the oven bottom. you can save money on appliance replace- It catches bits of food and grease for easy ment. And of course, the Iess energy you cleaning and its a good heat reflector too. waste, the more dollars you save. Don't waste youT energy. ontarlo hydroQ HY9-5753

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