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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, Section 2, p. 11

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Town Firefighters Keep Busy Over the Weekend Newcastle fireman waits'for tanker to bring more water at shed fire southeast of Newtonville early Saturday morning.' Wonderland Park houseat Prestonvale sustained $25-30,000 damage Saturday night. fires over the was alerted ta the blaze by an Wonderland Park is awned Newcastle yll kept Town of off duty valunteer fireman, by Douglas Roy, 49 Rhonda fram Hall Tý firefighters an the Doug Barnett, Bawmanvilie, St., Bowmanville, and the wha natîced the flames when fire is being investigated by attended. lcession of fires hie was coincidentaliy passing the fire marshall's office.. Orono firefig, lay afternaon when the scene. Assistance fram Arson is also suspected ina a smaî pie c ree near Caurtice Hall One was also required ta fire Sunday which burned twa preacioew aoi caught fire and subdue the fire which vacant sheds o an a ldt )n bath Hall One, threatened ta dlaim the entire unoccuppied farm property calle ta a 11le, and Hall Twa, building. alone Lakeshore Road in hmnyfie Caurtice, attenaed. Accarding ta Fire Chief Jim Hayman, the fire was probably the resuit of juvenile mischief. A fire in the heating unit at St. Paul's United Church, Saturday evening brought Bawmanville firemen ta, the scene. Very minar fire and smoke damage accurred. A ceiling fire caused by a wood burning stove in a home at .61 Wellingtan Street Saturday night resulted in $200 damages. The- residence is occupied by William Hoekstra. Fire Chief Hayman reported arson is suspected in a fire Saturday evening at Wanderland Park on Highway Two west af Courtice. Damages ta the park's main hause are estimated at $25 ta, $30 thausand. Courticp Fire Department Iage. Firemen Iwa Newcastle ghters received of the weekend ben they were vehicle and Letters to the Editor October 29, 1979 Dear Cancerned Ctizens: Your letter tao Mrs. Lawrence which was printed in the Bowmanville Statesman filîs me with deep concern. t indicates a iack of knowledge and understanding of physically disabled persans t a lack which may deprive you and your children of enjoyable and satisfyîng experiences. t is aur experience that some people tend ta avoid persans with physical disabilities - until they get ta know them. With better personal contact one quickly realizes that first and foremost this is a PERSON; a person like vou and me. with Virtually a new madel, this convertible, and the name "Continental" originally came an the buying market in 1939 and celebrated a distinct styling. The public was originally attracted ta the Continenta& because of its polished, progres- sive lines. We too, believe in keeping up with the times. Quality and value, however, are ul- timately more important ta aur customers than sleek packaging. Rely on us ta consistently de- liver the best of aIl these integral features. Girant Me,,nzies Mqojâto0rs 1976 Llmited) 1430 King St. E. 571-3600 Oshawa Grant Menzles and AMC ... on the move for the '808 the same eniotions, needs andt interest as anyone else. Thus, there are certain things that physically dîsabled persans need and definitely things they DONT need. In order ta develop into mature responsible aduits, they need, like you and me, the close laving care of a family, the chance ta develop relationships with children of their own age, and 'the experiences one receives from living in a cammunity. In other words, they should have access toa ah opportunities that are available ta non- physically disabled children such as, education, recrea- tion, leisure and cultural opportunities, vocational pre- paration and eventually a chance for employment. They DO NOT need pity or patronizing and especially they do not need the belief of some people that they are less than human. Far from harming your children's development or detracting from your community; a child such as you refer ta cao add ta and broaden your children's experiences. I urge you, Concerned Citizens, for your sake and for that of your children, that you increase your knawledge of physically disabled persans. You will, I firmly believe, find it a rewarding experience. I would be happy ta take you on a tour of the Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's School and Treatment Centre or put you in touch with the Executive of the Oshawa and District Handicap Club should you wish ta attend one of their meetings. My phone number is 728-1673. We also welcome volunteers at the Centre. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Marion Alderdice Administrator Simcoe Hall Crîppled Children's School and Treatment Centre Bowmanville DearEdior:November 3, 1979 The Hydro Liaison Commit- tee of the Town of Newcastle deserves a great deal of credit for the way in which they ran the meeting an October 3th re Darlington Nuclear Station. Originaliy scheduled as a Public information meeting, the evening iurned out ta be much more. The committee and Ontario Hydro had one important point illustrated ta them: questions in the minds of local residents were flot answered, nor daubts dispelled, by the series of public relations meetings spansored by Ontario Hydra priar ta the praject's approval. Councillor Jasper Holliday, as chairman, did an excellent job of channeliing questions, and kept the meeting running smoothly. Our representative, Norman Rabin of Energy Probe, was given full opportu- nity ta provide the alternate view ta that of Hydro's panel of experts. As the meeting drew toaa close, many people were stili waiting ta ask questions. Perhaps we might ail benefit by another such question and answer session in the near future. D. Boden Durham Regian Coalition for Nuclear Respansibility Dear Sir: The 1F-9 Christmas Seal Campaign in Canada will officiaily open on November lst, and will continue through- out the Holiday Season, closing in January. Our Campaign target in Durham Regian is $85,000. bis through-the-mail Campaign is the only source of funding for aur many free Programs in Durham Region. We are'not part of the United Wav, using aur fund-raising literature also as an educatianal toal. As always, aur success wili be determined ta a large degree hy the support of aur local media. Lung diseases like asthma, emphvsema, chronic bronchi- tis and asbestosis are increas- ing in aur community. This year there have been an estimated 19,000 deaths in Canada fromn lung disease, and in Ontario alone 155,000 hospital admissions at a cost of $117,000,000 were the direct resuit of these ailments. The enclosed Cecil filler is for use during Navember, having a direct iink with the an-ice message dispiayed at Maple Leaf Gardens during television hockey matches this manth. We hope that yau will be able ta use "The Hockey Player" frequently. As it is vital ta keep aur Campaign message befare the public, a series of press releases will be sent at regular intervais, which we hope you will continue ta find suitable for publication. Our Association is most grateful for the support we have received from yaur newspaper during 1979. Please help us reach our Campaign objective by continuing that support during Novem-ber and December. It's a matter of life and breath. Yours sincerely, Mrs. A. M. Tibbles (Executive Director). Mr. James: This is in regards ta the letter sent ta a Mrs. Lawrence in the October 24th Newcastle Independent. The comments I am going ta make are "MY VIEWS ONLY". I da not know Mrs. Lawrence but she was "Iright on" when she asked the question "who really is the handicapped persan?" Take a GOOD LOOK in the mirror you cowardly SNOBS who are such "concerned" citizens. Did you ever offer ta help (NO CHARGE) if she was sick all the time from caring for the child like you stated? 1 doubt it, and thank God, because with people? like yau, who needs enemies? First af ail, may I suggest you go back to "Kindergarten" and learn how ta speli or get "your children ta teach you., ll spell same words wrang ta get down ta "your level" sa I can be "normal"? like you. Mrs. Lawrence's child is very lucky compared ta your children as far as I'm concerned and maybe The Children's Aid should check you poor, ignorant things? or "Tings" out as your only concern is for yourself and what it looks like to others. This is MEANT ta be SARCASTIC and really, YOU are in my estimation, so out of touch with real life that, in a way, I feel very sorry for you "BUT" far mare for. your children. I'm a parent taa and not'perfect, I'm afraid, but if 1 were a child, I'd sure as hell hate ta admît that one of yau nameless outfits were related ta me in any way (SNOB -AIN'T I) until you could show me you were at least humfan like everyone else. Thank God for people like Mrs. Lawrence and ber child and I hope there aren't too many "normal"? whatever? like you. At least have the GUTS ta look at yourselves and think about what I've said, as you 'DON'T CARE' about Mrs. Lawrence or ber child, and, "IF" you have it in you? which I doubt, you should feel ashamed af yourselves. With "yaur minds?" and snobbish views, this letter probably wouldn't sink la anyway. "You" stated Mrs . Lawrence was an asset ta the "comminity" (its catch- ing aint it?) - My spelling is getting to your, level, ("NORMAL") and I agree that she is but, it might be a better community as far as I'm concerned, if you people were "FAR" away until you could become "NORMAL". As you define, normal. "Take it and shove it. Snobby aint P' Also signed by ONE "Con- cerned Citizen" of the Community. Faye - Bowmanville --e * - s PEACOCK LUMBER LTDU Building supplies. Our speciality is lumoer and lumber produots. A complete lie of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. " WaInut Cherr . Maple . Redwood " Teak *Oak .Phil. Mahog. . Saftwoods H ardwood & sof twood plywood MILL and YARD 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Speciality Custom Milling Section Two The Canadian Statesmnan, Bnwnxinvilie. November 7. 1979 i cOiuregor Hardware 95 King St. W. 023-2542 B owianvillo Several weekend Newcastle run. The sue began Frici a large t: High Sehoc trucks frar Bowmanvil

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