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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1979, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 7, 1979 Eýditors: Hze and Jack Crago Telephonie 987-4201 Browme Through Bargains at Foresters Cancer Bazaar Mrs. Peggy Visser, Toronto, was a weekend guest witb ber brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Glenda Rumnbles and Krista, Norwood, were Sunday visitors witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson. Glenda also visited brother, Gary, Toronto. Patients ia hospital include Mrs. Hazel Mallev. Mr. Karl Weyrich, Mrs. June Jenkias and Mrs. Ulricb. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott, Justin and Lorraine, Little Britain were weekend visitors witb is parents Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. V. Ratz, Huntsville, were Suaday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. 1Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keitb, Campbell- ville and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Sain Power, and family, Lake Slhore. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding enjoyed a week la Niagara Falk witb Mr. and Mrs. George Skel ding and family. While tbere she attended tbe g raduation exercises at West- ane Secondary Scbool from whicb granddaugbter Joanne graduated witb tbe bighest percentage in ber class, receiving four awards. Joanne is now attendiag Waterloo University where sbe is taking Computer Programming. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn, Prince Albert, were Sunday visitors witb Mrs. E. Skelding. Mrs. Bessie Stephenson entertained the ladies of the Eucbre Club last Monday. Birtbday greetings to Gary Powell, Jackie De Jong, Joe Visser and Lanson Mihson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Naylor and famlily, Kingston, were weekend visitors witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alldred, Fenelon Falls visited recently witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes . Mr. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard enjoyed tbe weekend witb their daughter and son- See clowns, bands, f k< old St. Nick hims NOVEMBER I 7th, I ai 10:30 a.m., sha See you there! Support Your Santa Claus, Parade Buy a Button! Look for a "Lucky Button" and Win a prize. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Milîs, Ottawa. While there tbey enjo yed the 67th Annual Crysantbemum Show at the Experimental Farm. On their return Sunday evening the~ visited Mrs. Roy Rickarý Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norgrove Clemence, Witby. Mr. and Mrs., Harry Wade were in Midland Friday evening attending a banquet for tbe Grand Master. On Saturday tbey were in Barrie, wbere Mr. Wade attended the Home Board meeting. On Sunday tbey visited in Missis- rVs May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark spent a few days last week in Carrying Place. On Thursday tbey visited in Picton with cousins Mr. and Mrs. Kotcbapaw. The Afternoon Unit of the UCW met at the home of Mrs. Annabelle Rickard. Mrs. M. Smart was guest speaker, giving an account of adopting of children of different countries. Mrs. Rose Webb, Pickering, visited last Monday with Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aldred, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited on Moaday witb their aunt, Mrs. Gladys McKay, Bronte, wbo is recoveriag f rom eye surgery. Mrs. Marg Pearce accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe, Lorie and Robert wben they visited recently witb Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laton, Peterborough. Glad to see our neigbbor, Mr. Herbie Paeden, eajoying bis daily walks again, since bis broken ankle bad mefided. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martia, Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Bowmanville and son Tom Martin, Aylmer, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited on Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burdett, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sander- cock and family bave purchased a home on Stephea- son Road. Next ýSunday is Remembrance Day. At 10:45 the congregation of St. Georg's Anglican Churcb, St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catbolic Cburch and United Churcb will go to the Cenotapb on King St., Newcastle f or Remembrance Day Service. The Newcastle Lakers wbo provided bahl games for your entertainment this summer, would appreciate your support at their dance and awards nigbt on Saturday, November 10. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Bobcaygeon, were Sundy visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited on Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tbomp- son, Bowmanville. Mrs. Laverne Martin and bier motber Mrs. Betty Ten Dam, Oshawa, brotber Tom and sister Marianne Roger- son, returned last Thursday nigbt from a wonderful vaca- tion in the Netherlands. Miss Dorrene Powell Lake Shore, visited last weekwith Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray Porter and family, Asbburn. Anglican Cburch News rcbishop Garnswortby's Action Appeal for 1979 wgs inaugurated at tbe services in St. George's and St. Saviour'b on Sunday. Funds from this appeal supplement, the regula'r donations toward tbe cburcb's work in Nortbern Canada and institutions and workers in Metro Toronto. St. George's Young People and the servers bad a Corporate Communion at 8:30 followed by breakfast in tbe Parisb bail. Ewan Christopher H yde was baptized at St. George's Cburcb at tbelil: 15 service. An Ecumenical group of Young People called Agape spoke and sang at tbe 11:15 service in St. George's. Tbey bave a programme for teenagers in ahl churches. Coping Witb Parents was the film sbown at tbe Youtb Group meeting in St. George's Parishbail in the evening. Furtbher plans were made for tbeir bazaar on November 24tb. Mrs. NelI Yates, Mrs. Pippa Scbmiegelow and Mrs. Grace Haldenb y atte nded .tbe Diocesan ACW Council Meet- ing in Toronto on Wednesday. United Church News Tbe one hundred and fifty- fif tb anniversary of Newcastle United Cburcb was celebrated on Sunday, November 4tb, 1979. At the morning service some members of thbe congre- gation were dressed ia costumes of tbe p ast, as was tbe minister, Rev. David Spivey. Mr. Cbarles Cowan, w b o came to the villa ge in 1904, entered into dialogue witb tbe pastor, discussing transportation of early days - borse and buggy, cburcb sbeds to accommodate tbis mode. 50 cent return trip to Toronto on the boat, tbe Argyle, Sunday Scbool attendance being 185-200, eleven o'clock morning service, Sunday Sebool at two tbirty and a large congrega- tion at sevea in tbe evening. Mr. Alfred Perrin, Cowan- ville, tben g ave an interesting bistory of Clarke Cburcb built in the Irisb community wbere Cowans settled in 1832. In 1882 Clarke Cburcb was built at a cost of $1600, most labor and materials being donated. Mr. Perrin recalled tbe namnes of the residents of tbe area and tbe ministers wbo served. In 1955 the cburcb closed and tbe oats and -elf 979 rp. 1V , members went to otber area cburcbes, many to Newcastle tbus the dual beritage of tbis churcb. Rev. Spivey summed up this interesting period of looking at tbe past, treasuring memories and remembering eginnings. At the evening service tbe Country Four, Glenn Alun Mril Brown, Donald Staples and Jack Allin sang two numbers, Why Do I Sing About Jesus and I' Once Was Lost in Sin. Tbe guest speaker Rev. Lois Wilson,' King..wn was intro-- duced by Rev. 9pivey. Rev. Wilson based ber sermon on Psalm 122 and as the morning service was a reflection of tbe past in the cburcb, Rev. Wilson's sermon looked to tbe future - in a real world wbere there is so mucb disparity between ricb and poor and wbere people must live in community and unity. Saturday, November 1tb is Newcastle United Cburcb Turkey Supper. On Sunday tbe morning worsbip will commence at 10: 15 a.m. to enable tbe congregation to proceed to the cenotapb for Remembrance Day Service at 10: 45 a.m. Newcastle Bowling .Youth 125 P. Foster 168, D. Hole 133, T. Abbott 152-154. J. Wind 138-130, R. Wannamaker 139- 149, S. Reicbeld 196, J. Beam 129-151, R. Hoogkamp 175, W. Couch 176-162, J . Wind 138-130, John Wind 176-193, K. O'Boyle 174, L. Wind 131-155. K. Rudman 131, G. Martin 179- 177, G. Couvier 168, P. Johnson 137, S. Rekker 129. 200 and Over Ladies N. Mumby 207, D. Walker 202, A. Langstaff 202-228, 1. Patton-261, J. Pollard 226, K. Mercer 233-200, F. Wrght 207, L. Crockett 218, M. Pienek 239, P. Kidd 201, J. Miller 225, V. Blight 211-224. Men 200 and Over B. Bickell 236, J. Wind 227, L. Wrigbt 209-249-238, G. Murpby 202 T7. Embly 2à-215- 221, H. P~ox 284-316, J. Forrester 232, K. Cowling 231, R Pyke 202-202, D. Brown 247-232, B. Lewis 209-226, J. Clapdorp 224, W. Flintoff 201. Thursday Mixed 200 and Over B. Glanville 231 - 214, M. Lewis 211, G. Walton 202, W. Forget 235-243, B. Forget 236, V. Dunlop 209, F. Forget 221, K. Southern 248, J. Forget 216, M. Wind 205-218-209. Friday Mixed 200 and Over L. Pearce 208-242-240, J. Holmes 255, Jean Holmes 215, S. Webb 224, H. M. Munro 218 - 205, B. McEwen 221, M. Turnbull 211, E. Keller 200, S. Keller 207-234-231, B. Hoog- kamp 215. B. Kentner 220-248, G. Kentner 200, M. Pearce 209, R. Pearce 263 - 267, H. Nîckolson 246, S. Nickolson 204 215, R. Coucb 204, T. Coucb 244. Wesleyvvillie Sunday morning, Nov. 4th was crisp and fresb, certainly good weatber for tbis time of year. It is flot too often people ia tbis area can pick fresh roses, as tbey did on that morniag from tbe garden. Witb so mucb concern about tbe availability of oil, every- one would be bappy to see milder weatber continue. Rev. W. Kennedy conducted the service at Welcome United Church, bringiag a message based on Jesus' words, "Go out and make disciples". In bis talk witb tbe cildren be used a paper replica of a yardstick used in tbe army in training recruits the proper way to marcb. We need a yardstick to form good babits, so important in youtbful days for babits formed tben, set tbe pattera of our lives. Tbey sbould be good ones for it is bard to cbange. There is no better guide than to study and understand Bible teaching. It so permeates our English language tbat we quote it so Approximately $350 was raised at the Court Venture Canadian Foresters annual bazaar held at Memorial Park clubhouse Saturday afternoon. Proceeds from the club's bazaar wiIl be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. Shoppers victured here browse through a selection of Christmas decorations. peig exercises of the Cbrhat home. On Tbursday, Nov. 1 a bazaar and tea was held at Welcome Churcb by the U.C.W. There was an excellent attendance and the afternoon was a financial success. Mrs. Catherine Hoskin and Mrs. Rita Baker were in charge of arranging and serviag the craft table witb its quantity of knitted, crocbetted and sewn articles. There was a bountiful table of home baking, preserves, pickles and vegetables served by several of the ladies. Friends were present from Oshawa, Newtonville, Port Hope, Garden Hill, Elizabethville, Canton and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Robert and Kathleen of Waterloo visited witb Thorndykes during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Nichols were in Ottawa during the weekend and Gloria was home from Toronto. We are glad to report that Marylin, Mrs. John McGuirck is home from bospital and slowly improving. Among those who attended tbe Farmer Rotary banquet at Canton last Thursday nigbt Tlhe Durham Thing assembly that consisted of a variety of events. Then students moved out of the library to either the gym or wyere Arnold Tborndyke and Ken Ashby and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols. The latter was the accompanist for the soloist. Daniel Ford spent the weekend with his grandparents, Archie and Orald, wbile bis parents, Leslie and Janet visited friends in Kingston. outdoors to play some games. Later on we ahl went outside for a wiener roast and a fun game of Capture the Flag. Al in ahl, it weat very Well. Durham bas two projects underway in order to raise money for a new gym floor. We are having our annual Work-a-tbon and a fruit sale wbich we hope will bring la enougb money for our goal to become a reality. So, as you can see, Durham is full of many ideas which we hope will resuit la an excellent year! Jennifer Jonkheer ANTA ~ Look to I.DA Drug Stores for Your Chraistmas Needs... It'sWeII Worth It!e & Regisfi 5 Kir 9%(U EMýEWEîWRADIOS HAREUP HIRROBR Dm M9ffA MwSTATIONER! STYLING 00H è1 & mZ MEL EýàEîEmmVATOHES EFXR ROSIER! CîwP¶NMCýW iý L(Z¶MMWTOILETRIESUBM BABYRGITSVOýP2BATTERIES taedTrclma 0 f Dug Traing Co. Ltd "W eI I W orth Looking For' MeGREGOR I.D.A. DRUGS nu St.. W. 623-.57921 Bowmanville --- J 24REE TIRE CHAINS wivth the purchase of any TW-STAGIE SNOWTHOWEIR * 5 hp Tecumseh Sno-King engine * Heavy duty auger eTwo-stagoe power *Safety i rterlocks Snowthrower with tire chiains HURIRY! Sale ends Novemnber 30,1979 Rionstra' GARAGE 3 miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2 786-2424 7WfMC "HRISMA KIDSI" So join in the fun and corne see the l8th ANNUAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE. -..a MW km ma" %.0%. vv.

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