The Canadian'Statesman, Bowmanville, November 21, 1979 15 By Barb Nast ...Badmintonj "start soon. See Mr. Sa details. ... Are you havini in English with gram: 'Çelly bas set up ai --gramrmar class.' ... Do you want to to someone but you shy. Or do you wanl someone a happy bir just a good day? If write wbhat you wan and drop it in the box "The Grapevine" in services on the filing Then look here every see if someone has wi a happy day! . .. Special Wishe Wîsing Steve A happy day. Dear Gabby; 'm afraid P'ilbe maid.Finm already l1 boyfriend. I'm desparate. The fe4 loneliness is driving n wall. Could you givei constructive advice o get a boyfriend? Boyless; The solution to this is, (like most) easieri done. You must be willing to wait fi "Iknight in shining a can only suggestt becomne involved wi well as out of school a Don't restrict yoursel *friends, and broad acquaintances. Also good look at yourself wearing your 1 dresses? Or are wearîng your wornl jeans? Dress up for a and make yourself no P.S. Let me kno' gees! Dear Gabby; I don't have a prol, feel involved. Ther( h older person who, it seems, is practices always picking on this kid. I tnter for don't think that it's fair. How do I tell this person to be fair ý trouble, and stop picking on this one mar. Mr. kid. remedial Want some fairness. Dear fairness; say hello This is not a common iare too problein. Most people tto wish would't get involved. Before thday or you do anything you'll regret, 1you do, ask the 'victim' if in fact be is it to Say being both.çred by this older x marked person. Even if this older i student person is bothering h im, the cabinet. victim may be embarassed to y week to have someone else step in. So, shed you please tread carefufly as this is thin ice you're walking on. IS .. .dams a Dear Gabby; I was in the most Pauline. embarassing situation a little while ago. I was in class and ean old my friends and 1 were 17 and no laughing a lot and I started to getting wet my pants. You could tell a ,eling of little bit and no one was home ne up the se I couldn't change my pants, me some therefore I was at school all on how to day. If 'm ever in this situation again what shaîl I Boyless do? Really Embarrassed s problem Dear Embarrassed; said than The most that I can suggest patient; to you, would be to'bring an for your extra change of clothes if rmor".,I you're in a good mood that that you day. 7ithîn, as activities. If te a few len your )take a . Areyou prettiest you still eut blue few days Dticeabe. w' bow it lemn but I -e is this Dear Gabby; I'm a guy who is known for my good looks. I hate it when girls phone me up. I don't know if tbey do it se tbey can tell their friends that they were talking te me, or wbat? It turns us guys off. I want you te put this in your column se those girls will stop. A guy wbo doesn't like girls phoning. Dear Guy: It seunds like you bave a big problem on your bands. This HELP WANTED Experienced Hairdresser (Somne clientele preferred) Good working conditions in modern shop. Cal I V.I.P. Hairstyling' 623-6252 AUCTION SALE ALL BRAND NEW APPLIAN CES - FURNITURE - Namne brand. FuIIy guaranteed by Auction, Sat, Nov. 24, 1 p.m. at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay (on Litte Britain Road) Freezers, Mcrowaves, Washers, Dryers, Rerigerators, Stoves, Chesterfields, Recliners, Mattresses, Bunk Beds, Dining Roomn Suites, Bedroomn. Suites, China Cabinets, Curios, Tea Wagon, Round Oak Tables, etc. (See Auctions.). Prevlew 6 ta 9 and Saturday morning. No Reserve. Everythlng sold ta highest bidder. problem 15 commonly known as an 'ego problem'. When girls stop phoning you, that's the time to be concerned. Basketball By Trish Noordstra The Senior girls won -on Monday against G.L. Roberts witb the score of 37 te 6. At haîf time the score was 17 - 0, se the G.L. Robert's girls improved a littie, but our Seniors kept the lead with a great margin. This game concluded the, Senior girl's season. They played a good season with all games being very close games; let's hope for better luck next year! Also, thanks te Mrs. Arbuckle who put in ber time and help as coach. Monday, November 12 the Juniors won with the score of 39 - 31. They played a good game and had to play G. L. Roberts again on Thursday. The junior girls defeated Roberts on Thursday by a score of 42 - 31. This win places the girls in the LOSSA semi-finals against Henry Street. The game will be played Saturday, November 24, se came eut te O'Neil Cllegiate and cheer your team on te a victory. The Midget girls won Monday's game witb the close score of 19 te 17. This was the last league game and left our Midgets in 3rd place in our league. This game was tied during the last minute, and the Midgets pulled througb with a close victery. They were then able te play in the quarter finals on Thursday against O.L. Roberts; unfortunately tbey lest that game with the sc-ore of 25 - 20. This ends the Midget's season witb a 6 win, and 3 less record. Thanks te Miss Hartly for putting in ber spare time te coach our girls. BHS Band The BHS Band invelves many students of BHS. About 50 - 60 students are members of the band under the leader- ship of Mrs. Shewchuck. Wednesday night practices for the band start at 6:30 and go threugh tili 8:00. Selected pieces of music are practised for future concerts and perfected. The '79-'90 BHS Band is planining a trip to Boston in the Spring. To raise meney for the trip, the band had seld raffle tickets and a 24 heur dance marathon was held on the 9tb of Nevember. Bowmanville High School would like te congratulate the band en their fine performance in the Bowman- ville Parade and like to-wish them te be successful in the trip te Boston in the Spring. Mrs. Shewchuk, the leader, bas majored in flute and is a member of the Oshawa Sympheny and a side instru- ment of piccilo. This is her first year as head of the music department while Mr. Tremeer, the former leader, bas taken a leave of absence. Good luck. By Chnis Edwards Receives Recreation Director's Certificat e Newcastle's deputy director of community services has received bis Type B Permanent Municipal Recreation Director's Certificate. Hiere, Newcastle Mayor Garnet Riekard presents the certif icate to Joe Caruana who earned the diploma after three years of part time studies. The certif icate is awarded as part of a; government program for persons who have graduated from a recreation course and are working in the recreation field. NESTLETON mNEWS Nestieton United Chunch Women The Nestieton U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Grahame Fisb on the afternoen of Monday, November 12. To open the meeting, the presi- dent, Mrs. L. Malcelm read a peem "Sacrifice", by Patience Streng. "How Great Thoui Art" was sung. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. W. Vine volunteered te take the minutes, etc. A most interesting devotion- al and pregnam on the theme of "Shees" was given by Mrs. N. Mairs and Mrs. L. Malcolm. This program, courtesy of Port Perry U.C.W. inciuded Scripture reading, spiritual lesson on the parts of the Sboe, the history of shees, foot care suggestions and a contest on "Hidden Foot- wear". Gail. Malcolm led--in singing "In the Garden" and "Golden Slippers" with ber mother accompanying on tbe organ. Af ter the Roîl Cali - "ýWhy I Give Thanks", al jeined in inging "Count Your Blessings".ý During the b usiness peried it.was decided te purchase a steve for :the church, twe bouquets of silk flowens and two flag standards. Members agreed te cater te a 6th wedding anniversary on December 2. Mrs. N. Rohrer and Miss Gail Malcolmn are the nominating cemmittee for 1980. The program concluded' with a bumorous skit concern- ing Dr. Watt and Food Preparation Guidelines for community groups. Five ladies took part. This bad been prepared by Oshawa Presby- terial. Lunch was served by Mrs. N. Mairs greup assisted by the hostess. Mrs. V. Parsons extended appreciation to tbose responsible for tbe interesting meeting. Next meeting will be a Pot Luck Luncheon at 12:30 on, Menday, december 10. Hostess is Mrs. N. Mairs. There will be carol singing and a gift exchange. Family News of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davis, Hyde Inn, St. Christopher, are lookine forward te a visit from Mrs. Davis' Darents, Mr. and Durham 1Thing Editor: Jennifer Jonkbeer The Durham Thing The montb of November is meving aleng swiftly bene at Durham. We are busy with some prejects. School coats were made available te the students that bear the name Durham along with its crest. The ceats are te keep the students warmn as well as publicize Durham Christian Secondary School. The Fruit 'Sale is coming aleng well. People are involvednew and some have really gene ahl out and sold a lot. Aise, Durham's Annuai Fail Work-a-tbon went well. Here agairt some people put in a lot of effort and came up witb a large sum of money. With everyene doing their share in botb of the projects, we hope te bave the new gymr floor put in before Christmas. To show the pregress of Durbam over the years up till new, hene is a littie graph showing a Pupil-Teachen Ratio comparing Durham te two other Christian scbools. School Students Teachens Ratio St. Catharines 215, 13, 16-1, Chatham 150, 12, 121/-1, Durham 160,11, 141/2-1. Se, it can be seen that Durham is working together te make the scbool a better place te be witb good facilities and a great scbool spirit! Mrs. Cecil Henderson, of Edinburgb., Scotland. who will be arriving Nevember 22nd. They *will be spending the Christmas and New Year. Season witb their grand- cbildren, Scott and Canleton Davis.. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are planning te bave "open heuse" te give thein a warm Canadian welcome on November 24th. "Si ncere wisbes" te Mr. and Mrs. Henderson fer a neyer te be forgotten holiday with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crawford, Tracy and Sarah, Oshawa, were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craw- ford of Nestieton, the occasion being Mrs. Crawford's (Senior) birtbday. Son Ben and daugbter-in-law Heather and chîldren had a real celebration with -a-Il the trimmings. Belated "Birthday Wîshes" te Marie Crawford from the Nestleton area. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw, Nestleten, enjoyed ,baving their three grandchiidren recently for a weekend, name- ly Pam, Careyann and Julie Shaw frem Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisb and Lisa of Oshawa, were supper guests on Sunday and spent the evening with Grahame an~d Neta Fish, Nestieten. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Schultz, Caesarea, celebrated their 3th wedding anniversary recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs of R.R.. 1, Bowmanville. Our "Heartièst Congratulations" te Mr. and Mrs. Schultz. Mrs. Minnie Fisher ,ef, Caesarea, "hosted" a delight- fui dessert luncheon and three tables of bridge on Tbursday afternoon in aid of tbe Scugeg Memenial Library Extension Fund. A most enjoyable after- noon for those participating in an interesting game of bridge. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Marlow of Dundas visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son, Nestieten, and other members of the family over the weekend. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Kent of Orono, "hested"- a most enjoyable birthday party on Sunday for the following: Brenda Haines, Shelly Mal- colm and Malcolm Kent. (al celebrating on Tuesday). Those present for the happy occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Mr. Elmer Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Sbelly and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm, Bradley, Tracy and Derrick, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm, Jodle and Michelle. Mrs. Allyn Haines, Annette and Antbony Haines. "Happy Birthday" te ail. Hospital News "Get well wisbes" te the follewing area residents wbo are bospitalized:- Mrs.- Hattie Cole, and Mr. George Heaslip of Nestieton,, Mrs. George Till and Mrs. C. Brien of Caesarea. Mr. George Bowers is doing well, returning te Oshawa for therapy one day a week. We extend deepest sympathy te Mrs. Hermanus Vanderhuel and the family Peter and Diane in the loss of a devoted busband and father, Mr. Hermanus Vanderbuel wbo passed away, suddenly this past week. He was a fine neigbbor and friend and will be sadly missed by ail who knew bim. Nestieton Presbyterian Ladies Aid The members of Nestleton Ladies Aid met in the Churcb Hall for theý November meet- ing. President Mrs. Howard Lee welcomed the large gathering and epened with a familiar bymn. Mrs. George Wolfe conduct- ed the Devotienai Period, reading frein the Living Bible Mark IV. It dea.It with the geod seed, simple downright faith and detachment from the world. The minutes were read by the Se'y Miss Ruth Proutt. Correspondence included This was the first gasoline pow- ered model off ered by White 0f Cleveland. Ohio. Previously they made steam powered cars. We've always put aur horse- pawer behind our products and policies, and -have continued to update ta suit your needs. When you deal with us, yau're getting the best. See for Vaurseif. Grant Menzies Motors (1976 LImitod) 1430 King St. E. 571-3600 Oshawa Grant M enzles and AMC ... on the move for the 180o ENNISKILLEN Biowmanville High Sehool, News Mr. Adam Sharp accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty to Mr.*and Mrs. Murray Sanderson's Raglan1 on Sunday for dinner. Messers.Jay and Cory Sweet spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Evelyn Fursey. Mr. and Mrs. Denny Brown and girls, Ottawa were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet and boys. Mr. Clark Piggott, Jimmy and Donna, Oshawa were thank you notes and a generous donation. The 1980 church calendars we re distributed. Members will contribute to the home baking sale on December l4th for the Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary. Several cards to sick and bereaved were signed and $200.00 turned over to the church secretary. The Rol Cail dealing with "Good Deeds" was answered by fifteen members. The program included read- ings by Mrs. Gilson "Little Things in Life That Count". Mrs. G. Thompson "Prayer"l and M rs. Harry McLaughlin, "Streams in the Desert" - the oil of kindness wears off the sharp corners of life. A hymn and the Mîzpah Benediction closed the meeting.1 A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess Mrs. H. McLaughlin and assistant Mrs. G. Wolfe for which Mrs. Gilson extended a thank you for the worthwhile meeting. Congratulations The Ralph Sadier and Richard MacKenzie families enjoyed a very succe 1ssful show at the Royal Winter Fair with several firsts, secondsý and four championship ribbons being accumulated. High point of the show being Claire and Leslie, placing 3rd in a classof 8 with their pony "Honey" in the Governors cart class. North Nestieton Church A very good attendance at the Sunday morning service at 11: 15 a.m. Rev. Victor Parsons took as bis theme "What's The Difference"? In what way do Christiani Church members differ fromn other members of Society? In the Choir Miss Laurie Malcolm, daughter of organist Mrs. L. Malcolm, was soloist accompanying herseif on the guitar, and treated the congre- gation to her rendition of "Let Me Be A Little Kinder". Service will be held next Sunday at the same time. Try to attend. Everyone welcome. Presbyterian Church Service On Sunday morning at il a.m. Rev. Fred Swan's sermon taken from Matthew and Corînthians dealt with Jesus giving instructions to his disciples, commissioning them as leaders to go forth among the people and use talents and vocations to serve others in our life work. Service next Sunday at il a.m. -A cordial welcome is extended to all. Caesarea Euchre Resuits lst prize (score 98) Val Prieb, 2nd - Doris Grills, 3rd - Pearl Day. Next Wednesday evening at the same time. News for next week please phone 986-4715. Any item of news that would make interesting reading for the public is requested. L Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough were Sunday callers of Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and famîly, Newcastle were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic' Gergerat, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin. Mr. Adam Sharp was a Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson, Sharon and Carol, Brooklin. 1Mrs. Norma Bradford, Miss Marguerite ,Wright, Oshawa were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Miss Janet Parsons of Queen's University, Kingston was a Saturday night supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of-Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry, Mr. and, Mrs. Grant Werry were evening callers. Mrs. Helen White was a Sunday dinner guest along with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger, Bowmanville were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor accompanied Mrs. Lloyd Siemon to visit Mrs. Gordon McLean, Bowmanville last Monday. Mrs. Murray Axford and Julie, Hampton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty to the Christmas Seal Concert put on by the Durham Regien Lung Association at the Eastdale Collegiate Auditorium on Sunday evening. Mrs. C. Avery was a dinner guest on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. IF. Dorland, Bowman- ville. Mr. Murray Axford, Melanie, Stephanie and Julie were Saturday dinner guests -of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. A beautiful sunny day brought forth - many worshippers to our service on Sunday. The Children's Story was basedon the latin termn AD. which means in the year after Christ. Above the door of our Cburcb there is a stone telling the year our Church was built. Our choir under the direction of Mrs. Ulah Chambers sang a very pleas- NEWS ing anthem. Rev. Kempling's sermon was entitled "What About Unanswered Prayer." This week's notices are 1. Wed., 1:30 p.n. Enniskillen U.C.W. met in the church hall. 2. Wed., 7:30 p.m. was McClure Night in St. Andre 's United Church, Oshawa. Dr. McClure autographed copies of both his books. 3. Observer subscription renewal time is at hand again. Please see that the congregational Observer Rep bas your renewai fee prornptly. Next Sunday Enniskiilen Youth Group is called to meet after the service. Advance Notices -I Monday, Nov. 26th - 8p.m. Th~e Officiai Board will meet in Enniskillen United Church Hall. 2. Sunday, Dec. 9th White Gift Services wiîl be held in both churches. Weeke-nd-s séeem to be extra busy at this time of year and the last one was especiaiiy for Orville and Margaret Ashton as they joined with many others at the Open House by Emma and Ross Bragg in their lovely new home at Bewdley on Rice Lake on Saturday evening. Sun. a m. they attended the Church Service at Ebenezer U.C. where their daughter Lois eccupied the pulpit and later lunched at Lois and Keith Worden's. Sun. evening they joined'a family party at a "House Warming" for Winnie May in her apt. home on Mai-land Ave., Oshawa. our gift comrittee convened by Diane Werry and assistants Aima Rowan ýýiand Margaret Ashton went shopping for the community's farewell gifts to Diane and Mike Wlallenburg and chi ldren Michelle, Nicole and Michael who have moved recently from, our rnîdst ta 296 Blueay Cres., Oshawa. The gifts were a pretty gold, color lace trimmred table cloth, gay serviettes, and set of coffee mugs aise money gifts for the children which included for each a 1979 silver dollar. Wbile spending a social hour they enjoyed a tour of the lovely Wollenburg home. KENDAL Mrs. Julia Jackson spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis of Peterborough, whiie ber daughter Kathleen was on a business'trip te New fourid- land. A recent visitor vwith Mrs. May Garbuitt was Mrps. Ja ek Swarbrick fr-on).Buffabeo for a few days. .Furnlishings for every room CONSER VE ENERGY--C U THEA TING C OS TS FREE INSULATION Under the Govemment C.H.L.P. Program SAVE U P TO 1500 ON MATERIAL AND AO (You only pay for two-thirds cost of labor.) Hurryl Take advantage of this Government o fier while it las ts! FREE ESTIMATES WH "ITE'S FORTH ETI SPECIALISTS IN BLOWN CELLULOSE FIBRE INSULATION Tll ELWNWHTECOU RTC CALL FOR MORE IN FORMATIýOW mmvp- 1