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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 28, 1979 13 1975 CHEVELLE Malibu Classic, power steering, power bra kes, buckets and console, radio withta pe deck, asklng $2650 certif ied. Phone 623-5314. 48-1 '74 VEGA hatchback, as is. 623-5868. 48-1 '78 MUSTANG hatchback, V6, automatic, s., p.b., excellent condition. Phone 623-5231. 48-1 '79 OLDS Cutlass Brougham, full power, with snow tires, S8000. Phone 623-7000. G RA HAM'S GARAGE 263-8172 1973 Buick Century 4 door, 350 automatic, power steei-ing and gower brakes. Lic. ATH 183 1973 FORD 2 door hardtop, 8 automnatic, as is. 1970 PONTIAC PARISI1E NN E 2 dloor hardtor, 350 automatic, power steering and power brakes, as is. 48-1 N '69 DODGE 4 x 4, with or without plough. Truck cap, 8 ft. Fleetside. Phone 263-2140. 48-i N 1970 CHEV 350 automatic. 623-4862. 48-1 168 VW 1600 cc. Mechanically good. Ideal for dune buggy. Ma ke an offer. Phone 623-5378 a fte r 6: 00. 43-tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '6Y CHIEV van, $650 or best offer. Must seil. Cai fter 6 p.m. Ask for Craig, 987-5060. 48-1 N '73 PI NTO station wagon, 2000 cc engine, 4-speed, standard transmission, body needs work, $400 or best offer, as Is. Phone 623-6925. 48-1 '72 CHEV Impala, 4 door hardtop,ý p.s., p.b., air candi- tloning. '71 Nordic skldoo, 399 twin wide track. $625 each. Phone 987-5286. 48-1 N '75 CHEVY window Sports van, 350, newly painted, radio, e cod condition, WiII certify. en to offers. Phone 728-8695. 48-1 N 1970 OLDS Delta 88, $400, as is, 623-3592. 48-1 1979 OLDS Royale Landau, 2 door, air, stereo, many more options, listsat$11,000, selI for $6,300, immaculate. 623-6002. 48-tf N CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dishes, furniture, cracks, paintings, sealers, appliances, r Frendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N USED furniture and ap- ýliances. P2dy'sMarket, aptn263-2241. 26-tf CASH for most old things. Phone 623-3060. 40-TPFN SMALL engine repair, also used furnilure and appliances. Cali Elmers F urn it ure, Libety and Scugog Sf., Hampton, 263-2294. 16-tf N SNOW blower and lawn mower, ln good condition and fairly priced. Phone 623-7106 most evenings. 48-2N The great seven day money back warranty I Now there is a "no gambe used car wa rrantÎ In "MACDONALD ORD COUNTRY" that cannot be bettered. If you are not com peteiy satlsfied with y ur CrfiedUsed Car puchase tram us, return It with in seven days for a full refund. Any reason is a, good reason. For more information cal 623-4481. Another reason wh~ this Is "MAC DONALD FOR COU NTRY" 23-ff '78 SUBAR U Brat, 4 X4, 22,000 km, asking $5500. Phone 623-7996 after 5: 30. 47-tf N '73'FORD Ltd. Country Squire wagon, p.s., p.b., good running condition. Body needs a litle work. Best off er, 623-2634. 47.2N 1977 OLOS 98, 350 wlt power, in excellent cond M. H. Pedweli1, 987-4331. '68 MUSTANG fast restored, good mnecha condition, 6 cylindier, 'offer. Bethany ever 1-705-277-2924. 1979 SI E RA Grande, 1/2 I options, lists at $8,700, se $6,400, 7 months warrantý m ust selI1. Phone 623-6002. '69 VAUXHALL,ý autorr certified, gaod condition Renault station wagon, condition. '79 - 4 x 4,i/ Chev. with plough, 7,000 n '75 Chev 1/2 ton, goodc tion. Phone 1-786-2308. lth al C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scra p Ca Will pick up otd fridges st oves, etc. f ree of char( 728-6609 or 725-5618 PAYING 8 times facev for Canadian coins be 1968, guns, antiques, gotd diamand rings wai 379-1018 Oshawa, 985-7057 Permy.4 ELAN Skidoo in good c( tion. 987-4331. EXTENSION ladder, ah num, 20 ta 24 ft. Table sa, good condition. Ph 623-3406. 4 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER (some clientele preferred) Good working cÔnditions in' modemn shop. Ca il V.I.P. HAIRSTYLING 623-6252 - 48-tf RELIABLE Nurses' Aides required at nursing home. Cati between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. 987-4703. 46-4N Registered Nurse Fuît or Part-imne Apply in person: Strathaven Nursing Home, 264 King Street East, Bowmanville. Between 9:30 - 4:30 47-2N TRACTOR trailer drivers. For application and interview cali before 5 Training also avalla b e. Phone 1-251-2275. 47-5N HELP WANTED URGENT Men intemested in helping a boy become a man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater eward thani when a man heips a boy. F or informa- tion telephone 623-6646 or wrteto Box 13, Bowmanville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact Iacally Lionel Pamker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21-tf N Ontario Hyd ro's Dartington ? enerating station informa- on centre is open Tuesda ys 9 a.m. ta i p.m., Wednesdays 1:30 ta 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30to 5p. m. The Centre is at the corner of Hait Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Suzanne Stlckley, 623- 7122. 33-TF dto. New Year's Dance Decem ber 31 dbýckSOLINA tback, COMMUNITY HALL laesfa RAY AVERY'S 1 bestORCH ESTRA ?nngs. $10.00 per persan '48-1 N Hot and Cold Buffet 48iN Tickets available from Hall Board members ton, 16 C. Gibson MlI for Iyeft, 263-2010 48-tf N 4- GOODYEAR matic, RECREATION CLUB in. '75 good Christmas Dance milto. Sat., Dec. 1, 1979 candi- e p.m. -lia.m. NE WCASTL E 48-1iN COMMUN ITY HALL Members: 57.00 per couple Non-members: $9.00 per coup le Mugy MERLE CLARK Tickets contact Darla Allen 48-i 'a s ANYBODY wishing fa bu( sand Regal Products please ca i ge. 6237785. 48-i N 47-4N The winner of St. George's - Youth Group draw of the value ceramic Christmas tree was )efore Warren Ta It, ticket no. 84. d and _______ 48-i rted. 7 Port 46-4N ondi- 48-1 ilumi- aw in lhone 48-i N Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf YOUNG BUDGIES $10Oand up Phone 623-1316 42-tf N YELLOW Labs, registered champion parents, shots and papers. Ready for Christmas. $250. Phone 987-5279. 472 4M2 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWI LL FUR PARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 - à CHRISTMAS Specials- no longer any need ta drive miles for bargains and selection on saddles - tack - jeweîry etc. Take advantaae çg aur everv- day low-low prices - open Tuesday through Friday until nine - Saturda and Sunday until six - Gladwin & Co.' Tack Shop - Durham Road Twenty-three South, Whitb~ 668-1282. 45-tf SIX oîde'r hens, 20guinea pigs. Phone 263-2932. 48-i N FRESH registered hoîsteiný Cow, 4 percent test, hi gh, B.C.A., listed herd. QuantVfy of Vernal Alfalfa seed. Phone 1-786-2965. 48-1iN SHEEP, 50 commercial ewes. Dorset - Suffolk cross, bred ta tamb this winter, also pure- bred Dorset ram and 10 ewe lambs, 786-2247. 47-~2 Marmora Area 100 ACRES 1300 ft. f rom road 126 ACRES 3/ mile tram road with streams. Only $7,900 each, with $,000 down. 1-668-2466 LARGE three bedroom, 2 storey home in Bowmanviîîe within waîking distance to downtown. $350 monthly plus utilîties, no pets. 723-0575, 9 to 5 p.m. 48-1iN AVAILABLE Janaury lst, large 3 bedroom townhouse in Bowmanvîlle, $320 monthîy plus utilities, no pets, 723-0575, 9 to 5p.m. 48-1 N VERY large 3 bedroom apart- ment, ail broadloom, in Orono. Phone 1-983-5337. 48-1 ONE bedraom a partment an ground floor, Bowmanvile, avaitabie December 30. Prefer aider folk who enioy pardening. $200 a month, includes heat. 723-2728. 48-i TWO bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, $220 a month plus heat and hydro. Phone days 623-3880, nights 571-0778. 48-i CHOOSE tram 2 detached homes. 3 + 2 bedrooms - backspIit with double base- men ts or 3 bed raised bunga- low, double g ara ge, rec 'roam and dustomn firepi ace. Famiiy Trust Corp. Ritr., Marg Russell 623-6622 or 623-9249. 48-1 N CENTRAL BowmanviIle - King St. 2 bedrooms, kitdhen, living room, diningraam, tire- p ace, fuit basement. Private back yard. Can be used commerciali y. Asking $325.00 monthly. Cal I G. Van Dyk RItr 623-4428. Ask for George or Ann. 48-1 ONE bedroom turnished apartment, first and last month's rent, heated, hydro extra, December 1, $160. Phone 623-7264. 48-i FOUR room apartment, one mile f rom Newcastle, $150 per month pltus heat and hydro. Cail Edvan ReaIty Ltd. 623-4439. 48-1iN COMMERCIAL space for ment. BowmanvilIe prime, downtown location. Avaitabte now 200 sq. ft. - 7500 sq. ft. Cati1 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 9-5 p.m. 28-TF TWO bedroam upstairs apart- ment, centraiiy Iocated, BowmanviIIe. Available fIrst January. Good references. Phono 623-5274. 48-i H EAT ED a pa rtment f or ment, centrai location, no chitdren, no pets, 623-5784. 48-i ONE large bedroomn apart- ment, large kitchen, stove and fridge, 4 piece bath and living raam. Separate entrance, heat and hydro included. At Maple Grave at Hwy. 2. Avaitable December 1, 623-2463. 48-i THREE bedroomn townhouse, $296 per month -plus utîtities available Decembor i. Cati betore 8 p.m., 623-6391. 46-3 BE Dsitting room with private bathroom and kitchen north of Bowmanvilie 1-683-6892. 9-5 or 263M788 evenings and week- ends. 47-2 N WHITBY two bedroom dcean bungalow, fuit basement, Sarage, for sale or rent. $325 first and last. No pets. Plus ufilities. Cati 668-7486. 48-1 BOWMANVILLE, central, upIper duplex, 2 bedroomis, living roomn and separate dining room. Avaitabie December i. Aduits preferred. Rent $290. Cali affer 7 p.m. 623-4922. 48-1iN APARTMENT, country, 3 rooms with tridge, stave, heat and hydro. First and iast month's rent at $200. Aduits preferred. References please. 728-6609. 47-tf N BOWMANVILLE, central apartmenf, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasanabie, Cable TV. Phone 623-7523. 44-tf N THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Tenders for NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE SEALED Tenders, plainiy marked as ta contents witl be received by Mr. Abert Gulier, Town Manager, untit 4:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1979, for the construction of a 25 metre pool, two squash courts and associafed facitities. Contractors wiil be required ta emptoy Protessionat Engineers to comptete dletailed structural, mnechanical and electricat work in accordance with outtine drawings and specifications. Tender Documents may be obtained tram the office of the Consultant upon receipt of a $100.00 retundabie deposit made payable to the Consultant. A bld bond in the amount of $20,000 shall accomf'pany each tender. A 50 percent performance bond and a 50 per cent labor and materiai paym ent bond wiil be required. A cop y of plans and specifications wiil be avaitabte for examinaf!on at the Oshawa, Peterborough, Toronto- and Hamilton Construction Associations. Lowest or any tender nat nocessarily accepted. Totten Sims Hubîcki Associates Limnited, Consultants, lA King Street E. P.O. Box 398, COBOURG, Ontario, K9A 4Li. Mr. Abert Guiter, Town Manager, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 T emrperance Street, BOWMANVLLE,Ontario, LiC 3A6. ONE bedroom heated apart- ment, available December 1, central. Phone 623-5784. 47-tf N EW stores and offices for rent in downtown Bowman- ville. Offices suitable for lawyers, insurance, accountants etc. Phone 623-7664. 39-tf TWO bedroom duplex for rent downtown Bowmanviîle. $325 a month plus utilities. Cali before 5, 623-4422, after, 5, 986-5312. 47-2 OFFICE space for rent. Downtown Bowmanviîle, 623-4422 before 5 or 986-5312 after 5. 47-2 RANCH bungalow, double attached gara ge, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, large country kitchen on beautiful huge lot with smaîî ba rn. Between Bowmanviîîe and Orono, $375 a month, first and Iast month's rent. Caîl Mrs. Beck 576-3762 or 725-1155. 47-2 OFFICE space. Central Bow- manville. Firsf and second floor available immediateîy. Suitable for medical, account- ing, legal or sin-ilar uses. 263-8800. 47-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the, Estate of WILLIAM ROBERT GODF R EY, deceased ALL persons having claims aainst the estate of WILLIAM ROBERT GODFREY, late of the Town of Newcatle, in the Regional Municipaîity of Durham, who died on or about the 23rd day of October, 1979, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of December, .1979, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned shaîl then have notice and the undersigned wili not be hiable toany person of whose dlaimn they shaîl not then have noti1ce. DATED at Newcastle, this 8th day of November, 1979. DONALD CARTER, Administratgr by his Solicitors, - Ewert, Fordham & MacGregor, P.O. Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1iHo NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS The Executor of the Estate of SADIE ELIZABETH BROWN, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Province o0 Ontario, Retired Nurse, who died on the lth day of JuIy, 1979, wiII distribute the assets of her estate after the 8th day of December, 1979, having regard only to the dlaims of creditors and others fiîed on or before that date with the undersi ie. DATED at Niagara F ails, Ontario, this 2t day of November, A.D. 1979. DENOUDEN &McKAY 4673 Ontario Avenue, P.O0. Box 567, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS N THE ESTATE 0F JOHN BARRETT, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipaîity of Durham, (his residence being R. R. 4, Bowmanviîle, Ontario), Retired Trucker, deceased who dîed at the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Mun icipaîity of Durham, on the 22nd day of September, 1979. Creditors and Others having dlaims against the said Deceased or his Estate are required f0 send full particu- lars and full proof toathe undersîgned on or before the llth dlay of December, 1979, after which date the assets of the Estate wili be distributed having regard f0 the dlaims then received. Dated at Town of Newcastle, this 9th day of Novem ber, 1979. L.C. Mason, Q.C. 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario. l C r 119- PO.-6 Box,9 ---- Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 HO 1 47-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPH WESLEY MOORE, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality Of Durham, (his residence being 98 Church Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario), Retired Pedlars Employee, deceased, who died at the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional 'Municipaîity of Durham, on the l4th day of October, 1979. Creditors and Others having dlaims against the said Deceased or his Estate are required to send fuît Sariuar and full proof ta heundrsgned on or before the 29th day of December, 1979, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard ta the dlaims then received. Date at Town of Newcastle, this l6th day of November, 1979, L.C. Mason, Q.C., 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC 3K9. Solicitor for the Executor, who is Melville Joseph Moore, 9 Jane Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. 47-3 HOME BODIES SERVICES We'II houseclean and shop, for yau. REASONABLE RATES PHONE 623-5208 or 623-2285 between S and 9 p.m. 48-1 e0 Ref rigerat ion and Appt lance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------...623-5774 Nights------------...623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tt Hutton & Wiggans Insu lation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tf N INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiter, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Con-bination woad and ait. Financing avaitable. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service potîcy. Cati Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free estîmates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanviiie 623-2301. 24 haur service. 17-tf N BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITION NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATE Vil lage of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanvill 263-2650 WILL do sewing, alter etc. 12 Prospect St. R~ BILL SELLERS CARPE NTRY General Contractor and Home I mprovements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repars of a Il typesT FOR FREE ESTI AT CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 39-tf HAN DYMAN Can Do Almost Anything NO JOB TOO SMALL R EASONAB LE 623-4717 48-2 N Ma rple Auction Services 623-3060 13-tf N M. BROOKS CARPE NTRY Cupboards, Vanities, Remodelling, Rec Rooms, Additions, Garages, Sun Decks, Porches, etc. ALL GENERAL REPAIRS 623-5566 29-tf N ýNI NG D REYNOLDS' UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditionat and Antique. Fr'eeicku p and deîivery,. FRME E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 48-tf N Bowmanvj lie Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash and Carry glass, mirrors, alumi- num products (sîiding doors). 28-tf N OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our f ire places do not smoke) CHIMN EYS CLE ANED OronQ 983-5606 51 -tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Pa perha ngi ng Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf Ron's F loor C are Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rgand carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Don Brooks &Son General Contractor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alIterations, rec rooms, garages, repairs of a It types, etc. 5-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovat Roc Roams Repairs of ai types. PHONE 623-2263 21 MINE R'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calis te UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfleîId 50-tf N and chair professionally uphoistered. ýrations For free esti mates call rations RALPH WHYTE 23-1414. 48-4 623-5252 Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanville We Service Ail Makes 263-8272 14-ti WATER Wells bored, 30 ti Ward's Weil Boring. Te phone 342-2030. Represenl t ve Harry L. Wade. Tel phone 987-4531. 1 Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEY P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 ScUgog St. -Bowmanvi île NEED a pressure system? Water Soffeners? Repairs ta aIl makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvilie, 623-301.5-tf N GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division-St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00 -5: 00 1Sat. 9-12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Seated Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrars Pattemned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N RELIABLE cîeaning lady. Bowmanvilte area, references availabte. Phone 623-1819. 48-1 MUTTON MASONRY Att1 Types of Cement Work - iBrick, Blocks, Chimney, etc. SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 20-tf N D&R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED' PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 -Bowmanvitle 30-f Auction Sa le at Pethick's Auction Barn In Haydon, one mile east of Enniskilten on Saturday even- ing, December 1sf, 7 p.m. Fumniture and smatt articles, fr idee ectric staves, chesferfields. We'tt1 have ta have sales right up to Christmas. Our barn is stitt fuît. Terms cash, or good cheque. Cîiff Pethlck, auctioneer. 48-1 N - Saturda y, December 8 Sale Time: 1lp.m. Bankrupt Customn car parts and furniture, mag wheets, ig flares, shiffers, gauges, etc., ngsome fumniture, ceramics, etc. Ross McLean - Auctioneer - 576-7550. 48-i N Auction Sale Satumday Evening 0-tf December 1 -6 p.m. - Two private estates from Toronto in came of the public trustees. To be held at Stirfevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall1 Street, Oshawa. Two door ref rigerator, 24" etectric stove, 6 piece dinîng room suite 20" Sharp portable color T.V1'w;ith, stand, 5 pc. chrome suite, bed chesterfield and chair, coffee and end fables, wrought iran dinette suite with glass top table and 4 wicker I-tf chairs, 3 pc. bedroomn suite, -antiq1ue chest of drawers,,drap leftbe ressers, chests of drawers, davenport, table lamps, rocki ng hair, portabte sewing machne, platform rocker, treadle sewing machine, rugs, washing machine, utiity cabinef, whee barrow, garden tools, complote line of kitchen a ppliances, desk, bunk beds, cI ock radio, large watt mirror, 3-fantique centre table, auto. - matic washer and dryer, hall table, dishes, silver, pots and f ans. This is a large sale. Plan o attend. Pease note date and time of sale. Terms cash. No reserve. ,Mytes -King', auctioneer, 725-5751, 48-i tf N Mle. tle- ita- tle- 6-tf YS Auction Sa le Saturday, December 1 1:15 . Bannîster's Auction Hait, Bewdley, consisfing of chests of drawers, chairs, tables, 2 exercisers, colored and p ortable TV's, stereo stand, box spring and matfress, dishes, gtassware, lamps, 3 refrigerators, spin washer dryer, small apptlances and other items stiti 'being cansigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 48-1 N Corneiî's Auction Barn 623-2756 Friday, November 30 31-ftf 7f,n - 3 mites east oTLItie Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Yardor G rage Lindsay - Little Britain road. Clean-up chest, Bradford electric Rubbsh rrnovl, lght organ, chests of drawers, Rubbsh rmovl, Ight washsfands, cracks, broad moving or painting, scrap axe, mllltary badges, Quebec pick-up. heater, 'cotor TV, Kenmore ANDY etectrïc stove, rocking chairs, 623-9379Annex stove, parlor tables, 623-9379handmade quilts, chitd's rope 14-tf bed, large Gothic window, Western saddle, chestemfietd and chairs, coffee and end Lloydi Barnes tables, coat ait lamps, ponj Pîmbngsaddle, picture framoes, wr Carpentry, Ronavating quantity of china and glass, AIl General Repairs snow biower ta fit Ford gardon REASONABLE RATES tractor, lus many mare antiques, furniture and house- 263-2288 hold item S. Dan Corneit, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little 27-tf Britain. 705-786-2183. Auction Sale Grist MilI1 Auction Centre Newtonvi île Friday, November'30th 7: 00 p.m. Setting a Woods upright freezer (avocado), good double and single beds, provincial white chest of rawers, 2 pc. orange vinyl chesterfield suite (daybed), coffee and occasionai fables, Electrohome color TV, several odd chairs, good barber's chair, 2 color antenna heads, oak buffet, glass, dishes, and several other articles that would make great Christmas gifts. Terms cash. Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, 786-2244. 48 N Auction Sale Saturday, December 1 at 11: 30 a.m. At Orange Hall, Cobourg Corner whatnot, Beech refri gerator (good), pine wa shstand, pin e corner cabi- net, captain's chairs, antique piano stool, parlar tables, wicker rocking chair, wicker armchair, leat herette rocking chair, pressback chairs, rock- ing chair, wainut dining room table and four chairs, chester- field and sofa, hall, tree, Raymond sewing machine, two European waoi rugs, toilet pitcher and bowî, Oaintings, dresser, five galion Medicine Hat crack, Mastercraft 5 h.p. lawn mower, commercial hair dryer, set of Engtish swords, portable and console black and white TV's, wrinaier washer, vacuum, picnic table, dîshes, electrical appliances, tools and numerous ather items. Terms cash. No reserve. Northumberland Auction Services Ltd. Paul Lean, auctioneer. Phoné 352-2403. 48-1 Saturday, December lst 12 Noon At Orval Mc Lean Auction Center, Lindsay Our Annual Sale of Skidoos, snowmobiles, tractors, cars, trucks, tools etc. New snow- mobile suits, boots, 3 new Franklin ffreplace stoves, cement mixer, jointer, etc. 1974 Elan twin; 1971 Ski-Doo Olympique, excellent; 1972 Ski-Doo T.N.T. and caver; 1975 Ski-Doo T.N.T. Free Air 440- l300hrs., like new, caver; 1976 Ski-Doo Olympique; 1972 Ski-Doo Olympique and caver (good); 2 - 1973 Johnson Revelers 27 h.p., excellent; 1973 Allouette 292 twin; singIe snowmoblle trailer; 2 box trailers; 2 good 1974 Interna- tional tandem dump trucks; 1976 Dodge Glendale motor home; 1975 Ford 1/2 ton pick-up, certified;, 1970 Chrysler; 1972 Meteor Mont- calm; 1933 Ford 1 ton - restorable; 1957 performance car; 1956 Chevrolet 4 door, certified - a California aem; 1973 Dodge car, certif ied; 1957 Lhev 2 doar; good Neuf ield 465 farm tractor with cab and power steering; International cub tractor with mower and ptough; 3- 9N Ford tractors; international 300 tractor with rebuilt engine, 3 furrow p'loug h, scraper blade; 2 rid ing lawni mowers; 1974 Playcat AIl Terrain vehicle; Tara 5 h.p. snaw blower; 10 h.p. 5 speed snow blower (used twice); 1975 Marquette Panther go-cart with Honda motor, snow blower for No. 12 Massey tractor; Fleming Grey skate sharpener; Ford detuxe mouided truck cap, like new; plus other items now being consigned. Most of the above are tram local owners and in goad condition. Don't miss it. To consign this week cail Lynn Miller at Midtown Sports 324-0182 or Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2783, Lindsay. 48-1iN Hoîsteins December Malmont Consignment Sale of Fresh cows and springers, (bath purebred and grades-) ta hepthe milk suppiy, selling at MalImont Sales Arena Bîackstock, Ontario Thursday, December 13 at 12: 30 noon Features of the sale include a fresh 3 year aid Good Plus daughter of Ned with a 1sf caîf record of 126,- 155 B.C.A. Her dam is Good plus, next dam beds and dressers, dishes, cups and saucers, wardrobe, studio couch, Iamps, antique F ecupboard, buffet, tools, tools, metai storaîl building, plus many other Items. Lunch available. Sale sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 48-2 . -te toBu

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